My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 29 Just relax (please read it! Please vote!)

Fang Mengzhu was not used to such close contact with men, so he quietly moved away.

Su Xin also moved a little closer, but kept a little further distance than before, so that the two bodies were in slight contact, not as close as before.

Seeing that Su Xin knew how to behave, she felt relieved and stopped staying away.

After drinking a few sips of hot water, Fang Mengzhu felt a warmth quickly spread from her stomach to her entire body. Most of the coldness in her body was indeed dissipated. She placed the cup in her hand on the coffee table in front of her, but just when she put her hand When he took it back, Su Xin grabbed it.

She struggled a little longer.

But Su Xin's grip was too tight and she couldn't break free. She had a mentality of "I've touched her and I've pulled her anyway", so she simply let Su Xin hold her. .

But she didn't want the atmosphere to become ambiguous, so her mind started working quickly, trying to find a topic to talk about for a while to divert Su Xin's attention:

"By the way, your parents...ah, no, how long have you lived alone?"

"More than two years."

Su Xin held Fang Mengzhu's shoulders and leaned against the sofa. Before Fang Mengzhu could say anything, he quickly continued:

"I had just turned fourteen at that time. When I first lived alone, I would be very scared at night and often couldn't sleep all night long. During the day, I had to go to school again, and I easily fell asleep in class. I was often disturbed by the teacher. blame……"

Listening to Su Xin calmly talking about these sad past events, Fang Mengzhu was overflowing with motherly love and no longer cared about Su Xin's arms around her shoulders. Instead, she looked at this young man with an immature face but a very mature mentality with a look of distress.

But soon, she felt something was wrong.

"Where...are you going!"

"No, you can't kiss me...No! This is my first kiss...ugh!"

Several minutes passed.

Fang Mengzhu's face turned red. He pushed Su Xin away. He stood up, straightened the messy clothes on his chest, stood up and walked out, and said urgently:

"We can't be like this. I can't be with a boy who is so much younger than me."

"We are not suitable!"

But at this time, Su Xin grabbed her wrist and pulled her hard into his arms. At the same time, they fell on the sofa together.

Su Xin looked at Fang Mengzhu's pretty face in front of him seriously and said:

"Stay with me, okay?"

"I really like you, seriously."

Fang Mengzhu's eyes were averted, her heart was racing, and her head was almost blank. She didn't know what to do for a moment, so she just said in a daze:

"But... Su Rong is still waiting for me..."

"It doesn't matter. Just say you have something to do at home and you have to go home. They won't blame you."


Before she could finish speaking, Su Xin kissed Fang Mengzhu again, kissing her so passionately that when she came back to her senses, her clothes were even messier.

She said quickly:

"No! Su Xin! We are going too fast! I'm not ready yet."

"Let's take it slow, okay?"

"Give me some time, let's get along slowly, see if we are compatible, and then decide whether we want to be together. You are too impulsive now."

Su Xin raised his head and said seriously:

"Some people know whether they are compatible as soon as they meet, and some people don't know what kind of person they are after being together for a lifetime. Relationships don't come from getting along, but are cultivated after being together."

"Relationships between people often set the tone from the beginning. If they are friends, they will always be just friends. If they are lovers, it will be different from the beginning."

"If you didn't have feelings for me, you wouldn't be able to develop to this point with me."

"So, accept your heart calmly."

After saying that, Su Xin kissed her again.

Fang Mengzhu felt that his mind was blank.

Under Su Xin's series of attacks, she only felt that it had developed to the current situation inexplicably, and she was not sure about her heart.

"That's right. If I didn't have feelings for him, I wouldn't let him act recklessly again."

"Maybe I didn't realize that I already liked him?"

"But when did it start?"

"How could I fall in love with a high school student who is a few years younger than me?"

"Oh, what a little enemy!"

After thinking for a long time, Fang Mengzhu felt that she was getting more and more confused. She sighed in her heart and could only let Su Xin do whatever he wanted.

In the KTV private room.

Shan Shidong looked at his watch again and again, his face full of anxiety.

Jiang Surong, who was eating barbecue at the side, glanced at him and said with a smile:

"Shidong, if you're in such a hurry, just call and hurry up. I'm worried for you."

Shan Shidong hesitated for a while, but finally felt uneasy and picked up the phone to dial.

It took a while before the call was connected.

"Mengzhu, when will you come over?"

"I'm sorry, just...just now my mother called me to urge me to go back. Something happened at home. I was about to call you and tell you, how about we make an appointment next time."


"That's it, I'm going home."


Listening to the busy signal from the phone, Shan Shidong froze on the spot.

Seeing this, Jiang Surong asked curiously:

"What's wrong?"

"Mengzhu said she won't come."

"Ah? Why?"

"She said something suddenly happened at home and she wanted to go back. She said she would make an appointment next time."

"Oh, this guy let me go again!"

Jiang Surong sighed helplessly.

But when he looked up and saw that Shan Shidong still looked distracted, he comforted him:

"It's okay. At best, we can make a date next time. Although I feel like you don't have much hope, I think you and Mengzhu are quite a match. I will continue to match you up..."

Shan Shidong shook his head and interrupted her:

"I feel like something's wrong."


"Mengzhu may have lied to me."

Jiang Surong looked at him doubtfully: "What do you mean?"

"I have a feeling that Mengzhu must be in that kid's home. They are now..."

Jiang Surong looked unbelieving:

"How can it be!"

She waved her hand and said with a smile:

"You don't understand Mengzhu very well. Although she has a cheerful personality and is sometimes willful, she has always been very conservative in relationships, and she has very high vision. How could she go home so late with a boy she just met not long ago? ? And the other person is still a high school student."

"She told me that she wants to find a man who is mature and stable, can tolerate her willfulness, and can take good care of her."

"That boy Su Xin doesn't fit her ideal type at all. It's impossible for the two of them."

Shan Shidong said doubtfully:

"But didn't you just say that Mengzhu's behavior towards him was a prelude to love?"

"The prelude is a prelude. We are still far away from each other. At most, she has some affection for that boy now. But with Mengzhu's character, even if she has a liking for him, she will definitely choose to get in touch with him slowly until the two get along for a long time. , Mengzhu will find that the other party is not suitable for her at all."

"So, just relax."

Jiang Surong said carelessly.

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