Just when the red-haired man turned his head.

I saw Su Xin casually raised his hand again and gently wiped it towards the sky, as if he was wiping a little dust above.

But there was nothing above him.

Just when the red-haired man was confused.

The next moment, a light was seen pouring down from the sky. The sky, which was as gloomy as the night sky just now, began to become bright for some reason.

The red-haired man looked up hurriedly.

Then, he saw a magical scene that he would never forget in his life-

I saw the heavy dark clouds in the sky that stretched for countless kilometers, retreating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon the sky became clear.

The most important thing is that the dark clouds did not disappear naturally, but seemed to be forcibly wiped away by some supreme power.

If we use the most common example in life to make an analogy, it is like the dust accumulated on the mirror for many years, which originally completely covered the mirror and made it blurry, but one day, someone took a large rag and gently wiped it, and the gray and dirty mirror surface immediately became extremely clear and bright.

Using the sky as a mirror and wiping away the dark clouds at will, this method was completely beyond the scope of Red Hair's understanding, and he was completely dumbfounded.

The rumbling thunder stopped, the sound of the sea water disappeared, the noise receded, the darkness dissipated, the light descended, and the world was quiet.

In a breath, the world changed.

In the cabin of the Foss, some other crew members came out one after another, looking at the scene in front of them with surprise.

The red-haired people who were standing on the deck before all stood there blankly.

They personally experienced the changes just now, and they felt as if they had suddenly traveled to another world. It was magical.

After so many years of sailing on the sea, they had traveled in the new world with a changeable climate for at least several years, but none of them had experienced such a drastic change that changed the world.

At this time.

Someone exclaimed:

"Where is that strange ship?"

Red Hair and others came back to their senses, looking left and right but couldn't find Su Xin's ship.

"Isn't that a ghost ship?"

"I saw it just now, how come it suddenly disappeared? What's going on?"

"Is it our illusion?"

"How is it possible? So many of us saw it, how could it be an illusion!"

"Captain, you should have seen that ship too? I remember you seemed to have talked to it."

The crew member who spoke was a little uncertain about his memory just now, and asked curiously.

The red-haired man took a deep breath, came back to his senses, and smiled at the crew members: "How could there be a ghost ship? There was indeed a ship here just now. On that ship, there was a very strong man, stronger than we could imagine, so it is normal for him to have some powerful means."

"There are still many strong people in this world, and we have not seen many things yet. Next, we will continue to travel around the world and see all kinds of magical scenery in this world."

"But before that..."

"To celebrate everyone seeing such a powerful strong man and such a magical vision, let's prepare a grand banquet!"

The red-haired man's words caused everyone to cheer:


"Have a banquet!"


After Su Xin teleported away with the ship, he came to a suspended island above the East China Sea.

The powerful immortal consciousness swept over and immediately explored the scenes inside and outside the island clearly.

Su Xin gently stretched out his hand and grabbed forward.

A burly figure with blond hair and golden robes suddenly appeared in his palm as if he had teleported, and his neck seemed to be delivered to the door automatically and was pinched in his hand.

Shiki, the Golden Lion, who was sitting in a daze in the palace, felt his vision change, and he appeared outside the palace in an instant, and he was caught by a strange young man.

This startled him.

But his head was injured by the rudder, and his IQ had already dropped to a level that was even lower than that of ordinary people. His way of thinking was also very different from that of ordinary people. At this time, he seemed to have no idea of ​​Su Xin's horror because of Su Xin's methods. He was fearlessly ready to take the initiative to attack, but found that he couldn't move even a finger on his body.

Su Xin ignored his movements and directly used his mind to forcibly pull off the rudder on his head and the two swords under his feet.

This heart-wrenching pain only made the Golden Lion groan.

But the wounds on his head and feet were torn open, and blood gushed out crazily, which still made his strength quickly pass away.

The good thing is that, perhaps because of the lack of the rudder or the serious injury, the Golden Lion regained his sanity. He looked at Su Xin and said calmly with emotion:

"Are there strong young people like you on the sea now? Times have really changed."

"Can you tell me your name? I don't want to die at the hands of an unknown person."

Su Xin said straightforwardly:

"My name is Su Xin."

"Also, you won't die."

As he spoke, a fairy bean appeared out of thin air in front of Su Xin and slowly floated into the Golden Lion's mouth.

"Eat it."

The Golden Lion said nothing, opened his mouth and swallowed the fairy bean that floated to his mouth.

The next moment, the Golden Lion's eyes suddenly widened.

He only felt that a huge force spread in his body, making him feel warm and comfortable from the inside out.

In the blink of an eye, all his injuries were restored.

Without waiting for the other party to say anything more, Su Xin directly transformed it into a digital life.

[Name: Shi Ji]

【Strength: 78】

[Physique: 82]

[Armed color domineering: 73]

[Seeing and hearing domineering: 69]

[Swordsmanship: 85]

[Talent: Piao Piao Ability]

I don't know if this attribute has become weaker and weaker over the years, or it is just like this, but this attribute value made Su Xin feel disappointed.

One of the three legendary pirates, apart from his physical attributes, all other attributes are even worse than Hawkeye.

If it weren't for the extra Piao Piao Fruit ability, its combat power would definitely be far inferior to that of Hawkeye.

"There is no need to continue studying the rubbish you are currently studying. You should exercise well during this period and regain your strength as much as possible."

Su Xin gave an order and casually issued a training task to Golden Lion.

There was less than a month left before the battle on the top, and he was too lazy to go shopping anymore. The scenery in this world was just like that after seeing too much. Except for a few places such as Upside Down Mountain, which were quite strange, other places and other worlds The scenery is almost the same.

With less than a month left, Su Xin decided to study Devil Fruit.

The golden lion in front of us is the best research object. After all, the effect of the Piao Piao Fruit is indeed very good. In addition to allowing itself to fly away from gravity, it can also make inanimate objects that have been touched float, and can even make dozens of people float. A large island floats in the air all year round.

It seems that making objects levitate does not require much power. Otherwise, the power required to levitate more than a dozen large islands would be exaggerated. It would be at least several hundred million tons. Even Su Xin today may not be able to do it with his telekinesis. arrive.

What's more, it lasts for a long time.

And it does not affect its own combat effectiveness.

Considering that Golden Lion usually sleeps, this means that even if he loses consciousness, it will not affect the suspended state of these islands.

But in the original work, after the Golden Lion was defeated, these islands seemed to have lost their ability to float.

It can be seen that controlling the levitation of the island requires a little strength to maintain it. Only when you are defeated and completely exhausted will you be unable to continue to control and the floating state will become invalid.

in addition.

The common attack method of the Golden Lion is to use the Piao Piao Fruit ability to lift the ground, or control surrounding objects such as wind, snow, sea water, etc. to attack the enemy.

In other words, the golden lion can not only levitate objects, but also has good control capabilities.

Taking the Golden Lion to teleport to one of the islands, Su Xin asked him to demonstrate his Piao Piao ability.

The golden lion obeyed.

The ground beneath him suddenly cracked, and a whole piece of land seemed to break free from its restraints and slowly fly away from the earth.

"This power...is it the law of gravity?"

Su Xin frowned slightly.

When Golden Lion used his abilities, he carefully felt the changes in power throughout the process.

With his cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he has already become proficient in understanding and using laws. However, he is only proficient in the laws of space and flame. He can only perceive the power of other laws, but cannot easily tell what they are.

But based on his cultivation, it is not difficult to learn a new law.

In just a day or so, Su Xin was basically able to try to use similar legal abilities.

To put it simply, the ability of Piao Piao Fruit is a variation of the law of gravity, or a unique branch that allows objects to offset the influence of gravity and achieve floating in the air.

It can also change the direction of gravity experienced by an object, thereby manipulating the object. For example, the Lion Power series of attacks are all derived from this.

One thing that is stronger than the normal law of gravity is that it only needs to be used once, and subsequent uses only require very little force to maintain it.

The disadvantage is.

This ability can only be used on designated targets, but cannot be used directly on the entire range, and gravity enhancement methods cannot be used.

Overall, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

After Su Xin understood this mutated gravity law, he then began to learn the complete gravity law. It only took him seven or eight days to master an ability that was far more powerful and comprehensive than the Piao Piao Fruit.

A series of methods such as gravity elimination, gravity enhancement, gravity redirection, etc. are all mastered.

"I didn't expect that the power of this world still has some merits."

With a casual finger, Su Xin applied gravity to an island suspended by a golden lion, causing it to plummet downwards. After it fell a certain distance, the gravity was removed, and the island was controlled to float back to its original position.

It is difficult for Su Xin to move a mountain with brute force or telekinesis, but using the law of gravity is equivalent to using the power of heaven and earth, which is much simpler.

This is the strength of the power of law.

After realizing that Devil Fruit abilities were indeed helpful to him, Su Xin began to recall the various Devil Fruit abilities in the pirate world.

If he were an ordinary person, then most of the fruit abilities would be useful to him.

But he is no ordinary person.

His abilities now are very comprehensive.

Among all the strange abilities in the pirate world, very few were useful to him. Among them, Su Xin felt that the most valuable one was Charlotte Lingling's soul fruit.

In the original work, Auntie's methods include stealing the souls of others and giving souls to various objects to make them anthropomorphic. Even elements such as thunder and fire can be transformed into intelligent species by giving souls.

In addition, she can also separate soul incarnations and harvest other people's souls on her behalf.

There is also the consumption of soul power to temporarily strengthen one's own strength, which is equivalent to bursting.

It must be said that in terms of soul ability and means alone, Big Mom is more powerful than Su Xin. At least Su Xin cannot take away other people's souls, let alone give souls to dead things.

Thinking of this, Su Xin's immortal consciousness spread out, instantly covering tens of thousands of miles, sensing the entire pirate world, and looking for Big Mom's location in the New World area, and soon locked it.


On the Cake Island.

Big Mom sat in front of the huge dining table, constantly taking the cakes on the table and stuffing them into her mouth with both hands.

There were people coming in and out of the door, carrying full cakes in, and leaving with empty plates, busy as hell.

"Hurry up!"

"Auntie is almost done! You all hurry up, otherwise Auntie will be angry!"

Someone urged anxiously.

And the aunt in the house seemed to have completely lost her mind, becoming a machine that only knew how to eat crazily, and kept eating voraciously.

At this time, Su Xin appeared in the house out of thin air.

Ignoring the busy crowd at the door, his eyes fell on the aunt, and he directly used his powerful telekinesis to wrap her up, and teleported to the suspended island of the Golden Lion.

"Huh? Where's my dessert?"

The aunt only felt a change in front of her eyes, and she didn't react for a while. She only knew that the dessert was gone, and she roared loudly.

As soon as she finished roaring, she found something unusual. She was frozen in the air by some powerful force and couldn't even raise her head.

"Who is it? Get out of here!"

The aunt roared wildly.

Seeing that she seemed to be completely irrational, Su Xin snorted coldly and controlled her with a stronger telekinesis, so that she couldn't even open her mouth.

Then he sent her in front of him.

A finger gently touched her forehead.

"Digital transformation!"

After a moment, the digital transformation was completed.

[Name: Charlotte Lingling]

[Strength: 88]

[Physique: 93]

[Armament Haki: 85]

[Observation Haki: 77]

[Conqueror Haki: 89]

[Talent: Soul Ability]

"This attribute is much stronger than the Golden Lion. It seems that the Golden Lion has indeed neglected fighting and training in recent years, which has led to a sharp decline in strength."

Su Xin thought to himself.

After completing the transformation of the aunt, Su Xin asked her to show him her ability, and he tried to comprehend the power of the law contained in it.

It must be said that although they are the same law, the difference in the degree of mystery is too great, just like when Su Xin comprehended the law of fire and the law of space, the time he spent was incomparable.

Now comprehending the law of soul is the same.

It took less than a little time to comprehend the law of gravity before, and he could use it initially.

But the law of soul took him ten days.

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