My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 314: Virtual World Island, Tan City

After passing through the gap, Su Xin's eyes lit up. He had not been exposed to any light for a thousand years, and he saw the surroundings clearly for the first time.

This place seemed to be a boundless and huge primitive world. Under his feet was a vast primitive forest, full of vitality, with towering ancient trees, and the roars of beasts constantly sounded from all directions. There were also many strange birds flying in the air.

The gravity here was at least a thousand times that of Baishan Star. The space was as solid as the virtual world, and there was no vitality of heaven and earth. But the difference was that there was fresh air here, enough to supply the survival of various creatures.

Su Xin's position was at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

After Su Xin appeared, several strange beasts similar to pterosaurs flew over soon, roaring at Su Xin with their mouths open, revealing their ferocious fangs.

Su Xin waved his hand gently.

The powerful telekinesis directly grabbed several strange beasts and fixed them neatly in front of his eyes, like specimens sealed in amber and unable to move.

"I ask you, what is this place?"

Su Xin's universal language ability allows him to communicate directly with any other intelligent creature. As long as the other party is intelligent and has a mature language system, the two sides can communicate without obstacles.

But after Su Xin slightly relaxed the confinement, these strange beasts just opened their mouths and roared, not looking like they were intelligent at all.

Su Xin decisively crushed the strange beasts.

Then he looked into the distance.

Due to the super gravity of this world, even the light is distorted by gravity and cannot be transmitted in a straight line over a long distance.

This results in that even with Su Xin's current super vision, when looking into the distance, he can only see a distorted and blurred piece.

His field of vision is not even as good as the immortal consciousness.

And the sensing distance of the immortal consciousness here is the same as in the virtual world, only about ten thousand miles.

Within the ten thousand miles range that he can sense, there are all primeval forests and various strange beasts.

Su Xin flew forward all the way, constantly scanning everything in this world with his immortal consciousness along the way.

In this world, in addition to the super strong gravity, there seems to be some kind of law suppression, which reduces his flying speed by 90%.

But even so, it is about 30,000 miles per second, and with his immortal sense, he quickly explored a large area.

He finally saw intelligent creatures.


In a valley.

A strong young man in leather armor grabbed the mountain wall with one hand and a small medicine hoe in the other hand. He carefully dug out a small grass and put it into the medicine basket behind him.

Then he continued to climb along the steep and towering rocks, searching carefully.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he saw a strange purple grass in a crack in the stone.

"It turned out to be the fourth-level purple moon grass?"

"Now my mother is saved!"

The young man observed carefully for a while, then crawled towards the direction of the crack, moving slowly and steadily, not daring to neglect it at all.

As a native human being, although he has developed extremely terrible physical fitness in such a special environment, he is at least at the level of a superman in ordinary universes such as Baishan Star.

But while his physical fitness is strong, the environment is also equally bad, which is equivalent to a hundred times the physical defense, encountering a hundred times the damage.

Here, he is no different from the slightly stronger ordinary people on Baishan Star. Once he accidentally falls from a height of 100 meters, his end must be smashed into a pool of meat on the spot.

Fortunately, the young man with rich experience in collecting herbs successfully climbed to the side of the stone crack.

But just as he was about to take out the medicine hoe on his waist to collect herbs, he suddenly felt an invisible force that was overwhelming and unstoppable wrapped him up, grabbing him and flying quickly into the sky. Soon he came to the cliff, in front of a mysterious young man.

It is needless to think that the mysterious young man in front of him must have super strength.

He may even be an immortal.

The young man immediately shouted:

"Shangxian, spare me! Shangxian, spare me!"

Su Xin did not speak, and brought the young man in front of him with telekinesis, and gently pressed his palm on his forehead.

In the Dragon Ball world, he actually learned the magic ability to read memories, but he rarely used it. Now that he has come to a new world, this magic ability is the most convenient means to obtain information.

As Su Xin's ability was exerted, all the memories of the young man slowly unfolded in front of him like a scroll, and played at a speed of ten thousand times.

Soon, the memory reading was completed.

Through this memory picture that lasted for more than two hundred years, Su Xin seemed to have witnessed the growth of the young man and learned about the information here.

This continent is called the Void Island by the natives living here. According to the young man's understanding, the Void Island is a special place in the Void World. Because it has its own energy shield and a relatively complete material ecology, it has gradually become a place for the immortals who travel in the Void World to rest when they are tired.

These immortals live on the Void Island. Some of them marry and have children, reproduce, and slowly evolve into a complete large-scale living settlement.

In the Void World, the number of Void Island is said to be not small, but because the Void World is too vast, and there is no material as a reference, and no energy for replenishment, even the immortals are difficult to find other Void Island.

Therefore, many immortal realm masters traveled in the virtual world for too long, and when they were lucky enough to come across a virtual world island, they would often settle down there to live.

In the virtual world island, due to the long period of reproduction, the number of humans increased, and the strength span also increased.

At the beginning, they were all immortal realm masters.

Later, the first batch of offspring, due to their high blood purity, high starting point, and parents' support, often had very high upper limits of strength, and basically could reach human immortals or earth immortals.

As time went by, humans reproduced generation after generation, the starting point of newborns became lower and lower, and the strength level of their parents continued to decline, which led to the birth of more and more ordinary people on the virtual island.

Of course.

Due to environmental problems, no matter how ordinary the newborns here are, they are equivalent to supermen in the small universe. If they are placed in the small universe, it is no problem to blow up a small mountain with one punch.

But in a place like the virtual island...

The gravity environment of thousands of times, stronger bacteria and viruses, and stronger external threats make these people as fragile as ordinary people in the small universe, and it is even more difficult to survive.

The young man named Ma Bin in front of him is the most ordinary member of this virtual island.

On the virtual island, there is a special practice method. Perhaps due to the strong gravity, their practice focuses on body training.

People's cultivation realms are divided from low to high, from level one to level nine.

There is no specific realm name.

Because below the fairyland are all ants.

Only above the ninth level has a name.

That is the fairyland.

The fairyland is divided into human fairy, earth fairy, heavenly fairy, true fairy, mysterious fairy, and golden fairy.

The first three realms in the fairyland are the same as the realm divisions of the Luotian world, but I don’t know if the two are the same? Or are they just the same name.

For ordinary people like Ma Bin, the strong in the fairyland are already unattainable big figures. The three realms of true fairy, mysterious fairy, and golden fairy in the fairyland are only heard of, and it is not sure whether such strong people really exist.

In a place like the virtual world island, the strong in the fairyland and below the fairyland seem to be two worlds.

Not only is there a gap in strength, but also the means of expression are also a world of difference.

After all, the laws of the virtual world are far more mysterious than the laws in the microcosm. Ordinary people can’t comprehend them at all, and they can’t be touched by people below the fairyland, and even most of the strong in the fairyland can’t use them.

In addition, there is no heaven and earth vitality here.

As a result, the strong men of the first to ninth ranks, which are often called the rank strong men here, can only use the most common fists and feet in battle.

Their vision and hearing are also greatly restricted by the environment.

On the other hand, the strong men in the fairyland.

The top geniuses among them can initially use the power of the law from the beginning of the human fairyland. The means of water, fire, earth and wind are obviously much stronger and have many practical values.

In addition, their fairy consciousness gives them the insight ability far beyond the rank strong men.

In addition, the true qi in the body of the fairyland strong men is extremely pure, which can be released to attack or defend, and the means are much more than the rank strong men.

In addition, there is the ability to fly.

Not to mention the most basic strength gap.

All these combined have completely widened the gap between the fairyland strong men and the rank strong men.

As for the area of ​​the virtual world island, in Ma Bin's memory, he has no idea about it, but he often hears people say that it is billions of miles.

As for whether it is really so spacious, no one has ever given a clear answer. The weak cannot measure it, and the strong don't have the leisure to do it.

But from Ma Bin's cognition, Su Xin was basically sure that this so-called virtual world island could be regarded as a complete world.

On the virtual world island, the social form is somewhat similar to that of ancient society, mainly in the form of towns and villages.

There are no clear laws and order.

It is completely based on the principle of respecting the strong.

Generally speaking, the lord of a big city is the owner of a large area of ​​territory around it, and is often the strongest person in this area.

The largest city nearby is called Tancheng.

After learning the basic information of this virtual world island from the other party's mind, Su Xin stretched out his hand again, picked the purple moon grass on the mountain wall with telekinesis, and sent it to Ma Bin's medicine basket.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to kill people, but to give you a chance of immortality."

Su Xin pointed at Ma Bin's forehead again.

Ma Bin stood still, not daring to dodge, staring blankly at Su Xin's actions.

When Su Xin's finger fell, he only felt a powerful force surging from the deepest part of his body. This finger was like a key, developing the deepest potential of his body.

When he came back to his senses, the figure he saw had disappeared without a trace.

"Immortal fate... It's really immortal fate."

Ma Bin was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic.

His strength jumped directly from the third level to the fourth level, which was a huge improvement for him and would also bring great help to his life.

The strong in the fairyland was indeed so terrifying.

A person's strength could be improved and his fate could be changed with just a flick of the finger.


Su Xin flew forward for a while.

The distorted vision gradually became clear, and a huge city appeared in front of him.

From a distance, the city was like a towering beast entrenched on the land, swallowing a steady stream of pedestrians in its open mouth.

Above the hundreds of meters high city wall, figures flew in and out from time to time.

Su Xin did not use his immortal sense to explore, after all, there were many strong people in the fairyland in this world, and there were also three realms above the celestial immortals.

Although he did not think that the other party's strength would be much stronger than his, after all, he had just arrived in a strange place, so it was better to keep a low profile.

Soon, Su Xin, like other fairyland masters, flew to the top of the city wall of Tancheng.

But only then did he notice.

Tancheng was wrapped in an invisible energy shield, and other fairyland masters who entered the city could penetrate it without any hindrance.

From Ma Bin's mind, Su Xin had seen information about this energy shield. This is a city defense formation that every big city has, which can be used to defend against foreign invasions. Occasionally, when some bird-like beasts fly over, they cannot fly into the city to cause trouble.

It's just that ordinary people like Ma Bin usually go in and out of the city gate, where the energy shield deliberately left an opening, so the existence of the formation is like a dispensable background board for Ma Bin, and he rarely cares about it.

Until now, when he noticed the mountain protection formation, Su Xin remembered that when the fairyland masters flew in and out from the sky, they needed to pass through the mountain protection formation, and to pass through the mountain protection formation, they needed to hold the city entry order made by the city.

But this thing needs money to buy.

The currency of this world is a kind of spiritual stone with rich spiritual energy, but Su Xin knows that the spiritual stone here is definitely not the spiritual stone of Luotian World. After all, various substances in the small universe are difficult to exist in the special law environment of the virtual world.

According to Ma Bin's cognition.

The spiritual stones in the virtual world island seem to contain a special energy. On the one hand, it can make the human body stronger and stronger, and on the other hand, it can make people more and more in line with the way of heaven, and it is easier to comprehend the laws of the virtual world.

Although Su Xin has not used the spiritual stones of the virtual world, he understands it as soon as he thinks about it. Because the laws of the virtual world are much more profound than those in the small universe, it is difficult for people in the virtual world to comprehend them bit by bit, just like a savage directly learning university knowledge. Without a foundation, it is simply as difficult as ascending to heaven to learn.

On the other hand, the strong people who came out of the small universe, such as Su Xin, comprehended the relatively simple elementary laws of the universe in the small universe, which is equivalent to receiving basic education. They have mastered the basic knowledge and have good learning habits and methods. It is naturally much easier to come to the virtual world to comprehend the laws of the virtual world.

If there is no virtual world spirit stone to make people in harmony with the way of heaven, it is wishful thinking for people born in the virtual world to comprehend the law.

Of course, these are all off-topic.

The trouble now is that he has no virtual world spirit stone, so he can't enter the city normally like other immortals.

But fortunately, he still has super-time and space teleportation.

Su Xin turned and flew away, ready to find a deserted place to enter the hidden state, and then teleport into the city when no one is paying attention.

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