My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 318: Suppressing Eight True Immortals

A few minutes later.

The last earthly immortal was devoured by Cell.

Cell did not practice any skills in this universe, he only simply improved his Qi, and there was no realm to speak of, so naturally there was no threshold or breakthrough.

It can only be compared with realm.

After continuous devouring, Cell's strength has been greatly improved, and he is definitely the top powerhouse among the earthly immortals.

Just now, he fought one against fifteen. Except for the most stressful time at the beginning when Su Xin took the initiative to help him out twice, he basically defeated all the opponents later, until the end.

If there is another melee of the same scale, Cell will surely be able to easily kill the opponent.

This is Cell's huge potential.

As long as he devours, he will become stronger.

At the same time, he also has two major abilities: infinite regeneration and infinite energy. He is not afraid of death or fatigue, and can fight until the end of time.

"Let's go, let's continue fighting."

Su Xin harvested a lot of spirit stones, and his cultivation has also made a breakthrough. He is in a good mood and calls Cell to choose a direction to fly away from here.

As for the exotic fruits in the mountains, they were all destroyed in the melee.

Su Xin didn't feel bad about it.

He didn't really care about the exotic fruits. Although they should be valuable, as long as Su Xin continued to wander around, he could get as much as he wanted. He didn't lack money at all.

This world of the survival of the fittest is even more wonderful than the paradise people talk about for a peerless strongman like Su Xin.

When Su Xin led Cell to sweep around this area, his reputation gradually spread to the ears of some high-ranking officials in the nearby forces.

In particular, he fought with several True Immortal Realm masters one after another, deliberately suppressed his strength, and killed the other party after several fierce battles. Many passing strongmen saw the scene.

His information gradually spread.

In another big city called Fengcheng, hundreds of millions of miles away from Tancheng, several True Immortal Realm masters gathered in a conference hall in the City Lord's Mansion.

True Immortal Realm, in Fengcheng, is a high-level person, either the city lord or the senior worshiper. These people are placed within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and each of them can be regarded as a person of high power.

At this time, these high-level people gathered together.

Everyone looked solemn.

"City Lord Jiang is dead. According to reliable information, the murderer is a strong man named Su Xin, whose cultivation is also in the True Immortal Realm, but according to his performance, it is very likely that he is at the peak of the True Immortal Realm or even the Great Perfection. His strength should not be underestimated..."

"However, he killed City Lord Jiang."

"According to the mutual assistance agreement between us, when facing an enemy who killed a companion, as long as the other party's cultivation does not exceed the scope of the True Immortal Realm, we have the obligation to seek justice for him."

"What do you think?"

As soon as the city lord finished speaking, the others spoke up:

"What else can you think? This Su Xin dared to kill our City Lord Jiang, of course we must take revenge!"

"Although I don't usually get along well with City Lord Jiang , but on this issue of right and wrong, I also support taking action to avenge him!"

"We are companions, and our reputation and interests are deeply bound together. He killed City Lord Jiang in public, which is a slap in the face of our Fengcheng and all our senior officials!"

"If we don't take revenge, we will lose face. Who will be afraid of us in the future?"

"Yes, I also agree to take action!"

"City Lord Lai, you are also at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, and your strength should not be worse than Su Xin. In addition, if we take action together, I think our chances of winning are still very high. I also agree to take action!"

City Lord Lai is the first city lord of Fengcheng and the undisputed strongest person in the entire Fengcheng.

For thousands of years, City Lord Lai can be regarded as the Dinghaishenzhen of Fengcheng. Among the dozen or so major cities within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, he is also a powerful person with a great reputation and awe of countless people.

At this time, another person spoke hesitantly:

"Everyone, what I am more worried about is Su Xin's origin. After all, we have never heard of this person before, but now he has suddenly become famous. I don't know if he came from other regions or from the virtual world."

"The key is that we don't know his background, how many powerful friends he has, or even whether there are elders behind him who are stronger than him?"

"A person who is at least at the peak of the True Fairyland can never suddenly jump out of a stone. In addition to the threat brought by his own strength, his connections must be terrible!"

"Even if we defeat him or even kill him, what if we attract a stronger person?"

"I suggest that we should be more cautious and check his origin first."

Others looked at each other in surprise.

There was some hesitation in their hearts.

Just an enemy at the peak of the True Fairyland or even the Great Perfection of the True Fairyland is enough for all of them to pay attention. If they consider the other party's connections, it will be a big trouble.

The more unknown, the more frightening.

An enemy with super strength, but whose connections and other information were completely unknown, made them hesitate.

After a moment of silence.

Another person slowly spoke: "According to the information we have learned, this guy is now robbing everywhere. No matter how much, no matter what the enemy's cultivation is, he will take action. He is just like a starving dog. He must not have much money on him, otherwise he would not do this."

"And a super strong man above the peak of the True Immortal Realm has to run to an unfamiliar area, even robbing the weak people in the Human Immortal Realm and the Earth Immortal Realm, and not even letting go of thousands of spirit stones..."

"How strong do you think this kind of person's connections are? In my opinion, he is more like a refugee from other places."

"And he must have fled very far."

"The place where he was originally from is most likely a very far away area, or even another virtual island."

"The humanoid pet beside him is a species we have never heard of. Its fighting style and cultivation system are different from ours. It doesn't seem to be a product of our Yaozhu Island. The biggest possibility is that it comes from another virtual island."

"Several of us have been to other virtual islands. We should know that each virtual island has special products. The humanoid pet named Cell should be a special product from another virtual island."

Hearing this,

Someone was moved and agreed:

"That's right, the humanoid pet named Cell is not only extremely powerful, but also has a special fighting style. The key is that it has the ability to regenerate infinitely. Even the True Immortal can't kill him so easily. If there is such a creature on Yaozhu Island, we can't be unaware of it."

"It must be a product from other islands."

"What Lord Wu said makes sense. Let's put ourselves in his shoes. If it were us, how could we lower our face to rob the weak of their property under normal circumstances?"

"That guy is so powerful, but he accepts everyone. It is likely that he is fleeing. The money on his body was either robbed by a stronger person or destroyed during the escape."

"Regardless of whether he has connections or not, it is almost certain that Yes, he must have a very strong enemy. "

"Since he is a refugee, he is so reckless and has no worries about revealing his identity. In addition, he has such a special humanoid pet with him. I think City Lord Wu's guess is completely correct. He is probably from the virtual world."

"Then there is nothing to worry about. City Lord Lai, let's attack together!"

"Otherwise, if other forces get there first, all the property on him will definitely be taken away by others first."

"He has robbed so many strong men openly. I'm afraid he has at least hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones on him. There is no time to lose. City Lord Lai, let's attack immediately to avenge City Lord Jiang and take all the spiritual stones on him!"

After an urgent discussion, the group all agreed to attack Su Xin.

Like them, several nearby forces also decided to attack Su Xin.

This is why no strong man would rob as much as Su Xin under normal circumstances.

One reason is to maintain his reputation.

Secondly, he was worried about causing too many people to attack.

If too much looting was done, the major forces would certainly swallow it up under the banner of justice.

Now Su Xin is facing this kind of trouble.

Above the vast and boundless Yunfa Forest.

Su Xin exuded a terrifying pressure that belonged to the True Fairyland, which frightened the three Heavenly Fairyland masters so much that they dared not move. They handed over their storage rings obediently and then fled in disgrace.

"Sharu, let's go."

For those who surrendered obediently, Su Xin would not kill them, but let them leave unscathed, which is why his reputation spread so quickly.


Sharu looked at the backs of the three people reluctantly, but still followed Su Xin obediently.

In the process of following Su Xin's sweeping all the way, his strength has increased by nearly one-fold.

Every fairyland master is the top tonic for him. Watching the other party fly away was simply heartbreaking.

But Su Xin had an order, and he did not dare to disobey.

"Alas, what a pity."

"It would be great if everyone acted tough and refused to surrender even if they died."

Just as Cell was thinking in his heart, he suddenly found that eight figures appeared around him and surrounded them tightly.

These eight people all exuded a terrifying pressure. Although they had not fought yet, he could see at a glance that each of these eight people was a strong man far superior to him.

"There are too many strong people in this world!"

Cell's heart trembled.

But then he thought of the invincible Su Xin, and his heart was much more stable.

"Dare to appear in front of Su Shen, you eight guys are ready to become the dead souls of Su Shen's hands... No, even your souls can't be left!"

Cell's face showed a gloating smile, looking forward to the next scene.

Su Xin, who was standing in front of him, also had a faint smile on his face.

"Sure enough, when I show weakness, more and more strong people will come to me."

"Kill the younger ones, and the older ones will come to me. This is a skill I learned from novels in my previous life. It seems to be very effective."

Su Xin smiled, pretending not to know that the other party was not friendly, and asked politely:

"Hello, do you have something to do with me?"

The first city lord of Fengcheng stood in front of him. He looked at Su Xin coldly and asked sternly:

"Your name is Su Xin, right?"


Su Xin nodded honestly.

Lai Chengzhui was sternly shouting:

"It was you who killed Jiang Yuanhong, the deputy city lord of Fengcheng, right?"

Su Xin was confused and scratched his head:

"I don't know. We killed a lot of people today. Many of them have never been named. Which one are you referring to?"

City Lord Lai's face became increasingly gloomy:

"Then there is no need to waste words. You killed our Fengcheng's deputy city lord. Now, the eight of us are here to avenge City Lord Jiang. Do you have anything to say?"

He gave Su Xin a last chance to see if Su Xin really had no backers. If Su Xin really reported a name that made him afraid, City Lord Jiang might have died in vain.

But Su Xin just shook his head and said:

"There is nothing to say. If I really killed your City Lord Jiang, you should come to kill me. This is reasonable..."

"However, if I kill you, don't blame me in the underworld. After all, you took the initiative to deliver yourself to my door."


City Lord Lai laughed in anger. Seeing that Su Xin did not report his backers, he knew that he really had no connections and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He shouted:

"Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, eight people attacked at the same time, and eight immortal swords emitting powerful auras slashed towards Su Xin in the center from all directions at the same time.

The sword energy broke through the air!

The speed was as fast as a stream of light!

Su Xin instantly drew his sword out of the sheath, turned around and slashed horizontally, and the sword blade rotated 360 degrees with him as the center, destroying all the sword energy at the same time.

In order to attract more powerful people to appear, he did not intend to show his true strength, but to hide his weakness.

Therefore, Su Xin would never do such a show-off thing as using his physical body to withstand the sword energy of eight True Immortal Realm masters.

Similarly, he would not kill the opponent in an instant.

Instead, he was prepared to perform a fierce battle, and finally kill the opponent one by one with difficulty.

The facts were also developing in the direction he imagined.

The eight True Immortal Realm masters besieged Su Xin frantically, but Su Xin only showed a reaction and flexibility far beyond the same level, and an attack ability equivalent to the peak of the ordinary True Immortal Realm, which was equivalent to incarnating eight people and suppressing the opponent.


In the eyes of the eight True Immortal Realm masters and other masters watching from afar, Su Xin's cultivation is indeed at the peak of the True Immortal Realm.

"Too strong, one against eight at the same level, suppressing eight True Immortals, it's really too strong!"

The onlookers talked about it.

"I recognize one of them, that is Lai Yaming, the first city lord of Fengcheng, who is at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. Logically, his strength is about the same as Su Xin, but he was suppressed even when he joined forces with the others."

"His reaction and speed are too fast. He is obviously one person, but he behaves like eight clones with full strength, so he can suppress eight True Immortal Realm opponents."

"It should be some special secret method that allows him to burst out with a speed far beyond the same level. Such a method is least afraid of siege."

"I am afraid that only those with higher cultivation or absolute numerical advantage can defeat him."

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