Hearing this, Fang Keyi's heart trembled.

At any time, he rarely talks directly to anyone in the organization on the phone, mostly using secret forums to communicate.

Even if Huoshan comes here and the two of them want to meet each other or talk about something, it's just a simple phone call to arrange a meeting place. Once they get there, they can meet and talk.

After all, phone calls are not secure enough.

But now, Huoshan is eager to discuss things on the phone, which shows that the situation is urgent.

Fang Keyi got up quickly, locked the door, put on his pajamas and sat at the small coffee table in the room.

"Mr. Volcano, please speak."

"Combo Biotech has a convoy ready to leave for the airport. You immediately arrange for people to bring the strongest firepower to intercept them and kill everyone in the convoy without leaving any one behind."

Fang Keyi was shocked and explained: "It's so sudden, there's no time to make arrangements!"

"Because it's too late to make arrangements, we have to hurry up. Kangbo Biology's clinical trials have ended. This convoy is heading to the headquarters with the test subjects and experimental data. Our mission is to destroy them all."

The volcano on the other end of the phone said solemnly:

"Don't worry, I will take action myself."

"Furthermore, after the mission is over, the organization will arrange for you to evacuate Wanghai Country. However, due to the rush of the incident, the arrangements will not be made until at least tomorrow. So you only need to cooperate with me to destroy the Kangbo Biological Company's convoy and hold on for one more day."

Fang Keyi felt tangled in his heart.

But he also knew that he could no longer escape from the Nirvana Society and could only obey orders.

After only a moment of silence, he responded solemnly: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right now."

"As soon as possible, I will make arrangements to stop the convoy so that they can't set off so quickly. After you make the arrangements, take your men directly to Jiu'an Road near Kangbo Biological Company, which is the place they must pass to get to the airport. We can just ambush there, and by the way, we must remember to bring a signal jammer."


The phone hangs up.

Fang Keyi spent two minutes getting dressed while calling his cronies to arrange for people to bring firearms, bullets, and only a few grenades.

Generally speaking, a society is a company after all. Although the president is the speaker of the society, he cannot decide everything by himself. Many matters must be discussed by the board of directors, especially the large-scale use of firearms.

Within the Golden Shield Association, due to the secret help of the Nirvana Society, Fang Keyi has much stronger control over the association than other presidents. The entire Golden Shield Association can basically be said to be under his control.

His cronies occupy more than half of the important positions in the society, and basically no one can stop them from doing anything they want to do.

What's more, at this point, he has no time to consider the consequences. He can only follow the orders of Huoshan and send people to destroy Kangbo Biological Company first.

It didn't take long.

Three cars carried 13 elite confidants, plus Fang Keyi himself, a total of 14 people came to Jiu'an Road to meet Huoshan.

Huoshan had already put on a mask at this time. After seeing everyone in the car, he just walked to the car where Fang Keyi was and asked in a low voice:

"Are you ready?"

"It's done."

"Okay, you guys can ambush separately. I'll go somewhere else. If you see me taking action, take action immediately and use the signal jammer as soon as possible to block their retreat."


The two separated after a brief exchange.

Kangbo Biological Company is located in an industrial park, quite a distance from the city center, and is almost considered a suburb. Therefore, Jiu'an Road not far away is not very prosperous, with only sporadic vehicles and pedestrians traveling around.

Fang Keyi's three vehicles spread out and ambush at different locations, waiting for the target to appear.

Huoshan walked into a house.

About ten minutes later.

A convoy appears at the end of the road.

There are six black cars and one silver-gray escort car in the convoy. The seven cars are arranged in a straight line, with the escort car in the middle and the cars at the front and rear. They occupy the express lane on the inside and move towards Jiu'an Road at a leisurely pace. Coming.

Fang Keyi and his men looked at each other, nodded slightly, then looked back, lowering their heads pretending to be nonchalant, but holding the submachine gun tightly in their hands.

The convoy slowly approached.

Just when the last black car in the convoy was about to leave the ambush circle, a crimson fireball the size of a millstone flew quickly through the air, leaving a brilliant red trail in the air. The ground hit the front car in the convoy.

"what is that?"

"Get out of the way!!"

Some people on the roadside and in the convoy noticed the huge fireball in mid-air, and couldn't help shouting in horror.

The driver of the first car didn't notice this. When he heard the reminder from the passengers in the car and was about to turn around, he felt the car body suddenly shake, and then he completely lost consciousness.


In the horrified eyes of passers-by.

The huge fireball hit the roof of the car hard, flattening the car body, and shot out countless small fireballs like magma around it.


One of the fireballs, the size of a table tennis ball, landed on the face of a passerby more than ten meters away, melting a hole into his face and causing the surrounding skin to twist and roll quickly, making bursts of 'sizzling' sounds. The sound of barbecue.

The fireball just stuck to the faces of passers-by.


The passerby screamed wildly and instinctively dug the small fireball off his face with his hands, but no blood flowed out because the wounds were scorched by the high temperature carried by the fireball.

At this time, the black car that was hit by the huge fireball also burst into flames, and no one inside escaped.

All vehicles behind them braked suddenly.

Fortunately, all the drivers in the fleet were professional drivers with many years of driving experience. Faced with such an unexpected situation, they stepped on the brakes in time, and nothing else happened. All the cars stopped smoothly. .

But such a sudden braking also caused everyone in the car to lose balance, making it difficult to respond effectively.


Without waiting for the convoy to react, Fang Keyi and others all put on hoods, picked up submachine guns and pistols and stepped out of the car, shooting wildly in the direction of the convoy. There was a boy next to him who activated the signal jammer, and two others fired at the convoy. Two grenades were lost in the convoy.


The two vehicles were shaken by the explosion.

Countless steel balls from the grenade shot everywhere, smashing the car body and windows into sieves, and several screams were heard.


Passers-by ran away wildly.

All other surrounding vehicles fled.

The car windows in the convoy were broken one after another, and the people in the car were beaten to the point where they could not stand up. Several people did not react in time and were directly shot in the head. Coupled with the damage caused by grenades, the convoy suffered heavy losses for a while, with nearly half of the casualties.

Soon, another basketball-sized fireball flew over from the roof of a nearby residential building.

The fireball traced a gorgeous trajectory in the sky.

Accurately hit the second car in the convoy.

at this time.

The back seat door of the second car was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and the connecting axis of the door was instantly detached, so that the entire door hit the rear half of the car body heavily and then fell to the ground.

A tall figure got out of the back seat, then jumped up without stopping, heading straight towards the falling fireball.

A hard punch.


With a dull impact, the basketball-sized fireball shattered into pieces and scattered into tiny flames, flying in all directions.

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