My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 48 The ability to destroy all things

Su Xin recovered from his daze.

Who would come to him so late?

He frowned in confusion, stood up, put on his pajamas, and walked out of the bedroom.

After thinking about it, he still didn't bring a finger tiger or a pistol. After all, his strongest ability was his superpower. If a situation really happened where he needed to use a gun, he might as well just use his superpower. In that case, there was no need to worry about his identity. The problem was exposed.

Looked through the peephole.

"is her!"

Su Xin's heart suddenly jumped.

Fang Mengzhu was seen standing outside the door with a lifeless face. His makeup and temperament were no longer as delicate and beautiful as they once were, and he looked extremely depressed and depressed.

There was no time to think too much.

Su Xin quickly opened the door.

The moment he saw Fang Mengzhu, whose face was full of tears, he originally wanted to comfort him, but when he thought that what happened to him was caused by himself, his comfort seemed hypocritical. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak.

He didn't want to deceive the other party, and he couldn't take the initiative to admit what he had done. In the end, he could only sigh and welcome her in.

"Mengzhu, come in first."

Fang Mengzhu said nothing, threw herself into Su Xin's arms, and kept crying while holding him.

Su Xin remained silent.

Fang Mengzhu's crying became louder and louder, sadder and helpless.

Until a few minutes later.

She just got up from Su Xin's arms, with tears in her eyes and complicated eyes.

There is love and there is hatred.

There is entanglement, but there is also relief.

"Sure's you."

"The person who led the team to kill your parents was my dad. The force you want to investigate is the Golden Shield Society. You said you are not an ordinary person because you have the special ability to teleport. You said you found a breakthrough, so, My father was found guilty that night."

"I'm so stupid, really."

"I went home and begged my dad hard. I even knelt down to him and wanted him to help you investigate, but he refused to agree."

"Unexpectedly, the murderer is himself."

"I never imagined that my boyfriend, who I had begged so hard to help, would turn out to be my father-killing enemy in the blink of an eye."

"It was you who killed my dad!"

Fang Mengzhu slowly took out a pistol from his pocket, his hands trembling uncontrollably, and slowly but firmly pointed the gun at Su Xin.

Open the safety gently.

Seeing that Su Xin was still indifferent, an inexplicable smile appeared on her tear-filled cheeks:

"What? Aren't you ready to resist?"

"Where's your teleportation? Where's your gun?"

"Didn't you blink your eyes when you killed people? Why don't you move now? Ah!"

Fang Mengzhu became more and more excited as she talked, until she finally let out a heart-rending roar, but she put down the gun in her hand weakly, and her tears began to be mixed with some bright red.

"Why don't you resist?"

"Why don't you just kill me too?"

Fang Mengzhu sobbed, his body slumped to the ground, his head lowered, muttering to himself, exuding a low and gloomy aura.

Her father, who had always cared for her and loved her, was killed in front of her eyes, but it was only yesterday that the person who killed her father took away her innocence, plunged her into a gentle land, and gave her sweet and happy memories, the first in her life. man.

This is tantamount to a devastating blow to her who has a simple personality and simple thinking.

Her world completely collapsed!

Su Xin watched silently from beginning to end.


His eyes suddenly condensed.

Fang Mengzhu's hand tightened, and the pistol he was holding weakly just now suddenly tightened his grip again.

at the same time.

A mysterious gray brilliance spread from Fang Mengzhu's palm to the pistol. Wherever the brilliance touched, various parts on the pistol turned into fly ash without warning and dissipated in the air.

In just the blink of an eye, the entire pistol was completely turned into ashes by the gray brilliance, as if it had never existed.

"Superpower? Mengzhu has awakened his superpower!"

Su Xinxin was shocked.

Tonight, he judged that there were other superpowers in the world through the lava traces on Jiu'an Road. He didn't expect to see the awakening of a superpower so soon.

And it's his girlfriend Fang Mengzhu.

Of course, maybe she is no longer his girlfriend, but has become his enemy.

And this time.

Fang Mengzhu obviously noticed something abnormal happening to him. He couldn't help but raise his head and looked at his jade-white hands, with a strange expression on his face that looked like crying and laughing:

"Is this what it feels like?"

"Unexpectedly, just like you, I have special abilities that are beyond ordinary people."

"God's will, this is God's will..."

"God gave me the ability to destroy all things at this time. It must be for me to destroy the world, destroy you and me, then..."

Fang Mengzhu stood up unsteadily, walked step by step in front of Su Xin, raised his hand and pressed it on Su Xin's chest, his eyes were lifeless.

"...Let's destroy it together."

A hazy gray light spread from her palm toward Su Xin's body.

Wherever the light struck, Su Xin's body quietly turned into fly ash, and in the blink of an eye a hole the size of a basketball was dissolved, and the hole continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Various organs and flesh and blood tissues were quickly decomposed into fly ash, but Su Xin's body did not feel the slightest pain. Instead, there was only a strange cool feeling in his chest.

He endured it all quietly.

Then he opened his mouth.

No sound came out.

But Fang Mengzhu somehow understood what he said:

"From now on, we will clear up our grudges."

The next moment, Su Xin's entire body exploded into flying ashes in front of her, and then disappeared into smoke, completely losing all traces of its existence.

"Dad, I avenged you."

"Su Xin, I'm sorry."

"Now, I will also come to accompany you..."

The moment he saw Su Xin's death, Fang Mengzhu's eyes flashed with sadness and pain.

Her emotional experience was too simple. She could not kill the man whom she had an intimate relationship with just yesterday and whom she was extremely in love with an hour ago. She could not kill him cold-bloodedly.

But the other party killed his father.

Even if her father kills Su Xin's parents first, as a daughter, she cannot sit back and watch the other party kill her father from a fair perspective.

Although she never got along with her father and always felt that he was too strict with her, his father raised her for twenty-two years and fulfilled his responsibilities as a father. He always cared about her and loved her.

Now that his father was killed, he had to avenge him no matter what, no matter who the murderer was.

It was precisely because of this idea that she could understand Su Xin's behavior. After all, Su Xin was also seeking revenge for his parents, and Su Xin had done nothing wrong.

It was the father who was wrong.

But even so, she could not ignore Su Xin's revenge for killing his father.

Some things cannot just be right or wrong.

Gratitude and resentment are sometimes more important than right and wrong.

Now, the grudge between herself and Su Xin has become a knot, and she can't untie it no matter what.

It happened that at this time, God allowed her to awaken this superpower that could destroy all things. In her opinion, this seemed to be a hint——

A knot that cannot be untied can only be destroyed.

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