After the meeting.

Shan Jinyong returned to his office and sat down with a gloomy expression.

Thinking about the process of the meeting, he was so angry that he punched the desk in front of him with a dull thud, and the backs of his fingers were scratched.

But he seemed not to notice it, and cursed in a low voice with a gloomy face:

"Fuck! Damn Xu Li, you were just elected as the temporary president, but you dare to yell in front of me. Do you really think you are any better than me? If you piss me off, I will fight you directly! "


Shan Jinyong was panting like an ox, and his breathing was as heavy as a wild animal preparing to pounce on its prey.

at this time.

He suddenly felt a cold, hard object touch the back of his head.

Based on years of experience, Shan Jinyong guessed immediately that this was... a gun.

He suddenly stiffened.

The angry expression was also frozen on his face, and his whole person seemed to be in a state where time had stopped, motionless.

"Let me ask you a question. Can you cooperate?"

At this time, Shan Jinyong seemed to have recovered from the time-stopped state, and said quickly: "Okay, okay! Sir, please, I know everything, but... can you please move the muzzle of the gun away to avoid misfire?" .”

What surprised him was that the mysterious man behind him actually took back his gun without hesitation.

"May I have your name?"

"Shan Jinyong."

"How old?"

"Uh..." Shan Jinyong was stunned for a moment. Although he was surprised why the other party would ask these questions, he still answered obediently: "46 years old."

"Where do you live?"

"Goldilocks Garden."

"How many children do you have?"


Su Xin hit him on the back of the head with the butt of his rifle and asked, "How many?"


Su Xin smashed the butt of his gun down again, his tone still very cold: "How many?"

Shan Jinyong gasped in pain, covered the bleeding wound on the back of his head, gritted his teeth and said: "Four, and two illegitimate children, I don't know what you are asking..."

Su Xin smashed the butt of his gun down again and said coldly: "I'll ask you an answer, do you understand?"

In a situation where everyone is a knife and a fish, Shan Jinyong is very obedient: "I understand."

"Are you a member of the Nirvana Society?"


Shan Jinyong was stunned for a moment and then said:


"Have you ever heard of the Nirvana Society?"

"heard about it."

"Tell me about the nirvana meeting you know."

Shan Jinyong paused, seemed to be organizing his words, and then began to speak: "The Nirvana Society seems to be a transnational criminal organization. It has a very large influence in many places around the world. Although it is not famous, it has actually committed many crimes. Big cases that have caused a sensation all over the world, and there are even rumors that they can influence the political power of some countries.”

"There are also rumors that their economic strength is also very terrible. I heard that they were responsible for the economic crisis that swept the world five years ago."

"However, due to the joint ban by various countries, Nirvana is not well-known on the Internet and major media platforms. Therefore, ordinary people basically do not know their names. I only learned about this information through the channels of friends."

"Sir, if you are looking for me about the Nirvana Society, I can only say that there must be a misunderstanding. I have nothing to do with the Nirvana Society at all. All the information I just said is hearsay and has no basis."

With that said, Shan Jinyong raised his hands to indicate that he was not a threat, and tried to turn around slowly.

Su Xin did not stop.

Just looked at each other calmly.

It wasn't until Shan Jinyong turned around completely that he finally saw the figure behind him clearly——

Su Xin was covered in a black robe and had a mask on his face. Only the bright eyes under the hood showed indifference.

Su Xin had no reaction to Shan Jinyong's behavior and just looked at him calmly:

"You are not a member of the Nirvana Society, but Fang Keyi is, so I killed him. Now, I want you to do one thing for me. Carefully investigate all the information about Fang Keyi. Be as detailed as possible, especially the information related to the Nirvana Society. "

"If not, I will also kill you. If there is, I may help you get rid of all your competitors and help you become the president."

Shan Jinyong looked at Su Xin secretly.

Seeing that Su Xin didn't stop his behavior, he became more and more courageous and decided to test Su Xin's bottom line little by little. Then, his eyes began to have a hint of scrutiny, and his sitting posture became a little casual. Asked rhetorically:

"How do I know if what you say is true? Can it really help me get rid of my competitors?"

The moment he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a scene that made his hair stand on end——

The black-robed figure in front of him suddenly disappeared like a dream bubble. Almost at the same time, an indifferent voice sounded behind him:

"You do not believe?"

With many years of experience in fighting and killing, coupled with the courage developed from holding high positions in the past few years, Shan Jinyong could barely maintain a calm posture. However, in front of the strange scene, his breathing was inevitably stagnant, his limbs were stiff, and he was covered in cold sweat. Risk.

The ability to teleport doesn't sound like a big deal. When I saw it in the movie, I didn't think it was that exaggerated. At most, I just thought it was magical. But to actually witness a person disappear out of thin air in front of you and appear behind you is just like... It was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

At least in Shan Jinyong's view, the black-robed man in front of him could easily kill him with his ability and the gun in his hand.

Under this threat, he had to be afraid.

After a while, Shan Jinyong said with difficulty:

"I believe."

"Okay, I will come to you at this time tomorrow. I hope you can prepare what I want."

Shan Jinyong turned around and said hurriedly: "Wait a minute... Sir, if I want to investigate Fang Keyi's information, I need to get his computer. There may be many clues there, but now, another person has been selected as a social worker." Director, it is estimated that it will be moved to Fang Keyi's office soon, and it will be troublesome if the information is disposed of by then."

Su Xin looked at him calmly:

"The other person you are talking about is Xu Li, right? I will also find him and make the same request to him. Wait until tomorrow, and I will see which of you provides me with more information and is more useful, and I will spare his life. And help him get rid of his competitors.”

"On the other hand, the whole family will die."

"Only one of you can survive."

Su Xin spoke calmly, but the strong murderous intent contained in his words, coupled with the teleportation ability he just showed, made Shan Jinyong feel a chill from his heart.

Before he could react, Su Xin suddenly disappeared once again after finishing speaking.

Shan Jinyong quickly turned around and looked around, but never saw Su Xin reappearing.

After a long time, he sat down slumped.

Facing a mysterious man with such an uncanny ability, all his previous experience seemed to be of no use, and the power of his subordinates was obviously not enough to reassure him.

He had forgotten how long he had not felt this kind of powerlessness and despair.

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