My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 63: The Golden Shield Club was taken over?

"Huh? What's the problem?"

Feng Sha asked while continuing to check his information.

Huoshan looked at the text on the laptop in front of him seriously and said slowly:

"Fang Mengzhu is the daughter of peripheral member Fang Keyi. Her parents are all dead. According to intelligence, after today's funeral, the son of Vice President Shan Jinyong took two people back to look for Fang Mengzhu, but he disappeared. So Shan Jinyong arranged for his men to find Fang Mengzhu."


"The three people who went there are also missing."

"After that, there was news that the Golden Shield Society was suddenly taken over by the police."

"Although it is possible that the three people learned the news that the headquarters was captured and escaped, but there was more than an hour between the three people's dispatch and the capture of the headquarters. Logically speaking, this time was enough for the three of them to find Fang Mengzhu. "

"But our people saw that Fang Mengzhu appeared in the hotel where he was staying intact."

Feng Sha raised his eyebrows:

"You mean Fang Mengzhu is not simple?"

Huoshan nodded: "Yes, either there is someone behind her, or she is not simple. If it were not for a different gender, I even think there is a possibility that she is a person in black robe."

"Anyway, we can find a chance to test it out, what do you think?"

Feng Sha shrugged: "I agree. If she has a problem, it means we have checked it correctly. If there is no problem with her, she is just an ordinary person without any background. There is no need to worry about getting into trouble."

The two continued to look at the information.

At the same time, a new order was issued to his members - to create opportunities to test Fang Mengzhu.

There is no need to rest or eat. Every day is very long for Su Xin.

After returning home and changing into daily clothes, Su Xin lay quietly on the bed for a while, and then started his daily evening exercise.

He was so tired that he was sweating profusely and his muscles were sore. But at half past six, after he died and was resurrected again, his condition was back to perfect.

"Since I have more time and I'm not tired, I'll exercise for an extra hour or two in the future."

Su Xin practiced silently for an hour.

After taking a shower, I felt very refreshed.

Fitness is addictive, especially now that Su Xin doesn't have to worry about exhaustion or the side effects of over-exercising, he can just practice however he wants.

This feeling of freedom and comfort made him forget all his worries and sorrows.

After taking a shower, Su Xin was half lying on the armchair, preparing to browse the news on his mobile phone as usual.

But as soon as he opened the phone interface, he saw a series of news pop-ups——

"The 10.20 mass shooting was successfully detected by the Lening police, and all the murderers have been arrested!"

“The Golden Shield Society was taken advantage of by the police!”

"What the hell..."

Su Xin was speechless.

He was all ready to slowly conquer the Golden Shield Society for his own use, but he only established preliminary contact with Xu Li this afternoon. He just had a little sign of conquering it, and in the blink of an eye, the entire Golden Shield Society was taken over?

"No, the attack has nothing to do with them. It was clearly done by Fang Keyi's people, so how could it be the same as the ancient Lianzui? As for the entire Golden Shield Society?"

Su Xin had guessed before that the deaths of He Zhengqi and Fang Keyi would likely attract the attention of the police, leading to the exposure of the attack.

But he never expected that the entire Golden Shield Society would be destroyed because of this incident. After all, this was not an ancient crime of deceiving the emperor. It did not involve the entire society, and he could just arrest whoever needed to be arrested.

Many people in the Golden Shield Society, including Xu Li, had nothing to do with this matter or even knew anything about it.

However, news reports and official police announcements mentioned that all senior leaders and core members of the society, including Xu Li, were directly or indirectly related to this case.

They are all criminals.

Therefore, the entire Golden Shield Society was eliminated.

Su Xin's plan came to nothing.

"Forget it, let's wait until this period of limelight is over and start again in another club."

He shook his head helplessly.

Then he looked at his personal panel.

[Name: Su Xin]

[Power: Hidden Prayer LV2, Unyielding Dead LV2, He Transforms into Freedom LV2]

[Cause and effect point: 841]

"There are only more than a hundred causal points left to upgrade. I should be able to get it together in one night of hard work today."

According to the previous rules, a new mission should be triggered tomorrow. As long as you wait patiently for one more day, you will have the opportunity to gain a new ability, and your strength should be greatly improved.

However, since he was only a hair away from being upgraded, he was too lazy to wait another day.

It was still coding until eleven o'clock. Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Xin put on the black robe and equipment, teleported several times in succession, and appeared near a dark corner more than 20 kilometers away.

Since he carefully walked around every corner of Lening City several times before, Su Xin has a clearer impression of the layout of the entire Lening City, and he is no longer aimless when he goes out for action at night.

He knows where there are more people at night and where there are more crimes.

For example, the location he is currently in is a relatively remote residential area in Nancheng District. Most of the houses here are old and densely packed. It can be regarded as a slum in Lening City.

In a small country like Wanghai Country where economy determines everything, slums often mean not being taken seriously by the upper class. Dirty and messy is synonymous with this place, and chaos is the main theme here.

This place is also called the lawless zone.

Not long after I walked out of the corner.

Su Xin heard a burst of "cracking" noises coming from a certain direction, followed by fierce shouts.

When you hear it, you can tell that someone is fighting.

And there should be a lot of people.

Su Xin walked casually, his figure flickering from time to time, like a ghost walking between the densely packed low buildings.

Soon, he saw the scene of the fight. Under the dim moonlight, he saw a dozen people holding iron rods or blades, slashing at each other crazily, fighting in a mess.

There were two people lying on the ground beside them, huddled together holding the wounds on their bodies, twisting from time to time, as if they were too seriously injured to get up.

Facing such a melee scene, Su Xin looked indifferent and continued to teleport closer.

Maybe it was because the moonlight tonight was too dim, or maybe everyone was too red-eyed to observe the surrounding situation. When Su Xin teleported to only ten meters away from everyone, no one reacted at all. He was immersed in the chaotic group battle.

Su Xin took out his gun and fired two shots into the air.

"Bang bang!"

As soon as the gunshot rang out, everyone was immediately alerted.

The people with red eyes quickly divided into two sides and looked at Su Xin who was holding the gun warily.

However, although these people who hang out at the bottom and live a life of licking blood are afraid of firearms, they are not as afraid as Su Xin imagined.

Perhaps because of the large number of people, or perhaps seeing that Su Xin was obviously not from the same group as both parties, one of them spoke and asked in a deep voice:

"The Jinya Gang and the Wanhe Gang are working on something. I wonder if this brother has any advice?"

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