My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 67 Characteristic Teleport Withdrawal

Chapter 67 Features—Teleportation Withdrawal

The feature of trajectory memory will definitely bring a huge improvement to Su Xin's mobility.

You know, the main reason why Su Xin was able to come and go freely in various areas of Lening City in the past two days was because he spent most of the day wandering around and memorized dozens of locations as long-term time and space anchors.

Moreover, he had to teleport to these 72 long-term anchor points every twenty-four hours in order to meet the positioning conditions for the next day.

At the same time, he must keep these seventy-two locations in his mind. If he cannot remember them any day, this time and space anchor will be useless.

If he changes to another city, he has to repeat the same process, otherwise it will be difficult to move quickly in a new city.

These preconditions are too troublesome.

Unless doing random teleportation.

But that doesn't guarantee the destination.

And if you have the feature of track memory, everything becomes simple.

First of all, in the familiar city of Lening City, he only needs to maintain normal activities, and his trajectory can reach many places, which brings great convenience to his teleportation ability.

If he purposefully visited more areas during the day, even if he just took a casual stroll in the car, the coverage area that he could teleport independently would be far greater than the current seventy-two long-term anchor points.

You don’t have to go through so much trouble to remember the location.

More importantly, he no longer has to arrive at certain places every day to refresh his time and space anchor. Even when he goes to a brand new city, he can perform designated teleportation to a certain extent.

Because all trajectories are automatically recorded, then the impact point during random teleportation is also equivalent to being automatically recorded.

Su Xin can rely on multiple random teleportations to spread his footprints as far as possible in various areas.

Anyway, after the trajectory is recorded, you can easily return along the trajectory.

For example, when Su Xin is at point A, he randomly teleports to another location, then returns immediately and teleports randomly again.


Soon he will be able to leave many footprints within a radius of ten kilometers with point A as the center. These footprints can become time and space anchors at any time.

In the past, every time he teleported to a location, he had to observe the surroundings and write down the characteristics. If he wanted to memorize more locations, it would take a long time, and there was no way to do this.

And if he has track memory, it only takes a few minutes for him to leave hundreds or thousands of footprints throughout the city, spread across various areas.

Next, he can go wherever he wants.

At this level, the power of invisible prayer is already very autonomous, and it basically makes up for the shortcomings of random teleportation.

The moment he saw the first feature introduction, Su Xin was already very satisfied.

Then he looked at the second item out of habit.


Although the introduction seemed simple and the functions seemed ordinary, Su Xin was keenly aware that this feature seemed to be very extraordinary.

"Cancel teleportation?"

"Cancel the teleportation result?"

Su Xin chewed this sentence carefully, and one thought after another came to his mind.

"Teleportation is to appear from one place to another across space."

"So, canceling teleportation... means returning to the original location? Is it equivalent to teleporting back?"

"No, it's not that simple."

"I seem to have overlooked something."

Su Xin's eyes flickered and his brain started to work faster.

"Undo the teleportation, cancel the teleportation result...this statement seems a bit strange."

"My superpower is the law of cause and effect. If the prerequisite causes are met, the corresponding effects will be realized."

"Among the powers of hiding and praying, clasping hands is the cause, and teleportation is the effect."

"So, canceling the teleportation result really means returning to the original place?"

At this moment, Su Xin's eyes lit up.


He finally figured out the key——

"Canceling teleportation seems as simple as teleporting back to the previous location, but combined with the hidden prayer ability itself, it's not that simple!"

"The prayer of seclusion is a power of the law of cause and effect. The prerequisite causes must be met in order to achieve the effect of teleportation."

"But cancellation is not the use of the law of cause and effect. It does not need to meet the prerequisite causes. In other words... it does not require clasping hands."

"It all seems to have the same effect. Moving from one location to another, and teleportation cancellation, you can only specify the starting point of the teleportation within ten minutes. The limitation seems very strong, but since it is an undo operation, it must be There is no need to satisfy the prerequisite causes like the power itself.”

"The effect is that I can teleport without putting my hands together."

"That's right! That's it!"

Su Xin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

This is so important to him!

He is now immortal and is not afraid of any negative state. The only thing he is afraid of is that his hands are tied and cannot be clasped together.

This is his only weakness.

If retreat prayer did not require clasping hands, but could be activated with just a thought, Su Xin's acting style would be ten times more publicized than it is now.

That way, he can truly run amok.

After thinking about this, Su Xin immediately forgot about the trajectory memory feature that had made him extremely excited just now, and instead looked forward to the teleportation withdrawal.

He continued to work on this property.

"There is a time limit for the teleportation withdrawal. It can only be withdrawn if the teleportation is carried out within ten minutes. This means that if I wake up after being stunned for more than ten minutes, and my hands are tied, I will not be able to withdraw the teleportation." It can’t be used either.”

"But apart from this possibility..."

"It seems to be quite useful under normal circumstances."

"First of all, even if you are caught, as long as it is no more than ten minutes since the last teleport, you can cancel the teleport and return to a location, get rid of the restraints such as ropes, and then easily teleport away."

"Secondly, there is no limit on the number of teleportation withdrawals. That means there is no limit."

"If I encounter multiple enemies, or enemies with strong reflexes, I can teleport around in a circle first, then take out my gun and use the method of canceling the teleport to appear at any previous location, and at the same time Shoot.”

"This avoids the embarrassing situation of having to draw the gun only after each teleportation is completed. My actual combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved."

"At the same time, this can also prevent others from seeing that I need to put my hands together to teleport."

After thinking about this, Su Xin responded in his mind without hesitation:

"I choose to teleport back."

[Hidden Prayer LV3: When you put your hands together, you will randomly teleport to a hidden location within ten kilometers. 】

[Characteristics: 1. Space-time anchor point, 2. Teleportation withdrawal. 】

[Upgrade progress: 0/10000. 】

The moment the upgrade was completed, a stream of information suddenly appeared in Su Xin's mind, which was the relevant explanation of the teleportation withdrawal feature.

"It's just as I expected!"

The corners of Su Xin's mouth raised unconsciously.

With the teleportation and withdrawal feature, not only his mobility is greatly improved, but his safety is also greatly improved.

Moreover, from this moment on, the ability [Prayer of Escape] truly provided him with a huge increase in combat power.

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