"Among these seven emotions, joy, anger, worry, sadness, and fear, joy is the first to be eliminated."

"Secondly, fear and shock must also be eliminated. With the powers I have now, I have no fear at all in my heart. It should be difficult to have these emotions."

"The rest...thoughts can be eliminated."

"I've almost come out of my parents' affairs, so it's hard to miss them too strongly."

"Looking at it this way, it seems that it is difficult to express worry and sadness. At least it will not be too strong and it will not be able to obviously overwhelm other emotions."

"So, only 'anger' is left?"

Su Xin tried to think about it, what kind of thing would make him very angry?

Being provoked or even insulted?

"This shouldn't be difficult."

"Most of the time, both parties in the quarrel will be very angry. I just find an opportunity to cause some trouble."

Su Xinxin slowly made a decision.

However, he felt a little depressed when he thought about these strange tasks since the system was activated.

From skipping classes at the beginning, to eating ants later, to stealing and abducting before, to the current task, which actually requires quarrels with people.

There is no normal one.

Of course, the mission did not require him to quarrel with others, but other methods were certainly much more difficult than this, and equally normal.

more importantly.

The level of abnormality seems to be increasing.

The difficulty is also constantly increasing.

This is only the fourth mission.

He already felt very embarrassed.

"Since you want to provoke conflicts and quarrels, you must not use the identity of the man in black robe, but only the true identity. Then you have to pay attention to propriety."

"It's noisy."

"Try not to actually start a fight."

"You can't get into trouble either."

Thinking about it, Su Xin sighed depressedly, then got up and left the beach, changed back into his original clothes, took a taxi and rushed back to Lening City.

More than an hour's drive.

Su Xin died and came back to life again in the car, but because the process was so fast, even the driver didn't notice anything was wrong.

Su Xin was already used to it. After opening his eyes again, he continued to read the news boredly.

It's past seven o'clock.

The sky seemed a little dark.

Su Xin got off the car near the snack street outside the university town, walked into the noisy crowd, sat down at one of the barbecue stalls, and made a big move.

"Boss, order!"

"Okay! Here we go!"

After ordering dozens of skewers of various barbecues and a box of beer, Su Xin began to look around, looking for a suitable target.

In the past few days, he transformed into a man in black robes at night and killed several people. His hands did not shake, his heart did not soften, and he was very calm. But now that he thought of finding someone to stir up trouble, he felt a little entangled in his heart.

Although he has no moral obsessiveness, he is really not used to taking the initiative to provoke others and cause trouble.

But there is no way, in order to complete the task, even if you don't want to, you have to try to do it.

Could the knot in my heart be more important than completing the mission and awakening the superpower?

Thinking like this, Su Xin slowly let go of the grudge in his heart and continued to look for a suitable target. Soon, he had a choice.

Look back.

Su Xin played with his phone as if nothing had happened.

Not long after, the waiter brought over a box of wine and the grilled meat skewers one after another.


Su Xin said hello, picked up a big meat skewer, and popped it into his mouth. His mouth was immediately covered with oil, and he took another sip of ice-cold beer.

"Yeah!! Comfortable!"

"Once in a while, you still have to eat something good and enjoy yourself, haha! It's so enjoyable!"

Su Xin enjoyed the food happily.

After eating dozens of meat skewers and five bottles of beer, Su Xin already felt a little stuffed.

He stood up, asked the waiter for the location of the toilet, and then walked in a certain direction. When he walked past a long table, he stumbled and pretended to accidentally walk in a certain direction. The bald man rubbed himself heavily, and then continued walking forward as if nothing had happened.

The bald man looked back and saw that Su Xin didn't even mean to apologize, so he immediately became angry:

"Boy! Stop!"

"Wouldn't you say sorry if you hit someone?"


With that said, Su Xin waved his hand without looking back and continued walking forward without stopping at all.

"You brat..."

Seeing this, the bald man became even more angry and stood up with a roar, an angry look on his face.

The people at the same table quickly advised him.

"Forget it, forget it, that person is drunk at first glance, Mr. Hong doesn't remember the faults of villains."

"He seems to be drinking alone. He looks quite pitiful. Maybe there is something sad about him and he is drinking alone here. Don't be like him."

"Yeah, let's forget it. He's just a drunkard. Beating him up will ruin the fun."

Seeing that the three companions were persuading, the bald man turned his head and looked at Su Xin's table. It seemed that he was indeed alone. He had no intention of pursuing it further and simply sat down.

Su Xin sighed secretly.

If the other person rushes over in anger, you will just take the opportunity to further anger the other person.

Once it develops into a fierce quarrel, and the other party says a few harsh words or scolds you, you will definitely become angry, and the other party will definitely be angry as well. Without any accident, you should be able to complete a progress.

Even if he irritates the other three people at the same table, he might be able to increase the task progress by four points at once.

By the way, verify whether your assumption is correct.

But now, when he takes the initiative to cause trouble and is so rude, the other party chooses to be patient and not care about him. If he still continues to provoke, then it is indeed a bit too much and goes against his own principles of life.

"Forget it, let's switch to the second plan."

Su Xin sighed helplessly.

Although the task is important, you still have to have some principles as a human being. Otherwise, how are you different from animals without intelligence and emotions?

After returning from the toilet, Su Xin pretended to be in better spirits, smiled and said sorry to the bald man, and offered to pay for their table. This made the bald man feel embarrassed for a while, but he apologized to Su Xin instead. stand up.

"It's okay, it's okay. I accidentally bumped into you just now. I should apologize. I bought this order. Don't worry, I'm not short of money."

Su Xin said with a smile on his face, took out his wallet and opened it, revealing a large stack of hundred-yuan bills inside. He casually took out ten of them and handed them to the waiter who happened to walk over.

"How can this be so embarrassing?"

"No, no, no! We can't let you spend money!"

The bald man quickly reached out and pushed Su Xin's wallet back, and reminded him in a low voice:

"Don't show off your wealth. It's a mixed bag here, and you're alone. Be careful of being watched."

Su Xin carelessly withdrew his hand holding the wallet, letting the banknotes in the wallet be exposed, and said with a hearty laugh:

"It's okay, it's just a few hundred dollars."

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