My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 73 Forget it, just kill him (first order requested)

"It's so troublesome!"

After several complicated jumps and registration and login in several forums, Su Xin finally received a new invitation code and finally successfully entered the secret forum Feng Sha mentioned.

Its name is called Secret Forum.

On the surface, it looks similar to an ordinary life forum, and the content and layout are no different from ordinary online forums.

But after jumping in through so many complicated processes and logging in to the account registered with the invitation code, and then clicking a few times in a corner of the forum, the entire forum page and the content of each post will quietly change.

The exact location to click and how many times to click are not certain each time. It needs to be determined based on a private message received in the background when logging into an intermediate website during a previous jump.

Multiple jumps and encryptions make the login process extremely complex and cumbersome, and also make the final secret forum extremely mysterious.

But in fact.

When Su Xin successfully jumped to the real secret forum, he found that the content inside was actually not a big deal. It was similar to ordinary life forums, but the scale was infinitely larger.

There is not only blood, violence, pornography, religion, but also various political discussions, as well as discussions about underworld organizations, killer organizations, Nirvana societies, etc.

There is even a dedicated killer intermediary section in this forum, but the content inside is encrypted, and you need to accept the killer mission to view related posts.

If it were a normal forum, these contents would have been blocked long ago, including the forum.

But in this secret forum, everyone openly discussed these issues.

Su Xin briefly looked at the various sections of the forum, and finally returned to the miscellaneous talk section.

This section discussed the most content and was the most complex, which was suitable for Su Xin to obtain information from.

"Strange, this forum seems to have quite a few users. Could it be that they were all invited by members of the Nirvana Society like me?"

Su Xin browsed the posts, but doubts emerged in his heart.

There were quite a few posts about the Nirvana Society in the forum, but since there was no keyword search function, he could only read them one by one.

But after watching for about an hour, he didn't see much valuable information. At most, some people talked about the deeds before the Nirvana Society, such as the economic crisis five years ago, and a certain operation where the Nirvana Society was located, etc.

And regarding the Nirvana Society.

There are both positives and negatives.

Some people say that they are a terrorist organization, carrying out various attacks everywhere and killing many people.

Some people say that they are warriors against evil plutocrats and the bright hope of the world.

"What the hell is this!"

Su Xin was speechless.

He doesn't want to know what role Nirvana will play in the world, nor does he want to know whether the chaebol is really that evil.

He just wants to avenge his parents.

He just wanted to know who was the leader of the Nirvana Society's operation this time, and who was the person who participated in the operation who was suspected of possessing the power of fire.

But there is no such specific information in the forum at all.

"Forget it, this forum is useless."

Su Xin was a little impatient.

Since he couldn't find out who the leader was, and it was difficult to find any useful clues, he was too lazy to continue dealing with Nirvana Society like this, so he might as well trick Feng Sha and Huoshan out.

Kill them directly for revenge.

Since Huo Huo was named after fire, his powers were probably related to fire, and the lava-like traces that appeared on Jiu'an Road that day were quite consistent with the name Huo Huo.

The person who participated in the attack that day was most likely Huoshan. However, Su Xin was not sure of killing the opponent last time and did not want to alert the enemy, so he just pretended not to know.

Now that he has the feature of teleportation and withdrawal, he is more sure of killing the opponent.

Moreover, after killing these two people, Nirvana will not be able to let him go easily, and there is a high probability that more people will be sent over.

When the time comes, kill him and make him stand on his back.

As long as you kill enough people, it doesn't matter even if you can't find out who is behind the scenes. It can be regarded as a successful revenge for your parents.

"I have kept a low profile for so long. I originally just wanted to find out who was in charge of the attack and kill him to take revenge. But since you hid it so deeply, you should be buried with my parents!"

"Today, I will be high-profile!"

Su Xin opened the private message function, edited a piece of text, and followed the instructions he had read before. He clicked several times on an inconspicuous small icon in the lower right corner. After the text in the editing box was converted into another piece of text, he clicked to send.

In the hotel room.

The Sky Eye was still searching aimlessly for traces of the man in black robes until the phone rang again.


After seeing the news, Tianyan was shocked and quickly woke up Feng Sha who was on the other bed.

"Hurry up, Heipao has agreed to join us, but there are some issues that he has to discuss with us in person."


Feng Sha also woke up instantly.

Tianyan said: "Maybe it's true. He left a message in the secret forum. There is no need to lie to us about this kind of thing, unless he was caught by the chaebol in the past two days, or has decided to join the chaebol. This time, he joined the chaebol to plot. Ours, but both possibilities are very slim."

"Anyway, now that he has responded, it is good news after all. Go and take a look."


Feng Sha quickly put on his clothes and put on a special headset and other equipment while saying:

"Hurry up and arrange a few people to explore the environment and ambush the surroundings in case something changes."

"Huoshan and I will rush over now. You will observe the meeting place first. When we meet later, you can use your strange eyes to give us a look outside..."

"Don't worry, I know."

"Where is the meeting address?"

"Dongcheng Area……"

Soon, Feng Sha and Huoshan got on their motorcycles and set off.

the other side.

After Su Xin informed the other party of the meeting place, he logged out, cleared all traces of the Internet, shut down the computer, unplugged the wireless network card, then stuffed the computer into his bag and carried it on his back.

He teleported back home several times in a row.

In the process of using the computer before, the [Other Transformation] ability was successfully activated, and the ownership of the computer has become his.

Although computers do not have title certificates like houses and cars, and he did not know the specific impact of this change of ownership, he decided not to return the computer.

In case the Nirvana Society doesn't have the authority to ban your account, if you occasionally log into the secret forum, you might be able to find some useful clues one day.

After hiding the computer.

Su Xin took out his pistol and prepared an extra magazine and put it in his pocket as a backup - these were all trophies that had been captured one after another, and now he still had four magazines and dozens of bullets.

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