My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 78 Another use of teleportation withdrawal

Along a certain section of coastal road.

Su Xin crossed the guardrail, sat on the edge, took out the shoes and black robe that were tightly wrapped in two layers of plastic bags from his backpack, took out a windproof lighter, and lit the plastic bag.

Plastic bags are flammable and quickly form molten droplets when exposed to flames, which stick to shoes and clothes like maggots on the tarsus, causing even non-flammable shoes to burn quickly and completely lose their original shape.

Su Xin teleported to one of the rocks below and threw the slightly burnt, cooled and solidified residue into the sea.

Then he returned to the roadside and sat down again.

Quietly looking at the sea view late at night.

"It's so beautiful!"

He sighed softly.

Under the dim moonlight, the slightly turbulent sea water is as deep as an abyss and as black as ink. It seems to be able to swallow people's eyes and minds, just like the legendary weak water that no feather floats and cannot be crossed by anything. At a glance, it gives people an inexplicable feeling. A feeling of panic.

The distant sea reflects the dim silver crescent moon, like the only ray of light in the endless abyss. No matter how the dark water surges, this dim ray of light remains firm, as if to tell people that no matter the abyss As scary as it is, there is always a silver lining.

Su Xin stared at the sea for a long time.

Until another death and resurrection.

Then he stood up with a smile.

"What I have to do is almost done, and I can play freely now."

He took out his mobile phone and checked the map. After finding the destination he wanted to go to, he set time and space anchor points at several places he needed to pass along the way according to the memory in his mind, and then clasped his hands together.

After teleporting several times in succession, he appeared near the foot of a hill, which was also one of the long-term anchor points he had chosen before.

This hill is quite famous in Lening City and has good scenery. You can see the sunrise on the sea and it is also one of the popular attractions in Lening City.

Su Xin walked out of the dark corner and walked slowly towards the entrance on the other side.

But after taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

It wasn't that he noticed anything unusual around him, but that an idea suddenly popped into his mind, which reminded him of a very important issue that he had ignored before.

"I seem... to be able to go somewhere further."

He thought for a moment, then clasped his hands together.

The picture flashed before his eyes.

But before he could see his surroundings clearly, he spread his hands slightly without thinking, with the distance between the two palms less than two centimeters, and then closed them again.

Putting your hands together again and again.

Teleport again and again.

Without pause.

The picture that appeared in Su Xin's eyes was like a slide played at thirty-two times speed, almost like an oil painting made up of hazy color blocks.

Distorted, blurred, and changing wildly.

In about three minutes, Su Xin estimated that he put his hands together at least a thousand times, which meant that he randomly teleported more than a thousand times.

Even though the average teleportation distance is only about one kilometer each time, he has now teleported to more than a thousand kilometers away.

You know, the one-way span of Wanghai Country in any direction is only about a thousand kilometers.

This means that he probably went directly from the coastal city of Wanghaiguo, across the entire country, and crossed the border to a neighboring country.

Of course, it's just a possibility.

After all, random teleportation not only has an uncertain distance, but also an uncertain direction. In extreme cases, he may even be still where he is.

When Su Xin finally stopped, he found that he was in a dark space where he couldn't see his fingers, so he couldn't tell where he was.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the map software.


"Sure enough, it's hundreds of kilometers away."

"Next, it's time for me to verify my conjecture."

The corner of Su Xin's mouth raised slightly, showing a confident smile, and at the same time, his thoughts moved.


The picture flashed before his eyes again.

His phone's screen was still on, and the map software hadn't been closed, so he casually clicked the refresh location button.

This is Lening City, hundreds of kilometers away, near the foot of the hill just now.

"Sure enough, teleportation and withdrawal can ignore the prerequisites of folding hands, and can also ignore the distance condition. It can return instantly even if it is more than ten kilometers away."

"Even if I teleport thousands of times, I can instantly return to the starting point within ten minutes."

"Since then, the limit distance of a single teleportation of ten kilometers has been barely exceeded."

"Theoretically, as long as I put my hands together fast enough and my footprints can be spread all over the world within ten minutes, then I can cancel the teleportation with a thought and appear anywhere in the world instantly."

"Teleportation and withdrawal are more useful than imagined."

Su Xin's smile became brighter and brighter.

The significance of this ability to Su Xin is that in addition to having the opportunity to go to far away places to see the scenery, it can also be used to confuse others.

If one day his identity is exposed, or there is a risk of his identity being exposed, he can spend a few minutes teleporting to as far away as possible, creating a little sensation, and then return to Lening instantly.

This will give others a feeling——

His teleportation can actually span half the planet in an instant?

This kind of performance will definitely bring great deterrence to all forces, because with such an ultra-long-distance teleportation ability, it is difficult to hurt him no matter how lethal the weapon is, but he may threaten anyone. s life.

Anyone who wants to be his enemy must carefully consider whether he can prevent the assassination of such an elusive superpower.

"It's a pity that there is no trajectory memory."

"If it also has this feature, it will be more convenient for me to see the scenery everywhere. I can completely finish the scenery and then teleport back along the trajectory."

Su Xin shook his head with emotion.

Then he continued walking up the mountain.

Early in the morning, after watching the sunrise.

Su Xin returned home, exercised for two hours as before, and took a hot bath. It was almost half past seven.

He changed into his daily clothes and came to school.

Under the strange looks of all the classmates, he walked to his seat calmly.

Everything is over, and it's time to return to a peaceful life.

Go to school in a low-key manner, take the college entrance examination, enter a prestigious university, graduate, find a job, and live according to the growth trajectory of ordinary elites.

At the same time, at night, you transform into a man in black robe, enter another world, and enjoy another kind of excitement.

There is tension and relaxation.

Combining work and rest.

"Everything has not gone beyond my imagination."

Su Xin smiled with satisfaction. After clearing the table for a while, he picked up a guidance book and read it quietly.

A few minutes before the class bell rang, the head teacher, Mr. Zhou, came to the classroom, walked to Su Xin's seat, and lightly knocked on the table:

"Student Su, the principal has something to ask you and asks you to go to his office."


Su Xin nodded, packed up the tutorial books on the table, and followed Teacher Zhou out of the classroom.

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