My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 80 Su Xin is not easy to mess with

"old man!"

Su Xin suddenly stood up, grabbed Principal Wang's neck, pulled him forward with force, and pulled the other person's upper body over across the large desk. He looked directly into the other person's eyes at close range, and a strong murderous aura filled the air from his eyes. .

"I call you Principal Wang to give you face. Don't be shameless."

"You said how much background and power you have, right? Then just wait for me. No matter what trouble I encounter, it will be blamed on you. I will get it all back from you and your family."

"If you cut off one of my fingers, I will cut off your hand. If you destroy my life, then I will let you taste the feeling of falling from the clouds. If you leave me disabled, I will destroy your whole family!"

While talking.

Su Xin's five fingers on his right hand kept exerting force, and the fingertips wanted to dig into the soft flesh of his neck.

Wang Yaowei's face was red from holding back, and veins popped up on his face. His two stubby hands kept slapping Su Xin's right hand, and he couldn't even say a word.

Su Xin glanced at the table casually, then quickly picked up a pen on the table with his left hand and quietly stuffed it into his pocket.

"Wang Yaowei, I'm warning you. I will investigate the situation in your family. If you don't mess with me, we will be fine. If you mess with me, I will make your whole family uneasy. Do you understand?"

After saying that, he pushed with his right hand, and Wang Yaowei stumbled back and fell onto his armchair.

"I haven't been in a good mood recently. I advise you not to test my bottom line, because I don't know where my bottom line is."

After saying that, Su Xin turned around and left without looking back, leaving Wang Yaowei sitting on the armchair, covering his injured neck with an uncertain expression on his face.

After returning to the classroom.

Su Xin sat calmly and continued to read the tutorial quietly.

He actually didn't take Principal Wang's threat too seriously. He had no worries now. The worst-case scenario would be that his identity would be exposed. If that happened, he would be killed at worst.

Although he always carefully conceals his true identity, he is just unwilling to be exposed, not afraid.

He had known what Principal Wang was like, and he also knew that this world was like this.

The only thing he didn't expect was that just after his parents passed away, others would treat him differently.

"It seems that it is not that easy to live a free life."

"It's better to subdue a society and handle some troublesome little things for yourself secretly. When you meet a villain like Wang Yaowei, just find an excuse and let the society deal with it."

This thought came to Su Xinxin again.

Soon, his free power was successfully triggered, and Su Xin received a message in his mind——

"Wang Yaowei, male, 55 years old, principal of Lening No. 3 Middle School, lives in Jinfeng Garden..."

At the end of the first class.

Su Xin came to the principal's office again, pulled out his chair, and sat across from the desk. He tapped his index finger on the table and said calmly:

"Principal Wang, I heard that your second son is doing very well in the tax bureau. He is only 27 years old and is already a second-level employee. He really has a bright future."

"By the way, I heard that your third daughter also has a very good future. The Tourism Bureau of Tongwa City is a good unit that everyone envies..."

"However, I feel that what Principal Wang did is not very authentic. Although Wang Bolun is the son of you and your ex-wife, he is still of your blood. You said that you are so good to your current children, but why don't you promote your eldest son? Woolen cloth?"

Listening to Su Xin's words, Wang Yaowei seemed to be performing a face change. His face became more and more ugly, first turning livid, and then gradually turning pale.

He understood that in just one class, he was able to dig up such detailed information about him, including his unknown ex-wife and eldest son. This showed that the Su Xin in front of him was by no means as simple as he thought. .

Even if this information was collected by Su Xin before, it is enough to show that the other party is not simple.

All in all, this is not a person to be trifled with.

After making this definition in his mind, Wang Yaowei also decisively put aside this little conflict with Su Xin. After all, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. He lives a happy life now, and there is no need to argue with those who are dispensable for a little verbal dispute. However, the dispute with Su Xin was too tense.

Young people are prone to impulsiveness, and no one can guarantee what the other person will do.

What's more, Su Xin's parents have just passed away, so his mood must be very unstable now, and he is like a flammable and explosive powder keg.

It’s better to stay away from this kind of person.

He forced a smile on his face:

"Classmate Su, I don't need you to care about my children. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. I rarely interfere in their careers and lives."

"As for the things that Student Su was reported about, I actually don't think it's a big deal. Don't worry, I will advise them and there won't be any trouble. Just study hard."

Su Xin stood up, smiled and bowed:

"Thank you, Principal Wang."

The morning class ended unconsciously.

Su Xin, who was immersed in studying, did not feel the passage of time at all, but felt that the morning had been very fulfilling.

It wasn't until the school bell rang and his classmates dispersed one after another that he, who had just died and been resurrected, looked up from his book.

"Su Xin, let's go play ball after dinner!"

Not far away, a tall boy waved to Su Xin and invited him loudly.

Su Xin stood up, raised his hands, and said with a smile:

"Okay! Let's go!"

He never had any particularly close friends at school, but he had several golf buddies who he usually played with, and the relationship was pretty good.

Several people went to the cafeteria to eat together, chatted for a while, and then went to the court to play basketball.

At this time, Su Xin looked like a normal high school student with youthful vitality.

After spending such a dull day for a long time, the hostility and murderous intention that Su Xin had cultivated during this period of time were unconsciously dissipated.

However, he knew that such dull days were destined not to last long. After all, there had to be a big battle tonight - the [Empathy] task triggered yesterday had not been completed yet.

According to the previous rules, a new system task will be triggered again the day after tomorrow. Before that, this task must be completed, otherwise he doesn't know what the result will be.

Therefore, he would have to find eight people for a group fight tomorrow evening at the latest.

He didn't have the habit of putting things off until the last day. To be on the safe side, he had to fight today.

"The task is a bit difficult!"

Su Xin sighed secretly.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he took a bus to a snack street in Nancheng District. Like last time, he found a food stall and sat down. After ordering, he began to observe the surroundings.

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