"That's how it should be."

Su Xin was convinced.

If there is no need to consider changes in emotions, but just make the target have the same emotion as himself, he can choose some targets who are angry, watch some frustrated and angry videos, and try to make himself angry, and the task may be straightforward. finished.

Things are obviously not that simple.

"So, the person who didn't meet the mission goal was the one who was hit with two headbutts by me from the beginning and his head was bloody?"

Su Xin also remembered it at this time.

Yesterday, when I was fighting with the two gangsters whose names I couldn't remember, it seemed that after I selected the target, I fought for a while before getting a prompt that the task progress had increased.

"It seems that my idea is correct."

"You can't make the other party angry first. You have to wait for me to be angry, then select a target, and then make the other party angry. Then we can directly achieve the progress."

While he was thinking, the taxi arrived at the gate of the hospital unknowingly.

After paying the money, Su Xin and Lin Yufei got out of the car and walked toward the hospital gate together.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Yufei looked at Su Xin in surprise.

She clearly remembered that Su Xin could even walk a little unsteadily before, but now he can move freely and there is no sign of injury at all.

The bruises and redness on his face seemed to have faded a lot, and his mental state was completely different from what he was ten minutes ago.

"It's okay. I've been used to fighting since I was a child. Once I get used to it, there will be no problem."

Su Xin grinned.

After entering the hospital, I went to the emergency room. Since it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, there were not many people in the emergency room, so it was their turn soon.

The doctor gave Lin Yufei a brief look and prescribed some examination items. After some examination, he found that Lin Yufei only had some minor flesh injuries, but there were no major problems, so he just prescribed some medicine and gave some instructions.

Needless to say, Su Xin.

After he washed the blood off his face, if you didn't look at the dirty clothes with footprints on him, he didn't look like someone who had just had a fight. The doctor didn't even let him do an examination.

"It's no problem, let's go."

After hearing that the test results were OK, Su Xin and Lin Yufei walked out side by side.

Su Xin asked as he walked: "Are you working at the food stall there?"


"That was your boss just now?"



"Yes, but I'm just a temporary worker. Even if I'm not fired, I usually won't be able to work for a long time."

"You were fired because you ran out to save me on the way to work, right? There's not much I can do but help you bear the financial losses."

"Need not."

"Yes, you don't want to owe me any favors, and neither do I. This money will be used as compensation, nothing else."

When Lin Yufei saw this, she didn't refuse too much and said, "Then just give me three hundred."


Su Xin took out his wallet, took out three hundred-yuan bills and handed them to the other party. The latter did not hesitate, took them calmly, and said with a smile:

"We owe each other nothing."

When Su Xin's life returned to peace.

However, because of the deaths of Feng Sha and Huoshan, the Nirvana Society once again arranged some formal members and peripheral members of the Wanghai Kingdom branch to begin investigating the clues of the black-robed man through various channels.

Based on the summary of several days of observation by the Sky Eye, as well as the behavior of the black robes against the Nirvana Society, and the same indiscriminate killing of the chaebol's men, the Nirvana Society will focus its investigation in three directions.

First, Tianyan had guessed before that Heipao was a rich second generation with nothing to do, and his work and rest hours were reversed, etc., so he used this as a clue to investigate.

Second, the black robes are relatives and friends of the victims of the attacks a few days ago.

Third, people who have had direct or indirect enmity with the Nirvana Society and are now in Lening City or surrounding cities.

Based on these three directions, Nirvana will divide the people involved in the investigation into three investigation teams, and decide to dig three feet deep to find out the identity of the black robe.

Among them, the second investigation team is responsible for investigating all relatives and friends of the attack.

In that attack, a total of thirty people died on the Kangbo Biological Company side. These people had more than 80 primary relatives and more than 400 secondary relatives and close friends.

Of course, primary relatives are key targets.

Combined with information such as Hei Pao's age and height, they could roughly judge that he was between fifteen and thirty years old, and his height was between 1.7 and 1.85 meters. This information directly changed their focus. The target suddenly dropped from more than 80 people to only nine people.

Su Xin is one of them.

Therefore, starting from Monday morning, a group of two people from the urgently established second investigation team secretly targeted Su Xin.

They investigated Su Xin's intelligence, paid attention to Su Xin's daily routine, inquired about Su Xin's character, and observed Su Xin's every move.

"He looked so calm."

"My parents died just a few days ago. How can I calm down so quickly? Are you still in the mood to play basketball with your classmates? You don't look like an ordinary person at all."

"However, his work and rest schedule seems to be quite normal. I investigated and found that on the second day after the attack, he took a car and walked around Lening for a day. He must have been relaxing. It didn't look like he had been up all night. As if sleeping."

"I think it's quite reasonable to say that he is calm. Maybe the relationship was not good to begin with, but now that he has inherited so much inheritance, let alone being calm, I think it's normal even if he is so happy that he goes to the disco."

"And you see, he moved out to live alone very early. What teenage high school student would do this? This is also evidence that he has a bad relationship with his parents."

"Others say that their families have a harmonious relationship, but I think it's just an illusion. Anyway, record all of this first and let the captain make a judgment."

"Huh? He's going out."

"Go to his house to search? Or follow him?"

"It's better to keep up. This building has surveillance and security doors. It's difficult to break in without leaving any traces. Unless it's absolutely necessary, try not to break in. If you draw attention to yourself, you'll be in trouble."

"Then follow."

"It's almost eight o'clock. I have to go out at this time. Maybe I have some secrets."

"This kid actually went out to have barbecue alone?"

"Wait a minute. We haven't eaten at noon or in the afternoon. Let's find a place to eat. He ordered so much wine that he can't finish it quickly."

The two investigators sat down at a food stall in the distance, eating and drinking, occasionally glancing in the direction of Su Xin to prevent him from disappearing suddenly.

Wait until they are halfway through eating.

When he looked up, he saw Su Xin staggering away from the food stall and walking slowly in the direction where they were.

It wasn't until they were not far away that they stopped under a lamppost.


It was a wonderful 1V5.

And a rare beauty saves the hero.

"This boy is quite fierce in fighting. Although there is no structure, his fierceness is still very good. He is stronger than these little gangsters."


"Is this kid really going to be in black robe?"

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