My powers are all based on the law of cause and effect

Chapter 86 Sniper successful? Sniper failed?

Even if you travel to a new world, Murphy's Law still exists.

The more you fear something, the more likely it will happen.

Su Xin walked around the street with continuous blinking for nearly an hour, during which he also used fixed-point teleportation to change areas, but during this period, he didn't even come across a single crime.

"So many criminals were frightened by me alone?"

"That's not true, is it?"

"I didn't deal harshly with those bad guys. I only injured them slightly at most. Are those gangsters and club members so scared? Are they all hiding?"

Su Xin looked at the empty and spacious street speechlessly, secretly feeling sad.

It is now past midnight, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians and vehicles on the road, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities to do justice.

"Do I still have to change a city?"

"Maybe give it a try."

"I now have the feature of teleportation and withdrawal. I can teleport more than a dozen times in a row to see if I can appear in a nearby city."

"If not, then go back to square one."

"If there is, then withdraw one by one, slowly write down all the passing points, and then teleport again along these passing points."

"Yes, this is indeed possible!"

Su Xin slowly got an idea.

The reason why he tried to find a route with fewer passing points was mainly to avoid randomly teleporting too many times to a nearby city. In that case, there would be too many passing points to remember, and his memory capacity would not be enough.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, and he cannot take notes as quickly as a camera can...

"Huh? Camera..."

Su Xin's eyes suddenly froze, his eyes widened a little, and finally he patted his forehead.

"I forgot my camera!"

"I'm so stupid!"

"Why didn't I think of using a camera to take pictures of random teleport locations one by one? It would be much easier if I had photos to help me remember!"

"Why the hell did I stupidly spend a whole day memorizing seventy-two locations, and teleport to these locations once a day? I dare not continue to memorize too many locations for fear of confusing my memory?"

"If we had thought about camera assistance earlier, why would we have so much trouble? Why would there be so many restrictions?"

Just when Su Xin was immersed in his thoughts.

Behind a corner in the distance, a car stopped quietly, its window opened, and a long black gun barrel protruded from it.

After finally seeing Su Xin stop moving, the heavily armed sniper in the car had no time to think too much and followed the instructions given to him by his superiors——

Aim directly and shoot!

The golden bullet almost instantly crossed a distance of more than two hundred meters and penetrated the black-robed arm.

Through the scope, the sniper clearly saw a huge blood flower shooting out of the black-robed arm, and the entire forearm exploded almost instantly.


The sniper was delighted.

After Captain Ma died, Captain Lin, who took over his task, ordered that since the black robe would not take the bait and there was no other sure way to catch the opponent, he should be more aggressive.

Directly attack from a distance and injure him.

On the one hand, this can obtain Heipao's blood. Although most people in Wanghai Country have not been entered into the genetic sample bank and cannot be identified through genetic comparison, some useful information can always be found, and there are more possibilities.

On the other hand, if the other party is injured by a gunshot, he must find a place for treatment. As long as he goes to the hospital, with the power of the Yonghui Zaibatsu, he can basically find it.

Even if the other party does not go to the hospital and has his own secret channels for treatment, his true identity will be revealed during the treatment process.

For example, who among their list of suspects suddenly disappeared or was suddenly injured. This is the best clue to find out the identity of the black robe.


Even with so many benefits and such great certainty, they had not adopted this plan before because they were worried that the black robe's power was stronger than they imagined and the teleportation distance would be too far.

If the black robe suddenly teleports to another country thousands of miles away, their so-called clues will completely lose their meaning.

It’s impossible to survey the whole world, right?

Therefore, this action was actually a risky move decided by the management of the Yonghui Chaebol in charge of superpower projects after discussions.

Anyway, there is no way to win over or capture, so this is the only solution.


Only then did gunshots ring through the night sky.

Su Xin also let out a shrill scream.

Boundless severe pain occupied his entire mind. At that moment, his entire right forearm was almost completely torn apart by a sniper bullet, and blood and flesh were scattered all over him and the ground.

His whole body also fell forward under the huge impact of the sniper bullet.

Boundless pain!

Boundless rage!

Boundless killing intent!

Su Xin almost lost his mind.

He managed to gather his strength, took out the pistol, held it with his left hand with difficulty, opened the safety, and pointed the muzzle at his temple.

Without hesitation he pulled the trigger.


There was another gunshot.

Su Xin lost his life.

In the car in the distance, the sniper who saw this scene through the scope was completely dumbfounded——

"What is he doing?"

"End your pain?"

"He decisively committed suicide because he was afraid of pain? Should he be called brave? Or timid?"

Just as the sniper was thinking this, he was surprised to see that the figure in the scope suddenly disappeared.

"What's going on? Are you not dead?"

"I clearly saw him shoot himself in the temple. He was indeed dead just now. How could he suddenly disappear?"

The sniper looked in disbelief.

Just when he was about to ask the driver in the car, he heard the other party exclaim:

"Get out of the way!!"


There was a gunshot.

The sniper, who had not yet clearly seen his surroundings, was instantly killed by bullets fired from the car window.

The driver didn't have time to think too much. He opened the door immediately, shrunk, and slipped out through the crack in the door before Su Xin fired the second shot.

Since he was responsible for driving the entire journey, he could not wear night vision goggles or other equipment. He could not clearly see the scene more than two hundred meters away just now. He did not know whether the sniper had hit the black robe, let alone what the black robe had experienced. One death and resurrection.

In addition, those changes happened too quickly. The sniper who saw the series of changes clearly had no time to report, and was shot to death by Su Xin, who teleported over after being resurrected.

Therefore, the members of the Yonghui Chaebol who had been in contact with these two people did not know that Su Xin actually had the ability to be resurrected at this time.

"The sniper failed. The target killed Hai Lan and was about to attack me with a gun. Please support me!"

The driver took out his gun and reported calmly into the headset.

At this time, Su Xin had already put away his pistol, teleported and appeared next to the driver, and punched the driver in the face with a right fist.

The sharp thorns on the finger tiger cut open the opponent's face, tore off several pieces of flesh, leaving several deep grooves, and brought out a large canopy of blood donations.

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