After leaving Xu Yongshou's home.

Su Xin found the Brothers Society again, and used his free power to investigate the information of the society's senior leaders one by one, and mastered their positioning.

It was around three o'clock in the morning.

All senior members of the fraternal society were killed.


After morning exercise, Su Xin took a bath, ate some breakfast on the street, came to school at eight o'clock, and started studying leisurely.

Xu Yongshou, who had only slept for a few hours, also got up early in the morning and came to the club headquarters. He summoned several senior leaders in the club to urgently discuss an action plan to eliminate the fraternal club.

After a heated discussion, Xu Yongshou, relying on his status as president, passed the resolution very resolutely and began to discuss action arrangements with everyone without stopping.

Until noon.

There are hundreds of official members of the Sirius Society. Except for some people who are too distracted by other businesses and can't leave, most of them have started emergency operations under the arrangements of the top management.

The struggle between societies is simple.

Similar to Su Xin's previous life, it was nothing more than looking for trouble in the industries where other associations were in charge. The two sides would fight, the loser would leave, and the winner would stay.

In this world, the nature of corporate companies is very special. They can legally collect protection fees from many companies, and they also have to bear the responsibility of protection.

Moreover, this protection fee is usually in the form of equity dividends. There is a cooperative relationship between these companies and associations.

Take nightclubs as an example. Societies can occupy varying amounts of equity. At the same time, they have to ensure the normal operation of the nightclub.

If it fails to shoulder due protection responsibilities and is jointly protested by the nightclub shareholders, this part of the equity will be withdrawn.

After that, the nightclub does not need the protection of the society, or it can find other societies to cooperate.

However, nightclubs without the protection of club members will have many troubles that are difficult to deal with and will be targeted by various local societies. Therefore, most nightclubs or other similar companies will have societies behind them.

Under normal circumstances, there won’t be too much competition between the major associations. At most, there will be some minor frictions, small disputes, or pushing the shareholders behind some companies to voluntarily replace the cooperative associations.

Large-scale fights rarely occur.

The premise for the association to be legal is that all behaviors of the association are restricted. Even if it is looking for trouble, grabbing territory, or fighting, it is not allowed to cause serious casualties, it is not allowed to seriously affect the operation of the industry, and it is not allowed to affect social order.

Over time.

A tacit understanding has been formed between the groups.

Even when they are fighting each other most fiercely, they always find places to fight to determine the ownership of certain industries.

In fact, this is similar to street vendors fighting over stalls.

And when the Sirius Society sends out most of its members in a swarm, the Brotherhood Society will have to fight. Otherwise, if the shareholders of major industries feel that the Brotherhood Society cannot protect them, they will definitely turn to cooperate with other societies.

"Damn it, what on earth does that lunatic Xu Yongshou want to do? Want to fight us for no reason?"

"Since they want to fight, then fight!"

Several senior leaders of the Brotherhood Association immediately summoned all their personnel and went to various industries to provide support, and started a melee with the Sirius Association.

Not long after the melee between the two sides started.

Several other societies that had colluded with Xu Yongshou in advance saw that the Tianlang Society had actually sent out most of its manpower, and they all chose to attack.

For a time, dozens of group fights involving dozens of people broke out across Lening City.

The young man known as Brother Big Tiger and his five gangsters were also among them.

"Damn it! What happened all of a sudden up there? Why are you so fiercely fighting with the brotherhood club all of a sudden?"

"We should be able to complete such an easy task in a few days, but now we have to fight against the brothers' club. Who knows if that kid will be abducted by another club?"

Six people crowded into a commercial vehicle, and several of them complained to each other.

They were rushing to a casino in a fraternal society, and were preparing to support their partners according to orders from their superiors, so they were carrying weapons such as steel pipes and swing sticks, and they were a little nervous.

Brother Dahu said: "Don't worry, each club's intelligence channels are different. It is not so easy for other clubs to find Su Xin. As long as the conflict between the two major clubs ends quickly, we will still have time to come back and continue to look for him."

"Everyone, stop thinking about Su Xin's mission and concentrate on the matter in front of you."

"Although killing is not allowed in group fights, during group fights, it is very common for some people to get carried away with their passions and not control the strength of their attacks. It is also common for people to be killed. Please don't be careless."

"Okay, Brother Big Tiger!"


Su Xin went to school during the day, donated money at night, and went to different surrounding cities late at night to conduct business.

It only took two days for his causal points to increase sharply to 5102 points again.

The price was a sharp loss of another four million in assets.

It’s October 29th, which is Saturday.

Su Xin finished his two-hour morning exercise, took a bath, washed away the sweat, and took a taxi to travel to a nearby city with ease.

Although he had been to many places through random teleportation these days, because it was late at night, he couldn't see much scenery and couldn't experience any local customs, which actually made him feel very boring.

In addition, I am also a bit busy with study and work during this period, so I just want to take a vacation and travel to relax.

He enjoys this ordinary life.

Of course, he also enjoyed the life of transforming into a black robe late at night.

The negative emotions brought about by his parents' death, after all the things that happened these days, have had minimal impact on him.

He has truly let go.

Now, the only thing he has to do is to enjoy his own life.

Whether it's studying, coding, exercising, starting a business, fighting against the Nirvana Society or the chaebol, it's all part of the life he enjoys.

"What a pleasure!"

Su Xin sat on the edge of a cliff, looking at the endless mountains and forests below, opening his arms with a look of enjoyment, feeling the strong wind in the mountains.

"Sir, it's very dangerous there."

Not far away, someone shouted.

Su Xin stood up, smiled at the person who called, then turned around and walked into the crowd, and quickly disappeared.

By five o'clock in the afternoon.

When Su Xin was sitting in a restaurant eating, a system prompt suddenly came from his mind.

"Ding! Trigger the mission [Truth and Lies]"

[Truth and Lies: Tell ten lies that are not in line with normal phenomena and make everyone who hears them believe it. 】

[Task progress: 0/10. 】

Su Xin was stunned, put down his chopsticks, frowned, and fell into deep thought for a while.

"It's not normal? But you want everyone who hears it to believe it?"

"Isn't it enough to believe? Do you have to believe firmly?"

"It's hard for anyone to believe a truth, right? How can others believe a lie?"

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