My practice narration is weird

Chapter 102: The Remains of the Avenue

As early as in Fancheng, Ye Wuyou had deduced where was the safest place for him.

The golden palace and the towering city walls are the capital city.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, the simple and quiet sect had never been known before, but now Ye Wuyou had a guess.


If you agree to join the Dao Sect, wouldn't that be a safe place?

But Ye Wuyou never had any information about that last ancient temple.

But now... I have gone through the iron shoes and found nowhere, but I met myself?

The powerful energy in the sky was still sweeping across, and what made Ye Wuyou even more solemn was, was Han Yue alive?

But what is that?

The blade of the blade was raised half an inch, but Ye Wuyou pressed it back.

He walked back to the main hall, only to see Bai Lu squatting in the corner, her body slightly curled up.

【Safety? You are cautious and start to think about this problem, but in the end you find that no place in the world is safer than here]

But from beginning to end, there is only one footprint.

Is that an illusion?

"What is this place?"

What's in the temple?

Nothing at all.

"Talking to yourself? No, I met..."

"There's something wrong with this place. I feel like something is disturbing my mind."

The little novice monk in front of him seemed to be even more panicked than him. He knelt down with a plop and said something vaguely while his hands kept loading up the things.

He finally understood why this place was safe for him.

"What have you been talking to yourself about?" Bai Lufa asked.

It seems that instead of being kind, it is frightening.

Weirdness can invade people's minds.


Before he finished speaking, Ye Wuyou had already turned around and ran towards the side of the temple.

He temporarily unwrapped "Ghost" and quickened his pace.

Then, she stretched out her hand and pointed to her forehead.

After saying that, Bai Lu, who had been unwilling to release the transformation, now took the initiative to release the transformation.

My eyes were blinded and I couldn't recognize it at once.

The fox's squirming in his chest stopped.

The steps that were still hesitant at first were much firmer at this moment.

"Ah? Yong'an Temple..."

She stood up unsteadily and said in a slightly hoarse voice.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were confused, and he had just agreed to check on one person alone.

His eyes looked towards the ground he had just stepped on.

Because he heard the wisps of music, but they were far apart.

But with my second-level cultivation and clear eyesight, I didn't realize in my mind that this temple was already deserted...

The practitioner's powerful perception seems to have failed.

Damn, there's something weird about it.

"Hey, did you hear me? Ye Wuyou!"

There's not even a soul in this place, how can it be considered safe?

The sound of the music was getting closer and closer, already resounding in the forest.

How could such a beautiful temple become abandoned in just a few months?

What is the little monk I saw just now?

It wasn't an illusion, but if you said it was a human being, that wouldn't be right either.

But when he walked to the door of the temple, a person walked out from the corner, but he was a young novice monk.

As long as Ye Wuyou doesn't seek death and doesn't interfere with another weirdo, then he will be safe.

If there is no situation between Weird and Weird, they will not interfere with each other.

It's a bit strange. Is this really the safe place Tian Yan calculated?

[Small tricks, tricks of the trade, this kind of confusion can’t stop you]

Bai Lu jumped down from behind him, clenching her hands into fists and looking at Ye Wuyou suspiciously.

There was a trace of surprise in Ye Wuyou's eyes.

Bai Lu behind her suddenly woke up and moved.

But I almost forgot something.

In other words, it was originally there, but now it has been vacated, and judging from the appearance, the things that were moved away happened in the past few months.

Ye Wuyou stepped forward gently, turned a corner, and came to the main entrance of the temple.

Anyway, under that guy's music, it doesn't matter whether he is "hidden" or not.

The forest was a bit weird, and the temple looked very uncomfortable. If Tian Yan hadn't inferred that there would be troops chasing after him, under normal circumstances Ye Wuyou would definitely not consider this place.

It's easy to leave traces.

The soil was soft, overgrown with weeds, and had obviously not been cared for for a long time.

But if this speed continues, sooner or later you will find yourself.

Good luck...

Those famous temples are either built in the mountains or in bustling cities. Even if it is not possible, you have to find a Feng Shui treasure in a certain village...

After searching and finding nothing, Ye Wuyou became a little anxious.

Ye Wuyou gently patted the fox's head, and then patted his own forehead heavily.

Um? Little monk, you have great Buddha nature...

"If I don't sell these things, I will starve to death. If I starve to death, Buddha will also be unhappy."

And he is not affected.

There are too many unreasonable places.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

There are still people chasing me outside.

Is it really safe here?

Ye Wuyou's eyes narrowed slightly, and the "ghost" enveloped the two of them.

The temple was destroyed, it was nothing.

"Can a monk steal things from the temple and sell them?"

[The structure of this place is quite interesting, even you are interested in exploring]

Ye Wuyou passed through one hall after another, but found nothing.

In other words, it is unreasonable for this temple to be built in this place.

Ye Wuyou lowered his head. Those things could indeed be exchanged for some money and food, but they were not unwanted items.

The moment this thought came up, the voice of the narrator in his mind sounded leisurely.

But for others, it was different.

A little white fox with two tails gently jumped onto Ye Wuyou, and then dived into his arms regardless of anything, and kept scratching something with its claws.

But Ye Wuyou didn't care at the moment, just asked.

The little monk's eyes showed confusion.

The temple was empty outside, with only the quiet trees swaying gently, and there was no trace of the little monk.

The temple was empty and dilapidated. There was a huge hole on the top of the main hall. Looking back, there were traces of fire...

Perhaps hearing footsteps, Bai Lu gently raised her head and looked at Ye Wuyou.

"My Lord, I didn't do anything. I just picked up some unwanted items in the temple and sold them for food..."

The narrator seemed to have heard Ye Wuyou's inner cry, and the voice was not much apart.

Although the narrator said so.

He spread his palms and activated Tianyan.

No, that must not be an illusion. I have been practicing until now. Apart from other things, I am not afraid of illusions.

But nothing strange happened during this period.

"What are you talking about, sir... Yong'an Temple was destroyed two months ago, and we also dispersed."

The problem is that there are people in the capital who can protect their safety, and there are also people in Dao Sect who can protect their safety.


Because in some places, the dust has not yet been completely covered.

Obstacle? Something like a formation?

Ye Wuyou was thinking, and there was a stinging pain from his shoulder blade.

There were traces of fire burning behind the temple. The huge golden Buddha statue in the hall had become charred at this moment, with only the face and a little gold foil left.

Bai Lu was not a person who would act like a spoiled child. She couldn't still be thinking about the fact that he had knocked her out with a punch before, right?

Ye Wuyou was shocked.

"Well, you're awake, what's wrong?"

The candlesticks, a small piece of burnt gold foil, and some fragments, but most of them are for worship...

No, I'm not going to explore, and I don't find it interesting, I just want to find a safe place...

The little monk jumped up directly, and the bag on his back fell to the ground, revealing the things inside.

It was like a layer of fog covering the temple.

The invisible fog seemed to dissipate gently.

The results of the two arguments seem to be the same.

How can it be built in this remote forest? Where does the incense come from?

It's as if it's deliberately not discovered.

In this dilapidated temple, there is obviously a complete wreckage of the avenue.

I stayed up late yesterday and have a headache today...I'll post another chapter later

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