My practice narration is weird

Chapter 106 Goodbye Xia Anmeng

The Taoist White Eyebrows was in a bad mood at the moment.

He had already spent a lot of money to find the location of Ye Wuyou, the little beast, but he was stopped by the Taoist woman and had a fight.

He had to fight, because who asked him to bring a parent with him?

He finally got out of the situation, but he had only taken a few steps when he encountered such a strange thing.

Until now, thinking of the words that had just spread all over the place, the Taoist White Eyebrows was still terrified.

Since he had seen the future, why not worship!

Even though he was a great supernatural power of the fourth realm, he was trembling in his heart at that voice, and he could not use his own Qi at all, and could only watch himself fall into the ground.

It was not just him who fell into the ground, but many people as well.

The official road stretched, and there were many pedestrians and disciples of the sect.

Then, God knows what he encountered in the ground.

All along the way, there were skeletons, and something would pop out from time to time in the dark passage.

Those things are like people but not people, like monsters but not monsters, like objects but not objects...

A cushion with human feet and a monster head biting towards you.

Bai Mei's mind was shocked.

There were even two or three times during this period. If he was not a great master of the fourth realm with powerful means, he would have to die here.

But now.

Everything is worth it.

Because he met Ye Wuyou.

Taoist Bai Mei showed surprise in his eyes, and the dead air in his body was diluted a little by his laughter.

"Okay, okay, meeting you here, killing you, I can also be regarded as revenge for my dead child!"

Two figures rushed out of the coffin again and fought with Taoist Bai Mei.

But the situation was still one-sided.

Ye Wuyou could vaguely feel that the figures coming out of the coffin were also great masters of the middle third realm.

But they had no soul, and their magic power was completely inferior to that of Taoist Bai Mei. It was only a matter of time before they were suppressed and killed.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were still looking at Lianchi.

"Master, you have all the abilities, so can you call this person out of the mirror?"

Through Lianchi's words just now, Ye Wuyou has roughly known the other party's strange ability.

The person in the mirror said something mysterious, but to put it simply, it is not complicated

Similar to, copy?

Except that he is a dead person without a soul, the rest is no different from the person being copied.

I just don't know if I can be copied by the other party... But I have a strange body, so I think I can't copy.

Lianchi's answer is also very simple.

"What are you talking about, donor? Even if you call out the reflection of this person in the mirror, without a soul, it will be weaker than the original, and it will not be able to fight the enemy?"

Well... it makes sense.


"The old monk said that you and I are predestined."

Lianchi put his hands together and bowed gently.

But he was not facing the white-browed Taoist, nor was he facing Ye Wuyou.

Instead, he turned around and faced a coffin behind him.

Lianchi's words came.

"Donor, I only left a trace of consciousness in this relic, and I can't fully exert my abilities."

"Calling this person out is the limit of my abilities."

Ye Wuyou didn't care about Lianchi's words.

He just stared at the coffin, the coffin that was placed vertically.

There were hundreds of coffins placed flat here, but only these three were standing vertically.

And now, there was a slight vibration in the first coffin.

"Crack, crack..."

The sound of breaking came.

The sound was not loud, but Ye Wuyou heard it very clearly.

Then, the sound of breaking became louder and louder.


The coffin board was broken into pieces at this moment, and it flew out across Ye Wuyou's cheek, and the strong wind made his sleeves rustle slightly.

Then, from the dark coffin, a jade foot slowly stretched out.

The person in the coffin did not push the coffin lid open like the previous people did, but crushed the coffin board with one foot.

The jade foot stepped out gently at this moment, and the figure finally appeared in front of Ye Wuyou.

Even though it was dark here, the red dress that accentuated the woman's fair skin was clearly visible. The red dress was extremely delicate, and it was not as ragged as the other people in the coffin.

The bright red dress was very suitable for her, exuding a unique beauty.

On her beautiful face, there was a pair of deep eyes, which were only quiet and indifferent.

Ye Wuyou said with certainty that he had never seen this person.

But in his mind, there was a faint familiarity.

[Okay, you laughed three times in a row. I didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance here. It turned out to be like this. That's good. It will add a bit of charm when we practice dual cultivation in the future.]


The faint sense of familiarity in his mind made Ye Wuyou look a little hesitant.

The narrator's words in the past were mostly ignored.

What about thousands of years, cleansing the world, and practicing again...

But this familiar feeling now... Could it be that I am really the reincarnation of some great power?

The thought only lasted for a moment.

After the woman came out, her eyes gently swept around.

She seemed to know what she should do.

The next moment, she suddenly disappeared under Ye Wuyou's gaze.


There was a loud roar behind him!

Ye Wuyou turned around suddenly, but saw a scene he couldn't understand.

The Taoist with white eyebrows, who had just controlled the battle situation and suppressed several figures, was now like a dead dog, being stepped on by the woman's feet.

The white hair of the Taoist priest Baimei, along with his long beard, were all flying violently at this moment!

The aura of the four realms swept out from him, but it was strangely restricted to that small space, and could not leak out at all.

The Taoist priest Baimei roared hoarsely with fear in his eyes.

" woman! I have no hatred or grudge against you, why are you trying to stop me!"

"Stop? I'm here to kill you."

The woman looked indifferent, and she exerted force lightly, and the Taoist priest Baimei's body was instantly torn into pieces.

Only a weak soul remained.

The Taoist priest Baimei's soul was floating weakly at this moment, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

"Why...why do you want to kill me? I was just a little bit away from killing that kid! Why!"

The extremely arrogant words came out of the woman's mouth.

"What does it have to do with you if I kill you?"

Damn, Ye Wuyou suddenly liked this woman a little.

Well, maybe it was the faint familiarity in my mind.

Actually, I don’t like her, but this woman is a little handsome.

The woman’s arrogant voice came again.

“Remember my name, and I will walk clearly on the road to the underworld.”

“I am the Red Lotus Heavenly Venerable—Xia Anmeng.”

The soul was shattered in an instant.

Ye Wuyou didn’t have time to feel sorry for the soul, because he was completely stunned.



Xia Anmeng?

The residual soul in Lu Caiwei’s ring? Xia Anmeng, the residual soul that she had swallowed the other party’s soul power in the eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison?

At that time, she was like a talkative little aunt, and she didn’t have such a self-centered temperament at all...

It’s too contrasting.

At that time, the narrator also said that the residual soul of Xia Anmeng had existed for hundreds of years.

But combined with the current calculation, the real Xia Anmeng in history is probably close to a thousand years ago.

In other words, the Xia Anmeng in front of him was given a strange ability to copy the reflection by Master Lianchi in the era of Daqian.

Ye Wuyou has been staring at Xia Anmeng, first because of curiosity, and second because he wants to see what is going on with Xia Anmeng a thousand years ago.

Lianchi gently pulled the corner of his clothes.

"Donor, don't stare at it anymore. The old monk's ability is limited now. I can't completely control the person in the mirror. She still has her own consciousness and instincts..."

"What?" Ye Wuyou was very strange.

I can't even look at it!

"This person's name is Xia Anmeng. His realm and strength were once extremely powerful. It is said that he has reached the upper three realms, but his temperament is a bit weird..." Lianchi said.

Weird temperament?

Please tell me if you have gossip! What's more, it's a dark history?

Lianchi whispered to Ye Wuyou.

"What she said just now, such as "I want to kill you, what does it have to do with you", and "Red Lotus Heavenly Venerable"... are all just her casual remarks."

"In our Daqian, she is like this. Every time before she takes action, she must dress up solemnly, blow the flute and play music, and fight with others accompanied by music.

Even if she is fighting against others, she would rather get hurt than show her grace and say something unique."

"When she was young, Daqian had a competition with many geniuses. With her strength, she could easily win, but..."

"But she insisted on going on stage, turned her back to the others and said, "You all go together, I'm in a hurry."

Ye Wuyou's eyes were slightly stunned.

A scene appeared in his mind.

The woman in red stepped onto the stage, facing countless geniuses, with her back to all living beings, and spoke arrogantly.

"Go together, I'm in a hurry."

Ye Wuyou asked with expectation in his eyes.

"Did she win in the end?"

Lian Chi shook her head slightly: "No, dozens of Tianjiao attacked together at that time, and she was beaten to spit blood and rolled off the stage."

Ye Wuyou: "..."

Lian Chi sighed lightly: "In short, this person... is very strange. If it weren't for her strong strength, normal people would have died many times like this."

So... Xia Anmeng used to have such a personality?

Arrogant? Forced King?

No, it's too second-year.

What kind of changes did she experience later to become the remnant soul aunt at that time?

Ye Wuyou looked at Xia Anmeng. After killing the Taoist White Eyebrows, the other party had been standing in the same place, with a slender figure and standing with his hands behind his back.

As if sensing something, Xia Anmeng looked back gently at this moment.

The next second, he had already stepped in front of Ye Wuyou in an instant.

The two figures were very close.

Xia Anmeng frowned slightly, she wanted to look down on him.

But looking at Ye Wuyou's head, which was taller than hers, Xia Anmeng tiptoed gently under her red skirt.

She said word by word.

"You, why dare you look directly at me?"

Ye Wuyou turned his head to look at Lianchi.

Lianchi was wearing the body of a Taoist priest at this moment, with his hands clasped together and his head bowed to recite scriptures, as if he would rather die than die.

Don't worry, the old monk is here, she won't do anything to you...


Ye Wuyou looked at Xia Anmeng who was close at hand, thinking about how to answer.

The voice of the narrator sounded slowly.

[Facing this smooth and silly woman in front of you, you smiled lightly, just looked at it, why do you need to explain to others what you have done in your life?]

Ye Wuyou's eyes were slightly startled, but then he spoke slowly in the tone of the narrator.

He raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"I, Ye Wuyou, have done things in my life, why do I need to explain to others!"

Along with the sound of the words, there were also bursts of roars.

This stone chamber suddenly shook violently.

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