My practice narration is weird

Chapter 121: The final chapter of the underground palace, infinite reversals (3400 words))

The golden chain kept flashing, but finally broke.

The huge figure of the blue-white demon slowly stood up from the main position.

There was confusion, regret, regret, and anger in his eyes.

Obviously given a little more time, and the knife integrated into himself to bring him nourishment, in a few decades or a few years, he would be able to completely control the "Buddha's legacy", "flesh and blood rebirth" and "adaptation" at no cost. "Ability, who in the world can match it?"

He really thought about saving all sentient beings in the world.

The formation flashing with Buddhist inscriptions kept flashing behind him, but fell apart bit by bit.

Several small green and white demons were gathering towards him at this moment, and actually merged into his body.

His body regained its freedom, and the first thing he did was to put his hands together stiffly, as if he were lowering his head and chanting sutras.

The demon spoke, but his voice was like a bell, just like the shocking words before, it directly rang in the hearts of everyone.

"When the poor monk was practicing in Yong'an Temple, the World-Honored One once said that the suffering of all living beings is mostly due to failure to observe the precepts and indulge in indulgence."

The demon shook his head slightly and said.

"If you ask me, fart."

The green-white demon's gaze gently swept over the crowd, and the feeling that made people kneel down once again appeared on everyone.

“If you don’t kill, hatred will never end.”

"If you don't steal, it will make no difference if you are strong or weak like me."

"If you don't commit sexual misconduct, all sentient beings will be sinful."

"If you don't lie, your dreams will be empty."

"If you are not greedy for wine, you will be worried and fearful."

"Don't delay in happiness, it's just a moment of youth."

“If you are not greedy for sleep, there will be no relief from suffering.”

"If you don't indulge your desires, all your actions will lead to no life!"

The blue-white demon looked intoxicated and said these words as if chanting a sutra, opening its big hands and covering all directions.

Everyone present looked confused. This confusion was stronger than the previous words, and it took a long time for people to wake up from this lie.

Of course Ye Wuyou was not affected.

But here, there is still one person who is not affected.

There were so many things that happened before that Ye Wuyou almost forgot the existence of this person.

A young monk stood out from the corner with trembling legs.

His expression was full of fear and his eyes hesitated, but he still retorted loudly.

"Wrong, wrong, what you said is all lies."

"Change the word [not] to [ruo], and then you will have eight words and eight commandments!"

The young monk's voice rang in the hall, and everyone who had been confused for a moment seemed to wake up, with surprised expressions on their faces.

No, change to, if.

"If you kill, hatred will never end. If you steal, there will be no difference between the strong and the weak like me... If you indulge in lust, all actions will have no meaning."

One word difference means thousands of miles!

Ye Wuyou turned his head slightly and looked at himself aside, who looked a little confused.

So he said calmly.

"Understand, this is the difference between what you and I think."

The latter woke up from his confusion and sneered, "So what, you still can't deny that that's what you originally thought. It's just as dark and dirty, I just said it."

"A gentleman does not care about his heart, and there is no saint in his heart. I have thought about the debauchery and massacre you mentioned in my heart, but whether to do it or not is my choice. This is my true intention."

The bloody long sword swung lightly and slashed towards the latter's head.

"If you can't kill me, I will go out with you, haha."

The two distanced themselves.

The blue-white demon above the main seat slowly walked down at this moment.

He didn't look at Ye Wuyou or everyone present, but stared at the little monk.

The demon stretched out his hand, and the little monk's figure was like a kite with a broken string. He was vomiting blood and staggered, and was caught in the demon's hand.

The demon whispered.

"The poor monk has felt your existence. You are a new [heritage] born from countless relics here devouring each other. It's very interesting."

"When they sealed the poor monk here, they wanted to suppress me while nurturing a new legacy, but they actually did it."

"But the poor monk is very curious, what are your abilities? You are so weak and fragile, but your aura is the same as that of the poor monk, and you have flesh and blood. It is really ridiculous."

The little monk was so angry that he was dragged into the demon's hand and didn't even have the strength to struggle.

The underground palace is collapsing.

A huge boulder fell down, and Fang Ning seemed to wake up from her daze, looking confused, and was grabbed by Ye Wuyou and pulled away.

"Ah, thank you..."

"Thank you for what? Give me the fox. You are going to be stoned to death. I really don't trust you if I let it go. It's my life!"

Taking the little fox and stuffing it into the "ghost", Ye Wuyou kept dodging the boulders.

The boundless darkness on the top of the underground palace seemed to begin to stir, and the dark sky gradually became thinner.

"Ah!!! You beast, what have you done!"

A roar resounded in all directions, and Ye Wuyou glanced back, only to see a scene he couldn't understand.

The head of the little monk caught in the demon's hand now became larger than a human's, and the pupils in his eyes were no longer black and white, but turned into a faint golden light.

He seemed to be chewing something in his mouth.

But the blue-white demon staggered back and let go of the little monk.

The next second, the blue-white demon did not dare to linger at all, and directly rose into the air. The darkness that still existed at the top could not stop its figure at all, and was directly broken open by it.

The blue-white demon went to the outside world...

Ye Wuyou didn't look at the little monk. It was a brand new weird thing that could swallow weird existences.

They are not as powerful as demons, so they can only wait quietly for the darkness at the top to dissipate before they can leave.

At the top of the underground palace, a glimmer of light finally appeared.

The golden sunlight shines through the darkness, and in the warm sunlight, countless dust and fireflies dance.

As a Taoist protector, the old Taoist priest of the Five Realms was about to cry. He almost thought he would never see the sun again in this life.

Several figures left one after another, following the beam of light, breaking through the darkness and leaving the underground palace.

'Ye Wuyou' glanced at himself below, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then ran out.

There is only one person here, with an extremely dull expression.

Xia Anmeng stood in a corner of the hall, quietly raising her head and looking at the ray of sunlight shining out of the darkness.

His expression was still aloof, but his eyes were softer than he even noticed.

Others can leave this place and go to the outside world, to the real world.

But she can't.

After a while, she turned her gaze to one place, looking at Ye Wuyou, the real Ye Wuyou.

Apart from the mysterious little monk, he is the only one left here.

The two looked at each other quietly, and she realized that Ye Wuyou had already been looking at her.

Xia Anmeng said calmly: "Why don't you leave?"

Ye Wuyou thought for a while and said casually: "I was originally going to leave, but after thinking about whether you were a little lonely alone, it wouldn't hurt to chat with you for a few more words before leaving."

The woman in red had an inexplicable smile on her lips, and then asked softly.

"What will I look like in the outside world a thousand years from now?"

Thousands of years later, Xia An’s dream is in the outside world...

Long-winded, unreasonable, nagging, not domineering at all, not cute at all, completely different from the Xia Anmeng in front of me, as if a high-spirited person has experienced a severe beating from society and has become cautious in his words and actions.

This question is difficult to answer.

After thinking for a while, Ye Wuyou spoke.

"Although she is just a remnant soul now, she is still high-spirited and aloof like you. It doesn't seem that much has changed."

Xia Anmeng nodded slightly, his expression seemed untroubled.

Ye Wuyou thought for a while and added.

"But she has accepted a disciple. Well, the disciple is also very powerful, much better than me. After all, she has a master as strong as you..."

A chuckle.

Under Ye Wuyou's puzzled gaze, Xia Anmeng smiled.

The woman in red was smiling like a flower, and the ray of golden sunlight slowly shone on her body. The red dress made her look even more gorgeous, making her look extremely beautiful.

"Don't try to lie to me."

Ye Wuyou's heart skipped a beat and he scratched his head, wondering why this could be seen?

Xia Anmeng stared at the ray of sunshine, stretched out her hand to touch it, opened her red lips and said softly.

"I once swore that I would only live to pursue the Tao in this life, so I would never accept a disciple, seek a Taoist companion, make friends or relatives, or be burdened by others, unless..."

Xia Anmeng's words fell silent for a moment, then she spoke again with a lonely tone.

"Unless one day, I have no energy at all, lose my desire to seek the Tao, and am willing to live under the fence of others, then I will pursue other things..."

"That's all, I never thought that I would have such a day, ha, but it's me after all."

Ye Wuyou was silent, never expecting that Xia Anmeng had ever made such an oath.

Xia Anmeng shook his head and said indifferently, "Bring her a message for me. It's a strange feeling to say it to yourself."

"Please speak." Ye Wuyou said with a serious expression and clasped his fists.

Xia Anmeng raised her eyes slightly and looked at Ye Wuyou, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a moment, she said softly.

"Just say..."

Ye Wuyou's eyes widened.


Many, many people have gathered in the sky above Yong'an Temple outside.

A few days have passed, and word has spread about the changes in Dayan. After all, this place is close to the capital, and suddenly the land has sunk for dozens of miles. Either a treasure has been discovered, or a catastrophe is about to occur.

Countless practitioners of great supernatural powers have come here.


A muffled sound erupted in the sky, and a figure in white turned around from the air waves and returned with a sword, his figure floating like a swordsman.

A blue-white demon figure stood in the air, standing proudly.

"The Sword Sect Master's full blow was unscathed... this."

"What kind of monster is this? Has it transcended the sixth realm and reached the upper three realms?"

"That shouldn't be unscathed. The master of the Sword Sect has also faced enemies in the Seventh Realm..."

Discussions arose everywhere, but everyone's eyes were focused on one person.

The man was dressed in a green shirt, dusty and dusty, as if he had come from a far away place.

He stood at the front, holding his hands on his chest, like a woman holding a child.

But there was nothing in his hands, yet he was holding it so self-consciously.

The surrounding practitioners, except for an old man from the Dao Sect, all deliberately kept a distance from him.

The Sword Sect leader turned around and returned to the crowd, leaving a few words.

"I can defeat him with all my strength, but I can't kill him."


The green-white demon looked pleased, and he did not pay attention to the practitioners who were walking in the air.

He felt the fresh air of this world, the sunshine, the breeze...

so good.

"After the poor monk escapes from poverty, he must do one good deed every day."

"Today's good deeds will send you to transcendence first."

The blue-white demon laughed loudly and stretched out his hand towards where everyone was.

Lu Qingshan stretched out his hand and gently brushed it into his arms.

A pale child with dark eyes was awakened from his arms.

Lu Qingshan said warmly.

"Tell me, is this demon real or fake?"

The child's eyes rolled around for a while, and then he looked at the blue-white demon.

[Judgment of authenticity]

Then, a few vague words came out of the child's mouth.


The words were very labored, as if all the strength had been exhausted, the child actually fell asleep in Lu Qingshan's arms.

Lu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the old man from the Dao Sect beside him.

"Fortunately, I was lucky, otherwise Lu would have had to pay some price."

Lu Qingshan chuckled, not looking forward at all.

Only the old man of Daozong and the rest of the people here opened their eyes wide and looked at the sky ahead.

The terrifying blue-white demon just disappeared in front of everyone...

Thanks to Feng Fu Xin Ling for being the leader, my first leader since writing a book! ! !

emm...the first leader, so I will add five updates?

Starting from tomorrow, it would be better to write a little more every day and then send it out at once in a few days?

I will remember

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