My practice narration is weird

Chapter 136 The pain of looking back

Although Jixia Academy is outside Tai'an City, it is not far away for more than ten miles.

The blue-white tombstones of all sizes are lined up in the back mountain. It is called a hillside, but it looks very flat in people's eyes, as if someone used great magical powers to lift a corner of the mountain and flatten it to the ground. It is separated from the academy where many students study by half a hill, a whole forest, and a clear river flowing along the mountain.

There are mountains and water, and perhaps the smell of books. Even though Ye Wuyou knows nothing about Feng Shui, he still thinks this is a good place.

If there is no scene in front of him.

It is dusk at this moment. Although the sky is not dark, it is dim. Among the countless tombstones and graves, there is a sound of pounce, and the soil is turned over, and a slender hand stretches out from it.

There is also a sword in his hand.

The long sword is scratching around. The owner of this arm seems to want to climb out of the ground, but the surrounding soil is very soft, and it seems difficult to exert force for a while.

"Pfft... pull, pull, for a moment." The familiar voice of the woman came from the ground with a dull tone.

Ye Wuyou was stunned for a long time, and finally walked over to hold the hand and pulled the other party up.

Lu Caiwei, who always liked to wear a white dress, changed into black clothes today?

Oh, it turned out that she was just dirty like a black robe.

The girl climbed up from the ground, her whole body was dirty, but the first thing she did was not to wipe off the mud on her body, but to carefully wipe the long sword in her hand that had been used as a "support", and then hung the sword on her thin waist.

Ye Wuyou held back his laughter, took off the ring on his fingertips and returned it to the other party, and then finally spoke.

"How long have you been digging?"

"Ah... half a month."

"You still say you are not here to rob the tomb?"

"No, no, no... no."

Then Lu Caiwei stood there in a daze, well, not daze, but Xia Anmeng should be talking to her and telling her the story.

The little aunt with the residual soul on the road just now has told him some things about this place.

A female practitioner with strangeness of the same generation as Xia Anmeng, about a thousand years old? Then died in this underground.

As for how it was discovered, it was even more outrageous. It happened to be the Qingming Festival in spring, and the school organized students to pay homage to the ancestors. Lu Caiwei, who originally wanted to learn some alchemy, came here and felt something inexplicably. When no one was paying attention, she used subtle aura to explore, and indeed found something. Later, she told Xia Anmeng about it.

Well, half a month of digging and breaking the formation began.

Ye Wuyou felt that Lu Caiwei probably had a bit of the so-called mysterious and ethereal luck, and her luck should have always been good, otherwise how could she happen to run into Xia Anmeng in a ring.

Otherwise, how could she meet me by chance?

Ye Wuyou boasted to himself, and then glanced at Lu Caiwei's somewhat embarrassed appearance, thinking that the master and apprentice were not professionals in everything, so how could they dig for so long? I have a Luoyang shovel...

He walked to the tunnel... no, to the place that was dug, and looked down.

Under the tunnel, which was estimated to be seven or eight meters deep, was a narrow passage, and even bluestone bricks could be seen. Well, it seemed that someone had built it specially, which also made Ye Wuyou feel relieved.

It was built by humans, and nothing happened in half a month. Tian Yan did not infer the danger, and the narrator did not make a noise.

This place should be fine.

He looked down along the entrance of the cave, and finally understood why Lu Caiwei was covered in mud. The passage was full of broken soil and black mud, and it was obviously collapsed.

It was not difficult to find the passage, but it was difficult to clear the mud in the passage, and you had to prevent others from finding it. No wonder...

[No wonder? No wonder, you are only bored with the conventions of these fools. If you found something strange here, why would you bother to go underground? 】

【Just give the land to Baloo】

Lu Caiwei, who was standing by, came over again at this moment. Her eyes were whiter than her face as she looked at Ye Wuyou.

"Master said, you come to help."

Help? Not really. Ye Wuyou was just curious about what kind of person a practitioner who could be regarded as an "opponent" by Xia Anmeng was, and what that person might have left behind before his death?

Was that practitioner killed by his own weirdness, or because of other reasons...

Thinking like this, Ye Wuyou jumped down. Lu Caiwei took out a black round lid from somewhere behind him and covered it from above.

Although the inside of the passage was covered with dust, there was not much other dirt and mess.

Ye Wuyou stroked the blue-black stone surface, thinking about everything Xia Anmeng had just said.

Woman, opponent, weirdness of backtracking...

The ability was actually called [Backtracking], but the definition of backtracking was too broad.

Does it only affect the surroundings, or does it affect itself, or does it affect everything?

Ye Wuyou couldn't think of an answer. If it was the last one, how could Xia Anmeng know the weirdness of the other party?

"Xia Anmeng, how did you provoke such an opponent? Is your current appearance due to her?" He said silently.

Xia Anmeng's answer came quickly.

"For the first question, I don't know. For the second question, it's not."

"Don't know?"

Xia Anmeng's voice floated in this narrow passage with a sigh.

"I only know that one day, every time that guy met me, he wanted to kill me."

"I don't even know what hatred or grudge I have with her. Haha, there are too many guys who have hatred with me. It doesn't matter if there is one more of her. After all, she is too weak. If I really do it, it only takes me a moment to kill her."

Ye Wuyou coughed lightly. In Xia Anmeng's past, people with that kind of personality would indeed have enemies everywhere.

But here comes the question.

"If that's the case, how did you know about [Recall]?"

"How difficult is that?"

The woman chuckled.

"Since I noticed that she was dissatisfied with me, she shouldn't be alive. At that time, I was already in the fifth realm, and she was only in the third realm."

"So I hunted her for a whole year."

"No matter how dangerous the situation was, she could always turn it into a safe place. No matter what kind of killing moves, she seemed to have a way to deal with it. In the maze that no one had ever been to, she even knew the exact route... It was like a prophet."


"Until one time, she and I both ran into a dangerous place. It was not the current Dayan, but other countries...

She didn't seem to be afraid of these places. Yes, she could always find a way to survive from them. On the contrary, I was in danger several times.

It was really a horrible place. Every day at midnight, it was like being cursed by a death spell. Although my body was intact, the pain was like skinning and cramps. It was a real injury."

"I am in the fifth realm, I can still resist. In the third realm, I will definitely die."

Xia Anmeng's voice paused for a moment and continued.

"That place is a dead end. It's almost impossible for me to get out by myself."

"But I've only experienced this kind of pain once."

Ye Wuyou paused.

The woman spoke calmly and slowly.

"She took the initiative to find me and said she wanted to cooperate with me to leave this place. As long as she could leave here, she seemed willing to be killed by me."

"She was obviously provoking me with a smug look the day before, but a day later, in my eyes, she almost collapsed."

"She said she had had enough and told me everything."

"She seemed to have been through that pain for a whole month."

Today I resumed normal updates. After a day of rest

I am now full of ideas

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