My practice narration is weird

Chapter 148 Destroy Together

This Daozi Xu Qingyuan, who came from Daxuan thousands of miles away and was of noble status, seemed to be in a normal mood at the moment.

At this moment, he no longer gave people the impression of being moody, but a proud and dignified person from the upper sect.

He spoke very seriously, word by word.

"Ye Wuyou, let me ask you a question. Do you know the fate of people like us?"

"Haha, I don't think you know. You are obviously as strange as me, but you seem to have never experienced anything and know too little."

The purple-robed young man stood up and walked to the lakeside, standing with his hands behind his back, his sleeves fluttering, and his tone was cold.

"Everyone will die, but people like us will die faster, but at the same time, this power has also brought us a lot of help."

"I am the same as you, really, Ye Wuyou, I am very similar to you, so I am willing to say these words to you."

"I am the Taoist of Baiyun Temple of Daxuanshangzong, and I have a transcendent status. You are the only successor of this Lu Guoshi. In Dayan, you can almost be said to be one person above ten thousand people. Even if you are not, you are almost there. How do you think this is? Is it because we are talented? Is it because we have a prominent family background?"

"None of them."

Xu Qingyuan looked stern, but there was a hint of pain in his eyes. He staggered a few steps, holding his forehead with one hand and taking a deep breath.

He gritted his teeth.

"It is because of this thing on us, because of this ghost thing, that we have the treatment and status we have now, do you know?"

Ye Wuyou sighed lightly and nodded.

That's true.

If I didn't have a strange body and happened to learn Tianyan, would Lu Qingshan recognize me as a successor?

Obviously not.

Lu Caiwei's talent is much higher than his own. Talent is something that can only be stronger, not the strongest. Why doesn't Lu Qingshan accept other people as disciples?

But what does this have to do with what was said before?

Ye Wuyou didn't need to think about it, and the other party continued to speak.

"Maybe you have seen some weird things being imprisoned, but have you seen people like us, or what will happen when you are completely eroded and can no longer control this power?"


The purple-robed man stood by the lake and suddenly laughed, and his laughter was a little miserable.

"Or, when you are still a human, you will be imprisoned in a place and quietly wait for your death. In this way, even if you are eroded, the ghost things on your body will not be too difficult to deal with, but it is only relatively speaking."

"After all, this ghost thing is completely unreasonable. Even if it is sealed with a secret method, it can sometimes cause great harm."

"But I have seen another... another way to die."

Xu Qingyuan said softly with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"That's a disciple from another small sect. He's very strong. He's in the fifth realm at the age of 24, even surpassing us senior sects. His talent and character can be described as a monster."

"It's a pity that the power he is in is too weak, so he needs to fight for many opportunities by himself. He has no protector and no help."

"But he is also very scary. What he controls is a black flame, or it is not a flame..."

"It can't be extinguished by water, and the qi can't protect the flame. Everything it touches will be swallowed up by the flame, even the qi, the soul, everything will be annihilated by it..."

"That's a very scary weirdness..."

The black flame annihilates all matter...

Ye Wuyou vaguely remembered that there was such a record on the stone slab of the Tianji Tower.


The words of the purple-robed young man came slowly.

"But in the end, he died, not at the hands of others, because almost no one could match him, but because of his frequent attacks, he was eventually eroded."

"When he was alive, the weirdness was still under his control, but when he died, everything changed."

"Three cities... a million people were instantly wrapped in the black flames. There were many great practitioners in them, but they didn't even have room to struggle. No, maybe they could still struggle. I heard that three people finally ran out, all three of them were in the sixth realm, but they never made any progress in their cultivation in this life, hehe."

"In the end, the upper three realms took action and sealed the three cities and countless surrounding realms, and stopped the spread of the disaster."

"But until today, the three cities are still burning, the black flames are still there, and no one can imprison it..."

Ye Wuyou was silent for a long, long time.

He had a vague guess in his mind, but...he was not sure.

Xu Qingyuan stepped over, looking proud, and questioned.

"Your master has lived for so many years. Do you know what the erosion on his body has reached now?"

"I tell you, he has reached his limit!"

"Once the things on his body reach that point, who can deal with it in your small Da Yan? Who dares to deal with it?"

"Not to mention the three cities, in my opinion, the people of the entire Da Yan, and even our Da Xuan, will die at the hands of your respected master."

Ye Wuyou's breathing became a little faster.

He closed his eyes and opened them again, then slowly stood up, looked directly at the other party, and spoke seriously.

"Why do you think Lu Qingshan has reached his limit?"

Ye Wuyou wanted to know the evidence, he urgently wanted to know the evidence!

Xu Qingyuan looked at this scene and smiled.

"Our Da Xuan is here, that's the evidence."

"The Lu family is one of the seven great families of Daxuan. Your master is the posthumous son of the Lu family. Haha, although he left the Lu family early, the Lu family still knows a little about him."

"If your master is in good condition, he can deal with all the monsters by himself, and we naturally have no intention to intervene."

"Do you think we are doing this to gain the benefits of your Dayan? To support your sects? To overthrow the dynasty and replace it with the sects?"

"Of course these are true. Benefits are the goal of people's actions. Of course, we are not good people who do things for nothing, but more importantly, we don't want your master to ruin everything."

Xu Qingyuan walked to Ye Wuyou's side, leaned over slightly, and spoke softly in his ear.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask your master directly and expose everything."

"Of course, he won't think he has reached his limit, just like a drunk person doesn't think he is drunk. Moreover, he is very conceited. He must think there is a way to solve it. In fact, he did so. Otherwise, he would not be alive today. You know, the stronger the ability, the heavier the price..."

"Even if your master is lucky enough to solve it this time, what about the next time? We just want to use the safest way. We send troops to solve the problem for Da Yan. When your master returns to Da Xuan, no one will treat him badly, but just put him under the spotlight."

"What's wrong with such conditions? Is there any great harm to Da Yan?"

"If your master refuses, then you may have to be careful. I see that your master is in good health. The erosion may be in other places and difficult to find...

Because some weirdness can erode people's hearts."

The purple-robed man laughed and turned away.

The maid at the foot of the slope looked around carefully, bowed slightly to Ye Wuyou, and followed the man's steps.

The purple-robed young man looked happy, then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

There was a hint of madness in his eyes, and the previous calmness and rationality disappeared in an instant.

"Do you think I really want to tell you this? I just want to say it! I don't want Lu Qingshan to agree to this condition at all!"

Ye Wuyou and him are very similar in status, position and age, and they are the same kind, so he wanted to confide a little at the end of his life.

But the desire to talk was satisfied, haha, it doesn't matter.

Everything went back.

Going back to the way he left the hall at the beginning.

Ye Wuyou glanced at Xu Qingyuan and turned away.

Xu Qingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and just wanted to say something, but then his face changed, he gasped heavily, and his face became sickly red.

The maid next to him carefully supported the other party, and Xu Qingyuan glanced at him and said nothing.

This time, there is too much time to go back...

As for how long I can live...

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!

Since that day, when I knew the weirdness of Lu Qingshan outside the bamboo forest and knew his state, Xu Qingyuan knew why he was asked to come to Dayan.

"Someone still knows my ability, those old guys in the seventh realm..." Xu Qingyuan sighed in his heart.

The old guys in the upper sect regarded me as a gift.

I am about to lose control and am a time bomb.

But Lu Qingshan is the same.

Putting myself and Lu Qingshan in the same place, hehe.

If everything happens to the point where it cannot be reversed, and Lu Qingshan really reaches that point, then I am an insurance.

An insurance that changes everything, an insurance that reverses everything.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe a few days later, maybe at the end of my life, my protector will take action and set up a situation that cannot be changed by going back, and seal me up?

What to do next, how to do it, Xu Qingyuan doesn't know.

But just as the demon race is much better at using weirdness than Da Yan, Da Xuan must have also done research in this area.


Why should I do things for them? Do you really think I am the Daozi who is devoted to the sect as you say?

I am just pretending.

Xu Qingyuan's eyes showed a trace of madness.

After I die, I don't care about the flood!

Since you don't care about my life or death.

Then, let's destroy together.

The collision between people who master weirdness is so difficult to write, my mind is about to break

The weird copy is much easier to write

This chapter is inspired by the Witch of Destruction

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