As one of the two high mountains of Great Yan cultivators, the Jian Sect's inner disciples obviously also attracted much attention, such as Zhou Xuanyuan, who was quite famous in Great Yan.

However, his reputation is not small. In addition to his own strength, what is more important is that he was traveling in the world, but his love affair with the more than 200-year-old child Lao made people talk about it even more.

Afterwards, I heard that the genius of the sword sect was stained by the sword, but that was not the case. The experience actually made this young man who had lived in the mountains and been with the sword since childhood more popular, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

After all, he is only a man. If he were a woman, his fame and popularity would probably rise to the next level.

Although he was defeated by an unknown female swordsman with only two swords recently, this topic is not widely circulated. People make mistakes and horses make mistakes, and sword moves are inherently changeable. An ordinary defeat does not seem to count. What, of course, the more important reason is that the battle ended too quickly. Occasionally, the few onlookers couldn't see the mystery of the sword moves. They only felt that everything was flashing in front of their eyes. Everything was too fast. Even if they wanted to brag, they didn't know where to start. Speaking of.

Perhaps the reputation of this genius of the Sword Sect is slightly greater than his strength, but it does not mean that Zhou Xuanyuan is just an embroidered pillow.

The sword is like rain, falling down.

Whether it is versatility or lethality, or even the mysterious and beautiful appearance of the moves, they have both.

In the eyes of everyone, he really has extremely brilliant sword skills.

Ye Wuyou admired silently in his heart, and then he held the knife as a shield while scanning the surroundings with the corner of his eye.

Isn't that little stutter here?

Also, due to her temperament, she has never participated in these fights. After all, she can't even know her name when she comes on stage.

"I am... Lu Lu Caiwei, please enlighten me..."

There was no reason to think of this scene in his mind. Ye Wuyou only felt a wave of emotion in his originally calm and boring heart, and actually laughed out loud.

But all this happened in the middle of the fight. Zhou Xuanyuan finally frowned and used the opportunity to parry at close range to speak suddenly with an extremely unhappy tone.

"why are you laughing?"

Accompanying the words was an extremely sharp sword energy, wisps of threads, but extremely sharp.

Ye Wuyou's blade was always blocked and he never made any move, but this sword move finally knocked him back. He staggered a few steps, his eyes filled with confusion.

This guy is so rude. Do I no longer have the right to laugh?

Didn't you see that I was being beaten by you?

"Please be serious!"

Zhou Xuanyuan's sword edge changed again and again. It was no longer as subtle as before, but had a touch of harshness, obviously feeling a little offended.

Ye Wuyou finally calmed down his gaze, slashed away the incoming dragon-like Qi with his blade, and asked with doubt on his face.

"Why don't you use the killing move?"

"Where is your dharma image? Is it possible that there is none? It shouldn't be, right?"

Afterwards, seeing Zhou Xuanyuan's expression remained unchanged and he was obviously in a very good mood, Ye Wuyou thought about what his master had said before and added.

"That's it?"

The taboo words unique to the Sword Sect were heard, and Zhou Xuanyuan's expression finally changed.

Ye Wuyou actually wanted to be serious. In just half a cup of tea, he had secretly learned the opponent's three sword moves, but in the end he judged them as tasteless and it was a pity to abandon them.

One move of the sword is as powerful as rain. It looks so powerful and mysterious. In fact, it is indeed extremely mysterious. It takes a lot of effort to learn it.

But in fact, it is useless. Maybe the abuser is invincible. Facing practitioners who are in the same realm or similar to himself, his power seems to be too scattered. It is not the most effective way to kill the enemy. At least it cannot be called killing. trick.

They are fundamentally incomparable with Lu Caiwei's Canglong Chushui and Sword Qifenglei.

He actually wanted to use some flashy and extremely colorful moves and magical powers, but Ye Wuyou didn't know how to do it.

There is no so-called deep foundation like diligent study and hard training. He really doesn't know how to do such delicate and profound things. All the magical powers that Ye Wuyou has mastered and used so far are the most brutal killing moves.

It is said that after reaching the Third Realm, sword cultivators can fly swords to kill people. What kind of sword moves will Lu Caiwei develop at that time?

Ye Wuyou was already looking forward to it.

But Zhou Xuanyuan has already begun to explode.

The energy that belongs to the pinnacle of the Three Realms Yaoguang Realm finally no longer conceals itself and is revealed, along with a faint shadow of the Dharma Appearance behind him.

The look on Ye Wuyou's face finally became serious, and there was expectation in his eyes.

He had tried hard to turn his mind elsewhere. On the one hand, the opponent's sword was no threat, and on the other hand, he kept suppressing the inexplicable impetuousness in his heart.

When did this strange mood arise?

It seems that after chatting with the purple-robed Xu Qingyuan yesterday, it was the random thoughts of being alone after looking back?

Or maybe it was the abnormal restlessness caused by seeing countless lives wiped out by Lu Qingshan's hands earlier?

It was still in the underground palace of Yongan Temple before...

Yes, yes, and why are these beasts from the sect able to sit peacefully on the high platform now, sitting around and watching me perform for them?

But now it seems we can take it more seriously.


A feeling of being locked came to Ye Wuyou's heart.

The gaze of his right eye was focused. In his sight, starting from Zhou Xuanyuan in front of him, there were faint ripples in the air. The qi dispersed from each other almost invisible, and then turned into threads. The two people were entangled invisibly.

It seems that no matter how Ye Wuyou dodges, this sword cannot be avoided.

This is the real killer move! Ye Wuyou has learned it!

For a moment, Ye Wuyou couldn't think of how to avoid this sword.

But... why is it so slow?

Soon, Ye Wuyou knew.

After Zhou Xuanyuan finished the preparation work that Ye Wuyou thought was a bit long but was actually very fast, he did not draw his sword. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and said with a stern look.

"I have been practicing sword since I was young, and I realized the way of sword at the age of thirteen..."

"I realized you..."

The feeling of absurdity came, you are reciting the opening remarks with me?

Your sword can obviously defeat me openly.

Ye Wuyou laughed in anger.

The irritable mood was finally suppressed.

He raised his hand gently.

The blade lightly pointed, and the qi in the acupoints of the body reversed in an instant, gathering on the blade. The legs stepping on the ground suddenly paused, and the next second, the qi that had stopped and reversed all poured out, along with the blade light, and the footsteps swept up, but the legs never left the ground.

The figure followed the blade light, and suddenly a delicate but extremely clear blade light lit up in the wide field.

The blue dragon emerged from the water.

Zhou Xuanyuan's face changed slightly, and he finally stopped hesitating and suddenly handed out a sword.

The sword that could not be avoided should have hit the opponent.

But why didn't the opponent's move hit him? Did it miss?

The thought was only a moment.

There was a whistling sound behind his head.

Zhou Xuanyuan turned back suddenly, but saw that the figure was behind him, carrying a knife with a whirlpool-like extremely strong qi.

The blade suddenly rose, and the sword was thunderous!

Zhou Xuanyuan's pupils shrank.

The expected horror did not come.

But he still fainted.

Ye Wuyou didn't know when the blade was replaced by the handle, and the almost vortex of Qi was stagnated by him, and then the handle of the knife was slapped hard on Zhou Xuanyuan's forehead.

There was an obvious sword wound on the right shoulder, and there were waves of pain.

It was this pain that made Ye Wuyou sober up a little and stopped his hand.

He walked off the stage silently and thought carefully about everything just now.

The Qi was normal, and the flow rate was not accelerated. There were also some other thoughts. The narration also popped up a few dog barks from time to time, but it was not a relevant important indication.

I have never stepped into the so-called selfless state, I am just irritable.

So what happened?

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