My practice narration is weird

Chapter 151 Death Note

With his mind in a state of confusion, Ye Wuyou did not return to the stands. He wanted to go find the little fox to relax, but he received a message from the messenger almost as soon as he left.

Ye Wuyou came to a bamboo forest, where there was a small bamboo building.

There was only Lu Qingshan in the bamboo building, who was sitting at the table meticulously.

His expression was focused and his eyes were very serious.

Ye Wuyou initially thought that something big had happened, and it was true. Lu Qingshan had a booklet in his hand with four big characters written on the cover.

"The Secret Biography of Daqian"

The master is really knowledgeable. The seven hundred years of Dayan history is not enough for him to read, and he has already started to study Daqian.

Ye Wuyou walked to Lu Qingshan's side, and the other party did not look up, looking at the book with a focused look.

Hmm? Something feels wrong, take another look?

"A beautiful and noble beauty, now with a hint of xx, soft and boneless like a jade carving... her expression is unparalleled, beautiful beyond words."

The next moment, Ye Wuyou's shouting came from the bamboo forest.

"Lu Qingshan, you are reading this again, can you be more careful!"

Facing Ye Wuyou's words, Lu Qingshan looked calm, pulled his mind back from immersion, and closed the book carefully.

Then, he threw a thick book to Ye Wuyou.

"So, the real record of history, the Daqian Secret Biography, can you read it?"

Ye Wuyou symbolically turned two pages and felt sleepy instantly.

Looking at Lu Qingshan again, he didn't speak, but his expression showed a smile that was as expected.

"Is there something?" Ye Wuyou said.

"It's not that I have something to say, but you have something to say to me."

Ye Wuyou raised his eyebrows, threw the heavy book aside, dragged a bamboo chair with one hand and sat down, and then spoke softly, with a very casual tone.

"I heard people say that there are demons gathering outside the Great Yan Realm..."

"It can be solved." Lu Qingshan chuckled.

Ye Wuyou did not pause, but changed the topic and continued.

"Someone told me that the Xuan Kingdom of the sect world wants to use this..."

"Anything else?"

Ye Wuyou ignored the other party's interruption and continued.

"They said that if you don't give it to them, they will come to take it themselves. Lu Qingshan, I am really curious about the thing on you. What is it that is worth others' concern?"

This is the question Ye Wuyou wants to know most.

As he spoke, he looked gently at a few steps behind Lu Qingshan.

It was really a strange avenue wreckage. Ye Wuyou felt so from the first sight.

It always stood beside Lu Qingshan and never left.

But this is a bit abnormal.

In Ye Wuyou's eyes, the "ghost" naturally has a physical body. Although it can be taken out and placed behind him separately, it is often in a state of integration with itself.

As for Xu Qingyuan, he had never seen the remains of the Great Dao [Retracing].

Or like the great eunuch in the imperial city, the remains on his body seemed to be deliberately hidden. If it weren't for the narrator's occasional words, Ye Wuyou might not have noticed it.

Only the remains of the Great Dao behind Lu Qingshan always followed him slowly. Although ordinary people couldn't see it, it was extremely obvious in his eyes.

Lu Qingshan was silent for a while, as if he was hesitating.

But in Ye Wuyou's eyes, the illusory figure behind him slowly walked in front of Lu Qingshan.

After an unknown period of silence, Lu Qingshan finally raised his hand, as if he had taken something from the illusory hand.

He gently handed it to Ye Wuyou, but there was nothing in his hand.

[You saw through this illusion, it turned out to be death...]

With the voice of the narrator, Ye Wuyou felt as if he could see.

Or rather, his right eye could see.

In Lu Qingshan's hand, there was a dark book, with dark lines lingering on it, exuding an ominous aura.

The pages of the book were gently opened.

Lu Qingshan flipped a few pages casually, and soon, the handwriting on it was extremely hazy. Ye Wuyou couldn't see it clearly, but he could vaguely see that it was one name after another.

"What is this?" Ye Wuyou was shocked, but still asked blankly.

A calm voice came.


"The person who writes his name in this book, regardless of his cultivation level, regardless of everything, will die."

Lu Qingshan said lightly, and smiled at the end, his expression showed reminiscence.

"It is said that there is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful woman in the book. My teacher also accidentally discovered this thing when he was chasing a rare illustration. The ancients did not deceive me."

"But I have never seen you write names!" Ye Wuyou said in surprise.

Lu Qingshan handed the book in his hand to the illusory figure behind him and pointed lightly.

"It's not me who writes, but it."

"For those whose realm is lower than the fifth realm, I will do it, and for those who are higher than the fifth realm, it will do it to engrave the name."

Ye Wuyou withdrew his gaze from the illusory figure, was stunned for a long time, and then turned his head gently to look at the ghost behind him.

The blue figure still stood behind him stupidly, and Ye Wuyou felt that the "ghost" was like a fool.

No, how could such a terrifying thing exist in the world?

Wasn't it that as long as you have the wreckage, all realms and cultivations would be like illusory bubbles.

"Then, what's the price?" He stared at it and asked the most critical question.

Weirdness doesn't make sense at all, just like the real and fake child. The other person's eyes don't seem to care about the realm of cultivation, but perhaps not as violent and direct as the remains of Lu Qingshan.

However, the more terrifying the existence, the greater the price required.

"What's the price... It initially only gave me seven quotas, seven quotas for unconditional killing. You can simply understand it as..."

"Seven kills will lead to death." Lu Qingshan said in a leisurely tone.

"How many times are left now?"

"What are you thinking about? It has been used up a long time ago. During those years of fighting, even the Seventh Realm has appeared. I am not truly invincible as a teacher. How can seven places be enough?" Lu Qingshan said disapprovingly.

Just like the words when they first met, they suddenly came to Ye Wuyou's mind.

[Just a dying body...]

"Then...what do you think you are now?"

came an unexpected answer.

"I don't know about it, and I have never felt any erosion." Lu Qingshan said calmly.

"In other words, not knowing what the price is is also a price."

He stood up, pointed at the illusory figure behind him, and said calmly.

"My master should have been eroded long ago, but something strange happened. Instead of leaving me, it continued to follow me."

"I no longer control it, but it can still help me use that terrifying ability."

Ye Wuyou couldn't believe it and finally spoke.

"How can this be?"

"Why is it impossible?" Lu Qingshan asked immediately.

He looked at Ye Wuyou and whispered two words.

"Mute girl."

Ye Wuyou suddenly thought of something.

Mute girl.

That Miss Sadako, that weird one with [Silence].

He should have had nothing to do with her, but at that time, the mute woman came to help him and competed with the footless man.

Even after that, although he could not be sure, Ye Wuyou vaguely felt that the mute girl had no ill intentions towards him and even wanted to follow him.

Is that a good intention?

But how can we use good and evil to judge weirdness?


There was no reason, and it was impossible for Ye Wuyou to understand the reasons for those strange things. Maybe they had some rules, but most of them seemed to rely only on instinct.

You have worked so hard to figure out the rules, but others will come up and cut off your legs.

[Why is there no reason? You have already thought of the reason. The mute woman does rely on instinct, but sexual instinct is also instinct]

[Thinking of this, you make a decisive decision and immediately run back to Tianlao to bring the other person out and follow you. With only three love offerings a day, you can have a brand new corpse next to you]


Brushing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Ye Wuyou looked at the illusory figure and then at Lu Qingshan, feeling that the reason between the two should not be like this.

"There is no need to be so surprised, and don't think about it randomly. There is no need for you to work hard on something that even my teacher can't figure out."

"After all, everything is already bad, can it get worse?"

[Your mind is so sharp that you can detect at a glance that there is not a word of truth in this rotten man's mouth]

Lu Qingshan's tone was leisurely and his eyes were smiling.

"So my teacher said that everything can be solved."


If the facts are true as Lu Qingshan said, then everything seems to be not a big problem.

But, is this really the case?

Ye Wuyou thought about it for a while, but still spoke out to advise. His words were nothing more than talking about the three aspects of Great Yan, Monster Clan, and Great Xuan.

Even if you really have the ability to solve the problem, it is unwise to put all your money on the remains of the avenue left behind for unknown purposes.

The worst possibility is that the strange person who symbolizes [death] left at some point?

Ye Wuyou felt that it was impossible for Lu Qingshan not to take this into consideration.

But facing Ye Wuyou's rambling words, Lu Qingshan sat down with a calm expression, listened for a while, and leaned forward slightly.

He finally spoke, looking at Ye Wuyou with a slightly doubtful tone.

"Worry-free... don't all of you think so."

"Is Dayan important to me?"

After saying this, the illusory figure behind him suddenly trembled.

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