My practice narration is weird

Chapter 158 People change, right?

The female general was very young, at least she should have been young before she died.

Although she was wearing iron armor, she was not tall and slender, but rather lean and slender. Standing upright on the edge of the cliff, feeling Ye Wuyou's sudden respectful gaze, the young female general had a little pride between her eyebrows.

The shadow of the zither and sword? The heart of the sword and the heart of the zither?

A giant in golden armor? The dragon and snake Dharma?

Everything changed in Ye Wuyou's heart.

It seemed that he did not need to restrict the existence of the Dharma to some worldly things.

His words were instantly filled with a little respect, and he coughed lightly and clasped his fists.

"General, I want to know what kind of power your Dharma can have, and what kind of magical powers it may have?"

His words were full of expectation.

As for the fact that the two were not destined to be together, and could not comprehend the Dharma?

Who said I couldn't comprehend it.

My "Non-Form Heart Sutra"!

Imagine that after you are promoted to the fourth realm and fight against others, the other practitioners are nothing more than swords, guns, sticks or human-shaped Dharma images...

If it happens to be the night to fight against the enemy, it will be even better.

You open your Dharma image, and the blazing light washes away all the darkness in an instant. The night dissipates, and endless light radiates from behind you and slowly rises, and you stand in front of the Jiaoyang.

[You stand in front of Jiaoyang, with contempt and arrogance in your eyes, looking at the trembling figures under your feet with your hands behind your back, but there is no pity in your heart. After all, they are just ants. The gap between them and you is not the realm, but the essence of life]

Well, don't shout... It's not that exaggerated.

But then, facing Ye Wuyou's question, the pride in the female general's eyebrows solidified in an instant, and then her eyes looked at the cliff erratic, and she said casually.

"Magic power, don't care about this thing of magical power."

Ye Wuyou nodded. Sure enough, the powerful Dharma image has nothing to do with magical power!

"What did you say? What is the function of my Dharma image? Didn't you see it is very bright in the sky? It illuminates all directions."

Ye Wuyou's eyes showed yearning, yes, the blazing sun dispels the darkness!

"Yeah... I know what you said may make sense, but this Dharma image is very imposing."

Ye Wuyou was stunned... It is indeed very imposing and daunting.

Ye Wuyou gradually felt something was wrong.

The female general changed her previous heroic appearance, now talking about other things, praising her own Dharma image again and again.

But she didn't talk about the function, the magical power, or the power?

The female general said casually at this moment.

"Look at this sun, it is big and round..."

Ye Wuyou silently quieted down and didn't speak again.

The female general was silent for a long time, and finally sighed softly, speaking in a leisurely tone.

"In fact, this general's Dharma image has no effect."

"There is no powerful magical power, no terrifying might, maybe... but this general was only in the fourth realm when he died. It's ridiculous to say that I also realized this Dharma image in a moment of thought. I just thought it should be like this."

The voice was silent for a moment. After thinking about it, the female general suddenly spoke, and her voice became extremely refreshing.

"It's not useless. At least the appearance of this Dharma image makes this general feel hopeful."

"Hope?" Ye Wuyou was puzzled.

"Yes, hope. The darkness is dispelled by the sun, and the light shines in all directions. Isn't that where hope lies? Back then, this general was trapped in the siege, and saw the dawn in the darkness. It was like a blessing that broke through the four realms and broke out of the siege."

The female general suddenly thought of something and chuckled.

"Are you confused as to why I can be as clear-headed as an ordinary person, when only this remnant of spirit remains."

"Perhaps this is the mystery of this general's Dharma. After all, the remaining remnants here, no matter how powerful their Dharma powers are, have to face the scenes before their death over and over again, whether it is a powerful enemy or the end of their lifespan... As time goes by, there was still some consciousness at the beginning, but at most ten years, the mind collapsed and disappeared."

"But this general never feels that there is anything wrong, but is full of hope, although I don't know where this hope comes from and what I hope for."


This is the first time that Ye Wuyou has encountered such a...unique Dharma.

There is no magic power or majesty, only endless hope.

The female general suddenly stood up, and with a light flick of her hand, the red tasseled spear was already in her hand.

Ye Wuyou glanced at it, but then looked forward.

The dense figures, combined into a military formation, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Is this the scene that the female general once saw, a scene that cannot be matched?

The female general laughed extremely heroically at this moment.

"Whatever you say, this general has faced all this countless times, but no matter how many times, this general still feels that he can break it all."

"As for you, kid, stand aside and watch this general break the formation."

Ye Wuyou stepped aside, thinking in his eyes, maybe this is the hope of the Dharma image?


"Will he die?"

These words seemed to be wrong, after all, the other party had died long ago, otherwise he would not be in Luohe.

But Ye Wuyou didn't want the charm in front of him to dissipate at least at this moment.

The female general said lightly.

"This general died a long time ago, and now I don't know what I am. This so-called Luohe is actually just a cage."

"But here, no matter how many times I fail, it will not dissipate."

Ye Wuyou nodded lightly, and the female general passed by him.

"So you will lose?"

The female general stood alone and proudly on the top of the cliff. Her slender figure seemed to turn into a pine tree on the cliff at this moment. Her long black hair was piled up high, and the ends of her hair fluttered in the wind. She held the red tasseled spear in one hand, with the tip of the spear pointing diagonally to the ground. She stood upright, facing thousands of troops alone, frozen and motionless, with only her back left in Ye Wuyou's eyes.

"We will win." The female general said lightly, with an extremely confident look on her face.

The next moment, the figure actually rushed out on his own initiative.

It was just a simple move, without any aura.

After all, everything in this place is related to the soul, including Ye Wuyou, who naturally has no aura.

The Dharma image can't provide any help, and it can't be like Hanyue and the swordsman, with the piano and sword in harmony.

This female general is just like an ordinary person at the moment.

An ordinary person who knows some martial arts.


Ye Wuyou suddenly widened his eyes.

It seems that she knows more than just a few...

Dragon, tiger, bear, snake, taekwondo monkey, pheasant, swallow, crocodile, kite and eagle.

Countless martial arts that Ye Wuyou had never seen were displayed by this female general. The red tasseled spear was like a no-man's land in the army formation. It was like thunder in a small space.

This seemed to be no martial arts.

It was martial arts.

Ye Wuyou even saw the shadow of Zhao Changhe's martial arts in this female general.

After a while...

Everything was settled.

This was a battle without suspense.

The cultivator had no qi, only spirit and soul, and the Dharma had no magical powers. How could he fight against the enemy?

The female general was beaten to pieces.

She lost.

But it didn't have much impact. The female general just staggered back and sat on the cliff. Her figure was no longer straight, but slightly tired.

As if she noticed Ye Wuyou's gaze, the female general turned her head and smiled indifferently.

"If I lose, I lose. I will definitely win next time."

Ye Wuyou thought about it and spoke with a smile.

"I seem to understand your Dharma image, general... but what if I lose again next time?"

The female general looked open-minded.

"That can't be helped. After all, hope often loses to reality, right? Otherwise, would I have died?"

Ye Wuyou was stunned, but the woman's melodious voice came.

"But it doesn't matter. I will never despair and there will always be hope."

Ye Wuyou blinked. General, you are right, but you are dead.

But Ye Wuyou seemed to understand the Dharma image of the person in front of him.

But apart from [Hope], are there other Dharma images similar to this general?

Ye Wuyou looked over.

The female general leaned aside, and picked up the emperor's uncle again in her hand, turned the page, and read with relish.

She didn't look back, "Why? Do you like to read these too?"

Ye Wuyou shook her head, how could she read these things?

"I have a friend... He's my master, he also likes to read these."

"Tsk tsk, you just say you can't do it? You're throwing dirty water on your master." The female general said disdainfully.

Ye Wuyou was anxious, his innocence should not be insulted.

"No, I really have a master, General, you are also from Dayan, maybe you know him."

"My master is Lu Qingshan, a scholar, he looks... He also likes to read these books."

Ye Wuyou described Lu Qingshan's appearance.

The female general heard the words, her fingertips suddenly paused, turned back and glanced at Ye Wuyou, her eyes were strange.

"What a coincidence, the Lu Qingshan you mentioned, this general just happens to know him, so don't throw dirty water on him."

Throw dirty water?

What a joke.

"I'm telling the truth. I'm his apprentice. I know everything about him..."

"I'm his senior sister!" The clear voice came, and the female general looked strange, but there was a reminiscence in her eyes.

"Boy, if the Lu Qingshan you are talking about is indeed the same person I know, then you must be throwing dirty water on him."

Ye Wuyou was stunned when he heard this.

The next sentence of the female general came.

"The Lu Qingshan that this general knows never touches these books. Haha, every time I show him, he disdains it."

"Maybe he reads it privately and didn't tell... you." Ye Wuyou guessed.

The female general shook her head slightly.

"No, he sneers at these. He usually only reads the saints' books that I can't read, and he reads them with relish. This is his character."


The female general looked up, looked up at her own Dharma image, and murmured.

"But people can change."

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