My practice narration is weird

Chapter 164 I am a ghost?

The prison is falling!

Ye Wuyou followed him and saw that he had just stepped into the second level of the prison with the crowd.

But at the same time, Ye Wuyou's eyes narrowed slightly, and he noticed a scene that he had never noticed before.

The black bear demon was carrying another demon on its back, breaking through the wall and rushing out together.

The demon's aura was a little weak, but the ferocious light in its eyes was not diminished at all. Its body resembled that of an ape, with a white head and red feet.

Was it just to save this monster that the demon tribe came to Jie Tian Prison?

After all, many people had escaped from the prison before, and no one knew why the demon clan went to such trouble.

But now I saw this scene through [Backtracking].

Ye Wuyou hesitated for a moment. If he took action to kill this monster, there seemed to be no harm to the future.

But the current situation was critical and he could not leave "himself". Ye Wuyou also decided to be an observer early on.

He didn't stop it.

After a moment of hesitation, the black bear took the ape demon and escaped from the prison.

There was a trembling sound from the passage, and huge boulder fragments crashed down!

Ye Wuyou still remembered that he was knocked unconscious by a stone, and then he came to the eighth floor of the prison without knowing anything.

It should be a small gravel.

Wait, what is that boulder that is bigger than me?

Is this a knockout? This is sent directly to myself.

Ye Wuyou was about to take action immediately.


The Qi machine exploded, and a jailer standing behind "himself" showed an inexplicable smile and took action boldly, smashing the boulder into pieces.

That was an ordinary [D] level jailer, theoretically no more than Level 2 at most.

But the energy that burst out was definitely not just in the second realm, but in the fourth realm.

A piece of gravel the size of a fist knocked "himself" unconscious.

Ye Wuyou's eyes finally turned cold.

Why on earth has he never discovered this?

Is it Xu Qingyuan's second weird body?

Several ghost hands attacked directly at the jailer.

The latter seemed to be slightly aware of it. Although he couldn't see it, his subconscious Qi still enveloped his whole body. However, his expression suddenly changed, and his figure was severely bombarded by Ye Wuyou against the wall.

"Finally found you, Xu Qingyuan!"

"Brother Ye? So that's it...I found you too!"

Xu Qingyuan's familiar voice came from the jailer's mouth, and his voice was filled with joy.

The two talked like old friends reunited after knowing each other for many years.

But the words revealed murderous intent to each other.

The next moment, a strange force came from the passage, and that familiar feeling floated in Ye Wuyou's heart.

Yi Tianbao Mirror.

In an instant, everything around him seemed to change.

Six huge cages are located on both sides of the aisle.

Dim candlelight, dark passages, and strange cages.

Ye Wuyou glanced at "himself" who was lying unconscious on the ground, and then kicked himself aside.

He looked at the jailers who, after all, had a level of cultivation and could still stand at this moment, but looked panicked.

Isn't Lu Caiwei here?

Perhaps she was still on a certain level to defeat the enemy, and only when she entered other levels would she reach the eighth level of the prison like herself.

Ye Wuyou's eyes slowly looked forward.

Weirdness can corrode people's minds.

What is the concept of facing weirdness in one situation?

In just a moment, Ye Wuyou saw those figures covering their heads in pain, curling up and kneeling, and then their expressions became distorted.

Complex, confused, fearful, trembling, and incomprehensible emotions appeared in their eyes.

Among them are his colleagues.

Ye Wuyou looked complicated.

There is no hope, even if I want to change everything, I can't do it.

Because you can't get out of here.

Among the painful crowd, only one person was still standing. He looked leisurely and looked at the surrounding cages with interest.

"It's interesting. This child and the wooden pile are scary to me. They are no worse than those imprisoned by the Daxuan family."

Then, he chuckled and spoke.

"Brother Ye, you should be here now, right? My last [retrospection] really gave me too many surprises."

"Brother Ye, I have a very confusing question now."

The tone was melodious, meaning nothing about life and death, but instead revealed a strong interest.

"What exactly is 伱?"

However, the next moment, Xu Qingyuan's body trembled, his rotten hands were instantly shattered into pieces, and only his normal face was left red.

The ghostly blue hands grabbed his neck and slowly lifted him up from the ground.

Xu Qingyuan still wanted to use Qi, but the next moment, several blue ghost hands directly penetrated his body.

But he wasn't dead yet, and couldn't even shed a trace of blood.

Ye Wuyou stared at the face that was clearly the same as Xu Qingyuan's, trying hard to remember it in his mind.

Very weird.

The other party had the same appearance before, but he didn't recognize him for a moment and just thought he was an ordinary jailer.

Is this Xu Qingyuan's second weird ability?

If the other party has been like this for a long time, then he has obviously been hanging around "him" for a long time.

Why not kill yourself?

"Brother Ye, are you wondering why I didn't kill you earlier?"

Xu Qingyuan's breath was weak, but he still spoke softly to the empty space.

"Because I am too curious about you. No one can remember my [retrospection], but you can remember it..."

"You know, the timing of [Retrace] is actually a series of anchor points. Every time I choose, I can only choose one of them, and I can't go too far, because I can't afford the cost."

"But this time, it is the limit of [Retrace]. I chose the farthest anchor point, but this farthest is not me."

"It's yours."

With a bang, Xu Qingyuan's figure was blown apart, leaving only the lower half of his body and a head.

Xu Qingyuan was out of breath and said slowly.

"I calculated at the time, it's only been half a year, less than half a year, and it hasn't reached the limit of retracing at all."

"But your past starts from here, no, maybe there are still one or two months ago?"

"So I didn't kill you right away, but I kept observing you to see what's so special about you."

"But except for occasionally finding that your brain is not working well and talking to yourself, there is nothing unique about you."

Xu Qingyuan suddenly roared.

"But you have lived for twenty years, but why do you only have half a year?"

"Half a year to reach the third realm? What kind of magic are you practicing!"

"Tell me, what are you!"

"You were lying on the ground at this time, but what does it mean that you are grabbing me now?"

Ye Wuyou looked at Xu Qingyuan, who was shouting at the air and could not see him.

Half a year.

It is the time he came to this world.

He finally spoke.

"I am a human, I am Ye Wuyou."

The next moment, Ye Wuyou crushed Xu Qingyuan's body, and the only remaining head was lifted up by him.

Xu Qingyuan looked like a madman. He could not see Ye Wuyou, but he seemed to finally feel his presence.

After a few strange screams, he laughed and spoke.

"Brother Ye, you should actually thank me. You know, the old guys in the sect want me to cooperate with them, but how can I follow their wishes?"

"Since we are all going to die, it's more interesting that I have seen so many of your secrets!"

Ye Wuyou held Xu Qingyuan's head, but felt the gaze for no reason.

He looked up and saw the white jelly skin lying on the railing in the cage beside him. It seemed that it could see him and twisted its ugly body to please him.


Ye Wuyou didn't care, just raised Xu Qingyuan's head in his hand and asked calmly.

"I want to know, if you die now, what will happen to you in the future?"

"Will Xu Qingyuan appear again?"

The head cracked open his mouth and smiled foolishly, "Brother Ye, I don't know either. This time, the [Rewind] took too long, and anything could happen. I haven't failed in the [Rewind]."

"I only know the past, but not the future."

"Maybe this is why I can't learn Tianyan. After all, Tianyan can infer everything in the world... When I can understand the past, then maybe I am destined to be unable to know the future. The two are inherently conflicting."

Ye Wuyou thought of Xia Anmeng's enemy before her death. She was also a person who once had [Rewind], but in the end, she never learned Tianyan.

Is it not because of their poor qualifications, but because of [Rewind]?

A cicada chirping suddenly appeared around.

A jade cicada suddenly appeared, and Ye Wuyou's eyes shone, and the ghost hand grabbed it directly.

But the next moment, the jade cicada disappeared.

Xu Qingyuan's sneering words came from the side.

"Brother Ye, it ran away, you can't find it, it will appear in the past, but it will appear eventually."

"One day, you will meet another person who can [retrospect]..."

Ye Wuyou didn't care.

Let alone whether he can devour and control the second avenue wreckage, just talking about this [retrospection], in fact, it will make people lose a lot of things.

He didn't want this retrospection, he was just curious about it.

With the departure of Yuchan, Xu Qingyuan's breath seemed to weaken a little bit.

The things in the left eye seemed to be clearer, replaced by the dimness of the right eye.

A white tentacle suddenly jumped out of the cage on the side, and then took Xu Qingyuan's head directly.

It was the white jelly skin with devouring...white Tai Sui.

Damn! This ugly guy dares to steal my things?

The head was swallowed by the white weirdness in an instant.

But in the end, there was an extremely crazy voice, but with pleading in the madness.

"Brother Ye, if you meet the person of [Rewind] again, please..."

"Become friends with him, okay? You are the only one..."

Ye Wuyou did not respond, because Xu Qingyuan's head had been eaten clean.

The next moment.

Countless ghost hands of dark blue stretched out and smashed the white Tai Sui directly.

"How disgusting."

Ye Wuyou stared at the white rotten meat and spat.

Countless eyes were watching around.

Of course, they were not human eyes.

Ye Wuyou turned around and slapped the nearest "footless man" first.

"You have jade feet every day?"

Then he slapped a few more times.

Then he walked towards the child and was silent for a while, thinking that he should not be provoked.

Then he looked at the mute girl, who looked blank.

Ye Wuyou waved at the mute girl, motioning her to come over.

The mute girl was obviously hesitant, but she finally gently stuck to the railing.

The long black hair fell to the ground, and the face of the mute girl was completely covered by the black hair. No one could see her face.

Facing this mute girl who had helped him, Ye Wuyou still had a little good impression.

Ye Wuyou stretched out his hand and passed through the long black hair. He did not lift it, but gently stroked her face.

The mute girl's figure was slightly startled and extremely stiff.

The touch of the fingertips was not good, rugged, uneven, and even the teeth exposed could be touched.

Ye Wuyou stared at the vaguely exposed black hole eye socket through the long black hair and spoke softly.

"I know, you are actually very beautiful."

The mute girl's figure suddenly trembled as if she was electrocuted, and she made an unclear sound of "Shashasha" from her mouth.

Ye Wuyou thought about it, retracted his hand, patted the mute girl's head, and then pointed to "himself" lying on the ground.

"Take care of him."

Finally, he looked at a cage in silence.

An empty cage.

Of course it should be empty, ghosts are invisible.

Will there be two identical weird things? If so, what will happen?


When he approached the cage and even stretched out his ghost hand.

He felt nothing.


At this moment, there is no ghost in the prison!

No, maybe... there is already one.

The author is not smart, so he opened a hole and got this idea.

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