My practice narration is weird

Chapter 169 Rules between Life and Death

Ye Wuyou has left the palace now.

The imperial city is very large. Although there is a formation blockade and no one can enter or leave without permission, Ye Wuyou still found a remote corner.

He stared at the dark sky, and for a moment, he spoke to himself with a hint of doubt and uncertainty.

"Is this... the Great Dark Sky?"

It is the same as the sky seen at the top of the underground palace where the demon was sealed before, but it is more unstoppable.

In other words, the so-called "Great Dark Sky" in the underground palace is the magical power derived from imitating this thing.

[Your mind moved, and the familiar feeling came again. Yes, the place where the demon was before was the useless magic derived from imitating this thing]

Is that so? I really guessed it right.

So the strange ability of the blue-robed Taoist is to seal? Suppress?

Fortunately, this place is not an underground palace, and there is no terrifying green demon.

[No, you will never allow this to happen. Who said there are no demons here?]

[You laughed three times. People always regard good words that they claim to be pleasant to the ear as the truth, but they often fail to see the two sides of things!]

[People always say that everyone can become a Buddha, everyone can attain the Tao, why can't everyone be like a demon! ! This is human nature!]

Ye Wuyou listened to the first sentence very skillfully, and ignored the following words of the narrator.

He looked at the maidservant beside him. Before he spoke, the latter trembled and knelt on the ground, revealing unprecedented fear in her lowered eyes.

"Dao, Daozi, I didn't betray you..."

Ye Wuyou took a deep breath, then picked up the maidservant, and spoke coldly.

"First, Xu Qingyuan is dead, I am not Xu Qingyuan."

"Second, tell me, how did you know Xu Qingyuan, and why did he choose you to be with him before?"

In fact, there is one more point.

Ye Wuyou vaguely sensed the maid's hatred for Xu Qingyuan.

It was unreasonable to keep a woman who hated him deeply by his side.

The maid was silent for a while, still without looking up, but asked cautiously.

"Xu... Daozi, have you lost your memory?"

After noticing Ye Wuyou's eyes, the maid didn't ask more questions after all, and slowly told the story with a hint of fear in her heart.

Seven years ago, she was just a low-level servant in the sect, and was personally chosen by the Daozi to follow her...

Ye Wuyou immediately grasped the key point in the words.

"Seven years ago? What happened then!"

"What, nothing happened." The maid's voice trembled.

Even a fool would know that there was a problem.

"Seven years ago! What happened!"

The maid gritted her teeth, but an old voice came from the sky.

"Xu Qingyuan? What happened during your disappearance? Seven years ago, have you even forgotten this scandal?"

Old Song in a gray robe walked in the air, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked down with a little doubt.

When Zhang Shixuan died, he knew that he could not appear in front of Lu Qingshan.

As Old Song knew about [Ghost Gate Coffin], he wanted to leave this place before, but even if he was in the sixth realm, he could not break the shackles of this place.

It happened that he felt something on the road and noticed where Ye Wuyou was.

Or rather, it was the maid who noticed it.

As someone around Daozi, how could there be no mark on her body?

Old Song sighed lightly.

It was really a very clever way to hide. Until now, he still couldn't see the other party.

But it doesn't matter.

With a wave of his sleeves, the people following behind him immediately understood it. One of them separated several formation flags and fell on the four corners in an instant. The aura rippled for a moment, and invisible ripples appeared.

He was a formation master in the middle third realm.

Blocked everything around.

After doing all this, Song Lao felt a little relieved.

He was a protector after all. The current Daozi was killed under his nose. This was a failure of his protection.

And the murderer was Xu Qingyuan, the original of their sect.

The secret of Xu Qingyuan has always been the focus of the sect.

If he is not captured, even if he leaves this place later, he will be severely punished when he returns to the sect.

Ye Wuyou did not remove [Hide], but looked at the sky calmly.

Six Realms...

He would not be stupid enough to be an enemy of the Six Realms.

But the other party seemed to know a lot of things.

Song Lao's words came from the sky with an old look.

"Seven years ago, you walked out of the mountain, brutally killed a crazy errand disciple in public, and then forcibly brought back the woman who had been with the errand boy since he came up the mountain."

"I felt quite strange at the time, but it was hard to say it out loud. No, it wasn't just me, the whole Daxuan felt strange, wondering if this Taoist had any quirks?"

"Yes, it was this maid, Xu Qingyuan, have you even forgotten this?"

Song Lao said this, seemingly kindly to clear up Ye Wuyou's confusion.

But the voice was repeated and rippled with aura.

A feeling like being tracked by Hanyue with sound came.

Ye Wuyou didn't even have time to think about Song Lao's words, the next moment.

An invisible huge force fell like a mountaintop, pressing down hard.

The heavy bluestone bricks on the ground collapsed in an instant, and the pavilions and towers around collapsed layer by layer in an instant.

[Hide] was released in an instant.

But only Ye Wuyou appeared.

He gently wiped the red from the corner of his mouth, looked at the old man, and finally said with a joking tone.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Old Song was silent for a moment, and finally shook his head slightly.

"No, I will not kill you. After all, you still have many secrets, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Old Song waved his hand, and his aura surged, layer upon layer, and he slapped the nothingness behind him.

In the air behind him, which should have been empty, the shadow of the Qin sword and the extremely bright sword light suddenly appeared.

This is the real Ye Wuyou in [Hidden].

It was a killing move that was layered.

But at this moment, in the powerful gully of the realm, it was like ice and snow encountering the scorching sun, and it disintegrated in an instant.

Ye Wuyou's figure fell from the air and fell straight to the ground.

Ye Wuyou, who was still standing on the ground, still had a smile on his face, and his figure gradually dissipated.

This was just an illusion cast by his right eye.

Old Song continued to speak.

"But I know how to extract souls and ask questions. Only what I say in that way is the most credible. Xu Qingyuan, have you forgotten?"

"After all, if I really keep you, what if the sect restores your identity? How should I deal with it?"

Old Song's eyes were calm, just telling a very ordinary thing.

Positions can be constantly changed.

He was indeed Xu Qingyuan's protector at first. Daozi and protector are complementary to each other.

It's not the so-called great supernatural cultivator who serves as a dog for Tianjiao.

There is no such good thing in the world.

Daozi means the possible future sect master. If placed in the dynasty, it is like the prince.

The protector protects Daozi, which is also a bet.

In the past, he bet on Xu Qingyuan.

But with the death of Xu Qingyuan, all the efforts and relationships built up collapsed.

Now the bet is Zhang Shixuan.

When Zhang Shixuan was still alive outside the palace, the moment he expressed his killing intent, Old Song knew that he and Xu Qingyuan could not go back to the past.

So, let's destroy it first.


In the collapsed ruins.

Ye Wuyou panted heavily, his breath seemed a little messy, and his figure was in a mess.

He glanced at his side.

He seemed to have discovered something, and finally closed his eyes gently.

The maid with a sloping foot came forward tremblingly and approached Ye Wuyou.

"Xu, Xu Qingyuan, Daozi, are you okay..."

Her words trembled with concern.

But then, her voice suddenly changed, and the trembling and fear in her eyes turned into deep hatred in an instant.

A cold light flashed.

The dagger that had been hidden for who knows how long and was prepared for whom.

At this moment, it stabbed Ye Wuyou's heart fiercely with aura.

The next moment.

The expression in the maid's eyes suddenly solidified.

Or rather, she showed a deeper fear, because she was really facing death.

The sharp claws, about an inch long, flashed with a strange luster at this moment, covering the maid's head.

Bai Lu's breath was messy, but her eyes showed the murderous intent and coldness that were not concealed at all.

"Dao, Daozi, save, save me, I didn't mean it, I didn't..."

The fierceness in Bai Lu's eyes became even stronger, and her sharp fox claws pierced into the other's head little by little.

Bai Lu is a demon.

She is a real demon, not a delicate fox in the arms that can be played with at will.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were silent, as if he had known all this for a long time.

He actually gave the other party a chance.

Xu Qingyuan was a beast in his heart, and even the person who created all the current situation.

Ye Wuyou hated him, but Xu Qingyuan was dead and couldn't die anymore.

No, that guy was not even Xu Qingyuan, and even that identity was exchanged!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

He would not agree to the other party's last wish, but he would not be so hard on a little second-level maid who was kept in the dark and could not understand everything.

But now.

After a while, he slowly spoke.

"It's a bit late to say it now. After all, I just figured it out... There are many things I don't understand, but I don't have the energy to inquire carefully."

"But in fact, have you ever thought that Xu Qingyuan, whom you have always hated, is the errand disciple who has been with you since you went up the mountain?"

"It's just that you can't see through the weirdness. Even if he tells you, you can't understand it all."

The maid's eyes are still full of fear and confusion.

She couldn't understand what the other party said.

In her eyes, Ye Wuyou is Xu Qingyuan, the person she hates the most.

What does Xu Qingyuan mean to be the one who accompanies him?

It was obviously Xu Qingyuan who killed him...

Can she understand?

Normally, Xu Qingyuan must have tried.

Even under the dual influence of [Recall] and [Identity Replacement], everything can no longer be described in words and cannot be changed.

It is hard to explain, and it is impossible to tell.

Therefore, a crazy and sickly Xu Qingyuan and a maid who deeply hates Xu Qingyuan were created.

But there are always exceptions to everything, or it can be said that there is a certain inevitability.

The world is big, and life and death are the biggest.

There seems to be some rules between life and death, and even the remains of the road have to give way.

The maid who was facing real death seemed to remember something.

She suddenly remembered the inexplicable words Xu Qingyuan said to her.

"You still don't understand why I chose you that year."

The next moment, the claws crushed the head.

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