My practice narration is weird

Chapter 201: No One Sect

Three bowls of noodles were placed on the table, steaming.

The man in black robe had gloomy eyes.

Ye Wuyou said nothing, he really didn't know what to say.

But Bai Lu is a very filial child.

So that's the first sentence.

"Dad, it turns out you're not dead."

The middle-aged man who was rubbing his face and sitting down at the stall took a long breath, looked at Bai Lu, and told himself not to be angry.

"Your father, I can run fast."

Bai Lu nodded and said timidly.

"That's good, I thought you were killed by your mother."

"No, where is your sister?"

"Dead." Bai Lu responded.

"That's it..."

The tone of the two was extremely calm.

A big question mark appeared on Ye Wuyou's forehead?

Is Qingqiu like this?

"It's a long story..."

Bai Lu's father claimed that his surname was Hu, but he didn't say anything about his name. He just asked people to call him Third Master.

As for why the surname is Hu and not Bai?

In Qingqiu, female foxes are always more powerful than males.

As an ordinary Qingqiu demon fox, Mr. Hu is not from the royal family.

It is a marriage-in-law.

Just like there are invisible divisions among human beings, this class division is even more serious in Qingqiu.

The royal family is heaven.

Master Hu Sanye's clan has a very low status, but Master Hu is the only one who can be regarded as a genius who is rare in thousands of years, and he has come together with the royal family.

For example, it is like Shudras and Brahmins coming together.

"Being humble is not a shame. A husband who can bend and stretch is a man..." Mr. Hu said silently.

The ending is not as happy as imagined.

The prejudice in the fox's heart is like a mountain.

After a dispute, Mr. Hu, who came from a humble background, left angrily, but he also offended the royal family.

So far, nothing has happened.

"My father couldn't stay in Qingqiu any longer, so he simply came to the realm of the human race. More than ten years have passed, and now it seems that he is lucky. After all, Qingqiu is now..." Hu Sanye did not say any more.

Although Qingqiu fell, the clan was not wiped out, but even the seven-tailed sky fox was imprisoned by the rest of the demon clan, and the remaining demon foxes would not have an easy life.

Bai Lu frowned at this moment, her eyes showed confusion, and finally asked.

"Dad, why did you and mother argue before?"


"When mother was still here, she said you would scold her last." Bai Lu's eyes showed resentment.

"It's not wrong to be a father."

Hu San's tone was indifferent at first, but then he became more and more angry. He slammed the table and said angrily.

"What did I scold her for? Was it wrong for me to say she was a vixen? Tell me, was it wrong?"

The atmosphere suddenly froze for a moment.

Mr. Hu finished all the noodle soup at this moment, put down his chopsticks, and then smiled and said something to Bai Lu.

Click, click...

He tapped his fingertips on the table.

Ye Wuyou stood up gently and looked away from Bai Lu who was smiling and talking to the air.

He walked to another table and sat down quietly.

Bai Lu didn't notice all this at all.

Ye Wuyou looked at Mr. Hu who was sitting in front of him and said seriously.

"A very powerful illusion."

The biological father of Bai Lu in front of him was slightly surprised, as if he was surprised that Ye Wuyou could get out of the illusion.

But then he shook his head slightly and said calmly.

"Just as everyone has their own strengths, the demon fox clan is somewhat famous for its magic method. It just so happens that I have some research on this method. Otherwise, how could I have escaped from Qingqiu back then?"

Mr. Hu smiled lightly at this moment.

"After all, I don't want her to see what happens next."

On the ground, bursts of energy ripples suddenly appeared.

Two figures jumped into the sky one after the other.

The eyes of the man in black robes with bruises on his face flashed with undisguised anger.

"Although I am not from the Qingqiu royal family, I can still see what happened to my daughter."

Stretching out one hand, its five fingers turned into claws, it gave Ye Wuyou a firm grip in the air in front of him, and then pulled it sharply.

[Supernatural power·All phenomena and heavenly guidance]

"Tell me, is her life useful?" Angry and questioning words came.

With the superposition of Qi and the ghost's body protection, Ye Wuyou could only defend himself and did not make any offensive moves.

The ghost body protection and superimposed Gang Qi were shattered by Hu Sanye's punch. The force that should have easily crushed anyone's head only made Ye Wuyou's head shake.

He looked silently.

"This punch is for you."

Dark blue ghost hands appeared densely from behind Ye Wuyou, and then wrapped around him.

"This is……"

Mr. Hu Sanye felt something in his heart, and his figure flickered, but he was far away from him.

"Do you think I haven't seen anything weird?"

Along with the words, Hu Sanye pointed lightly.

Invisible threads that were invisible to the naked eye suddenly spread out.

Ye Wuyou's heart tightened. This magical power was somewhat similar to the sword moves of the sword sect Zhou Xuanyuan.

But this thread is not connected to the sword, but...


A demon fox comparable to the Sixth Realm, if he didn't really fight to death, Ye Wuyou would be incomparable in terms of various magical powers.

It's as if the person's soul can be separated from the body in the next second.

But after all, the thunder is louder than the raindrops.

Hu Sanye, who had laid out all his killing moves and could take Ye Wuyou's life with just a thought, finally stopped taking action at this moment.

Ye Wuyou stood quietly on the spot with a calm expression.

The invisible thread has been shattered.

He sensed from the beginning that the other party had no murderous intention.

In other words, the murderous intention has been suppressed.

Killing him would be equivalent to killing Bai Lu.

Mr. Hu took a deep breath at this moment and said in a deep voice.

"I originally gave you three choices, but now, there are only two left."

"Although I don't know how you saw through my illusion, but now that you have seen through it, the layout is meaningless."

Does it refer to the illusion just now?

Ye Wuyou thought in his mind, that illusion was not just for Bai Lu, but also for me?

Mr. Hu's face was calm, "I can't do anything to beat the mandarin ducks. She is absolutely determined and sincere. If she is not my daughter, but another royal demon fox, huh, I will still praise you for how powerful you are. Calculate, be blessed.”

"But since I am her father, I cannot help you do this. With just a cursory glance, I know that she spent her life on you at least three times?"

"If it had been in the past that she had fallen into such a repeated state, her cultivation path would have been cut off a long time ago. But it seems that she has taken some precious medicine. Your kid also has a similar aura on his body, but he was barely cured."

Treasure medicine?

Is that the purple lotus seed?

"So senior wants to control me with illusions for the rest of my life?" Ye Wuyou asked.

Hu Sanye said calmly.

"What's wrong with the illusion world? With me by your side, you and her will not be in any danger."

Ye Wuyou shook his head slightly and pointed at his body.

"Since senior knows that this thing on me is weird, he should also know that there are some things that I can't stop..."

Although there is a [thorn in the eyes] to balance the [ghost] in the body, and the seven-layer Tianyan can suppress the weirdness, but in the end it is just a way to extend one's life.

How many years, how many decades?

The owner of Tianji Tower Zeng said.

Nothing will turn around until you reach the Seventh Realm.

Mr. Hu's face was a little ugly, but his eyes were still calm.

"I have been in this Daxuan for more than ten years, and now I am also a worshiper of Wanbao Tower. I have seen countless things. You and I go back and make a life and death contract. I will find a way to extend your life for you."

Is there a way to extend your life...

If there really was a way to extend their lives, those people wouldn't have met the miserable end...

If this "uncle" could come up with the so-called life-extending method right now, Ye Wuyou would seriously consider it, but he would just consider it.

Mr. Hu snorted softly when he saw Ye Wuyou's thoughtful expression.

"Your illusions can't fool me yet. Although I don't know your true face, how old are you? Twenty?"

"I'm most annoyed by so-called geniuses like you. Each of you has a higher ambition than the sky and a thinner life than paper. Only when you find yourself stuck in the six realms for the rest of your life will you lament that you are no good..."

The words stopped suddenly, and Mr. Hu didn't seem to want to continue talking.

"In this case, there is only one last option left."


Bai Lu blinked.

The two of them seemed to be more harmonious than expected.

Seeing Ye Wuyou and her father getting along happily, Bai Lu felt a little relieved.

The words suddenly stopped.

Bai Lu looked at the two people in front of her with doubtful eyes. Both figures seemed to be stiff and motionless.

"What's going on here?"

His vision gradually dimmed, and then Bai Lu couldn't hold back the constant sleepiness and fell asleep on the table.

A trace of sweat broke out on Mr. Hu's forehead, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have banned part of her bloodline. At least in the eyes of outsiders, she is no longer part of the Qingqiu royal family."

Ye Wuyou frowned, "What about the contract?"

"Everything has animism, so it is greedy by nature. The Beast Control Sect is the mortal enemy of the demon clan. The contract is specifically aimed at the demon beasts. Once it is formed, it is difficult to cancel. I can only barely limit my cultivation to a few points. Of course, you are dead. It can be lifted." Mr. Hu said with a smile.

Ye Wuyou died, Bai Lu died, and the contract was dissolved.

But the life-substitution technique will no longer work on Ye Wuyou, but on Bai Lu.

This can be regarded as a loophole in the contract, a loophole that can be blocked with life.

After all, how many royal demon foxes have there been in the past thousands of years?

Except for those big demons that have become famous, the new royal demon foxes can only be counted in two palms.

Mr. Hu said in an indifferent tone.

"Actually, I could have just done this, but this girl's situation reminds me of her mother, haha."

"Her mother's surname is Bai. According to me, she shouldn't be surnamed Bai. As a result, she ended up in this situation."

Ye Wuyou rarely had doubts.

"What's wrong with the surname Bai?"

"It's too easy to give it away." Hu Sanye said.

The narrator's words were still chattering in his mind.

It's as if I can change this contract at will.

Ye Wuyou didn't pay attention.

Hu Sanye waved his hand lightly, and Bai Lu turned into a two-tailed white fox, which was held by the back of the neck.

Ye Wuyou's eyes paused.

If he read it correctly, the other party's first reaction was to pick it up with his mouth?

A dull voice came from beside him.

"You kid, you are lucky that you met me. I used to sell fish to people in my family. After working hard all the way, I realized that it was not easy, so I reluctantly gave you a few choices."

"If her mother were still here, with her arrogant temperament, she would definitely not talk nonsense to you."

Ye Wuyou couldn't comment, he opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

It is indeed too dangerous for Bai Lu to follow him now.

This Hu Sanye, with the power of six realms, would be almost invincible if placed in Dayan.

And Ye Wuyou doesn't want to have any more setbacks...

Bai Lu could have reached the fourth realm earlier. After all, when Ye Wuyou first met Bai Lu, he was already at the peak of the third realm.

But now, he is only at the second realm.

"I will stay in Wanbao Tower in the future. It's okay to come and see when I have nothing to do. If you have something to do... don't come."

Ye Wuyou was silent for a while and asked the last question.

Previously, he used the method of Tianyan to deduce the strangeness of the identity exchange.

A small sect called Guiyuan that looks unremarkable.

It's not difficult to find the location, but it's someone else's sect after all. It's not appropriate to go there rashly. I'll ask for some information.

Mainly want to ask if there are any masters inside.

If there are masters, then visit them.

If there are no masters.

Then this master of mine will come.

But Ye Wuyou has asked many people in the past few days, but he has never heard of it.

"Uncle, do you know Guiyuan Sect?"

Hearing that the identity and title changed so quickly, Mr. Hu's eyes were slightly startled and he said casually.

"Guiyuan... I remember, I know."

As expected of an old fox who has been hanging around in the human race for more than ten years, he is well-informed.

Ye Wuyou hurriedly continued to ask.

"Does that sect have the sixth realm? Or the fifth realm?"

Mr. Hu San said with a strange look.


Ye Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that this matter is not difficult.

But then Mr. Hu San laughed and said.

"That small sect disappeared more than ten years ago. There is not even a person there now. How can there be any fifth or sixth realm?"

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