My practice narration is weird

Chapter 212 Sect Master Ye Wuyou (4700)

Chapter 212 Sect Master - Ye Wuyou (4700)

Not lost?

Ye Wuyou's eyes were a little stunned, and he didn't understand what it meant for a moment.

Lu Zhaolin had said before that when the three of them entered this strange area, Cui Yuan was lost, and the other person had been out of contact.

Ten days later, in Lu Zhaolin's mind, Luo Qinghan must have been lost.

In fact, when Ye Wuyou saw her for the first time, he also thought so.

The woman in front of him, named Luo Qinghan, obeyed the orders of the sect master, and her previous dead silence did not seem fake.

At that moment, Luo Qinghan seemed to be the "Spirit Master of Goddess Peak".

Of course, the Goddess Peak Master also has a fixed name, but it is not important.

But now, the dead silence in Luo Qinghan's eyes seemed to have dissipated a little. Although his eyes were still arrogant, they were completely different from the previous look.

Ye Wuyou stepped back silently, retracted his ghost hand, and stared at the other person.

"I'm not lost... Then why are you stopping me? Since you are trapped here, don't you want to get out?"

If you can kill the sect master and take down the strange imprisonment.

This strange domain will naturally be lifted.

Luo Qinghan did not answer Ye Wuyou's words immediately, but took a step forward lightly.

Ye Wuyou suddenly felt stiff and subconsciously wanted to resist.

"Don't move, I won't kill you."

The ethereal voice came, and Luo Qinghan stretched out his hand and gently stroked Ye Wuyou's cheek.

[Hehe, you laughed at yourself. Although you have tried your best to cover up everything, a gentleman hides his weapon in his body. That huge charm that can't be concealed makes you hate it. You wanted to give the world a chance, but you just let this girl fall with an unintentional look, and now she is taking the initiative to throw herself into your arms...]

Damn it!

This woman is so strong.

Ye Wuyou had no time to pay attention to the dog barking in the narration. He looked at the face that was getting closer to him in a somewhat unbelievable way.

The fingertips of the other party gently brushed across his face, but strangely, there was no touch at all.

His right eye flickered, but he saw a scene in the blind spot of his vision.

Luo Qinghan's fingertips seemed to touch his cheek, but in fact there was an extremely small distance.

That distance was always there, just like the ghost hand could not touch the other party's neck before.

What on earth is this?

So close yet so far away?

[Tsk, you can't help but look at the skirt under this woman...]


[No wonder she walked barefoot all the way, and the slender jade feet were not stained with any dust, which is what you like...]

It suits your sister, I don't like jade feet at all.

Luo Qinghan leaned forward slightly at this moment, his eyes were indifferent, and his eyes swept across Ye Wuyou's cheek very carefully.

"Xu Qingyuan, why do you want to kill Luo Yun?"

Who is Luo Yun?

"My brother." Luo Qinghan said lightly, seeming to see Ye Wuyou's doubts.

Ye Wuyou heard these words and then realized something.

This Luo Qinghan actually completely saw through the illusion that he had covered himself.

Not only did he see through the illusion, he even saw through the cognitive differences brought about by [identity replacement].

However, she could only see this far...

Xu Qingyuan?

Haha, okay, then I am Xu Qingyuan now.

Ye Wuyou smiled lightly, then stretched out his hand and gently swept away the other's fingertips.

"The Luo family attacked me, so I slaughtered the Luo family. He was protected by you, and he refused to let me go either in his mouth or in his heart, so I killed him."

Luo Qinghan looked indifferent, and nodded slightly.

The light words came.

"Xu Qingyuan, cooperate with me, and I won't kill you."

[However, a mere furnace dares to speak wildly in front of you, which is ridiculous. You should capture this woman immediately and make her speechless]

Ye Wuyou was silent for a moment, and then smiled softly.

"Do you think you can kill me?" Ye Wuyou said slowly.

If it is Xu Qingyuan, no one can kill him.

Luo Qinghan did not mention this topic again. She looked at Ye Wuyou and frowned.

"Why can you break the rules here?"

Ye Wuyou's identity is just an elder, but he killed the peak master.

If you commit crimes against your superiors, you will be lost.

But Ye Wuyou is not affected.

Like Luo Qinghan before, Ye Wuyou did not answer this question, but spoke instead.

"It's a meaningless question, Luo Qinghan, since you said you would cooperate with me, what do you want to do?"

It's a meaningless question?

Luo Qinghan's eyes were calm, and he didn't struggle.

Just like himself, Xu Qingyuan also has his uniqueness.

Xu Qingyuan used to be like this. When solving other strange things, other people would often run around but never get any results.

Xu Qingyuan did nothing from beginning to end, and a casual word could reveal all the mysteries.

But as for how that person did it, no one knew.

Luo Qinghan wanted Xu Qingyuan's casual words to help her achieve something.

However, she didn't know that Ye Wuyou didn't have the ability to do so.

"The sect master can't be killed now." She said softly.


Luo Qinghan finally explained.

"I think you have also noticed the unusual identity of the sect master? The identity of [sect master] is a unique existence."

"Although the sect masters in this place will continue to change, everyone has the possibility to become a sect master. But there is only one identity of this "sect master". Killing him means that you have killed the sect master. This identity will disappear and will not be the same as the sect master." The other disciples of the elders and disciples of the peak master usually have someone to take their place even if they die.

"The sect master is just like the brain in a human body. The other organs, skin, and hair are just like the countless disciples and elders. Even a person's organs can be replaced, but the brain cannot be replaced."

"You just wanted to kill the sect leader, but what will happen if a sect does not have a sect leader?"

Ye Wuyou frowned.

"So what if there is no sect leader? So what if the sect disappears? This is a false world."

Luo Qinghan shook his head slightly.

"You're wrong, in a way, that's all that's true."

Real everything?

Ye Wuyou had also doubted this issue, but until he saw the weirdness of the people in this place with his own eyes, he had completely put this idea behind him.

Luo Qinghan was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke.

"If you don't realize that the identities of people in this sect can change, then is this a normal sect?"

With thoughts flashing in his eyes, Ye Wuyou nodded.

Luo Qinghan looked at the misty clouds in the distance and said calmly.

"If you ignore the change in identity, everything in this sect is normal. If an outsider is brought into the sect, he can even spend his whole life here."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ye Wuyou couldn't help but ask.

"Do you know, how many identities have I had in the past ten years?" An indifferent smile appeared on Luo Qinghan's silent face.

Then, she replied mindlessly.

"The three identities are all in Goddess Peak. On the first day, I was the master of Goddess Peak. On the second day, I was a disciple of Goddess Peak. On the fifth day, I was the elder of Goddess Peak. After that, for seven consecutive days, I was the goddess. The master of the peak has never changed."

The same identity for seven days in a row?

Ye Wuyou has only been a third elder for two days and a senior brother for one day.

Is there any pattern to this identity change?

Luo Qinghan said calmly at this moment.

"Identity changes follow a pattern, and I found this pattern."

Seeing Ye Wuyou's puzzled expression, Luo Qinghan did not hesitate to share the information and spoke directly.

"Let me ask you, what should a normal sect disciple do if he wants to be promoted?"

How to do it?

It can't be just human nature.

Ye Wuyou wanted to say that I didn't know, I had cultivated it in a wild way.

"Cultivation?" he asked.

Luo Qinghan didn't confirm or deny, he just answered.

"Cultivation is also an important point. I was the master of Goddess Peak on the first day, but I didn't realize anything at the time. After becoming a disciple on the second day, I finally noticed a clue."

"You know that as our identity changes, there will be an additional memory of our current identity in our minds, right?"

Ye Wuyou nodded. He now had two memories in his mind.

Luo Qinghan continued.

"I peeked into that memory, and gradually learned a little more about this sect."

"When I integrated the disciple's memory, I became an elder. When I integrated the elder's memory into myself, my identity changed again."

"Then, my identity became the master of the Goddess Peak."

"And now, I have integrated the extra memory in my mind, the memory belonging to the master of the Goddess Peak."

Fusing the memories of disciples and becoming an elder?

Fusing the elder's memory to become the peak master?

Progressing step by step, disciple - elder - peak master.

Like the promotion path within an ordinary sect?

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly.

This is a very risky thing.

That is a memory that does not belong to me...

It is equivalent to having an additional memory of Li Si's life in Zhang San's mind.

And the people around you also think you are Li Si.

Everyone tells you that you are John Doe.

So when the two memories overlap, at this moment, do you still think you are Zhang San?

Lu Zhaolin did not actively try to peek into any of his memories, but those memories were mixed in his mind, which already made him feel weird.

He could try it himself, and it probably wouldn't be affected, but Ye Wuyou had always felt it was unnecessary.

For no reason, Ye Wuyou became more afraid of this woman.

But he still had a smile on his lips at this moment, as if he didn't care.

"Then are you really not lost now? Were you Luo Qinghan or the master of Goddess Peak before you?"

Luo Qinghan's expression was calm, but he glanced at Ye Wuyou and then chuckled.

"No need to test, you can think of me as the master of the Goddess Peak. I think so myself, but I can tell the difference clearly."

Luo Qinghan stretched out his hand and pointed at his forehead, and then his silent eyes showed undisguised arrogance and unruliness.

"I have already passed through the Six Levels of Heart Demon Tribulation. Don't compare me with Lu Zhaolin and others."

"I can do this, but Lu Zhaolin and the others can't."

Luo Qinghan's voice was extremely aloof.

Six realms of heavenly power, to overcome the calamity of inner demons.

Ye Wuyou has never experienced it, but he has also seen Lu Qingshan's hesitation and entanglement in finally facing the inner demon tribulation.

Is it because I have survived the inner demon tribulation that my mind is strong?

Luo Qinghan didn't care about Ye Wuyou's words, but there was a different look in his eyes, and he chuckled.

"Do you know what I found in these memories?"

"The inheritance of the skills in these memories, the skills they practiced in the memories of these [identities] actually exist."

Ye Wuyou was slightly stunned, but then calmed down.

This is nothing...

No, that's not right.

"Weirdness can't do this, weirdness is not intelligent." Ye Wuyou muttered at this moment.

Even if it creates a real world, it can't make up a real skill.

But everything here...

Luo Qinghan seemed to know this, and said in a stern voice at this moment.

"You should have noticed that the disciples and elders in these sects all wear different clothes."


"I have read some miscellaneous books and ancient books, and I know the costumes of some dynasties thousands of years ago, and I saw similar clothes here... So, they really exist, at least they really existed before, and they have had intersections with this weirdness."

"I think that all the people in the sect here have been directly or indirectly affected by [identity replacement]. For example, this weird domain fell into a sect thousands of years ago, or even in other sects in a longer time."

"With these people, the weirdness formed this extremely real world."

Ye Wuyou took a deep breath, and then kept sorting out all this information in his heart.

So thousands of years ago, or even longer ago, was there really a girl with twin ponytails?

"What else did you find?" Ye Wuyou said seriously.

This woman in front of him seemed to be really a little bit powerful.

While being powerful, her brain seemed to be very useful.

"What did you find?" Luo Qinghan smiled faintly.

"When I was a disciple of Goddess Peak, the disciples in my memory were only at the third realm."

"When I was an elder of Goddess Peak, the cultivation level of that identity was the fifth realm."

"And when I was the peak master, the peak master in my memory was already faintly about to break through the seventh realm."

"I have integrated all her insights, which is the understanding of the upper three realms, and that is the road to the seventh realm!"

Luo Qinghan's eyes bloomed with brilliant spirit.

Her tone even had a faint ripple.

The owner of Tianji Tower once said that the six realms are common in the world, but the seventh realm is hard to find.

Looking at the entire Da Yan, except for the weird green demon, it seems that the seventh realm has never been seen.

The sixth realm of Tianquan is already the extreme.

"Since the identity of the peak master of Goddess Peak is close to the seventh realm, what about the sect master?"

"He is undoubtedly the seventh realm, or even higher..."

Luo Qinghan's voice paused slightly, and then he said in a very solemn tone.

"That sect master is different from everyone else. He can even control some of the taboos in this strange domain. His orders represent everything, and he seems to have some unique authority..."

"Even, the connection between that sect master and this strangeness may surpass that of others."

"Maybe, we can find the source of this strangeness from this sect master!"

Ye Wuyou was silent for a moment, then chuckled.

"So, you want to change your identity to that sect master?"

"Yes, the memory of the identity of the Goddess Peak Master has brought me surprises, but it's not enough."

"Are you so sure that you can change your identity to the sect master?" Ye Wuyou asked doubtfully.

Luo Qinghan didn't think about it.

"If I do nothing and let my identity change randomly, maybe tomorrow, maybe a few years, or maybe decades later, it may be my turn to become the sect master."

"But at this moment, above the peak master is the sect master, and I have completely consolidated the identity of the peak master."

"Like a normal sect, this is inevitable. Now it is just a matter of time. I just need to wait quietly."

"When I become the sect master and integrate all my insights, I will take action to take down that weirdness."

Somewhat interesting...

It sounds like it is very simple for Luo Qinghan to take down that weirdness.

Is all she did just to be able to comprehend the path of the seventh realm?

If everything is really as good as she said,'s not a bad idea.

Ye Wuyou looked calm at this moment and said casually.

"That's why you don't let me kill the sect master now, just because you want everything from him."

"That's right, don't you want to? After I understand, I might as well share my feelings with you.

After all, for people like us, if we don't reach the upper three realms in this life, there is no hope at all." Luo Qinghan said coldly.

This is not wrong...

Although the distance is a bit far, the road to the upper three realms is still a mystery.

If it's just a period of time, it's not that I can't waste it.

Ye Wuyou nodded lightly and said casually.

"You are a woman, it's appropriate to be in the Goddess Peak, but the identity of the sect master should be a man, right? You won't feel..."

Luo Qinghan said indifferently.

"As long as you can pursue the great way, what gender is there to say, and I can distinguish these things in my mind."

As if thinking of something, Luo Qinghan looked at Xu Qingyuan slowly at this moment.

There was a hint of strangeness in his eyes, but it dissipated and turned into calmness.

She spoke softly, her voice was ethereal.

"By the way, Xu Qingyuan, I have been referring to the identity of the sect leader, but I forgot to mention that the sect leader's name happened to coincide with the person you killed. It's probably a coincidence."

"" Ye Wuyou's tone was slightly tense.

"Ye Wuyou."

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