My practice narration is weird

Chapter 215: Unwavering gaze

The slender branch in the girl's hand was gently raised.

Luo Qinghan bit his lips tightly, his eyes showing confusion.

"You want to bully me too?"

Hearing this, the girl standing opposite Luo Qinghan was obviously stunned.

She held the dead branch in her hand, but she stayed where she was for a moment, and then waved her hand quickly.

Then, the dead branch danced a very reluctant sword flower in the girl's hand like a sword.

Then, the girl gently tied the "dead branch sword" to her waist with a belt.

On Luo Qinghan's dirty black face, two bright eyes showed great confusion.

What is she doing?

Why does it feel like she is just waving a branch?

Then, under Luo Qinghan's gaze, the girl opposite took out a small jade bottle from somewhere.

A strong smell of medicine emanated from it.

The girl touched the wound medicine in the jade bottle with her fingertips, then stepped forward, first wiping Luo Qinghan's dirty face with her clean white sleeves.

Then, the fingertips were green, and without hesitation, they gently touched the bruises on Luo Qinghan's face.

A slight chill came from the other's fingertips. Luo Qinghan stared at the girl who was half a head shorter than him, thought for a while, and blinked.

"My last name is Luo, Luo with three drops of water, Luo Qinghan."

The girl nodded gently, still carefully applying medicine to Luo Qinghan's wounds, without speaking.

"What's your name?" Luo Qinghan asked curiously.

In this strange new environment, it was the first time that she met other people who showed kindness to her.

The girl hesitated.

Luo Qinghan was older than the other party, and suffered more cold eyes than the other party. She immediately saw that something was wrong.

Damn, she might be a mute.

At the moment, she waved her hands repeatedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just asked casually."

The girl was about to speak, but a few childish but sneering voices came from the side.

"Hahaha, you are still talking to her, Lu Jieba's words can tire people to death."

Lu Jieba?

Luo Qinghan looked back and saw the children who had bullied him before.

Among them, the child king of the Luo family was standing in the front, covering his nose that would bleed from time to time, and looking at the two of them viciously.

"A freak and a stammering Lu, now they are playing together, hum, I am bleeding, why are you just bruised!"

As he said that, a group of teenagers came over.

Luo Qinghan's face turned pale, and he felt a little timid in his heart, and his steps were involuntarily retreated.

Only the girl next to him who had never spoken, at this moment, looked at the figures who rolled up their sleeves and walked over, and then looked at Luo Qinghan who was trembling and retreating.

The girl's eyes first showed doubts, and she tilted her little head, as if thinking about what was going on.

Then she probably understood.

"He he he... bullied... you?" she asked.

Luo Qinghan nodded, then realized something and said anxiously to the girl who was still standing there.

"Go quickly, don't stay here."

The girl nodded gently, as if she had confirmed something.

Then, she pulled out the thin and long dead branch that was pinned to her waist.

"Hey, this Lu Jieba took a branch and thought he was a swordsman?"

"Hey, don't tell me, I often see her shaking the branch alone."

"What does she want to do? Hit us with the branch? Hahaha Ouch... It hurts."

"Ah, you dare to hit me, do you know who my father is!... I'm sorry, I was wrong!"


In just a moment, six or seven children fell to the ground, crying heartbreakingly.

And the figures of Luo Qinghan and the girl were far away from here.

Among them, the child king of the Luo family clan was slightly stunned at this moment, crying and speaking in disbelief.

"Wuwuwu, how could she break through the first realm!!"

The other children heard it and took a breath of cold air.

The weather was quite hot, and I took a breath of hot air.

The child king of the Luo family was muttering to himself at this moment.

"I am the fastest progresser at the moment, but I have only comprehended the Qi sense in the Body Refining Realm, and she is actually in the Hidden Yuan Realm of the First Realm!"

"It's so terrifying, so terrifying, this girl must not be kept!"

A child cried and shouted at the side.

"Woo woo, big brother, stop talking, we have to go back to class."

"You're right, go to class and complain to the teachers!"

By the small river in the mountains.

Luo Qinghan was squatting by the river at this moment, burying her whole face in the water, washing off the dust on her face along with the medicine just now.

Then, she lay on her back on the sloping lawn by the river, her eyes flickering as she looked at the "sword" girl standing next to her.

The sword-holding girl was panting slightly at this moment, and there was a trace of overflowing Qi on her body.

Obviously, she had just entered the first realm not long ago, or even a few days, and she couldn't control the Qi at all.

Running all the way here was even more exhausting.

The girl looked at Luo Qinghan, who was lying on the ground and looking at her.

She remembered that she hadn't answered the previous question yet.

"My name is Lu Lu Lu... Caiwei Weiwei."

Lu Caiwei's voice was a little difficult, and there was a hint of inexplicable embarrassment and embarrassment in her eyes.

Is her name Lu Caiwei?

Luo Qinghan's eyes were bright.

She grinned at this moment, and her hands kept raising and lowering on the lawn, slapping as if to vent.

The lawn was lush, without dust, but it raised a few touches of green and grass seeds.

On the face that had been washed clean, there was a hint of extremely brilliant smile.

She was really happy, extremely happy.

Luo Qinghan was very happy when he saw the group of guys who had been bullying him in the past being easily beaten to the ground by Lu Caiwei in front of him, writhing on the ground and crying.

"Why do you want to help me?" Luo Qinghan asked.

Lu Caiwei hesitated for a moment, then stammered.

"No, no, you can't turn a blind eye and see people being bullied."

Luo Qinghan didn't seem to understand.

Lu Caiwei added.

"I, I, I...are one realm."

"Well, what happens next?" Luo Qinghan was even more puzzled.

"I, I am better than you now." Lu Caiwei said.

"?" Luo Qinghan became more and more confused.

What did she want to say?

Lu Caiwei waved the dead branch in her hand, and then spoke in a serious but serious tone.

"The strong should not bully the weak."

"But...we should protect him and others."

"This is me, me, my sword!"

The young Luo Qinghan actually didn't understand the profound meaning of this sentence.

She just smiled, held out her hand and gave a thumbs up, praising.

"Awesome! Do you like swords?"


"You will definitely become the strongest female sword fairy in the future."

"Yeah!" Lu Caiwei responded, with a bit more joy in her words.

After a moment of silence, Luo Qinghan sighed for no reason, sat up from the ground with his hands on his knees, and said in a low tone.

"If only I were as powerful as you, I wouldn't be bullied."

Lu Caiwei also put down the branches at this moment, and then sat cross-legged aside.

She took out another pen and paper from her body and was writing now.

"Why did they bully you?"

Luo Qinghan glanced at the words on the paper and responded in a low voice.

"Because of my... they say I'm a freak."

Lu Caiwei looked a little confused.

But Luo Qinghan didn't seem to want to continue this topic, so she took the initiative to ask.

"When they started laughing at you like that, why did you keep a cold expression on your face, as if you didn't hear them? Aren't you angry?"

"Angry, but the angrier you are, the happier they will be." Lu Caiweishu wrote.

Then, she glanced at Luo Qinghan and wrote.

"You can also be like me, no matter what others say, don't be angry and ignore them."

"That way maybe they won't bully you anymore."

Like her?

Luo Qinghan thought for a while, does it mean that his temper has become colder? Then his temperament became cool and arrogant?

She tried hard to look cold, but unfortunately, she seemed different from Lu Caiwei, not cold at all.

After trying several times, Luo Qinghan naturally gave up.

Her tone was a little lonely, and she gently tugged at the corner of Lu Caiwei's clothes.

"You just said maybe, what if they still bully me?"

Lu Caiwei thought for a while and wrote with pen and paper.

"Then you come to me and I will protect you."

"What if I keep being bullied?" Luo Qinghan murmured.

"Then I can protect you for the rest of my life."

Luo Qinghan's hair was blowing in the wind and was a little scattered. When he saw these words, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

His face was obscured by loose strands of hair.

And in those eyes, there was a faint flicker of light at this moment.

She looked involuntarily at the girl sitting next to her.

He never moved away again.


In the quiet attic, the moonlight shines like gauze.

Luo Qinghan slowly opened his eyes.

What I just said was my own memory...

Did you almost get lost again?

I have forgotten other people, but I have not forgotten her...

Luo Qinghan laughed at himself, then stood up and climbed to the highest point of the attic alone under the moonlight.

It was completely different from the Luo Qinghan in his memory.

Her face was cold and calm at the moment.

"I remembered."

"I am Luo Qinghan."

"And now, I want to become the leader of this strange realm."

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