My practice narration is weird

Chapter 224 Succubus Girl

Instantly, Ye Wuyou's vision fell into darkness.

Something almost incomprehensible happened.

It was just the little monk in the underground palace who seemed to be able to be killed by him at will.

But now, for some reason, he was powerless in front of him.

His qi was stagnant and out of his control, and even the ghost in his body seemed to be extremely stiff.

[What a joke, but an invisible avenue that was born from the gestation actually wanted to devour you, furious! ]

[What a joke, you have always been the one to devour others, and if I want to devour you, I am not afraid of breaking my teeth! ]

In the dimness, Ye Wuyou's eyes brightened for a moment.

Is there a chance?

What method will the narrator use to escape the crisis?

[It is better to die in glory than to live in disgrace! You will explode directly and break this guy's teeth! ]

Okay, I will just...ah ha, can I only break my teeth?

[Well, this bald donkey has some tricks. You wanted to explode directly, but you can't even use your Qi. Haha, don't worry, you have another plan in your mind...]

The voice of the narrator in your mind has not finished.

Ye Wuyou only felt that the world was spinning for a moment, as if the whole person was thrown down from a high altitude and fell to the ground.

In front of him was the little monk with his mouth open.

It was not until this moment that Ye Wuyou noticed the look in this guy's eyes.

It was a very strange but emotionless look... pure look.

Ye Wuyou's face showed a strong sense of vigilance, but his body was extremely stiff. He stood up from the ground and staggered back, covering his broken hand.

His right hand, which had been holding a strange hand before, was now completely broken along with his forearm.

[Identity Replacement] Swallowed by it...

The sound of flesh and bones being chewed by teeth came, making a crisp sound.

The little monk moved his mouth and looked at Ye Wuyou.

The expression in his eyes was dull for a moment, as if he was a little stunned.

But then, there was an embarrassed voice.

The little monk spit out Ye Wuyou's hand, wiped his hands on his body, and then wiped the broken right hand clean with his sleeves, and was at a loss for a moment.

"That, donor, you, you still want it? I'll help you clean it."

Looking at his broken right arm with teeth marks, Ye Wuyou was silent for a long time.

"Thank you, but no need..."

The little monk's eyes showed undisguised embarrassment at this moment, lowered his head, and apologized as if he had made a mistake.

"Donor, I don't know what happened just now, I just felt very hungry, but when I came to my senses, I found out..."

"I can't eat people, I can't eat people..."

The little monk's voice gradually became flustered, and he stuttered and didn't know what to say, so he put his hands together, lowered his head and kept chanting.

Ye Wuyou stared at this scene, then stepped back a few steps and looked around.

The strange domain just now has undergone earth-shaking changes again.

The vast immortal sect, the bluestone steps, the wide mountain gate...

have all disappeared at this moment.

The fake "Guiyuan Sect" originally existed by relying on the strange domain.

And now...

The strange [Identity Replacement] that I just took was eaten by this little monk.

Everything has changed.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that there is another strange domain here, which is created by another strangeness independent of [Identity Replacement].

How difficult is it to crack a strange domain?

Ye Wuyou has personally realized this in recent days.

Compared with before, Lu Zhaolin and Luo Qinghan can still provide some help and information. Now he is alone and will be affected.

In this state, how can I crack this strange domain and get out?

Ye Wuyou's eyes fell back on the little monk.

This little monk is very dangerous.

But he...

The little monk was still reciting the sutra with his head down in panic. Ye Wuyou took a deep breath and finally made a decision.

"Are you full?"

The little monk looked up and glanced at Ye Wuyou, gritted his teeth silently, swallowed his saliva, and nodded.

"I'm not hungry."

"Monks don't tell lies, what you said is too false."

"Donor has wisdom... I'm actually a little hungry, but you are my friend, don't do stupid things."

Psychopath, what stupid things can I do.

Ye Wuyou didn't care about the ambiguity in the little monk's words, but pointed to the cliff before and said softly.

"If you're not full, there are still..."

The little monk heard this and sniffed lightly at this moment, and then a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Donor, you are such a good person." The little monk said quite seriously.

"Donor, you will definitely go to heaven after you die!"


The bottom of the cliff

A corner of a bright red dress was faintly revealed in a pile of rubble.

The delicate body under the red dress trembled slightly, and the fingertips unconsciously exerted force, and the slender nails scratched extremely sharp marks on the hard rubble.

There were still mottled bloodstains on the dress, but the wound in front of the body was slowly healing at this moment.

All this did not come from some kind of healing method, nor from the effect of some elixir.

But it came from the bones that faintly emitted a certain brilliance under the robe.

Under the red dress, on the ice-like skin, the spine faintly emitted a light, with a certain healing power, gently cleansing Luo Qinghan's body.

Twenty-three years old, six realms, two strange companions, mastered the magic of the Tao [Shrinking the Earth into an Inch], and was proficient in all the mysterious Taoism.

Formation, swordsmanship, illusion, medical skills...

What gave Luo Qinghan such a terrifying talent and unparalleled combat power.

Although Luo Qinghan was born as a branch of the Luo family, she had opportunities that ordinary people could not compare with.

Unlike Fang Ning's innate Tao body, she was born with a bone that was different from that of ordinary people.

The Taoist sect called it the Taoist bone, the Buddhist sect called it the Buddha bone, and countless years ago, there might be another name...

Supreme bone.

But even so, she could not violate the rules of the weirdness.

Earlier, she used the last bit of clarity to remove her own defense and let Ye Wuyou remove the weirdness attached to her.

Then she realized Ye Wuyou's hesitation to kill at that moment, and used the last strength to perform the magic of the Tao and escape from the other party.

And now, she is lost.

Her mind was completely lost, and her identity was already confused.

The memories that did not belong to her flashed through her mind.

She was still Luo Qinghan.

But she was the wife of the sect master.

And the sect master in her memory... was Ye Wuyou.

Not only that, in her memory, she glimpsed another scene.

Above the Six Realms of Heavenly Power, the road to Tianji.

Reality was just a moment, but in memory it was a long time.

When Luo Qinghan opened her eyes, there was a moment of trance in her eyes, but then it became cold.

She looked at her right hand.

There were deep blood marks on it that she had carved before she fainted.

[My name is Luo Qinghan, when you see this sentence...]

And next to it, there were a few words written in a sloppy and deep way.

The name [Lu Caiwei] was now overflowing with blood, flowing over her jade-like arm.

This was one of her backup plans.

The bloody marks that could not be erased.

She had already planned everything.

If Ye Wuyou and Lu Zhaolin want to leave here, they must break this strange domain and take down the strangeness.

At that time, as long as he doesn't die, he will naturally wake up from the confusion.

If they can't do it, Luo Qinghan firmly believes that he can gradually remember everything.

But now, it is not necessary.

"The strange domain has dissipated?"

Looking at the sects that have disappeared around him, Luo Qinghan's eyes showed doubts.

"No, the strange domain is still there, this is..."

A stronger mental tremor than before emerged.

Luo Qinghan's eyes were dull, looking at the bottom of the cliff in front.

The trees on the cliffs between the mountains were twisted, and the green grass between the cracks in the rocks also fell to one side.

In addition, there were countless sect disciples that he had seen before.

However, those sect disciples were fake, and now they were like living dead, with bloody bodies, looking like they jumped off the cliff alive.

But even if the bloody bodies were blurred, and the organs were mixed with dark blood flowing out of the chest, those guys stared at the front stupidly.

As if that was the most important thing.

All the creatures around were fascinated by it at this moment.

Luo Qinghan's breathing became rapid in an instant.

In her clear eyes, she saw a naked girl.

At this moment, she was lying quietly on her side among the countless trees that bent down for her, with her eyes closed and sleeping.

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