My practice narration is weird

Chapter 226 The dog barks again

Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green and endless.

The carriage stopped here.

A group of people got off the carriage, paid the driver, and then walked slowly along the path.

The middle-aged man had a simple face, always stern, and serious. His clothes were not very luxurious, but fortunately they were clean.

Behind him was a beautiful woman holding a baby, and a little girl who was a few years older but still looked young.

At first, the girl was jumping around the two of them. The wild flowers and weeds on the roadside could make her eyes full of surprise. From time to time, she called her father and mother, but the woman was obviously more concerned about the young child in her arms and had no time to care about her.

As for the man, he was a silent person who could not say a few words to his wife, so naturally no one responded.

The girl might be tired of playing, and finally she could only rely on her mother to speak.

"Mom, we've been walking for so long, how long will it take?"

The beautiful woman tried to comfort him at first, but the middle-aged man's pace was obviously faster than everyone else's, and soon, she was out of breath.

"Erlang, how long will it take?" The woman felt sorry for the child at this moment and asked her husband.

The middle-aged man did not respond at first. He walked a few steps and looked around. When he saw a pavilion not far away, he thought about it silently before responding.

"You wait here, I'll go and take a look."

"Do you want me to accompany you..."

The middle-aged man showed a hint of impatience in his eyes.

"Too much nonsense, just wait."

The middle-aged man then took a few steps and flew away directly into the air, disappearing in the woman's eyes.

The woman, whose real name is Ding Hongyu, was stunned when she heard those words at this moment, but she was not angry. She looked in the direction where her husband was going away, revealing her undisguised worry.

She and Erlang were both practitioners who had entered the rank. When they were young, they were in the remote sect of Daxuan. It has been decades since they met and got to know each other.

Their cultivation talents were not the lowest, but they were not extraordinary either. Perhaps they did not have much expectation in their hearts, and they only wanted to spend their lives in the small sect that was not big but still had some human touch.

But accidents in the world can always easily destroy everything that people think of in their hearts. The sect, which was not big to begin with, naturally could not withstand any storms. After an accident, it completely dissipated.

At that time, they walked out of the sect and could never go back.

The two of them lost the place that could be called "home" for a while.

At that time, he was in the second realm, and she had just entered the first realm.

He was still young at that time, and he was not so taciturn.

Over the past few decades, the two of them have gone from being at a loss when they first entered the secular world to getting used to it. The man's words have become less and less, from the initial high spirits to the increasingly taciturn now.

Fortunately, the man is diligent. After all, he has practiced cultivation. With hard work, he bought a house in the county town that is neither big nor small. It can't be called a mansion, but it can also come with a small courtyard.

After the two got married, they had children. Ding Hongyu didn't have so many ambitions. She thought it was good to spend her whole life in the sect, but her life was not bad at the moment.

But one day, her man broke through the fourth realm.

After decades of hard cultivation, there were no elixirs, no resources, and no opportunities. He just survived bit by bit, relying on hard work and some kind of talent that might be late to bloom.

The fourth realm opened up, which can be called a great supernatural power.

No matter where it is placed, it is an existence that cannot be ignored.

And what will be brought about by the improvement of cultivation?

The man was still silent and rarely mentioned this matter.

But Ding Hongyu knew that she could see it.

Erlang's mind became active, and he seemed to be dissatisfied with his current life...

She didn't dissuade him, and she was not qualified to dissuade him.

Her man was ambitious but also capable. What should she persuade? Persuade him to farm?

A practitioner of great supernatural powers should be able to live a better life.

If the four realms are open, if there is no disease or disaster, it is not a problem to live for two or three hundred years, not to mention the maximum of 500 years.

Even if I am now in my forties and have just reached the second realm of talent, by then...

Ding Hongyu showed a self-deprecating smile in her eyes, but then she restrained it.

This is good, the man can always take care of their children to grow up healthily, and the children don't have to live the life that the two of them had when they first entered the world.

"Although the Luo family, which was once one of the five surnames and seven families, has encountered misfortunes, and now even offers generous treatment to recruit talents, but..."

Ding Hongyu showed worry in her eyes.

The Luo family has encountered misfortunes, and this matter cannot be suppressed, but there are different opinions about what the specific misfortune is.

Perhaps many sects know the specifics, but when it comes to ordinary people, it is often a piece of news that a major sect can easily grasp, and ordinary people have to work hard to obtain it.

It is actually difficult to spread information in this world, and there are many rumors spread by people.

Some people say that the ancestor of the Luo family is dead, some say that there is a family infighting, and some say that the Luo family was almost wiped out.

Ding Hongyu thinks the last point is particularly ridiculous. No matter what, it is a family that has been passed down for thousands of years. How can it be wiped out?

In recent days, Erlang has also approached some forces for negotiation, but the result...

Small and large sects and several forces have also talked about it. The conditions given are similar, but they are just barely at the edge of "not bad".

Many things in the world are determined by cultivation.

But don't think that cultivation in the world determines everything.

If you want to refute?

Then your cultivation is higher than mine, you are right.

After all, you are not a fourth-level cultivator cultivated by our own sect, who can guarantee your loyalty?

Cultivation is easy to see, but people's hearts are hard to guess. If a fourth-level cultivator wants to do something small, the sect will have to doubt whether it has brought disaster back.

Coincidentally, the Luo family encountered an accident, and they actually offered a lot of conditions that sounded quite generous to recruit cultivators to settle in.

The Luo family is not like many sects, giving false words and hanging the title of elder, listen, how nice it sounds.

The Luo family gives real money, cultivation resources, elixirs and exercises.

But after all, they are outsiders, and the aristocratic families may still mind this identity, and only the forces under the Luo family will connect with these cultivators.

The place where the man went was a force under the name of the Luo family-Honghualou.

"Erlang had confirmed with the manager of the Luo family for a long time before, and also verified his identity. As a great master of the fourth realm, he can even let us live in the real Luo family."

The conditions and treatment have been negotiated, the two sides have met, and the children of the aristocratic family have also given them great sincerity.

Even Ding Hongyu and Erlang, who are not living a very wealthy life now, are somewhat tempted.

What else is there not to believe?

Although she is tempted, Ding Hongyu actually... wants her husband to live a good life, and thinks that the current life is not bad. After all, she is not a fourth realm, and can't understand everything her husband is busy doing.

Footsteps are heard.

Ding Hongyu's eyes brightened.

Is Erlang back?

But when she glanced over and saw the strange figure walking in the distance.

She was stunned at first, and then retracted her gaze.

A faint doubt appeared in her eyes.

There is no other reason.

It was because the young man was walking and shaking his head, hitting his forehead with his fist from time to time, and then talking to himself in the air.

"The dog barks again, the dog barks again!"

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