My practice narration is weird

Chapter 231 No time to mourn for the head of the family

As April approaches, the traces of spring gradually dissipate, and the weather gradually becomes hot and humid.

There is still an icy chill in the quiet mountains.

The cold and biting turbulent water slopes down from the cliff, turning into a 100-meter waterfall in the mountain. Finally, it passes through countless tributaries and merges into different quiet pools.

This is the wonder of the mountain gate of the Three Sects of Daxuan and the Five Elements Sect, Baizhang Stream.

Among the countless water pools, only one of them was the coldest. The weather was obviously getting hot, but the surrounding trees were still covered with a thin layer of white frost.

Even the thirsty little beasts passing by would stop for the wisps of chill, and the birds in the sky would have to take a detour.

Under the wash of the water, a woman sat cross-legged in the cold pool, her eyes closed tightly, and the biting water was still flowing through her body. The three thousand blue hairs that were originally soft and fluttering were now tightly attached to both sides of the soft face. His clothes were already soaked.

Around her, strands of Qi emerged, condensing into ice.

But even so, Luo Qinghan's face was still red, and his closed eyes were trembling slightly. This biting coldness seemed to be unable to wash away the heat in his mind.

If you get closer, you might be able to hear the chilling words.

"Sect master...sect master's wife..."

I don't know how long it took, when the entire pool condensed into ice and the sloping water line stagnated in mid-air, Luo Qinghan slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and gently opened his eyes.

"The road to the seven realms..."

It has been some time since she escaped from the mysterious realm.

Although she was no longer lost, those memories were firmly retained in her mind.

But this time, she took the initiative to enter.

Things were just as Ye Wuyou thought. [Sect Leader Ye Wuyou] in the strange realm had no memory related to the Seventh Realm.

I don’t know how I was chosen as the [Sect Master]. Could it be that it was just good luck? Among thousands of identities, Ye Wuyou was chosen randomly?

On the contrary, as the wife of the sect master, although she is only in the Sixth Realm, she has truly mastered some kind of path to the Seventh Realm.

This is what the real sect master told his wife.

Luo Qinghan realized this, so he naturally refused to let go of this opportunity and was fully prepared to integrate the memories that still remained in him.

But every time she blended in, she could see Ye Wuyou's face that disgusted her, but in the memory world, she had to be respectful to him, ask for advice humbly, and not dare to go beyond him in the slightest.

Those precious memories and insights were all told to her one by one from Ye Wuyou's mouth.

Although Luo Qinghan's talent is extremely intelligent, he still has doubts from time to time when facing the seven realms that are difficult to find in this world. If he is not careful, he can easily fall into a problem.

I didn't understand somewhere.

Every time at this time, Ye Wuyou would scold her for being so stupid and stupid with a certain tenderness, and she felt extremely goosebumps all over her body.

Am I Benbi?

What a joke!

God knows how many times Luo Qinghan was so angry that his head was about to smoke, and Xuan Bing couldn't suppress the fire.

The next time I meet him, I will definitely kill him with one single step.

Luo Qinghan calmed down, and then a strange tenderness appeared in his eyes. His eyes seemed to be reflected by spring water, and while his mind was reflecting, a female figure suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Every time after integrating into that memory, Luo Qinghan had to visualize Lu Caiwei's figure for a long time before he could wash away the filth in his mind.

"Give me another year, no, half a year is enough."

She can use these insights to find her own path.

Just like each person's unique Dharma, it is the world's unique and most correct seven realms of mystery.

Is it a blessing or a curse to have weirdness in oneself?

After the misunderstanding that year, Luo Qinghan searched for the trace for thousands of miles but could not find it. Then one day he suddenly calmed down and realized a simple but difficult truth.

"If love lasts for a long time, how can it last day and night?"

If she didn't pursue the road wholeheartedly, Luo Qinghan believed that her life was just a candle in the wind. Even if she could be happy for ten years, what would happen in decades? Is it possible that I want to leave little stutterer alone in the world?

Just as Luo Qinghan stood alone in the cold pool and thought like this, a soft and charming voice came from not far away.

"Junior sister's training is over? Are you thinking about the Lu family girl again? Haha, we haven't seen each other for so many years, aren't you worried that she will fall in love with someone else?"

The soft voice came from who appeared silently beside the cold pool?

If it weren't for the faintly exposed Adam's apple, just based on the woman's dress and the pale face with heavy makeup, it would be hard to tell whether he was a boy or a girl.

Luo Qinghan slowly turned his gaze, and a coldness suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Zuo Qiu Liang, although you started training earlier than me and have been with the master longer than me, you should call me Saintess now."

"Also, you are not allowed to mention her."

The feminine man named Zuo Qiu Liang looked indifferent, but when he saw that even his feet were covered in frost, he calmed down a bit, curled his lips and said nonchalantly.

"Really? I'm just talking casually. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

Tsk, what if?

Luo Qinghan dismissed it without warning.

"Speaking of which, I thought I had finally broken through the Sixth Realm, and I might be able to be called a senior by you."

Six realms?

Only then did Luo Qinghan realize that this guy who had started more than ten years earlier than him, but was easily surpassed by him, had finally broken through the sixth realm.

No wonder you dare to stand in front of yourself, right?

Zuo Qiu Liang smiled softly.

"Have you finished your saintly practice? Master, she asked me to bring you a message."

"She asked you not to think about the road randomly on your own. It is safest to follow the path left by the sect, otherwise you will avoid any accidents."

Luo Qinghan was silent for a while before slowly speaking.

"That's not my way."

Zuo Qiu Liang didn't care about Luo Qinghan's answer. He just stepped lightly with his toes on the strong but frost-covered grass emerging from the cracks in the rocks beside the cold pool.

Grass grows from grass seeds. In the barren soil, it absorbs meager nutrients and grows little by little from the cracks in the rocks.

I straightened up and thought I had entered a new world.

But there was no way he could escape the cold frost erosion.

Even if you are lucky enough to survive.

Zuo Qiu Liang lightly stepped on the grass with his toes and couldn't even lift his head.

He said casually.

"I don't care about this anymore. By the way, Your Majesty the Holy Lady, when you and Lu Zhaolin came out of the strange realm, not only did you not bring back the strange thing, you even brought the genius of the Cui family into it. The Taizu of the Cui family has been in it for the past two days. But he was so angry that he wanted to start a meeting among the seven families. "

Luo Qinghan frowned slightly.

"The weirdness is so easy to solve. Compared with the past, we have more manpower, but this time we have that guy Xu Qingyuan to disrupt the situation."

In Luo Qinghan's perception, Ye Wuyou was just Xu Qingyuan.

Zuo Qiu Liang thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Are you saying that it was Xu Qingyuan who stirred up the situation? But it is very strange that Baiyunguan, which had been issuing a death order before, suddenly announced that the matter has come to an end. Xu Qingyuan is completely dead, and he cannot die anymore."

"What? Xu Qingyuan is dead?" Luo Qinghan's eyes were slightly stunned.

Zuo Qiu Liang explained.

"Yes, it is said that Bai Yuguan asked the owner of Tianji Tower and confirmed the news."

"Not only that, one of the real people also said that he must fulfill his promise. Xu Qingyuan was killed, and the person who killed him will become the current Taoist disciple of Baiyun Temple. Although this matter is not as announced to Daxuan as the former, it is still Words spoken by one’s own mouth.”

"Absurd, in the strange realm..." Suspicion arose in Luo Qinghan's eyes.

The voice was interrupted.

"Your Excellency Saint, the things in the mysterious realm cannot be explained in just a few words. Have you been disturbed unintentionally? You can't count what you saw or heard, right?"


Luo Qinghan was silent for a while, and then an indifferent smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Her original idea of ​​knowing everything and seeing through everything was slightly shaken, but she was not discouraged, and instead it further stimulated her thirst for knowledge.

So, what clues are there in the strange world?

Just as Zuo Qiu Liang was about to turn around, he patted his head again, turned around and covered his mouth with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Lady Saint, look at my memory. Master, she forgot to tell you something else. In two months, Daxuan will start a gathering of seven families."

"Isn't it once every ten years? We just talked about it two years ago." Luo Qinghan looked puzzled.

Daxuan is a sect in the world, without a court.

However, it is not an independent decision-making exercise, nor does it only care about the life and death of one's own family, regardless of the life and death of the people.

For all major events, the Seven Families will gather to discuss and set the tone for development in the future, the division of border forces, who will be responsible for the unsolvable areas in the past ten years, which industries should be focused on developing, and other contents...

Zuo Qiu Liang's voice was extremely soft, with a giggle.

"Didn't I just say that the great ancestor of the Cui family was so angry that he was going to start a meeting of the seven families? It happened that Daxuan, the ancestor of the Luo family, died, a new head of the family came to power, and one of the masters of Baiyunguan died. The ancestor of the Lu family has also left, and big things have happened one after another. It seems that we need to talk about it. "

Luo Qinghan frowned slightly.

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Of course, sir, you see, Lingxue Pavilion is responsible for maintaining [Elimination]. It just so happens that [Elimination] has been constantly changing in the past ten years. Now it is in a state of distress and has suffered a lot of damage. Another real person died in Baiyun Temple, and the Taoism is gone. , then is it time for our Five Elements Sect to move?"

"As for the younger generation in Daxuan today, it doesn't matter who is number one, right?" Zuo Qiu Liang smiled lowly.

"That's it? It's just a false name." Luo Qing smiled coldly.

A false reputation?

"Who doesn't live for the sake of fame? Besides, it's a real benefit." Zuo Qiu Liang couldn't deny it.

"However, no matter how much our upper three sects waver, in the end they will just change their rankings and re-divide their interests. But the Luo family and the Lu family, who have lost their ancestors, can't say for sure..."

"It's hard to find the Lu family in the sky, but as far as I know, there are already other forces trying to squeeze in for a position and preparing to attack the Luo family. I just don't know what the new head of the family is like. I heard that the Holy Lady Have you ever met her? "How was it?"

Luo Qinghan did not answer this question, but glanced coldly at Zuo Qiu Liang, or in other words, he was looking at the grass under his feet.

Then the ripples flickered, shrunk to an inch and unfolded, and Luo Qinghan's figure disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was on the edge of a cliff.

Luo Qinghan stood there quietly, letting the breeze blow over the willow surface, his energy rising, and he dried his clothes bit by bit.

Are you going to take action against the Luo family?

After that incident, she had no feelings for the Luo family. Zuo Qiuliang deliberately used this news to provoke her, but in fact, this news could not arouse any emotion in her.


After that brief fight, Luo Qinghan finally understood why the Luo family could be passed down for a thousand years.

She once fought against six people alone, and faced six realms of six realms alone, and still had some strength left.

Originally, she just wanted to beat Luo Yue, but after several fights, looking at the other party's determination to die after a disagreement, Luo Qinghan suddenly realized that if she really wanted to fight to death, it seemed that the situation would be completely different.

The aura revealed at that moment was the soul shadow of the seventh realm.


The red demon horse galloped on the official road, but there was no bump in the carriage.

"I will leave a whole body for Sister Qinghan."

The voice sounded, and the carriage was silent for a moment. Ye Wuyou didn't know how to answer.

This statement really made no sense, just like "I have been studying opponents in the upper three realms."

Just listen to the trash talk.

Ye Wuyou's eyes showed emotion.

Young and energetic, recalling that when he just merged into the ghost, feeling the combat power that surpassed the realm, he naturally had the idea that he was the only one invincible in the world.

Luo Yue was raised too well by Luo Lao, and never got beaten.

On the contrary, seeing Ye Wuyou's expression, Luo Yue was slightly startled, his white eyes flashed, and he said directly.

"Don't you believe it?"

Just as he was about to respond, the voice of the narrator sounded leisurely, causing Ye Wuyou to look slightly stunned.

[It's just a group of jumping clowns, daring to ambush you, haven't you heard of your name, Ye Tiandi, who has been arbitrary and suppressed the world for eternity! ]

Go to hell, why don't I know it myself.

No need to explain.

Ye Wuyou stretched out his big hand, like an eagle grabbing a chick, and grabbed Luo Yue, who was still sitting there with a calm expression, and wrapped in the ghost, and his figure fell into [Hidden].

Luo Yue felt the stickiness that suddenly appeared on her body, her eyes were slightly surprised, and she wanted to speak.

The next moment.

The carriage that was running at high speed and as if it was walking on flat ground suddenly paused slightly, and then it was hit by a sudden impact.

The air waves were layered, starting from the carriage that Ye Wuyou was riding. Two sharp lights and shadows suddenly appeared around, but they were two dazzling sword lights. The carriage that was obviously expensive, along with two worthless demon horses, and the driver outside the carriage, turned into powder at this moment, a bloody mess.

Fast, too fast.

There was no time to react.

The Luo family steward who was driving the car behind him looked at this scene and turned pale, and the remaining few great supernatural practitioners around him were also at a loss for a moment.

What's going on?

We just joined the Luo family, and finally faced the demons without fear. Then we were appreciated by the boss [the head of the family]. We thought that the future would be smooth sailing if not a meteoric rise.

But now, the boss died in front of us?

But now there is no time to mourn for Luo Yue.

Looking at the figures of people with the aura of the fifth realm emerging in the surrounding forest, the faces of the remaining few people suddenly changed.

"It's our turn."

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