My practice narration is weird

Chapter 236 Break through yourself, the sky is bright! (3000 words)

The cloud boat is rare in Da Yan, but in Da Xuan, every town has a ferry point, which is managed by the chambers of commerce of various forces.

Ye Wuyou went to a certain chamber of commerce of the Luo family.

This matter had been contacted with Luo Yue in advance. The receptionist was a middle-aged fat man in a loose robe. His second-level cultivation was not high or low, but judging from his clothes, his status in this chamber of commerce was obviously very noble. This receptionist's job of showing off should not be done by him.

The fat man put on a smiling face at this moment, showing that he was quite easy-going.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Wuyou standing in front of him, but he was thinking in his heart which young man of the Luo family was this?

He could also attract the head of the family to specifically send a message to contact them in advance and try to meet all the other party's requirements.

As for what the other party was going to do, Fatty Wang also knew in advance that the young man was going to the Lu family.

"I'm going to the Lu family." Ye Wuyou said calmly.

Look, the business world is like a battlefield. Ordinary people may have just arranged a cloud boat for the noble man in front of them, but they have lost some advantages.

And what about me, haha.

Fatty Wang had a heart of a tiger sniffing roses. Before Ye Wuyou came, he had already arranged a cloud boat in advance.

And it was the top floor room of the seven-story pavilion above the cloud boat. In addition, two beautiful maids were arranged in the room.

What did the fat man rely on to climb from a commoner with mediocre talent to the general manager of a city's chamber of commerce with a second-level cultivation? Relying on human relations and worldly wisdom.

Satisfy all requirements?

This is not simple, it's easy.

But Ye Wuyou's first sentence made him stay in Bengbu.

"I want to go to the Lu family and don't want to take the cloud boat."

"Ahem, this senior, the Lu family is in the sky." Fatty Wang wiped his sweat.

Damn, doesn't he know that the Lu family is in the sky?

Ye Wuyou thought for a while, then nodded.

Fatty Wang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this made sense.

After thinking about it, Ye Wuyou slowly turned his head, looked at the fat man in front of him with a smile, and spoke very seriously.

"I know the Lu family is in the sky, but I don't want to ride the cloud boat."

Ye Wuyou really has some shadows on the cloud boat.

He rode the cloud boat three times.

Once he was taken for a ride by Lu Qingshan in Dayan, and he killed everyone with one finger.

Once the cloud boat exploded directly.

Once the cloud boat crashed directly.

This is not a cloud boat, it's simply a nuclear bomb.

So he wanted to ask if there is any other way.

However, Fatty Wang, who has been in the business world for more than 30 years, is sweating profusely at this moment.

Do you know what you are saying?

He wanted to say to Ye Wuyou fiercely, "Look into my eyes and say it again!"

But when the words came to his lips, they turned into a shy smile, "How about we think of a way together?"

Think of a way?

Think of a fart way.

Ye Wuyou looked at Wang Pangzi's expression and realized that he was asking too much, so he lowered his request.

"Can I be the only one on the Yunzhou?"

If I'm alone, there won't be any accidents, right?

Even if there is an accident, no innocent people will be hurt.

Wang Pangzi looked embarrassed.

A Yunzhou trip is guaranteed to have hundreds of people, which means a lot of money. It's difficult to coordinate for just one person.

Besides, Yunzhou needs someone to drive it.

But just like a negotiation, you tell someone that you want to open a window in his house, but he disagrees.

Then you said that you want to tear down the roof of the house, so he immediately agreed to open the window.

"I'll try it." Wang Pangzi wiped his sweat.

After a while, Ye Wuyou saw a... Yunzhou?

It's a bit weird to say that it was a Yunzhou, because it was completely different from the Yunzhou that covered the sky and the sun.

It was placed in the room in front of Ye Wuyou.

Four meters long, with a wheelbase of about two meters wide and a height of only one meter.

Damn, this thing has a cabin, and there is a rudder in the cabin to control the direction like an ordinary ship, and a few seats.

Are people sitting in it?

Seeing the surprised expression in Ye Wuyou's eyes, Fatty Wang smiled proudly, patted the small cloud boat, and explained proudly.

"This is the latest improved cloud boat developed by our Daxuan - the flying shuttle. Unlike the cloud boat that hundreds of people ride together, this thing is for us practitioners. The market price starts at about 200,000 taels. Now it is the first batch of tests and has not yet been circulated."

"Our family has done a lot of publicity for this flying shuttle, including the decision to let our Luo family's head personally open the cabin to see off the first batch of guests."

Ye Wuyou patted the fat man's shoulder and interrupted him.

"Don't say anymore, I'll buy it, and the bill will be on the Luo family."

After that, Ye Wuyou stepped into the flying shuttle with extraordinary skill.

Fatty Wang was a little surprised, but he didn't care.

"How do you open this thing?" He turned around and asked.

"You mean the one you're sitting on? This one can't be used. It's a sample, and many functions are not complete yet."

"A second-level practitioner can inject qi, but there are restrictions on each shuttle, so you can't use it. I'll arrange an escort for you. After all, this shuttle has not yet been launched, and it's a bit cumbersome to operate."

Fatty Wang breathed a sigh of relief and turned to call someone.

Ye Wuyou listened silently, and then tried to inject a little qi.

Sure enough, there was a restriction on the shuttle, and it didn't move at all, without any reaction.

[Okay, okay, this is the first time you've seen such an interesting thing, and what kind of restriction dares to stop you, break it for me! ]


The next moment.

Fatty Wang, who had just turned around and walked a few steps, heard a roar coming from behind him.

He quickly turned around and looked back, only to see a scene that made his eyes widen.

A stream of light directly penetrated the layers of roofs and rose into the sky.

Damn it, isn't there a ban on that?

Through the cabin, Fatty Wang could still see Ye Wuyou's faintly flickering but suddenly extremely serious gaze.

The shuttle made a circle in the sky, and a huge air jet spurted out from the tail of the shuttle, leaving a perfect curved arc in the sky.

Just for a moment, as if it had found its bearings, air waves suddenly erupted from the tail of the shuttle again, spraying out into the air.

The shuttle swooshed away, heading north.

Fatty Wang could only watch the shuttle fly away with trembling eyes.

He truly understood what it meant to be in the scorching summer but feel as cold as winter in your heart.

He murmured shakily.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over."

"That sample ship...can't slow down..."


Linlang Island is located in the sky.

Therefore, it is called Linlang Tianshang.

The Lu family is located here.

For thousands of years, this is something that every Lu family member is quite proud to mention to the outside world.

So what if you let your home be magnificent?

After all, our family is in heaven.

The head of the Lu family, Lu Chen of the Six Realms of Heavenly Power, was sitting in the attic, smiling and talking to the gun-wielding man in front of him.

But there was a faint hint of sadness between his eyebrows.

"Master Lu has something on his mind?" Lu Zhaolin asked respectfully at this moment.

Lu Chen waved his hand, chuckled and said slowly.

"What can I have on my mind? It's just that some parents are short-lived. But you, Zhaolin, have practiced diligently over the years, and now you are a talented person, a real young talent, the younger generation of my Lu family, alas."

Lu Zhaolin looked respectful, not proud, but shook his head.

"Master Lu, you have embarrassed this junior. In fact, this junior also wants to be lazy, but this ghost thing on his body is always like a mountain pressing down on this junior. He does not dare to be lazy even a little bit. He only hopes to reach the Seventh Realm in his lifetime."

Lu Chen frowned slightly and pretended to be displeased.

"Why are you so frustrated? This time I'll get you a branch from the sacred tree, so you can suppress it."

Lu Zhaolin's eyes showed gratitude, and then he said extremely solemnly.

"Thank you very much, Master. Zhaolin is stupid and has never learned the magic of Shinto. If the Lu family had not been willing to give me this sacred tree, I would have been unable to suppress this weirdness in my body."

The two talked for a while, and then Lu Chen fell into silence again.

Lu Zhaolin said nothing, but Lu Chen looked at the scenery outside the window.

As far as the eye can see, beyond the huge floating island, there are vast misty clouds. This is a height that even practitioners of great supernatural powers cannot reach while flying in the air.

In the center of the island, there is a huge tree that stands tall and tall.

The sacred tree builds the wood.

The origin of the sacred tree is unpredictable, and it is said that it was obtained by the ancestor who once obtained floating stones the size of a hill.

"Zhaolin, come this time, I will get you a few more branches of the sacred tree for later use." Lu Chen said softly at this moment.

Lu Zhaolin's eyes were slightly startled.

The branches of the sacred tree can suppress weirdness.

This is also the reason why Lu Zhaolin only controls one strange body and does not know Shinto magic, but he can still survive to this day.

But the power will always be exhausted, and for such a precious thing, even if the Lu family and the Lu family are still on good terms, it would be nice to have one for yourself in a few years.

Why are you willing to give more now?

He wanted to ask, but Lu Chen was just smiling and thinking to himself.

"Although the floating island where our Lu family is located is called Linlangtian by the world, in recent years, I always feel that it is too quiet and something is missing."

What's missing?

Of course Lu Zhaolin didn't understand.

After all, this was someone else's family matter, and he couldn't comment too much on it.

But Lu Chen turned to him and asked.

"Zhaolin, what do you think is missing from Linlangtian now?"

Even though Lu Zhaolin was reluctant in every possible way, he still had to bite the bullet and answer at least at this moment.

"It's missing, it's missing... Damn it, it's a speeding car!"

Speeding? What flying car?

Lu Zhaolin stretched out his finger and pointed somewhere in the clouds with his eyes widened.

Lu Chen reacted faster, then his face was stunned, and his eyes showed confusion.

He watched as the streak of light on the horizon broke through countless clouds at extremely high speed, and then headed straight towards the Lu family's floating island.

No intention of slowing down at all.

"What flying car? This is a flying boat!" Lu Chen frowned.

Then his expression changed and he said coldly.

"Where did the idea come from? It's life-threatening for you to run wild here."

He did not stop it, because the power of the flying boat out of control was more violent than that of ordinary practitioners of great supernatural powers. It was the superposition of speed and potential energy.

Lu Chen let the flying boat break through the clouds, and then suddenly crashed into the Lu family.

Along with the huge roar, the head of the Lu family with six realms of heavenly authority vaguely heard a crazy scream.

"Ahhhhh, why doesn't this thing have brakes?"

This chapter counts as today’s

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