My practice narration is weird

Chapter 242 Questions and Answers Across Time, Tianyan of the Future and the Past

Tian Yan can deduce the future and the past.

Have you seen that someone went through 14 million deductions before he could calculate the only chance of survival?

The future is changeable and unpredictable. Compared with the illusory future, the past that has become a fait accompli is obviously easier to deduce.

The black man bowed his head gently, and a picture gradually emerged in front of Ye Wuyou.

But after all, it was a few decades ago, and the picture was a little blurry, but even so, Ye Wuyou couldn't help but tighten his mind.

He saw such a broken picture.

It was still Linlang Island, Lu family.

But compared to the magnificent houses of the Lu family that Ye Wuyou saw now, the picture was just a remote corner of Linlang Island, a bamboo house far away from the rest of the tribe.

A young woman with eyebrows and spirit somewhat similar to Lu Shuang, who was now an old woman, walked from the corner of the picture. There was a hint of anger on her pretty face, and her sleeves were rolled up, as if she had just had a quarrel with other tribesmen.

The young child ran to the woman with a childish look on his face, and then grabbed the woman's hand and said something beside him.

Lu Qingshan, who was still young, obviously didn't understand what isolation was, nor why he was isolated, and even didn't understand what the name "posthumous child" meant.

However, he would occasionally ask his mother why he had never seen his father.

Lu Shuang never answered this question.

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, he didn't want to see these pictures.

The consumption of the seven layers of Tianyan was very large, and it was not used without restraint. He wanted to find more information.

But the information deduced was too little, and it was really difficult to figure out under the condition of "what Lu Qingshan thought".

He could only find some answers from these seemingly unrelated fragments.

The scene changed, and it seemed that not much time had passed, maybe a few years?

The woman who could still quarrel with the family a few years ago was already lying on the sickbed, with a weak breath, and her beautiful face had already turned sickly and yellow.

Lu Qingshan, who was a few years older, had also understood the truth and seemed to know what would happen next. He stayed by his side in silence.

Now, of course, he would not ask a stupid question like before, such as about his father.

He could vaguely feel something.

But the woman on the sickbed finally spoke at the moment of death.

"Leave the Lu family."

Lu Qingshan couldn't tell whether he nodded or shook his head, but he had already made up his mind.

He wanted to leave the Lu family a long time ago, and even persuaded his mother to leave together.

But his mother didn't agree.

But the woman's last words made Lu Qingshan confused.

"Qingshan, remember, you are different from us. You are a human being, a complete person born, a free person..."

The doubt was not answered, and the woman who spoke could no longer speak.

Lu Qingshan built up the simple graves and tombstones bit by bit, and Lu Qingshan stood in front of the graves in silence.

Ye Wuyou was puzzled.

What information can these images convey?

The next moment, Ye Wuyou's eyes moved slightly, but he was not looking at Lu Qingshan.

In the picture of Tianyan, there was a person standing in the corner.

Lu Qingshan could not detect it, even if he saw all this in Tianyan, he almost ignored it subconsciously.

The figure of that person was extremely blurry, but his face could not be seen clearly.

Why can't I see it clearly!

No, take a gamble.

Tianyan was pushed to the limit, and the dark blue figure trembled behind him, as if some invisible breath was drawn from the ghost.

Even Ye Wuyou's huge soul was faintly drawn away, but the impact was not great.

Tianyan consumed the power of weirdness. If there was no weirdness, the price would be the soul of the person.

The face of that person finally became clearer.

It was the ancestor of the Lu family...

Why was he always staring at Lu Qingshan?

The picture turned again.

A boy about fifteen or sixteen years old got off the cloud boat and looked at Linlang Island.

The boy was dressed in a green shirt and set foot here again after many years.

But strangely, no one could find him.

The reason why no one found him was certainly not because the young Lu Qingshan already had great magical powers, but because of an old man in black robe beside him.

They seemed to be exploring something in the Lu family, and both were a little cautious.

But in the end they returned to the lonely grave.

Lu Qingshan worshiped silently, and the old man stood behind him, looking left and right.

The scenery in front of him suddenly felt torn, and Ye Wuyou rubbed his eyes, feeling a little painful and mentally exhausted.

Tianyan is a method of deduction after all. It is easy to deduce key information, but it is too consuming to reflect the past in front of your eyes like watching a movie.

Just when Ye Wuyou couldn't help but withdraw his mind from the picture, the man in black robe suddenly looked up and looked at a place with nothing in it.

An extremely absurd feeling emerged in Ye Wuyou's heart.

He is looking at me.

The old man in black robe frowned slightly, then gently stretched out his hand and spread his palm.


It turned out to be the method of Tianyan!

So this old man in black robe is Lu Qingshan's master?

In other words, his own master's master?

For some reason, the picture that was about to reach the limit of Ye Wuyou's deduction and was about to break suddenly stagnated, and then became much clearer, and the mental fatigue was not as strong as before.

Why is this?


The black man in the palm of the old man in black robe kowtowed six times.

Finally, a faint smile appeared on the old man's face.

"Qingshan, someone is deducing us."

Only when the young Lu Qingshan heard this, he slowly got up from the ground, with a slight doubt in his eyes.

"Master, just block the Tianji meridians. When it comes to the deduction technique, who can compare with the Tianyan in your hand."

The black-robed old man looked strange and said slowly.

"He is also Tianyan."

"And, his level is about one level higher than mine."


Lu Qingshan was stunned when he heard this.

In the world, besides him and his master, there are actually people who use Tianyan.

He is only at the second level of Tianyan, and his master is already at the sixth level of Tianyan. I guess he will kowtow every day in this life.

Is there anyone who can kowtow better than his master?

What kind of innate kowtow holy body is this?

"Seventh level, how is it possible, who is he?" Lu Qingshan said in surprise.

The black-robed old man smiled lightly, and finally looked at Lu Qingshan, thinking.

"This deduction... comes from the future."

"It is someone in the future who is deducing the past, which is us now."

Lu Qingshan's eyes showed deep thoughts, and he finally spoke.

"Is he an enemy or a friend? Can Master figure out who he is? Otherwise, I will directly use [Death] to kill him first."

The black-robed old man was obviously stunned when he heard this, and finally smiled and shook his head.

"No need, Master did not block his deduction, but helped him to see everything more clearly."

"Why?" Lu Qingshan asked puzzledly.

"The person who deduced is here several years later, standing in front of your mother's empty grave." The black-robed old man said.

The doubts in Lu Qingshan's eyes were obviously aggravated, and he was even more vigilant.

Standing in front of his mother's grave many years later?

"Who is he? Even Master doesn't know?" Lu Qingshan asked.

The old man in black robe had a deep look in his eyes, feeling the breath between heaven and earth, which was similar to the sixth level of Tianyan in his palm, and the invisible familiar sense of spying...

Is it the Tianyan who inherited my lineage?

Is it my disciple Qingshan?

Only he will inherit my mantle, kill me, and advance Tianyan.

The old man in black robe shook his head silently.

No, if it was him, there was no need to deduce what he had experienced.

Combined with what he and Qingshan had discovered these days, and the unsuccessful attempts...

Since it can't be done, Lu Qingshan will never return to the Lu family again.

The old man in black robe stretched out his hand, pointed at Lu Qingshan, and smiled leisurely.

"He is your successor."

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