My practice narration is weird

Chapter 244 You should really take a good look at how you are being trampled underfoot (5500))

The black man in the palm of his hand disappeared, and his mind was withdrawn from Tianyan.

Ye Wuyou stood there for a while, then turned and looked at a distant corner behind him.

Lu Chen, with slightly frosted temples, looked calm at this moment, standing quietly in front of a grave.

That was his wife's grave.

It seemed that Lu Chen had arrived some time ago.

Feeling the gaze, the head of the Lu family looked sideways with a calm face, and his eyes gently glanced at the lonely grave in front of Ye Wuyou, and finally paused slightly at Ye Wuyou's waist where blood was coagulated.

He shook his head and said indifferently.

"If I had known this earlier, why did I do it in the first place."

"Now you have also seen these dirty and absurd things of the Lu family, but what can you do? Listen to my advice earlier and hand over the ashes to me."

Ye Wuyou stared at Lu Chen, who seemed to be doing nothing, but he was still alert in his heart. There were invisible ripples under his feet, but he was ready to escape with divine magic at any time if the situation was not good.

Lu Chen didn't care, just smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky of the island.

Or rather, it was the sacred tree on Linlang Island whose treetops could not be seen at a glance.

Lu Chen's voice came, silent and without a trace of ripples.

"Are you performing the magic of shrinking the earth into an inch? Haha, among the younger generation, I only heard that Luo girl can do this magic. I didn't expect you to learn it. Lu Qingshan really accepted a good disciple."

"The magic of shrinking the earth into an inch, it is said that if you practice it, you can cross thousands of miles in one step. It's just a pity that on this Linlang Island that has been isolated from the inside and outside, even if you can really cross countless distances, you can only be trapped in this small space."

This island is indeed isolated by the formation. Compared with the casual formations that have been experienced in the past, this formation covering a thousand-year-old family is undoubtedly more powerful, but it is not impossible to break it if Ye Wuyou is given time.

But how did he find me?

As if seeing the doubts in Ye Wuyou's heart, Lu Chen said calmly.

"The branches of the sacred tree are all over the island, so they know everything. Your hiding method... is weird, but you have a physical body after all."

"No matter how you run, you will be discovered in the end."

Lu Chen's voice was very quiet and thorough.

Is that so?

That's really difficult.

But Ye Wuyou was thinking.

Did the other party say these words to him on purpose?

A trace of doubt flashed in Ye Wuyou's eyes at this moment, and then he said calmly.

"Lu Chen, if I'm not mistaken, you should not be the will of the sacred tree, right?"

Everything Ye Wuyou encountered since landing on the island was different from the "Lu Wenjing" who seemed to be normal and had a very good personality.

This Lu Chen, who looked more scheming, sophisticated, and even angry, was more in line with a "person".

Lu Chen did not answer his question directly, but paused and then smiled.

"The will of the sacred tree?... The description is quite appropriate. Since you even know this, it seems that Lu Qingshan has told you a lot of things. But it's strange that since you already knew it, why did you act so recklessly before, as if you didn't realize all this."

"As you said, my brother Lu Wenjing, my wife, including Lu Qingshan's mother Lu Shuang... They should have died, but they are still alive and walking in the Lu family."

"Of course, there are some people, those people are the will of the sacred tree you mentioned, but..."

"In that case, why are you still indifferent?" Ye Wuyou asked.

Lu Chen's eyes showed deepness, and he couldn't deny it.

"Indifferent... Ye Wuyou, the moment you attacked my ancestor, I was really surprised, and even hoped that you could succeed.

Ye Wuyou didn't want to continue chatting with the other party at this moment. He understood one thing at the moment.

Lu Chen seemed to know everything about the Lu family.

"In that case, we can cooperate." Ye Wuyou pondered for a moment and said slowly.

But this sentence brought a hint of doubt to Lu Chen.

"Cooperation? Hehe, it seems that you may have misunderstood what I said..."

A faint aura emerged from Lu Chen's body, and then turned into the turbulent waves of the Six Realms.

"Ye Wuyou, the ancestor ordered me to capture you and bring you back."

"And I don't intend to disobey the ancestor now."

"You are already dead, and I told you all this just because you attacked the ancestor, and I want you to leave with understanding. "

The aura was like a rainbow. Under the sky that was already lit by the setting sun, it turned into a long white dragon. With a silent roar, it suddenly appeared in front of Ye Wuyou, and then slammed hard on the place where he had stood before.

Lu Shuang's lonely grave, along with the dilapidated tombstone with inscriptions, was instantly shattered.

The sword rose up and the wind and thunder exploded in the tombs.

The moment the huge sword energy vortex that was exerted by the blade appeared, Lu Chen's eyes were obviously slightly surprised.

This sword move...

However, hesitation cannot decide anything. After destroying countless graves in a row, the sword energy vortex finally dissipated.

A faint anger appeared on his face.

Ye Wuyou said while resisting the opponent's moves.

"Since you also understand all this, why do you still attack me!"

The voice came along with the magic skills.

"At the beginning, I also thought about whether to cooperate with you... After all, I also want the current ancestor to die. "

Lu Chen's thoughts were extremely clear, and he pointed out one thing in one sentence.

"I have been testing you before, and even letting you go, because I wanted to see what other plans Lu Qingshan could have. After all, you are here, and I think it was him who asked you to come."

Lu Chen didn't know about some kind of "agreement" between Lu Qingshan and the ancestor of the Lu family.

From Lu Chen's perspective, Lu Qingshan was able to kill his ancestor for the first time using [Death], which made him very angry.

The original ancestor, no matter how old-fashioned, was still normal after all, and he had indeed fulfilled his responsibilities as an ancestor.

So Lu Qingshan killed his ancestor because of a young grudge, and Lu Chen was very angry.

But the matter was a foregone conclusion. Lu Chen couldn't accept everything that was ridiculous. He couldn't accept the ancestor who was causing chaos in the Lu family.

I couldn't help but have a little expectation for Lu Qingshan.

Does he... have any other means to kill the ancestor again?

The ancestor of the Lu family who possesses [Damage Transfer] cannot be killed by ordinary means, and he will always be the only one who dies.

But obviously, Ye Wuyou didn't do it.

Lu Chen's tone was filled with questioning and anger.

"Since you can't kill the ancestor, why come here? Since you have left the Lu family and the Lu family has not interfered with you in the slightest for countless years, why should you kill the ancestor!"

"I had high hopes for you, but Ye Wuyou, why do you behave like my brother Wen Jing! Just do whatever you want with your will!"

The magical power thundered down on Ye Wuyou's body, and he couldn't resist it with his own Qi alone. In the end, the ghost endured it all.

But the next moment.

Ripples of light and shadow shrunk to inches appeared at Ye Wuyou's feet.

Lu Chen disagreed.

Are you going to run away?

But Ye Wuyou appeared in front of him in an instant.

He doesn't have many magical powers, and melee combat is far more powerful and direct than using magical powers to attack Hōng.

The blue ghost hand slashed with an extremely swift blade, accompanied by Ye Wuyou's loud shout.

"Are you crazy! In this case, it would be better to find a way to end this than to do nothing!"

The sudden impact made Lu Chen slightly startled, and then a mountain dharma image instantly protected him, resisting all this.

A crack appeared in the almost solid mountain Dharma.

Seeing the damage to his Dharma image, Lu Chen was shocked.

What is that invisible thing?

He retreated, sneered in response, and then took out something.

"I'm indifferent? Haha, even the questioning was exactly the same as that of my stupid brother. He was just like you that day. He took action just because he couldn't stand what was happening in front of him. What's the result..."

The object appeared in Lu Chen's hand, but it was a dry branch that was different from the branches of the sacred tree he had seen before.

"Lu Chen, a descendant of the Lu family, please ask the sacred tree for help to suppress the weirdness."

Following the words, he put his fingers together and turned the branches of the sacred tree into powder and dissipated.

The towering trees in the distance were moving without any wind, and their countless leaves were swaying gently.

There seems to be something more breathy in the surrounding heaven and earth.

The faint blue figure solidified slightly behind Ye Wuyou.

There was a trace of horror in Ye Wuyou's eyes.

What is this, a branch of the sacred tree?

[Ghost] was suppressed!

Lu Chen's figure suddenly rushed over, holding a long knife and speaking coldly.

"Ye Wuyou, do you really think I am weak?"

"I am a martial artist!"

The sound of gold and stone interlacing exploded.

The two of them fought, and Lu Chenkuan's coat was easily torn apart by the turbulence of Qi, but it also revealed a powerful body that was completely different from what he had seen before.

Ye Wuyou, who prided himself on being strong in close quarters, was actually suppressed by Lu Chen at this moment.

The opponent gave up such powerful and changeable magical powers and only relied on the purest martial arts to fight against Ye Wuyou.

The blades crossed each other, but in the end, the black knife in his hand was sharper, and he smashed the long knife in Lu Chen's hand, cutting the opponent ten feet away.

His feet stamped hard on the ground, causing a crack in the ravine-filled ground.

Lu Chen gasped slightly, but his words were calm, even with a hint of smile.

"It's a good move. It's better at close range than my brother who can only read, but Wenjing is still too far behind me."

Ye Wuyou didn't take it seriously, and without any hesitation in his movements, the blue dragon rose out of the water and slashed towards Lu Chen with its blade.

"Really, I think your brother Lu Wenjing is a thousand times better than you, a coward!"

After hearing this, Lu Chen's face became slightly gloomy, and his eyes showed fierceness when facing the blade that appeared in front of him.

The arms are stretched across the horizontal rails, and the Dharma is spread all over the body.

Blood splattered.

The blade penetrated the Dharma, cut through the mountain, and passed through Lu Chen's arm, but in the end it failed to advance even half an inch and was stuck on his body.

Lu Chen lightly kicked his foot and smashed down the Dharma-Xiang Mountain. He first pushed Ye Wuyou's figure back, and then, ignoring the blood dripping from his arm, he pulled out the blade directly and then thrust it into the ground.

He then responded leisurely.

"What does a simple-minded guy like you know? What I am doing now is just necessary forbearance!"

"My stupid brother failed. Not only did he die and turned into the will of the sacred tree, he also aggravated all of this."

Ye Wuyou looked calm, listened quietly, looked at this scene, and suddenly spoke quietly.

"So you just watch your wife being humiliated?"

The powerful Qi in Lu Chen's body suddenly fell silent for a moment, and then surged wildly like a stormy sea.

His face looked a little ferocious, and he said to himself.

"That's not my wife! My wife's longevity has been cut off and she died!"

Ye Wuyou nodded, seeming to agree with the answer.

But he said again.

"Oh, but if I guessed correctly, that was your wife's corpse?"

The gloom in Lu Chen's eyes grew stronger little by little, but just when it was about to reach its peak, it suddenly dissipated.

he sneered.

"You don't need to try to anger me. My wife is already dead, just a dead person."

Immediately, Lu Chen spoke to himself, as if he was telling the words to himself.

"That woman is very annoying. She talks to me about this and that all day long. She is just as annoying as my mother, or even more annoying than my mother."

"I've been fed up with her for a long time, and I have no emotion at all. Now that she's gone, I...I feel a lot cleaner."

Lu Chen's expression was calm, as if he was talking about something insignificant.

But until the end, the words were a little bit difficult.

"Oh, there's no need to be sarcastic again. I'm not as stupid as you. As long as I keep waiting, I will find an opportunity one day." Lu Chen said calmly.

"I can't kill the ancestor with ordinary means, so I'll find a way to seal it. I've already started planning the formation of the entire island, and the more absurd the ancestor is, the less he can detect it."

"It only takes ten years, no, just give me three more years." Lu Chen said in a leisurely voice.

He's planning this all on his own.

The ancestor's cultivation is far better than him, and he has [Damage Transfer], and they are all from the Lu family.

There is no way to ask the sacred tree to suppress the weirdness in the other party.

In this case, it can only be sealed.

This is Lu Chen's idea, the premise is not to be discovered by the ancestor.

It's really hard to implement, but it's doable.

"Then what?" Ye Wuyou suddenly asked.


Lu Chen frowned slightly, but the next moment he was like thunder, punching Ye Wuyou who suddenly attacked.

The two of them were fighting with bare hands, and their energy was flowing, but they gave up their magical powers and purely used their moves to fight the enemy.

During the fight, Lu Chen's voice sounded faintly.

"There will be no more... When I finish off my ancestor, the Lu family will get better, and I will put an end to all this absurdity."

Getting better?

Ye Wuyou punched violently, his energy condensed slightly, and then he reversed the situation and exerted force with a fierce wave of energy.

"Can this make things better? There are so many dead people who have turned into slaves of the sacred tree among you, including your dead wife. Are you just looking at it like this!"

Lu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, his hands were raised in front of him, but they suddenly spun, and the invisible energy turned into a countercurrent vortex a few meters in front of him.

The punch that was struck by the reversal of Qi was just like this, and its power dissipated.

"if not?"

"Destroy the sacred tree, this is what Lu Qingshan said."

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen's face showed no emotion at all.

"Ye Wuyou, you seem to have made a mistake. Why should I destroy the sacred tree?"

"What are you talking about? Are you also affected by the will of the sacred tree?"

Lu Chen waved away Ye Wuyou with a flick of his sleeves, their bodies intertwined, and then said calmly.

"No, I know all this very well, and I also know the changes in the sacred tree over the years."

"Some dead people have appeared in the Lu family. In addition, some clan members have been affected. The Lu family cannot leave Linlang Island too far... But so what, has there been any impact?"

"This is just because the sacred tree has a spirit. I will try to correct the sacred tree and change it. If things don't work, I will consider other methods."

Lu Chen chuckled at this moment.

"Compared to everything the sacred tree has brought and the blessings it has given to the Lu family, this is nothing."


Ye Wuyou laughed in anger.

"Fuze, what the hell is this Fuze? Is it possible that it will be like those broken leaves?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Lu Chen's eyes, but then he suddenly understood and spoke softly.

"Broken leaves... Yes, your master Lu Qingshan never got a single leaf. In the end, his father died before he was born. He became a posthumous son, and his mother was also damaged. Lu Qingshan naturally hated it. All of this.”

"He wants to destroy the sacred tree, I understand, but he can't let you do this."

Lu Chen pointed at the towering tree with his big hand, his eyes were flat, and his tone was calm.

"The sacred tree has accompanied the Lu family all the way. It has a history of thousands of years. Its blessings have brought countless talents to the Lu family. At its peak, there were ten people in the six realms, dozens of people in the fifth realm, and three in the middle realm. Countless.”

"This is an incomparable and mysterious miraculous power. Although it is a matter of luck and perhaps a bit unfair, under the circumstances brought by the sacred tree, it really is nothing."

"Children who have received the blessings of the sacred tree should be valued. Children who have never received a leaf can also give up the idea of ​​​​cultivation as early as possible and spend their lives as easily as possible. The Lu family can still afford to support idle people."

Ye Wuyou said coldly.

"So you think the existence of the sacred tree is a good thing, even if it determines everyone's fate early on?"

Lu Chen nodded slightly and spoke calmly.

"It's natural."

Then, he looked at Ye Wuyou, seeming to notice some emotion, and shook his head slightly.

"Why be angry? Ye Wuyou, do you think this move is too unfair, too cruel, and too ruthless?"

Lu Chen didn't wait for Ye Wuyou to answer, and said with a chuckle.

"Haha, I had this idea when I was young, but as time goes by, my perspective on things has changed."

"You need to know."

"Even without the sacred tree, people's achievements in this life span can vary. The path of cultivation depends on aptitude and talent."

"Rather than letting a child without any talent spend dozens of times more effort but still cannot catch up with a child with talent, and then feel lost and shattered by reality, it is better to know all this early. To some extent, this is also a good thing."

Is that so? Should there be differences in this life span of a person...

Ye Wuyou let out a long sigh and looked up at the sky that was gradually getting darker as the sun set.

Linlang Island was high in the sky, seemingly out of the cage of the world like a fairyland.

But at this moment, Ye Wuyou felt uncomfortable.

He seemed to understand something.

Lu Qingshan guided him to this place, told him all this, and Lu Qingshan's idea of ​​destroying the sacred tree...

In a certain way, it was not because his parents died because of the sacred tree.

He clenched his fist.

"So, you, the head of the Lu family, also think that the fate of the Lu family determined by the sacred tree is a good thing?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Lu Chen's eyes, but his tone was still calm and his heart was firm.

"This is not good or bad, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, but the reality is like this. Even without the sacred tree, all this would happen."

"Then how many leaves have you obtained?" Ye Wuyou asked.

"Six." Lu Chen said leisurely.

"What about your wife who died young?" Ye Wuyou asked again.

Lu Chen's face was silent for a while, "One."

But Lu Chen immediately added.

"This is nothing, but it is a fate that has been determined long ago. As a member of the Lu family, my wife and I can accept all this."

Ye Wuyou smiled.

The joys and sorrows of the world can never be communicated, this is really true.

He sat cross-legged under the long pine tree with his head shaved, looking at the worldly people with a white eye.

Lu Chen, who obtained six leaves, how can he understand all this no matter how he looks at it?

So, the vested interests should not say these things as if they are enlightened!

Ye Wuyou took a deep breath, then stepped heavily with his toes, and did not move at all.

With the power of stepping, his body came to Lu Chen as if moving horizontally from the ground.

He raised his hand and clenched his fist.

For some reason, the aura around Ye Wuyou surged at this moment, extremely fast, endless, far better than before.

Lu Chen's face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand calmly to block.

But he heard a sentence with a sneer.

"You really should put away your self-righteous temper and take a good look with those eyes."

"How did Lu Qingshan, who didn't even get a leaf, do what you can't do and trample all of you under his feet."

I thought about this chapter and still couldn't divide it into chapters

I'll return a chapter later, maybe around 1 a.m.

Count it as today's chapter

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