My practice narration is weird

Chapter 248: Inside the sacred tree, see Luo He again

Dark clouds cover the moon.

On the quiet island that was supposed to be surrounded by formations and isolated from the inside and outside of the world, a breeze suddenly blew quietly.

One by one, it was silent, but then bit by bit it turned into a roaring wind.

That night, many things happened on Linlang Island, which was high in the Daxuan sky and far away from the world.

In a remote building, Lu Zhaolin sat quietly cross-legged, silently listening to the thunderous roar coming from the window, his eyes flickered with hesitation, and finally sighed softly, looking at the sacred tree branch in his hand, bowing his head and saying nothing.

In the Linlang Hall, the outside world was still filled with wind and rain, and the strong wind was howling, but the beautiful sound was never cut off.

On the happy couch, the ancestor of the Lu family breathed rapidly, and finally let out a low roar and suddenly let go of the woman under him who he couldn't even name.

The face that was previously yellow and pale due to Ye Wuyou's unknown reasons was now like a dead tree blooming in spring, glowing with ruddy luster.

He turned around and looked outside the hall. Although his sight was blocked by the screen, he seemed to be able to see everything through the infinite distance.

A loud bang spread throughout the island, and along with subtle vibrations, the rustling of forest leaves spread in all directions.

The ancestor of the Lu family who diligently practiced the Yin-Yang Dao at all times, his face sank at first, but then he smiled.

"What a landslide and earth-shattering, what a boundless sea."

The words are contemptuous, as if lamenting that everything is mediocre.

The mountains where the Dharma was condensed gradually dissipated little by little, and Lu Chen's figure gradually emerged from it, but there was no trace of the previous corpse in front of him.

Chapter of Sons and Mothers - People are superior to others.

The state of mind is perfect, neither happy with things nor sad with oneself, and is not affected by others. It has its own truth in the heart, which has nothing to do with right or wrong, but it is unstoppable.

His aura was already better than before, but he suddenly took that step from the Sixth Realm Tianquan.

But there is still one step left.

"The upper three realms are really so out of reach..." Lu Chen gently clenched his fists and murmured softly.

Then, he walked towards the Linlang Palace, which was supposed to be solemn and solemn, but was now full of absurdities, step by step.

There are shadows of mountains behind him.

There is a shadow of water outside the mountain, flowing around the mountain.

Mountains and seas face each other.

The mountains collapsed and the earth split, and the sea was boundless.


The Lu family has a sacred tree that has been there for thousands of years. There are several stories passed down in the family. One of them is that the sacred tree was just the size of an ordinary tree thousands of years ago. However, it has grown with the Lu family, and now it has turned into a giant tree.

This is indeed true. Today, the children of the Lu family, standing under the towering tree that already requires dozens of people to circle around, can't even see the treetops at a glance.

How tall is the sacred tree?

So the second story says that the sacred tree Jianmu is a bridge connecting heaven and earth. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day, and will rest on the sacred tree in the middle of the journey.

A story is just a story after all. If it were true, wouldn't the sacred tree reach up to heaven to hear it?

But at this moment, the giant tree that had been entrenched for thousands of years suddenly erupted with a huge roar from the bottom, and the branches and leaves shook violently.

It was as if something had hit the sacred tree.

But after this loud noise, everything calmed down and there was no more sound.

Lu Chen, who was walking slowly, had a dull look. Hearing that there was no more movement from the sacred tree, there was still a trace of deep disappointment in his eyes.

"Did it fail?"

No problem.

The old man's hoarse laughter and the woman's murmur came from Linlang Palace not far away.

"Why are you starting to act stupid now, Lu Chen? Is it possible that the existence of our sacred tree is so important to you?"

Lu Mo shook his head silently and wrote lightly.

"No, it doesn't matter to me whether there is a sacred tree or not. It doesn't matter whether there is a sacred tree or not..."

"Then what do you mean now?" The ancestor of the Lu family asked calmly.

"No, it's very important to me."


Did it fail?


Ye Wuyou was knocked unconscious.

Lu Chen was different from the past. The force of his punch on Ye Wuyou was completely different from before.

Not only did he knock Ye Wuyou away, he also crashed into the sacred tree.

He also knocked him unconscious.

The young man lay quietly on his back on the ground, his face as quiet and kind as a deceased person.

I don’t know how long has passed, maybe a moment, maybe a few hours?

Ye Wuyou yawned and woke up leisurely.

He opened his eyes and looked around.

"Where is this?"

But then, his mind suddenly shook, his eyes stared, and his face was blank.

The surrounding scenery is very different from that of the Lu family.

He stood on a cliff.

There are high mountains and flowing water, and the peaks are stacked on top of each other, scattered around each other, but faintly surrounding them.

Looking far into the distance, you can vaguely see the shadows of the peaks, and where the peaks are connected and surrounded, there is an endless but clear river, flowing between the peaks, and finally converging along one place, surrounded by layers.

A paradise?

But in the center surrounded by peaks and rivers, there is an island, and on the island is a tree.

The tree roots spread continuously, breaking through the soil, and the roots picked up in one place were about eye level with Ye Wuyou standing on the cliff.

The feeling of enormity spread in Ye Wuyou's heart. He stood on the top of the mountain, but he could still only look up at the towering tree.

The mountain peak is so small, and people inside it are even more miserable. They are really like ants.

Ye Wuyou looked at the giant tree, and there was a faint light flowing on it, echoing up and down.

The light illuminated the world.

A vague sense of familiarity, closeness, and worship came from my mind...

A sense of dependence on the giant tree as if it were my "father" emerged in my heart.

[You are really going against the will of Heaven. The firewood of the past is now trying to brand you. Do you think it deserves your worship? ]

[It is these beasts who should kneel at your feet! ]

The voice of the narrator sounded leisurely, and the strange feeling in my mind disappeared in an instant.

Was it the brand of the sacred tree just now?

Will it make me feel close to the sacred tree?

"But this is the sacred tree?"

Ye Wuyou was surprised.

How could this be the sacred tree?

This scene he saw at the Lu family was not like this.

Was he punched into the sacred tree by Lu Chen at that time?

But how could the sacred tree, which was surrounded by more than ten people, be so big... Not to mention that this is the inside of the sacred tree?

And why do I feel a sense of familiarity around me?

Ye Wuyou took a step back involuntarily, but his expression paused.

He bumped into something.

He turned around suddenly, but immediately saw a dark and muddy face almost sticking to his back.

In an instant, Ye Wuyou got goosebumps.

What else did he care about? At this moment, Ye Wuyou punched him directly.

The figure fell to the ground and could not get up again.

Only a sentence came.

The words were intermittent and could not be heard clearly. Only a few words could be heard vaguely.

"Be careful... Bai... Lu... kiss... you..."

There were no more words.

The sense of familiarity finally made Ye Wuyou understand everything.

This place is like the Luo River, just like the strange Luo River!

There is also such a figure in the Luo River, but that figure is more similar to himself.

They said almost the same words.

At that time, the figure said "Be careful of Bailu."

I didn't care at that time, and even felt a little puzzled, why should I be careful of Bailu.

But now the figure said two more words, which made it even more absurd.

Damn you, what does it mean to be careful of Bailu kissing me?

She even bit me!

Twice in a row, no matter how stupid Ye Wuyou was, he always felt that this was not an ordinary meaning.

He asked in his mind.

You bastard, tell me, what is this figure!

Unexpectedly, the narrator did not respond.

Ye Wuyou had no time to care why the narrator did not respond at this moment.

Because since his mind broke through the mark of the sacred tree, the towering trees at countless distances apart have faintly trembled.

At this moment, in Ye Wuyou's eyes, several tree branches separated, revealing some white objects faintly.

The white object was elliptical, and it was hanging on different branches and buds of the sacred tree at this moment, shaking slightly.

Is this the fruit of the tree?

But then, cracks appeared on the white oval fruit.

Inside it, dead figures appeared one after another.

The voice of the narrator sounded at this moment.

[You have an understanding, and memories are churning in your mind, and finally you remember something...]

[Although all living things are just ants, there are smart ants after all, unlike the Luo River, which was originally a blessed land but is now dead...]

[Now, with living beings as nutrients and Jianmu as the foundation, a paradise has been created...]

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