My practice narration is weird

Chapter 261 The Immortal Touches Your Head, Ties Your Hair and Ends Your Immortality

The figures on the two chains were getting closer.

The rich blue-grey vitality was overflowing.

"Young man Ye, use whatever you have."

Ye Wuyou did not speak, but stretched out his hand with a calm look.

Then he gently stroked the forehead of the Lu family ancestor.

In the suspicious eyes of the Lu family ancestor and the people in the sky, Ye Wuyou looked normal, and his fingertips carved into the forehead of the Lu family ancestor bit by bit.

What is he going to do?

Ye Wuyou quickly answered their doubts.

He whispered at this moment.

"Don't move."

"The immortal touches your head, and your hair will cut off your immortality."

The Lu family ancestor is the body of a wood spirit. Except for the branches as the trunk, the rest is no different from the soul.

The "Wu Xiang Xin Jing" was running wildly, and a kind of majestic aura flowed into Ye Wuyou's body along his fingertips.

The figure of the Lu family ancestor shrank little by little, and the blue-grey aura continued to overflow.

Feng Xinling in the sky was slightly stunned, but then turned into surprise, and even turned into anger.

"What a vicious magic technique!"

With a flick of his sleeve, the aura roared like a dragon.


"Let me see your limit." Ye Wuyou said softly.

The dark blue ghost hands spread all over the surrounding world in an instant, and suddenly grabbed Feng Xinling in the clouds.

No matter how unbearable [Ghost] was, it was still absolutely hidden and could not be detected. Although Feng Xinling was aware of it, his body was still pierced by several ghost hands.

However, for him, the body seemed not to be all, and those ghost hands instantly turned into charcoal and dissipated.

"Okay, okay."

Feng Xinling laughed angrily and used his magical powers again, but then his eyes were stunned, and then he held the chain in his hand tightly.

As if he was fighting with some kind of huge force.

There were dark blue ghost hands attached to the chains beside his hands.

Ye Wuyou didn't expect to kill the opponent by relying on the ghost's sneak attack.

The aura of that person was not as strong as the wood spirit he had seen before, but the chain in his hand could restrain the wood spirit and the ancestor of the Lu family.

So Ye Wuyou chose to pull the chain in the other party's hand away.

Unfortunately, although Feng Xinling's aura was not as strong as the wood spirit, it was far stronger than Ye Wuyou.

Is it the seventh realm?

It seems so.

The chain suddenly stretched straight, and was not pulled off by Ye Wuyou after all.

But it was enough.

Unlike the completely suppressed ancestor of the Lu family, although the chain was tied very tightly, Ye Wuyou's own aura was not suppressed.

The blade flashed, and under the devouring blessing of the "Wu Xiang Xin Jing", the huge aura of the sword was almost condensed into a line.

The ancestor of the Lu family, who was already a wood spirit, was immediately cut in half.

The blade did not stop, and slashed directly at the chain that bound the man tightly.

The blue figure flickered gently, and then held the chain tightly, forcibly tearing a gap in Ye Wuyou's body.


The chain broke, but it was in two pieces.

The restraints on the two were released.

With a big hand, holding the half of the golden chain, Ye Wuyou's face was neither sad nor happy, and he took the half of the wood spirit body and flew away.

That was the lower body of the Lu family ancestor.

The power contained in this wood spirit was really beyond Ye Wuyou's imagination. Even the "Non-Form Heart Sutra" could not be swallowed up in a short time.

As for the upper body of the Lu family ancestor, his eyes were red, and a thick green liquid overflowed from the seven orifices of the sky.

The Lu family ancestor did not care about what Ye Wuyou did, but waved his hand, and the sacred tree on the island kept roaring, as if there was a bridge between him and the sacred tree.

It seems that he is going to perform some extraordinary magical power?

Feng Xinling's eyes turned from angry to calm. After all, he was an old monster who had been around for who knows how many years. His anger was only for a moment, and he had already calmed down.

He just glanced at Ye Wuyou lightly and stopped looking.

His methods were good and evil, but his cultivation was too low, so he could only take shortcuts and was not a threat to him.

Although he was not a complete seventh realm, he was also a seventh realm Tianji!

Feng Xinling's eyes fell on the ancestor of the Lu family, and he chuckled.

"If you were still a human, you might try to fight with me now, but it's a pity that you are a wood spirit."

The words became extremely cold in an instant.

"If you don't become a human, you become a wood spirit, but you don't even have the qualifications to fight with me."

The golden chain was thrown again, seemingly to entangle the ancestor of the Lu family.

But the figure he didn't care about attacked again, with no sadness or joy in his eyes, and no fear in his body.

But it only blocked two breaths.

White turbidity splashed.

Ye Wuyou's figure fell from a high altitude, but when he landed, he adjusted his body and barely stood up.

The ancestor of the Lu family on the side did not speak, but closed his eyes.

The breath kept flowing on the bridge he built with the sacred tree.

But it was not that he gained power from the sacred tree, but that he gave all of himself to the sacred tree.

At this moment, the outside world was full of leaves flying in the hands of the Lu family.

"This is..."

The ancestor of the Lu family paused in his heart, and then a strange smile appeared on his painful face.

Now cut off the Lu family's imprint and let the leaves bless the Lu family...

This is not his will, but the will of the sacred tree.

"So that's it." The ancestor whispered in his heart.

This way, there is no worry.

Two breaths have passed.

The next moment.

"Jedi Tiantong!"

Accompanied by the shout of the Lu family ancestor, the sacred tree on the island began to break apart.

This illusory world constructed from the inside of the sacred tree, the so-called paradise, began to disintegrate.

"How dare you!"

Feng Xinling shouted, no longer caring about Ye Wuyou, but suddenly rushed towards the Lu family ancestor.

There was even a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

He took on this matter, so he needed to be responsible for it, otherwise he would not be able to go back and report.

Who knew that the other party would not fight with him at all, but purely self-destruct.

The other party wanted to destroy the sacred tree, disintegrate himself, and shatter this world.

"No, no, no, it's too late, we have to go."

Feng Xinling's rushing figure stopped abruptly, and then flew towards the shattered sky!

"Want to leave? It's too late!"

"Come, let me trap you here and die with you! Ye boy, I have something to say to you, don't leave!"

The Lu family ancestor spoke with a smile, and his figure disintegrated like clouds and smoke, but in the end, some kind of force gently pushed Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were slightly fixed.

"I'll pay back the kid Qingshan." A certain voice gradually became weaker.

Like the existence of Luo River, this paradise inside the sacred tree collapsed with the disintegration of the sacred tree and the disintegration of the wood spirit.


Outside world, Linlang Island.

There was no one on Linlang Island, and all the Lu family members got on the cloud boat.

Lu Zhaolin sat in a flying boat, touching it left and right and couldn't let it go.

However, they did not go far away from Linlang Island, but watched nearby and kept a distance.

The Lu family has feelings for Linlang Island.

Lu Chen and Luo Qinghan were the only two people in the sixth realm here. They did not board the cloud boat, but stopped in the sky in front of Linlang Island.

Lu Chen wanted to see what Linlang Island would look like in the end.

Luo Qinghan wanted to know whether Ye Wuyou was dead or not.

If he was still alive.

She didn't mind sending him off.

Neither of them said anything.

The trembling of Linlang Island suddenly stopped.

Is everything calm?

Lu Chen was stunned and was about to speak.

A huge roar came from the center of the island, and it was the towering sacred tree that exploded directly.

Amid the flying wood chips, a figure retreated.

Although his body was covered with scars, blood stained everything red, and white mucus was all over his body.

But Luo Qinghan recognized him at a glance, this person was Ye Wuyou.

Luo Qinghan finally showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Ye Wuyou was in a mess and flew out.

Luo Qinghan tapped her jade feet lightly and stood up to meet him.

One more chapter, later

It will be there, I will be offline after installing one last chapter

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