My practice narration is weird

Chapter 264: Picking Wild Vegetables, Dual Swords

Nanhua City is not a very big city, but due to its geographical location and convenient transportation, it is also connected to the upper three sects and has developed rapidly.

Although small, it is rich.

There is a Wanbao Pavilion branch in the city.

No one would provoke Wanbao Pavilion, just like no one would go to Hehuan Sect and Tianji Tower to cause trouble.

They are all huge forces that have opened in countless places, and everyone also needs such a place where transactions are guaranteed.

A little white fox was lying on the top floor of Wanbao Pavilion, its eyes were slightly narrowed, and it was sleeping lazily.

The four fox tails huddled up and wrapped around its body, and the little fox's head rested on them, feeling very comfortable.

But not long after, a stern roar came from his ears.

"What are you doing? You're lazy again, and you haven't stepped up your practice yet!"

The little fox's eyelids trembled, and then he raised his head in displeasure and spoke to the window sill under the pavilion, but he uttered human words.

"Dad, I just finished my practice and squinted for a while."

"Every time I take time to come over, I see you sleeping! No more talking, the medicine is ready. After taking the medicine, continue practicing."

"I don't want to take medicine. I practice very quickly on my own. Taking medicine to practice will cause the foundation to be unstable!"

"Fart, that's because they took myrrh to comfort themselves! Are you talking about the foundation? I think they are barren... How can you practice without relying on medicine?"

"Ye Wuyou doesn't rely on pills."

"Ah, yes, yes, you told your father yourself that he eats people's souls every day. Isn't this more powerful than taking drugs?"

"I..." Bai Lu was speechless and choked, then said again after a moment.

"How far can I practice before I can find him?"

"Don't talk about the Five Realms...No, just come to him. He will come to you when he is done."

Bai Lu curled her lips, jumped off the window sill, and then went to her room to change clothes.

The middle-aged man with a serious face then left with his hands behind his back.

The person in charge of Wanbao Pavilion is called Mr. Hu, and it is said that he is from the Sixth Realm.

Everyone in the city had to bow down when they saw him, and even the disciples of the three upper sects had to respectfully call him "Senior".

He has an extremely ruthless vision, especially when it comes to natural treasures. According to rumors, he has gained experience bit by bit and cannot fake it.

It was already noon, and there was no one in Wanbao Pavilion. Mr. Hu took a copy of the newspaper produced by Tianji Pavilion, drank good tea, and read it slowly.

A piece of news made him look slightly sideways, followed by a light sigh.

The huge title is written at the front.

【Linlang in the sky becomes a thing of the past】

It's probably about the Lu family's Linlang Island floating stone that failed, lost its ability to float, and eventually fell from the sky. Fortunately, the two heads of the Lu family and the Luo family were present at the time, and even the Five Elements Sect saint Luo Qinghan passed by Linlang Island. , work together to resolve the matter and crush the island without causing casualties.

Information provider: Lu Jia Lu Zhaolin.

Mr. Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that something was not quite right.

First, there is another extremely precious thing in the Lu family. In the eyes of others, it may just be a towering ancient tree surrounding the Lu family. But in the eyes of Mr. Hu, that sacred tree is extraordinary and is the same as the tree of bitterness in Qingqiu. Equal sacred trees.

Second, why are there so many outsiders going to Lu Family Linlang Island?

Third, the daughter with her elbows turned outward once told me that the boy would go to the Lu family later...

Is this still going to be done, or is it already gone?

Mr. Hu was thinking in his mind, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

But he saw another message.

[Where is the new Taoist disciple of Baiyun Temple? 】

The general idea is to clarify that the death of the former Taoist disciple Xu Qingyuan was caused by someone else, and to call on that person to come out to receive the reward and become the new Taoist disciple of Baiyun Temple...

Mr. Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, but the sound of words interrupted his thoughts.

"Mr. Hu, there is a medicinal material that I need your help with."

"Oh, what is it?"

"There was a woman downstairs who brought an ordinary snow lingzhi and insisted that it was not an ordinary medicinal material, but she couldn't explain clearly. But I looked at her as if she had great powers. After thinking about it, I still couldn't believe it. Take a look, sir.”

Mr. Hu nodded, got up and walked downstairs.

This is his duty.

Mr. Hu walked down the stairs slowly, his eyes swept across the hall, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.

In his eyes, he saw a lonely girl standing alone in a corner of the pavilion, with a long sword behind her. She was a swordsman, but she didn't have the sharp and unconcealed temperament of other swordsmen.

It's just...five realms, or six realms?

But how old are you, so young?

Mr. Hu was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the medicinal material in the other person's hand.

"It is indeed not an ordinary snow Ganoderma. The whole plant is white, but there is only a very fine red line at the root. It is Blood Ganoderma. There has been no trace of this medicinal material in the past hundred years. Anyone who knows this thing must be somewhat old. Girl, what do you think? How much does it cost?”

The girl then raised her head and looked at Mr. Hu.

A voice sounded in her head.

"Finally, we have someone who knows the stuff. Have these things been extinct in the past hundred years? There were quite a lot of them back then...and this person is in the Sixth Realm. Disciple, you have to be vigilant at all times."

Lu Caiwei nodded, then did not speak, but wrote down the words with pen and paper.

"I don't need money, but I want to exchange something. Is that possible?"

Mr. Hu nodded and said, "It's okay."


The top floor of Wanbao Pavilion.

"There are some elixirs for cultivating the soul, but the flesh-flesh-melting elixir you mentioned, haha, as long as I live, I have heard the name of this elixir, but I really can't find it now."

Mr. Hu looked at the paper handed over by Lu Caiwei and said with a smile, but he was a little confused in his heart.

These things all exist from a relatively long time ago... and should not be known to the other person at his age.

Lu Caiwei's eyes showed disappointment.

Master Hu naturally saw it, but that's how business is, it's not about what you want, but what I have.

He said softly at this moment.

"Girl, you don't want to change these things for yourself. Why don't you consider changing to something else?"

After all, it is an extremely scarce medicinal material, so the money exchanged for it must be inferior.

Xia Anmeng's voice sounded leisurely.

"It doesn't matter, disciple. I have the recipe for the elixir. I will be able to find it one day... Besides, even my soul has recovered a lot now than before."

"Disciple, you first exchange what you want to increase your strength. Master still remembers this Daxuan ruins. With my guidance, the Sixth Realm is just around the corner."

Lu Caiwei finally sighed and took off the sword behind her without any further entanglement.

"This is……"

Mr. Hu was a little confused, but the other party handed him a note.

"Can I ask the channels of Wanbao Pavilion to make a sword for me? As for the style, it will be like the one in front of me. As for the material, it will be based on the price of the medicinal materials."

Mr. Hu nodded, said softly, and then unsheathed his sword half an inch.

The sword intent echoed throughout the pavilion.

Even if Master Hu is not a swordsman, he can still tell that this sword is extraordinary. What is extraordinary is not its material, but the sword intention contained in it.

A very strange sword intent, not sharp, nor pressure, nor even dangerous.

No trace.

Hu Sanye returned the long sword to the other party at this moment, thought about it, and asked with a slight smile and confusion.

"Wanbao Pavilion naturally has this channel, and this matter is not difficult, but I am still curious to ask more."

"Girl, why do you want two swords? Are you giving them away?"

Lu Caiwei shook her head, pointed at herself, and then finally spoke in a low voice.

"I, I use it myself."

use it yourself?

Two-knife style? But doesn’t sword cultivator’s wealth and life depend on his natal sword?

After all, Mr. Hu didn't ask again, but made an appointment with Lu Caiwei for more than a month.

Lu Caiwei stood up and was about to leave, but out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of the Di newspaper, which Mr. Hu had thrown aside earlier.

The title caught my eye.

The Lu family is gone?

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