My practice narration is weird

Chapter 266: A lot of debt is not a burden, a strange balance

Lu Zhaolin left, drank the last bottle of wine before leaving, and then complained.

"Let's go, let's go. This is my last day of freedom. I have to practice in seclusion for the next month. I can't leave the house. That bastard Xu Qingyuan did these things. It would be terrible to die."

Ye Wuyou didn't understand this.

He has more important things to do now.

He first took out a pen and paper and wrote down everything that happened in the Lu family. He frowned a little, but he finally recalled some hazy memories.

The erosion of [Forgetting] seems not as strong as before. Although the memory is blurry, it can still remind me...

"No wonder I feel something is abnormal. The erosion should have been extremely serious if the [ghost] was activated at that time, but now it has not increased much."

With his eyes lightly closed, Ye Wuyou calmed down and finally found something inside his body.

Above the Dantian and below the heart in the lower abdomen.

I only saw it briefly at the time, and naturally forgot about it afterwards.

Demonic sacred tree, no... sacred tree Jianmu.

Although it was only a palm-sized sapling, the aura on it was undoubtedly that of the sacred tree.

This was the last thing the ancestor of the Lu family gave him in the cave-heaven blessed land built by the sacred tree.

Ye Wuyou carefully recalled some details of that time, and finally felt that there was something strange.

The ancestor of the Lu family finally pushed something to himself, but it was indeed thrust into his hand, and he made an unconscious movement to receive it at the time.

Then how did this sapling get into his body?

If this sapling grows up, will it grow out of my body?

As for why the ancestor of the Lu family gave this thing to himself?

At best, it would be a good relationship and repayment to Lu Qingshan...

In fact, I have no choice.

Ye Wuyou thought for a while, if Lu Chen had been present inside the sacred tree at that time, this thing might not have fallen into his hands.

But that’s not necessarily the case…

Ye Wuyou thinks he might be considered half of the Lu family?

The branches of the sacred tree can suppress weirdness...

It's in my body now.

Saplings are also branches!

First pull off two leaves to see if it helps.

Luo Yue helped him, but Ye Wuyou didn't want to owe anyone a favor, let alone a woman.

Ye Wuyou didn't hesitate at the moment.

He stretched out his hand, inserted it straight into his chest, and then grabbed it violently.

Severe pain filled Ye Wuyou's heart and mind in an instant. He was not the one who insisted on gritting his teeth and said it didn't hurt, nor was he just a minor injury like no other.

Depend on!

I forgot that my current body is no longer dead.

There is pain.

【The pleasure is also doubled】

Shit, this is not funny.

Ye Wuyou hurriedly started using his skills to turn his body into a living corpse. The pain eased and there was no longer any pain.


Ye Wuyou looked silently at the bloody flesh and white mucus in his hand, and stuffed the thing back after a moment.


The sacred tree is not in his body?

His mind sank in again, and he visualized that the sacred tree was clearly in his body, but when he took it out, there was no trace of the sacred tree at all.

A sacred tree without substance.

This feeling is just like the sacred tree of the Lu family. Although the sacred tree in the outside world is also a sacred tree, only the inner world is the true form of the sacred tree.

The sapling swayed gently, and Ye Wuyou just looked at it like this, thinking about how to pull down the two leaves.

After a while, I felt an inexplicable connection from the sacred tree.

Damn it.

The sacred tree can give birth to will.

Could this be the will of the sacred tree?

He tried to raise a thought in his mind and communicate in his mind.

"Try two leaves?"



After a while, Ye Wuyou regained his concentration and looked gloomy.

He seemed to be really communicating with the sacred tree just now.

The sacred tree also responded to him.

The meaning is very vague, and it is not words.

But Ye Wuyou can understand it very abstractly.

Translated, the meaning of the sacred tree is roughly as follows.

"Give two souls Cha Cha."

Against the heavens.

What a magical tree.

There are two types of people Ye Wuyou hates the most, one is the soul-devouring demons, and the other is those who call themselves demons.

"No wonder the man's soul disappeared as soon as it was in his hand, but was swallowed by the sapling..."

"It is said that the sacred tree uses the bodies of the Lu family as nutrients. Does this have something to do with it?"

The sacred tree has a physical form in the Lu family, so it absorbs human corpses?

Nowadays, there is no corpse, it is an illusory existence, and it cannot absorb human corpses and turn them into nutrients, so it wants the soul?

Can the divine soul speed up the growth of this sacred tree?

The leaves in exchange can suppress the strange erosion, and two souls are nothing compared to it, but where is Ye Wuyou going to restore the soul of this sapling now.

He is not a demon.

Or tell Luo Yue directly and let Luo Yue think of a solution?


This idea was rejected by Ye Wuyou as soon as it surfaced.

"You can't tell others about this sapling..."

Wind mind...

Who is Feng Xingxin?

He seemed to be guided by someone, and he clearly came here for this sacred tree.

In his mouth, he said a few words that were somewhat concerning.

"Sacred tree, avenue, and fruit."

That Feng Xinxin's strength is not simple at all, is it the Seventh Realm?

It is indeed different from the ordinary six realms, even far better than Luo Qinghan, and he is proficient in formation techniques and escape methods.

If it weren't for Luo Qinghan's mysterious magical power that was called a killing move but could only be controlled, even if his Dharma power was enough to destroy everything, he might not be able to succeed in one strike.

But if it was said to be the seventh realm, he felt something was wrong, and the means he showed were somewhat inconsistent with what he thought.

In any case, this matter could not be exposed.

If there was another existence like Feng Xinling, without the self-detonation of the Lu family ancestor and the perfect cooperation with Luo Qinghan that he accidentally fought, how could he compete with the other party?

"The soul is not difficult. I will ask if there are any magic ways in a few days..."

But now that the sapling of the sacred tree has been found in the body, there is a strange feeling that makes Ye Wuyou try something.

The branches of the sacred tree can suppress the weird erosion, but the sacred tree itself can directly suppress the weirdness.

At the beginning, the towering tree suppressed all the weirdness on Ye Wuyou.

The mind was transmitted, and this time, the sapling was very calm.

Ye Wuyou did not hesitate and directly chose to suppress [Forget]!

Compared to the visible erosion of the ghost, [Forgetfulness] seems to have no effect on life, but in fact... this feeling of silently forgetting memories is more terrifying in Ye Wuyou's heart.


But the next moment.

The dark blue erosion began to spread crazily all over Ye Wuyou's body.


Suppressed [Forgetfulness], and the erosion of [Ghost] began to grow exponentially!

Then continue to suppress [Ghost]!

No response...

The sapling of the sacred tree can now only suppress one weirdness...

Ye Wuyou's heart trembled and he released the suppression of [Forgetfulness].

With his brows furrowed, Ye Wuyou finally thought of a possibility.

Having two weirdnesses is the method of prolonging life mentioned by the owner of Tianji Tower, but Ye Wuyou does not know the truth contained in it.

At the moment, it seems that it is a balance of two weirdnesses?

His [Ghost] was originally eroded to the limit, and then merged into [Forgetfulness].

[Forgetfulness] was suppressed, and the erosion of [Ghost] broke out instantly.

Ye Wuyou breathed a long sigh of relief, and a sense of fear came from his heart.

Fortunately, I suppressed oblivion, not ghosts...

If I suppress ghosts, will I forget countless things in an instant?

"This is a bit difficult. The sapling can only suppress one weirdness now, but unless the two weirdnesses on its body are suppressed at the same time, it will destroy the balance and be completely eroded."

Could it be that when the sapling grows up? When it grows into a towering tree, it can suppress many weirdnesses...

Forget it, this sacred tree can survive for thousands of years in the Lu family. When it grows up, it will be like raising a turtle. It will be raised and raised before it goes away.

It can suppress a weirdness, but it is not easy to use it for a while, just like Ye Wuyou's own Dharma image, with a treasure mountain but no ability to explore.

Looking at the sapling of the sacred tree, Ye Wuyou's mind was filled with thoughts.

Is it a safe hand?

Or is it greedy?

Ye Wuyou looked at the [ghost] behind him, and touched his right eye. There are two weirdnesses inside...

He was suddenly relieved.

Many debts are not a burden.

A man muttered to himself in the courtyard.

"What are you thinking? You can't earn interest if you keep the money."

Ye Wuyou made his choice.

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