My practice narration is weird

Chapter 291: Say what you mean, and fall into bliss

The brilliance of the magical power bloomed in the sky.

In the pavilions and towers, in the sky, the aftermath of the fight between the two figures spread in all directions. Fortunately, the city was empty and no one was there, so no damage was caused.

As for the weirdness?

The weirdness also knows how to pick on the weak.

Perhaps it was because of the appearance of Ji Wuye and Ye Wuyou, two guys who looked like normal people, that the mouth had disappeared in front of several people. Looking at the direction, was it heading towards the Nanning Mountains?

However, seeing this scene in front of him, Ye Wuyou immediately wanted to step out and join the battle.

But he was stopped by Xia Anmeng.

"Don't act rashly. Caiwei is now trapped in the inner demon tribulation. She doesn't see the existence of other people. I'm afraid the only thought in her mind at this moment is to get rid of the person in front of her."

"As for whether she will step into the sixth realm or die in the future, it's a matter of a thought. If you forcibly interfere, your every move will be counterproductive."

Hearing this, Ye Wuyou's eyes were slightly startled, but then his expression gradually changed from indifferent to serious.

"Then should I just watch like this? She is so weak now, how can she defeat that guy?"

"In any case, this is her choice." Xia Anmeng's voice suddenly became cold, but then she was silent.

Xia Anmeng's voice fell silent for a moment, as if she noticed the anxiety that Ye Wuyou was suppressing in his heart, and finally sighed softly.

"Not really, you just need to scout for my apprentice on the flank, and don't join the battle. If the other party uses other means besides magical powers, it depends on you to stop it."

Other means besides magical powers?


Ye Wuyou raised his head slightly and stared at the sky.

His eyes followed the figure of the girl who had not seen each other for a long time, but at this moment, even though she was covered in blood, she still looked the same as before.

The white clothes turned into blood clothes, and the scarlet blood stained the hem of the colorful skirt.

It seemed that there had been no changes.

When he first saw her in the sky prison, he cut off the corpses controlled by the white Tai Sui, and it seemed to be like this.

After the last fight in the Great Yan Imperial City, he stained the blood on her body, and it was still like this.

Ye Wuyou nodded, and a dark blue figure appeared behind him, unnoticed.

"I know."


[Magic Power·Chaos Wolf]

[Magic Power·Iron Horse Ice River]

The scarlet iron chain and blood sickle appeared in Ji Wuye's hands at some point.

The chain split into two, two into four, four into eight...

It was like a golden net with sharp energy, accompanied by bursts of explosions from whipping, and it spread towards Lu Caiwei.

The blood sickle was placed in front of him, as if for precaution.

One far and one near, both binding and attacking, both offense and defense

Ling Xue's magical power is really a rare and superior skill here.

But what about Lu Caiwei's response?

It was just a sword move.

It was not a killing move like the sword rising up in the wind and thunder or the blue dragon emerging from the water.


Strike, stab, block and wash!

Draw and raise!

Break, stab and strike!

Twist, cut, chop, rub and wash...

Every move was the simplest sword move, but it seemed to be used to the extreme in Lu Caiwei's hands.

The densely packed chain net seemed to be touched at the weakest point, and was broken into a gap, and Lu Caiwei's figure lightly swooped out of it.

The blood sickle flew out of his hand and slashed the girl's chest.

But the sword in the girl's hand swung lightly and slashed aside.

For the first time, Ji Wuye's face was so gloomy, and his body retreated again and again.

He couldn't accept it.

How could the girl in front of him break his mysterious magical power with these crude sword moves?


"Heart Demon Tribulation..." Ji Wuye whispered, and then sneered.

What if the other party forcibly stepped into the sixth realm at this moment?

It takes time to prepare for the Heart Demon Tribulation. When you understand yourself and your mind is completely peaceful, you can find a remote secret room. It can take a few days, a few years, or even decades to get through it.

Because the heart demon will continue to attack, you can't be sure whether you have gotten through it.

There are also people who understand the heart demon early, and as long as they step through it, they will be in the sixth realm.

But this kind of practitioners often hesitate for a long time before going through the heart demon tribulation, because it is more difficult to make a choice because of understanding.

Lu Qingshan had been imprisoned for twenty years before the Sixth Realm Heart Demon Tribulation.

But no matter what, the mind is already restless when fighting with others, and forcing it to go through the Heart Demon Tribulation at this moment is simply courting death.

He does not need to defeat this woman. As long as a moment passes, the other party will be distracted by a thought, and the Heart Demon will invade and naturally die.

Xia Anmeng's voice sounded faintly.

"But if my disciple can get through it, she will truly enter the Sixth Realm and will not need to waste time to settle down..."


What is the Sixth Realm Heavenly Power.

Even though a practitioner who has practiced a little bit may not have reached the Sixth Realm in this life, he also understands one thing.

The Sixth Realm needs to go through the Heart Demon Tribulation.

But what is the difference between the Sixth Realm and the other five realms? Why is the Sixth Realm so special?

This question is not difficult for Ye Wuyou to answer.

Whether it is the previous fight with Luo Qinghan or Lu Chen, Ye Wuyou realized one thing.

The Six Realms Heavenly Power, although the Qi is not boundless, it seems to be inexhaustible.

In the [Identity Replacement] Weird Domain World, the Six Realms Divine Power that Ye Wuyou experienced as the master of Zizhu Hehuan Peak also gave him a clear understanding of Heavenly Power.

Use your own Qi to attract a certain breath between the surrounding heaven and earth.

At this moment, Lu Caiwei, in Ye Wuyou's eyes, is in this state.

By stepping into the Heart Demon Tribulation, she forced herself into the Sixth Realm.

With just one point of strength, she can mobilize ten times the previous strength.

In short, it is leverage, ten times or even higher leverage.

If you can get through it, you will naturally make a lot of money.

If you can't get through it, it will be a blowout, or even a loss! You will die and lose your life.

The aura fluctuations on the girl's body are weak and not majestic. Although the black sword that looks brand new is sharp, it is not suitable for the hand.

Lu Caiwei can still fight with Ji Wuye with sword moves.

All the other auras mobilized by the weak aura are not used for body protection at all, but are all delivered to the sword.

At this moment, it is unknown whether Ji Wuye's simple magical skills are not outstanding, his martial arts attainments are not well learned, or Lu Caiwei's sword moves are too profound, Ji Wuye can only retreat repeatedly for a while.

The iron chain suddenly exploded in the swing, turning into pieces, and then the Qi Qi turned it into a barrier, separating the sword moves that kept coming one after another.

Taking advantage of this breath, Ji Wuye quickly swept away from Lu Caiwei and landed on a distant building.

The black and white clothes of Lingxue Pavilion had long been broken into pieces by the sword Qi, and now they were like strips of cloth hanging on the body, showing the exquisite body to the fullest.

Ji Wuye had had enough.

Rather than being beaten and killing time waiting for the other party's inner demon to erode, it is better to use the weirdness to kill the person in front of him.

What should I use to deal with this woman...

[Intimate] can only be used for exploration.

Then [Copy] this weirdness...

[No Limits] [Strange Coffin] [Cause and Effect Spear]

Ji Wuye frowned slightly and clenched his teeth.

He had used [Copy] to activate [Strange Coffin] and [No Limit], and now he had little time left to use them.

Compared with [Intimate], which was relatively less eroded, the cost of using [Copy] was much more serious...

This cost was so heavy that he really didn't want to use this power unless it was absolutely necessary.

Because the cost of using Copy was to copy another "self".

Although it was just a soul.

Unlike Ji Wuye, who was in a female body but thought he was a man.

The copied existence did not think "she" was a man.

In order to prevent this copy from affecting himself, Ji Wuye deliberately made this "sister" useless.

He deliberately guided her to indulge in hallucinogenic drugs and alcohol addiction.

So he had an extra useless "sister", and this sister also thought she was Ji Wuye.

And he had to accept this sudden copy of himself, because this was a price, a strange price.

This is the so-called dual soul in one body.

If he used it too much... he was really worried that another self would pop up, becoming three souls in one.

At that time, a situation of three-legged hegemony would be formed.

A phantasmal spear condensed in Ji Wuye's palm.

Lu Caiwei's footsteps paused slightly, her eyes were empty, but she still noticed something.

The girl's figure glided lightly, her toes stepped on the pavilion flags, and her sword pointed to the sky.

In the place visible to the naked eye, a trace of energy attracted the clouds and wind, moving around the sword.

This seemed to be a sword that was devoted to everything.

The weak energy attracted the clouds in the sky bit by bit, slowly gathering momentum.

Ye Wuyou's eyes condensed slightly, carefully watching the other party's every move.

Ji Wuye didn't care about all this, nor did he care about Lu Caiwei's sword.

[The Spear of Cause and Effect], a shot that would hit as long as it was handed out.

This was an extremely fierce killing move, in some cases, not inferior to [Death]

He exerted a little force in his hand, but then a line of sight gathered.

Their eyes crossed.

"Ye Wuyou..."

Ji Wuye had a faint smile on his lips. The other party didn't die, which was really beyond his expectation.

[Words come true] couldn't kill him!

He hated unexpected things.

Speaking of which, the two guys in front of him, including the remnant soul, were all from Da Yan, which was really ridiculous.

How could such two characters come from such a poor and remote place bordering the demon clan.

But everything was over.

As long as he fired this shot.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and when no one noticed, a giant figure was already standing behind him.

The blue giant hand grabbed his figure at some point, and pinched his arm tightly.

As if not letting him fire this shot.

[No Limits] spread around him, but the boundless distance seemed to shrink little by little, and the pressure spread all over his body.

"You also want to stop me!"

Ji Wuye shouted angrily, and then tried to activate the shot regardless of the resistance.

Why can he stop it?

As long as I have this idea in my mind, I can activate it.

If I want to stop this strange shot, I can only rely on other strange magical powers to fight against it.

But [Ghost] can't stop the delivery of [Cause and Effect Spear].

"Don't move!" Ye Wuyou suddenly spoke to him.

Blood instantly flowed from the corner of his mouth, and Ye Wuyou staggered slightly.

With the help of the strange power here, using the words of the fifth realm to restrain a sixth realm, it is really difficult, and the price to bear is also great.

His voice suddenly became extremely hoarse, but after all, it was not a word like "Go to hell" that required a great price, and Ye Wuyou could still bear such a price.

Ji Wuye's figure suddenly paused, and his whole body was stiff.

Not enough, not enough to stop.

Ye Wuyou let out a final cry, and then his voice stopped abruptly, blood spurted out of his mouth, and he lost his voice.


The words came out, and the law followed.

As soon as these words came out, it was shocking, and Ji Wuye looked at Ye Wuyou in disbelief.

Then his body began to tremble slightly involuntarily, and his legs became weak, as if they were a little limp.

The disbelief in Ji Wuye's eyes turned into shame, and his cheeks flushed lightly.

But then it turned into a great anger.

The anger ignited in an instant.

He, he, he is a man ah ah ah!

There is no end.

The power of [Forget] enveloped Ji Wuye.

"Forget everything you are going to do now." Ye Wuyou gritted his teeth and muttered in his heart.

Just as Ji Wuye did not want to use [Copy] until he had no choice, Ye Wuyou did the same.

He would rather his body be eroded by the [ghost] than to [forget] something unconsciously.

After the divine tree merged into his body, Ye Wuyou's Alzheimer's disease has shown signs of improvement, and he can write several thousand words in his diary every day.

But now he has to use this taboo of forgetting.

It is equivalent to triple weirdness, just to prevent the delivery of this gun.

The illusory spear in Ji Wuye's hand finally turned into a bubble and dissipated.

At this moment, Ji Wuye's eyes were stunned and a little confused.

It was like a broken line reconnecting, and he found that the big move had been pressed unconsciously.

"What should I do?" Ji Wuye had such doubts in his heart.

"Brother, save, save me." A sad cry came from his heart.

Ji Wuye's pupils shrank, and the doubts in his eyes dissipated instantly.

Because the sword that was ready to be launched had already attacked.

The aura was not so huge, but it pulled the vast smoke and clouds.

The sword light was bright, in an instant.

It was as if the sky was full of smoke and haze.

There was no huge roar and shattering sound from this sword.

Only the sound of the pouring of air waves was endless, and all the objects in the city were blown to the ground.

Ji Wuye's figure had appeared on the top of the city a hundred feet away.

A huge dent appeared in the heavy blue-black city wall at this moment, and Ji Wuye was deeply trapped in it.

His robe had long been turned into pieces, and his body was naked and covered with bloodstains.

The woman trapped in the city wall had messy hair, but she raised her head little by little, and the arc of her mouth gradually enlarged.

"Ahem, ahem, a pseudo-realm Tianquan, really, ahem, think you can kill me?"

"You lost your mind and fell into the heart demon calamity, hehe, you are dead."

A hundred feet away, Lu Caiwei's figure was still standing straight, with a sword in her hand, her eyes were still empty, but she no longer made any moves.

But upon closer inspection, there seemed to be illusory and mixed reflections in the empty eyes.

Scenes flashed through the girl's mind.

But what she saw in the end, only Lu Caiwei herself knew.

This is the real heart demon tribulation.

Others cannot help, it is the most severe life and death test.

Ji Wuye slightly raised his chest at this moment, his arms trembled, and then suddenly exerted force to pull his body out of the deep pit on the city wall.


His body fell to the ground, Ji Wuye knelt naked on the ground, his chest rose and fell with his panting, obviously exhausted.

Click, click...

Footsteps came.

Ji Wuye saw the other party's steps approaching little by little from the corner of his eyes.

[Copy] has reached the time limit of two cups of tea and cannot be used again.

[Intimate] is useless to Ye Wuyou and cannot change the situation.

It doesn't matter.

He still has the power to strike, Ji Wuye is a real sixth-level heavenly power, at most he can use pure soul to drive the Dharma.

Of course, use his "sister's" soul.

Besides that...

Ji Wuye stood up with his long hair casually hanging on his side, his face showing an extremely weak look, and smiled faintly at Ye Wuyou.

Ji Wuye opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to tell something.

"Brother Ye, some things before were just misunderstandings, and I just wanted to get out of the strange domain. You and I are the same kind of people. I have a secret about people like us. How about I tell you?"

Ye Wuyou thought about it, nodded first, and then said in a very dry voice.

"No need."

The words he said were completely opposite to his actions.

Ji Wuye's face changed, and then his figure retreated sharply, without any sign of weakness.

A Yama Dharma image condensed behind him.

However, as soon as it appeared, it was easily crushed by the ghost who had now turned into a giant.

On the dark blue body, a scarlet pupil exuded a strange light, but it was no longer the same as before.

The ghost hand easily pierced the opponent's chest.

As the vitality in his eyes gradually dissipated, Ji Wuye's voice came with confusion.

"Why... I'm telling the truth, you should at least listen..."

Ye Wuyou didn't answer.

Because the voice of the narrator in his mind kept telling him.

[This is a lie, this is a lie, this is a lie...]

In addition, Ji Wuye had the intention to kill him, so he killed him as a matter of course...


A lie?

Ye Wuyou suddenly reached out to support his forehead, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

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