My practice narration is weird

Chapter 301 Just boil the stove, come back early, I miss you so much

The sky has darkened.

In the Nanning Mountains, a little rabbit jumped in the forest.

The little rabbit is very cute.


That's so cute.

After a while, bursts of charming fragrance emerged from the campfire.

Mr. Hu took off a sizzling and oily rabbit leg, smelled the aroma, and let out a light tut, thinking that this boy Ye still had such skills, no wonder he had gained a lot of weight when he brought his daughter back.

Memories resurfaced in his mind, as if he was back when he was just an ordinary fox.

While chewing, he looked at Ye Wuyou, who was sitting in a daze by the campfire, and then looked at the cave not far away. The surrounding area had been blocked by a formation set up by Mr. Hu.

An underground fire has been lit in the cave, and the unusual ancient alchemy furnace has started to operate again after a thousand years, but it is the old furnace that has ignited the fire again.

Two women's busy figures can be vaguely seen inside.

"You brat, tell me what happened when you went out with them earlier. I'm really curious about how you did it?"

Ye Wuyou turned his head away, the corners of his eyes twitching slightly, revealing an emotion called doubt.

At that time, he was completely hit by Lu Caiwei's palm and was thrown into Nanning City. His mind was dazed for a while before he hurried back here using the Shinto technique.

He was really afraid of something happening.

But when he hurried over, he saw such a scene.

The little fox who was roaring in anger before was now standing together with Lu Caiwei. The two did not argue with each other, and Bai Lu did not make any noise. They were studying pharmacology together in the cave with a calm expression.

Ye Wuyou thought hard and couldn't figure out what happened between the two of them.

When he tentatively asked what was wrong with the little fox, Bai Lu just glanced at him lightly, then grinned and snorted at him, and just ignored him.

She even showed her fox tail in front of Lu Caiwei.

Has this already told Lu Caiwei her identity as a demon fox?

Well, Ye Wuyou, who was puzzled, asked Lu Caiwei again.

Lu Caiwei responded to him.

"No, no, no... I can't tell you."

Ye Wuyou didn't give up and asked Xia Anmeng again, but the other party also looked confused and even spoke with a slight contempt in his tone.

"What did you do? And you bewitched my disciple?"


Ye Wuyou thought that it would be fine if he really wanted to bewitch him, but he really didn't do anything.

It was Bai Lu who bewitched Lu Caiwei, probably not.

Was it Lu Caiwei who bewitched Bai Lu?

Speaking of which, Lu Caiwei was carrying two swords behind her back, one black and one white...

The last guy with two swords on his back...

Ye Wuyou quickly interrupted his reverie.

Right now, Ye Wuyou could only sit in the forest with Hu Sanye and stare at each other.

Mr. Hu chewed up the rabbit leg and bones in his hand. He leaned leisurely on the tree stump and spoke in a calm tone.

"Boy, I will tell you clearly in advance about my daughter."


Mr. Hu Sanye said a little harshly: "How many more days can you stay? You have to leave, right? But don't think about taking my daughter away."

Ye Wuyou was a little surprised when he heard this. After thinking about it for a moment, he didn't care about the other meanings in Third Master's words and just asked with a smile.

"How did uncle know I was leaving?"

"Tsk, do you think I'm blind? I don't know how you got involved with the Luo family. You helped rescue the siege and gave them precious medicine. It just so happened that the gathering of the seven families this month was already in full swing. The Luo family didn't invite them. You take action?"

Ye Wuyou didn't deny it, just nodded lightly, but after looking at his undeniable expression, Mr. Hu felt as if he hated iron. He swayed and sat up from the ground, with a few words of advice and advice. Teach.

"You kid like to be stupid? At your age and with your current strength, you can't go anywhere. Why do you get involved with the declining Luo family?"

Mr. Hu's words revealed a deep sense of incomprehension. In his opinion, or in the eyes of countless people, the Luo family was already a crumbling pavilion about to collapse, a big ship about to sink to the bottom.

Ye Wuyou shook his head, reached out and turned over the dimly extinguished bonfire, his eyes calm.

"It has nothing to do with this. I owe someone once and I should pay it back."

"Just helping, I'll be back soon." Ye Wuyou said with a smile.

After hearing this, Mr. Hu thought for a while and did not continue the topic.


There was a dull sound in the cave, and Ye Wuyou looked up, only to see a burst of black smoke floating out, and then two figures ran out in the night.

The little fox babbled over and over while waving his sleeves and complaining to the people around him.

"Ahem, I said it clearly, but how could you put the order of three medicinal materials in the wrong order? Are you a fool?"

"Well...I, I, I'm not."

"You still said no. The last round of elixirs you made yourself came out successfully. There were only three pills that were supposed to come out. You told me that six pills came out. I was still puzzled. But it turned out that three pills broke into two halves. , not a single one was made.”

Lu Caiwei stood aside, feeling a little at a loss as she listened to Bai Lu's taunts.

"Tsk, look at me next. Watch and learn from her." Bai Lu flicked her furry tail and walked straight into the cave.

But before entering the cave, he glanced at Ye Wuyou from the corner of his eye as if he didn't care at all.

After seeing the other person's eyes fixed on her, she snorted softly, gave the latter a cool look in return, and jumped into the cave with her hands behind her back.

Lu Caiwei followed the other person carefully step by step.

Such things happened several times before, but the two of them got along quite well unexpectedly and did not quarrel.

Even so, Ye Wuyou and Mr. Hu looked at each other in bewilderment.

Ye Wuyou supported his chin, thinking that Lu Caiwei really had no talent for alchemy. She was already a genius when she was in Jixia Academy. Her talent seemed to be added to cultivation and swordsmanship.

"Haha, I just realized that my daughter has such a talent for alchemy. That's good, that's good." Mr. Hu's eyes showed joy.

No matter whether Bai Lu is paralyzing herself with cultivation medicine now, in the eyes of this old father, as long as she can stop thinking about men, he will be very satisfied.

But he also has to comfort Ye Xiaozi...

Mr. Hu paused, then a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he added casually.

"To tell you the truth, I have a pretty good impression of you, but it's just that. After all, this is my only daughter. Haha, I won't go around in circles, and I don't want any dowry from you. On the contrary, the entire Wanbao Pavilion is my dowry."

"If you don't have these ghost things on you, it doesn't matter if you are in the fifth realm or the third realm, as long as my daughter likes it, but you..."

"When you can defeat me one day, I will consider it."

Mr. Hu San didn't say it, but the meaning was...

He is a great demon in the sixth realm, standing below the seventh realm.

At least from his perspective, if Ye Wuyou can defeat him, he will have to step into the seventh realm.

Tianji realm.

Mr. Hu San can't hand Bai Lu to a guy who will die in the hands of Wei Yi one day, regardless of his cultivation.

Ye Wuyou understood the meaning of the words and did not deny it. He was just stunned when he heard Mr. Hu San said that he would provide a generous dowry without a dowry.

The case has been solved. If he is released back to Blue Star, Mr. Hu should be the Fox King of Xiaoshan.

Ye Wuyou thought about it and couldn't help turning his head and asking curiously.

"You didn't open Wanbao Pavilion. This is just a branch. How can it be considered a dowry?"

"It's very simple. If you can really step into the Seventh Realm, are you still afraid of these?"


Two days later.

Zhou Wenxian, who had recovered his vitality, stood beside a flying boat. His simple and silent face was respectful, looking at Ye Wuyou.

"Senior Ye, thank you for letting me go back to see my wife and children."

Although it was not spread, he knew that it was Ye Wuyou who cracked the strange domain and saved their lives.

Otherwise, even if he was a great supernatural power of the fourth realm, he could not find the direction in the strange domain, and death was only a matter of time.

This time, Zhou Wenxian also completed the task perfectly and exceeded the expectations. The precious medicine he brought back greatly exceeded the expectations of the Luo family. Now it's time to go back.


Zhou Wenxian pointed at the flying boat at this moment and asked in confusion.

"Are you really not going back with me? Although you have a high level of realm, the journey is long. If you go by yourself, it will take at least ten days, but the flying boat only takes three days."

And Zhou Wenxian obviously noticed that Ye Wuyou was staring at the flying boat in a trance, as if he really wanted to drive it.

So he added sympathetically.

"If you like, you can drive it."

Ye Wuyou was silent for a moment, then retracted his gaze from the flying boat, patted Zhou Wenxian's shoulder, and said earnestly.

"In order for you to see your wife and children, don't think about me riding the flying boat with you."

Ye Wuyou finally recognized himself and compromised with the flying boat.

When the flying boat develops the function of automatic driving in the future, I will try it myself.

As long as I don't drive it myself, maybe it won't be a big deal?

Zhou Wenxian was very confused, thinking what does this have to do with riding a flying boat?

Could the flying boat explode and crash?

The flying boat finally started.

Ye Wuyou calmly watched Zhou Wenxian drive the flying boat away, then retracted his gaze and looked at a jade token in his hand.

This is the communication token obtained earlier.

It is just too expensive to make, and it cannot be popularized at all.

Even for a thousand-year-old family like the Luo family, the number of people who can use this jade token for communication is no more than one palm.

Ye Wuyou has never seen it in Da Yan, and it is estimated that only Dao Zong or the royal family have a few.

Ye Wuyou originally had two of these jade tokens in his hand. He used one for himself, and originally wanted to give one to Lu Caiwei for easy communication, and then let Mr. Hu Sanye explode gold coins to prepare another one for Bai Lu.

Unexpectedly, Lu Caiwei already had a communication jade token in her hand.

According to her, it was given to her by Li Su, the princess of the royal family who had met Ye Wuyou once when she left Da Yan. At that time, this royal princess seemed to have been the "front and back desk" with Lu Caiwei for a long time, and they were the last and second to last in the Dandao Academy.

The purpose is nothing more than recruiting talents.

So, under the smiling gaze of Mr. Hu Sanye, Ye Wuyou gave the jade token in his hand to Bai Lu.

"Good stuff, its value is not inferior to the thousand-year-old precious medicine, it saves me from preparing it, Ye boy is not bad."

Ye Wuyou curled his lips and didn't care. It was good to give it to the little fox, so that they could keep in touch on a daily basis.

Besides, Bai Lu was very happy when she took the jade token.

Although she turned around and ignored him on purpose, the fox tail swaying behind her exposed her mood.

Ye Wuyou had "formatted" everything in the jade token, leaving only herself.

Now looking at the jade plaque in his hand, Ye Wuyou first sent a message to Luo Yue, expressing that he did not have enough time to return to Luo's house, and asked the other party to send him the address of the so-called "parliament" and he would go directly.

Then he looked at the corner of the screen.

It was...a newly-created small group of three people.

Well, that’s right, this thing can allow multiple people to chat together.

Bai Lujian's group pulled Ye Wuyou and Lu Caiwei in one after another.

Ever since it was created that day, Ye Wuyou has not dared to speak inside, not even a word.

When Ye Wuyou was talking to Xia Anmeng, Xia Anmeng told him that he planned to stay here for a while to practice. Lu Caiwei also needed to stabilize the sixth realm she had just promoted. There were no hidden dangers here, and she could still refine the flesh and blood fusion she needed. Panacea.

Although he had said goodbye before, Bai Lu was lukewarm at that time, and she gave him a bunch of "elixirs" that were refined and had little effect. Lu Caiwei stammered and said nothing.

But now that he really had to leave, Ye Wuyou thought about it and sent a message to the group.

"I am leaving."

Bai Lu still didn't reply, but Lu Caiwei said something after a while.

“Have a safe journey and stay safe.”

Ye Wuyou waited for a while and saw that Bai Lu really didn't respond. He sighed softly and put away the jade token.

The little fox was very stubborn and still sulky with him.

Ye Wuyou wanted to coax her, but Bai Lu was stubborn and stayed with Lu Caiwei all the time, inseparable, leaving him unable to do anything.

Ripples flickered under his feet, and Ye Wuyou disappeared in an instant.


Bai Lu is refining elixir.

Only now did she unexpectedly discover that she had some inexplicable talent for medical skills and elixirs.

Perhaps it was because Hu Sanye prepared medicinal materials for her every day to practice, so Bai Lu was very clear about the pharmacology of most medicinal materials.

Bai Lu was sitting aside at the moment, holding her chin up, watching the alchemy furnace light up.

"He, he, he's gone." Lu Caiwei's voice came from the side.

"Oh." Bai Lu responded without making any reaction.

"You, you, you, are you ignoring him?" Lu Caiwei whispered.

"Who cares?" Bai Lu said disdainfully and then added.

"Don't pay attention to him either."

"oh oh……"

Lu Caiwei nodded silently, looking at Bai Lu, wondering what she was thinking.

Just a moment later.

Lu Caiwei raised her hand, pointed at the old furnace that was already emitting white smoke, and said in a difficult tone.

"Stove, stove..."

Bai Lu was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses.

"Oops, why did the stove boil?"

The two of them were busy dealing with it for a long time. Bai Lu had a face full of smoke and dust. She coughed a few times and told Lu Caiwei to go out and wash herself.

Lu Caiwei looked at Bai Lu's leaving figure with doubtful eyes.

I obviously have water prepared...

Bai Lu had already arrived at a small river. She washed her face first, then looked around to make sure there was no one around.

Only then did she take out the jade plaque from her arms.

After a moment of hesitation, Bai Lu took a deep breath, then glanced across the group chat and singled out Ye Wuyou's background.

Lines of text and words were conveyed by her.

When everything was done, she breathed a long sigh of relief, leaned over again and scooped up river water to wash her face.

The cool river water couldn't suppress the rosy cheeks.


Ye Wuyou, who was walking high in the air, suddenly felt subtle but rapid vibrations.

So he stopped, took out the jade token, and looked at it, but he couldn't help but laugh.

“Come back early, come back early, come back early, come back early I really want you to come back early, come back early.”

On the last day, there are only 9 votes short of reaching 1,000. Can any Taoist friends help me?

Thank you, thank you. I have reached one thousand. I have achieved my goal. I love you all.

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