My practice narration is weird

Chapter 310: Infinite Martial Arts

On the streets where the ground had previously collapsed, the figures had disappeared.

The mountain city was built on the mountain, and there was a lot of open space. At this moment, bursts of roaring and thunder erupted from one corner.

It was obviously an illusory spear made of condensed Qi, but it could explode with tremendous power in the woman's hands. Ye Wuyou looked at this scene, his eyes moved slightly, and the blade in his hand suddenly turned, and the tip of the blade was revealed. There was a trace of extremely sharp brilliance, and the speed of the figure suddenly increased, pulling out a clear white light from the night, like a white horse.

This move of Canglong's water was incredibly fast, and he was already in front of the woman in an instant.

Under Cui Sanniang's gaze, it was Ye Wuyou who slightly leaned forward and slashed with the knife.

So fast……

But the sword failed after all.

There was a gleam of light in the woman's eyes. At this moment, her energy seemed to be still. She was clearly in the air, but her body was as agile as a fish in the sea, retreating in an extremely incredible way.

She dodged the knife.

The retreating body suddenly stopped. At the moment when the sword flashed across her body and she had no time to turn around, Cui Sanniang's retreating steps turned into steps forward. Her body turned like an arc, and she actually caught the moment when the sword fell back. At the right moment, the spear was fiercely handed to Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou's figure stepped gently on the ground, his expression showed no emotion or anger, he just looked at the blade in his hand with a little thought in his eyes.

This is not a supernatural power, nor is it weird, it is just the most superb skill, each move honed by being deeply absorbed in martial arts.

Just as Lu Caiwei was able to defeat Ji Wuye's magical power with the simplest sword moves that everyone knew, Cui Sanniang in front of her also used the most simple but terrifyingly skilled martial arts skills to neutralize Ye Wuyou's offensive.

This is simple to say, but it is actually very difficult to achieve. Not everyone can think of how to use moves to break the situation when they see the enemy pulling out a bright sword dozens of meters away.

This thing cannot be copied from the "Shadowless Heart Sutra", but Ye Wuyou has experienced it personally now, and he seems to have gained some understanding.

Sanniang's figure is hanging high in the sky. Her tight-fitting blue robe is blown by the mountain wind. Under the moonlight, the woman's slim clothes outline a perfect and graceful arc. It is not like other women. He is generally thin and not as big as those pure body-training practitioners. On the contrary, he is very beautiful. He stands proudly with a spear in his hand, and he suddenly looks like a god.

She did not pursue him, but just looked at Ye Wuyou on the ground, with no killing intent in her eyes.

The two of them had no words to each other just now, but they unanimously chose to stay away from inhabited areas and set foot in the mountains and forests while fighting.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, Sanniang didn't know, but she felt that this move was at least much better than that of the old family owner who wanted to use his magical powers on the street.

Thinking of the Cui family, Sanniang sighed slightly. She had not had any contact with the Cui family for a long time. She left home long ago after setting foot in the Third Realm of Zhongshan, and went to the sea in the name of opening up industrial routes for the Cui family. superior.

This gathering was special. The last martial arts performance might turn from a fake fight into a real fight, so the Cui family asked her to come.

Ye Wuyou thought for a while, weighed the blade in his hand, then looked at the woman in the sky and said.

"How did you come up with this skill just now? Or...does it have a name?"

"Short then long." The woman responded briefly.

Seemingly thinking it was too simple, Cui Sanniang added another sentence at this moment, "Just do a short flash first and then a long flash. Your sword comes out very quickly, but even the most exquisite moves have backswing. As long as you catch the backswing... …”

Ye Wuyou listened to what the woman Balabala said, and his eyes were stunned. Then he chuckled and shook his head. He tried his best to suppress the mixed emotions in his eyes, and finally interrupted.

"How many six realms does the Cui family have?"

"It's just me and the head of the house, why do you ask this?"

Ye Wuyou gently stroked his forehead at this moment, closed and opened his eyes lightly, and said seriously.

"You'd better get out of the way, I can hardly feel the old guy's breath anymore."

"That's not okay. After all, he is the head of the family."

"It's okay, it won't be anymore soon." Ye Wuyou said.

What's the meaning?

"I think you are the head of the family." Ye Wuyou added.

Cui Sanniang's eyes were slightly startled, but then she said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't let you pass."


"In your eyes... you are a little too violent. I must keep you here until the others arrive, otherwise there will be many more unprovoked killings." Cui Sanniang said seriously.

From the very beginning, she noticed the unprovoked violent emotions in the man in front of her.

What responded to her was Ye Wuyou's slightly confused question.

"Unprovoked killing? Have I killed anyone in your Cui family until now?"

Cui Sanniang's eyes narrowed slightly, and then she realized that the man in front of her didn't seem to kill anyone.

Cui Sanniang still knew how much the cultivators of the Cui family in the pavilion weighed. Ye Wuyou couldn't do more than ten moves, but the other party only knocked them unconscious to the ground. Although they were injured, they were not fatal.

"On the contrary, what did your Cui family do? You have been here for a few days. Don't you know whose pavilion is supposed to be there? Who lives in the desolate little courtyard next to it that looks like a stable?"

Ye Wuyou's words came with the wind, making Cui Sanniang look slightly stunned.

But even so...

Cui Sanniang tightened her grip on the spear in her hand, remained silent for a moment, and finally shook her head.

That's fine.

Ye Wuyou felt completely relieved.

If he hadn't seen the woman in front of him break the magical power that the head of the family had displayed on the street, which would affect others, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, and the two of them eventually stayed away from the inhabited area and stepped into the mountains and forests during the fight, he wouldn't have said much to the person in front of him.

The violence in his eyes...

No one knows why Ye Wuyou didn't swing his sword to kill the other practitioners of the Cui family, why he didn't be more ruthless.

He just didn't want to let the "Six Desires to Transform Demons" wreak havoc on his mind.

If everything was normal, Ye Wuyou would choose to meditate and practice in seclusion, stay alone in a room, slowly smooth out the emotions in his mind, temper himself, even if he used other methods to resolve it?

But using killing to resolve violent emotions, even if the other party really deserved to be killed, Ye Wuyou always felt that this move... was very wrong, this was the intuition of his mind.

In addition, there is the narration.

The narrator keeps saying that they deserve to die...

The narrator has been talking too much nonsense recently, which is not to say that it is not helpful, but recently it has been a bit deliberate... emotional provocation.

[Kill, kill, kill, kill, this woman is blocking your way, and now she dares to stand in the sky and look down at you. She is already dead, unforgivable]

[Men here are only worthy of kneeling on the ground and bowing, and cannot look at you more than once]

[If it is a woman, she can only kneel at your feet and cannot speak. Only the most fairy-like face can look up at you and wait for you to pass by and show favor]

So, it's still barking.

What if it's Ji Wuye, is he a man or a woman?

[You chuckled and felt that the owner of Tianji Tower was right! ]

I don't know since when, Ye Wuyou has developed some inexplicable resistance to the narrator's words, or in other words, he has thought a little more.

The narrator's words are indeed right and provide a lot of help, but after going through so many things, Ye Wuyou always has an inexplicable feeling of being "bound" and "controlled".

When did this feeling start?

Yes, it was when I experienced [Recall] and returned to the Heavenly Prison with Xu Qingyuan, I had this feeling at that time.

But now.

It doesn't matter.

The gap between the sixth realm and the fifth realm is really big. Without the ability to use weirdness, Ye Wuyou can now fight against the sixth realm and even suppress some weak sixth realms, but it is difficult to win cleanly.

For example, Cui Sanniang in front of him is considered a strong existence even in the sixth realm, and she practices the purest martial arts. Ye Wuyou's self-proclaimed strongest close combat is not weak at all.

If the old guy really runs away, it will be difficult to deal with. Daxuan has seven realms, but it is not in this city.

"Dog narrator, stop barking, add some ingredients." Ye Wuyou muttered to himself.

[You immediately step into the first realm of "Wuxiang Heart Sutra" - selflessness]

The voice of the narrator sounded leisurely.

The "No-Form Heart Sutra" surged and circulated in his body, and the already strong Qi was raised again, and the power filled his whole body.

Ye Wuyou did not dare to step into "No-Form for All Beings" easily.

In that state of mind, he looked at people as if they were ants, and only beautiful women were called furnace cauldrons. In short, in his eyes, no one was human except himself, and he always felt that he would not die, and his life was not important.

Under normal circumstances, before the Qi was exhausted, the state of mind of No-Form for All Beings would not retreat easily, unless another Lu Qingshan died in front of him, perhaps this state of mind could be broken.

"No-Self" is at least still considered human.


Ye Wuyou opened his eyes, feeling the Qi flowing in his body far more than before, and suddenly some doubts appeared in his eyes.

Is this No-Self?

His consciousness was very clear, without violence or arrogance.

Although the previous "No-Self" was also himself, at that time, to use an inappropriate word, it was as arrogant as being high.

And he knew that he was high.

Everything is normal now.

Why, is there a change in the state of "selflessness"?

Or is there no difference between my state of mind and that of "selflessness"? It shouldn't be.

But a strange thought emerged in Ye Wuyou's mind, erasing his doubts.

No, it's that my state of mind is different from before, and I have completely mastered "selflessness".

At this moment, "selflessness" is no longer arrogant, but only has improved its energy and strength.

How could I be such an arrogant guy?

So Ye Wuyou looked up calmly, looked at the woman in the sky, spoke indifferently, and uttered two words.

"Kneel down."


Accompanied by the violent fluctuations of energy, Cui Sanniang retreated again and again in the air.

The spear in her hand trembled slightly, she didn't understand it, and stared at Ye Wuyou in front of her with some shock.

What happened? The other party was just silent for a moment, and it was like a different person.

Between words, every move was extremely arrogant.

The man's face was sometimes calm, sometimes arrogantly smiling, and each move was far better than before.

Although those moves looked extremely violent and chaotic to the naked eye, in fact...

Cui Sanniang seized the opportunity and swept the spear, but the man was swift. His running figure suddenly stopped, his feet retreated and he bent down, but his figure turned around in an instant and slashed again.

Sanniang's pupils shrank. Isn't this the skill she just demonstrated?

This... he learned it?

Although this skill is simple to say, it took me several years to study and practice it freely.

Sanniang hurriedly tried to avoid it, but was surprised to find that the blade was not slashing at her.

It was the spear in her hand.

The long knife was used as a sword, tapping twelve times in a row.

It was clearly a spear condensed with Qi, but it made contact with the blade, making a sound of metal and stone clashing.

The spear was knocked out of his hand, and as soon as it was out of his hand, it completely shattered in the air.

And after the knife broke the spear, it chopped again.

The knife light spread a little again, extremely sharp.

What is this!

Cui Sanniang's figure slid back like a fish, but Ye Wuyou seemed to have expected this step, and his figure followed him like a shadow.


Both of them practiced martial arts, and facing such an enemy, they had no time to display their magical powers at this distance.

In the [Demon Sealing Barrier] opened in this mountain city, the Dharma image could not be used.

So Cui Sanniang could only watch the other party slash at her head with a knife.

Her eyes suddenly widened, staring at the front, and between breaths, she kept thinking about whether there was still hope.

The Qi was condensed, but she could not perform the Dharma image. She could only cover her body with a thin layer of protective Qi.

Despair spread in her heart.

This is how strong men who practice martial arts fight. There will never be a situation in the storybooks where they fight for hundreds of rounds without a clear winner. That is a sorcerer.

Often, one move or one style determines victory or defeat.

The blade did not pause at all.

Cui Sanniang suddenly felt a strong slap on her cheek. Her head buzzed instantly, and her body with a blurred consciousness leaned back.

He, he used the blade?

Hit me in the face?

But it was not over. Cui Sanniang suddenly felt that her body, which was blown away by the huge force, suddenly stopped.

But Ye Wuyou grabbed her ankle with one hand.

The man's voice came close to her ear, with a hint of arrogant sarcasm.

"I told you to kneel down before, why didn't you listen?"

What was he going to do?

Cui Sanniang soon knew.

Ye Wuyou held the jade foot in his hand at this moment, and the energy at his fingertips burst out. The woman's pantyhose was instantly shattered, and then Cui Sanniang's whole body began to spin.

The man twisted his waist and abdomen slightly to exert force, and after swinging his arms a few times, he suddenly stopped, using the force to smash the woman in his hand heavily towards the mountain below.

Cui Sanniang was immediately smashed into the dense forest, and her body smashed countless thick trees in succession before she stopped.

In the dim and quiet forest, the woman's eyes trembled slightly, gritted her teeth, her head was stuck in the tree roots, her legs and knees supported the ground, and the woman's round waist was raised high, as if she was crawling and kneeling.

Cui Sanniang sighed lightly, put her hands on the tree roots, and exerted force suddenly.

She pulled her upper body out of the broken tree roots in front of her, then panted heavily, and slowly sat down against the tree roots.

There was blood on her forehead, but it was not fatal.

At least it is not so easy to fall to death in the sixth realm.

But in fact, there were ten thousand ways to die just now.

Cui Sanniang's phoenix eyes were upside down at this moment, and her eyebrows were tightly furrowed. She looked at the figure in the sky who was looking down at her coldly at this moment, and seemed a little unwilling.

She lost to the other party, lost to Ye Wuyou, who was not as advanced as her.

This was nothing, she could actually accept it.

But what she couldn't accept was losing to the martial arts skills that she was best at.

And that skill, the other party didn't know before.

But after she just performed one, he learned it in an instant, and innovated and evolved further.

She didn't have the intention to stop the other party at the moment, but saw Ye Wuyou turning around and leaving.

Cui Sanniang finally couldn't help it, and shouted to the sky unwillingly.

"Hey, what was that skill before, why was it so skillful for the first time."

The voice came from the sky far away.

"Martial arts are endless."


Ye Wuyou turned around and pulled his mind out of the battle, only to realize that there were many figures gathered nearby, and there were more figures coming.

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly. They were all a bunch of idiots who were only interested in watching the fun.

He ignored them and sensed the direction where the old man had left. Ripples appeared under his feet and he was about to leave.

The brave cultivators looked at the dust and looked left and right, and finally shouted at Ye Wuyou who was about to leave.

"Senior, you just defeated the Sanniang Dragon King of the Cui family. You, you..."

"Senior, what's your name? We don't know you."

"Yes, senior, leave your name, otherwise how can I brag... No, otherwise how can I praise your deeds?"

Ye Wuyou paused, turned his head slowly, looked at the person who asked the question with an indifferent look, and unconsciously showed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Even I don't know who they are. These ugly guys are really...

Ye Wuyou sneered and finally uttered four words.

"I am your father."

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