My practice narration is weird

Chapter 317 Who understands what you are saying?

The broken and blurred bronze mirror reflected a delicate and extremely pale face.

Although it was still completely lifeless and pale, and although the broken mirror seemed to cover some flaws, the blue-black corpse spots that had spread all over the cheeks had dissipated, leaving only faint marks.

"What's this……"

Touching her cheek with her fingertips and confirming again and again that it was really her face, Luo Yue was speechless.

But there was a hint of doubt and confusion on the previously dead and stiff face.

What just happened and how was this done?

"Is this an illusion?" Luo Yue asked in confusion.

Hearing this, Ye Wuyou rolled his eyes.

"How could it be an illusion?"

[What’s wrong with the illusion world...]

Ye Wuyou deftly ignored the murmurs in his mind, reached out and took out something from the ghost's chest.

"Don't you know what I did just now? That's all. Here, you can see for yourself."

The man's voice came from in front of him, with a gentle voice and a smile, and he handed over a new bronze mirror.

What did you just do?

I just felt darkness in front of my eyes, as if I had done something, but also as if I was just struggling in the darkness.

Luo Yue thought so, then she was slightly startled, and took the bronze mirror with both hands. Her face was clearly reflected in the mirror that was no longer blurry.

It seems to be true.

She came to her senses suddenly and realized that there was a faint taste of rust in her mouth.

That's the smell of blood.

It also has a strange sticky feeling.


She was a little confused and looked intently at the clear bronze mirror in her hand. She saw it a little more clearly than before.

There was a trace of white viscous liquid hanging from the corner of his lips.

What's this?

Luo Yue subconsciously licked the corners of her lips, moved her pink tongue slightly, and slid the white liquid into her mouth.

The girl smacked her tongue, confirming that the sticky feeling came from the white liquid.

Luo Yue's heart suddenly trembled. She didn't know what she thought of. She lowered her eyes and did not dare to look at the man opposite. However, a faint blush appeared on the pale cheek.

Ye Wuyou's words came, but they were self-centered.

"My face has turned a little rosy. It seems that I am recovering well. I have spent so much energy in vain, as long as it works."

Luo Yue lowered her head, holding the bronze mirror firmly in her hand, but her eyes were a little wandering as she responded.

"This...doesn't it cost you a lot? Yes, it does."

Ye Wuyou shook his head, looking unconcerned.

"The consumption is not bad. After all, I am young and full of energy, but I am weak. It will take some time for my body to return to normal."

"Well, I'll leave you three days' worth first. Just take it on time."

The girl's fingertips tightly grasped the bronze mirror. This, do you still need to take it on time?

"Wait a minute, I'm going to look for a jade bottle first. Well, I found it."

Click, click, is the sound of the jade bottle being placed on the table.

Luo Yue lowered her head and whispered.

"Are you going to do this yourself?"

Ye Wuyou said without thinking.

"Yeah, it's faster to get it yourself. The bite you just bit was too painful."

Hearing this, Luo Yue felt that her heart was about to stop.

Well, it turned out that my heart had been stagnant, but now it was started again.

That's okay.

Luo Yue cautiously raised her eyes slightly and glanced ahead.

But they saw Ye Wuyou slit his wrist at this moment, frowning slightly, and squeezed out blood from the jade bottle.

The blood flowed very slowly, or in other words, it was difficult for the blood to flow out of Ye Wuyou's body.

Streams of bright red mixed with white heat flowed into the jade bottle.

There was a clear and deep tooth mark on Ye Wuyou's wrist, as well as bloody marks on the woman's fingertips, leaving traces of being bitten.

The look in Luo Yue's eyes turned dull for an instant.

"This, this, I, you..."

"What are you doing? You fell off the chair just now. I helped you up and you almost bit off a few pieces of meat. But that's what it was meant to be."

"Take this lotus seed. When your body no longer looks like a corpse, you can try to practice normally."

Is that so?

She had actually seen Ye Wuyou once covered in scars. At that time, the wounds all over his body were covered with white pulp, but it was no different. It was just filthy filth.

And in front of him... the aura in the blood seemed to be full of vitality.

What's the difference between the two?

Luo Yue was motionless, but she had no idea of ​​asking clearly. She just looked stiff, feeling extremely embarrassed, and fell into self-isolation again.


"You were fine before, why are you autistic again?"

Ye Wuyou walked out of the room, confused.

He watched as the wounds in his hands were recovering bit by bit under the influence of [Flesh and Blood Rebirth], gradually leaving no trace.

Ye Wuyou's initial body also completely turned into a corpse due to fighting against Bixian's weirdness, but with the talent of [Flesh and Blood Rebirth], his corpse remained somewhat alive.

It's nothing more than the difference between dead corpses and living corpses.

The real and complete transformation from a dead corpse to a normal human being was the Dao Fruit obtained in the sacred tree space.

In addition to turning the right eyeball into a completely reborn avenue, the vitality contained in it also completely transformed Ye Wuyou's body.

If there were no narration, then Ye Wuyou should become the strongest weapon in the sacred tree except for the wood spirit.

Ordinary blood does not have this effect. White turbidity is really just white turbidity. Otherwise, wouldn't Ye Wuyou become a self-propelled medicine in human form?

As for the Dao Fruit, it is even more out of reach, and there are only two of the Lu family's Millennium Sacred Trees.

Unless he waits for more than a hundred years, he might really be able to wait until the sacred tree bears a Taoist fruit and help Luo Yue completely transform back into a normal human being.

If Luo Yue was still there at that time...

Besides, the sacred tree was just like raising a turtle. Ye Wuyou always felt that one day this sacred tree could send him away.

Of course, Ye Wuyou couldn't wait for such a long time.

After all, his current identity, or rather his soul, has become an existence equivalent to a wood spirit.

Although the current sacred tree is just a sapling, Ye Wuyou has the highest authority except for the sacred tree.

He closed his eyes and remained silent in the room before, just talking to the sacred tree.

The Tao Fruit is the condensation of the Divine Tree, but it is also a part of the Divine Tree.

Finally, through some means, I obtained a trace of existence similar to the root of Dao Fruit.

After finding a corner and sitting down, Ye Wuyou's mind moved. He opened his eyes again and saw the sacred tree.

At this moment, the sacred tree is no longer a sapling. It has grown slightly. The six-level soul of the Cui family and a quarter of Ding Wang's soul have allowed the sacred tree to grow.

But just these two souls are still not enough for the sacred tree to condense a trace of "Tao Fruit".

There was someone else who really made the sacred tree glow with such "vitality".

Indifferent and sarcastic words came from in front of him.

"After spending so much effort on this alliance leader, I thought you would use this power on yourself, but it ended up being given to that ugly guy. It's really ridiculous."

Ye Wuyou didn't take it seriously, just smiled and looked at the illusory figure tightly bound by the branches of the sacred tree in front of him.

Wind mind.

It's just that the figure of Feng Xinxin is not as solid as before. The layer of crystals wrapped around the body is still there, but a few branches of the sacred tree have penetrated into the inside and inserted into his body.

Ever since the Divine Tree was able to break Fangfeng's mind, its huge soul power allowed the Divine Tree to grow rapidly.

A soul in the Seventh Realm seems to be far larger than the Sixth Realm.

It is the difference between quality and quantity.

"Stop yelling. You're already like this and you don't care what I do. Anyway, it's not my soul that's being consumed."

Ye Wuyou responded lightly, then tapped the barrier with his fingertips.

"Honestly, your methods are indeed beyond my expectation. If I hadn't broken your defense today, I'm afraid you would have really wanted to escape soon?"

"No wonder you preferred to be restrained and didn't communicate with me. It turns out you had a plan a long time ago."

Feng Xinxin's expression changed from indifferent to extremely gloomy in an instant.

Ye Wuyou curled his lips and spoke again.

"You make me very unhappy. You have been silently absorbing the power of the sacred tree before, and you were able to do it without being discovered by me and the sacred tree. I asked you why the sacred tree never grows up. , I cry out that I am hungry every day, and my feelings are that you are robbing me of my job.”


Before Feng Xinxin could speak, the voice from the sacred tree came from the sacred tree, and it was still the same "hungry" as before.

Depend on.

Ye Wuyou was very displeased and tore off the branches of the sacred tree that didn't give him any face.

This sacred tree is really bad at learning. Apart from complaining about hunger every day, it is always thinking about tying people up.

Feng Xinxin's eyes were silent as he looked at Ye Wuyou in front of him, seeming to be thinking about something.

He did have the means to secretly absorb the power of the sacred tree before, and after a certain period of time, he would be able to escape.

The sacred tree has spirit and its own consciousness, but this sacred tree is a new-born existence. It is no different from a three-year-old child. It has no brain and cannot detect his little movements at all.

But now the plan has been broken, and his own barrier has been broken, which makes Feng Xinxin have to consider making changes.

"Boy, please move the branches of the sacred tree away and stop swallowing me."

Ye Wuyou didn't make any move.

Feng Xinxin's eyes flickered, and he seemed to know that saying this would have no effect, so he added.

"Let's talk. The role of this alliance leader is greater than this tree."

A fleeting smile appeared at the corner of Ye Wuyou's mouth.

The wind soul in front of him was undoubtedly in the seventh realm before.

And why did he know the secret of the sacred tree in the first place? The few words in the sacred tree space made Ye Wuyou realize that the sacred tree was not found by the Lu family.

But someone deliberately gave it to the Lu family?

There are many secrets in Feng Xinxin...

Ye Wuyou covered his chin, thought for a moment, and said casually.

"Then what are you for?"

"I can't say it yet." Feng Xinxin said seriously.

"Then it's useless. You'd better turn it into a nutrient from the sacred tree. That would be more useful." Ye Wuyou rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm just doing it for your own good. What I'm talking about involves the Dao. If I mention it to you now, you will be destined to be unable to survive the inner demon tribulation." Feng Xinxin said indifferently.

These words made Ye Wuyou feel slightly startled.

He seemed to have heard something similar to this somewhere.

By the way, it was the old Taoist, he also said this.

At that time, the old Taoist was referring to "fate". He just glanced at Ye Wuyou, but said that he could not explain it in more detail, otherwise it would definitely cause distracting thoughts in people's minds and affect the calamity of inner demons.

Ye Wuyou was a little confused, but still had a faint smile on his face and asked in an understatement.

"I can't believe your words. In other words, whether I can survive the inner demon tribulation has nothing to do with you. If I die during the inner demon tribulation, wouldn't it be better for you?"

Feng Xinxin said calmly.

"You have forgotten that you are now the spirit of the sacred tree, and if you die in the inner demon tribulation, what will happen to the sacred tree?"

His words paused, but then there was a sarcastic and self-deprecating smile.

"The sacred tree may collapse, or it may still exist, but it will be exposed regardless."

"When the time comes, someone will naturally come to reclaim an ownerless sacred tree, just like I did at that time, but in my current state..."

Feng Xinxin stopped talking at this point.

But Ye Wuyou keenly caught a clue in the words, which was also his long-standing doubt.

"Who will recycle it? Like you, is it your companion?"

Feng Xinxin was silent for a moment, and then a trace of depth appeared in his eyes.

"Companion? You are wrong, that is not a companion."

Ye Wuyou waited for a long time, but did not see Feng Xinxin speak again. He immediately kicked the sacred tree and signaled to whip him hard.

"Don't be a Riddler anymore, do you know that all Riddlers deserve to die?"

Feng Xinxin frowned and gritted his teeth.

"You kid is really unreasonable. This alliance leader is doing this for your own good. I'm telling you now that you can't survive the inner demon tribulation. Will this alliance leader die with you?"

"If you think this alliance leader is lying to you, why don't you just hurry up and get through the inner demon tribulation and reach the Sixth Realm? Could it be that this alliance leader is now imprisoned by the sacred tree and you, can he still run away?"

This does not seem to be a lie.

Ye Wuyou thought of another person, a person who had briefly reached the Seventh Realm.

Cheyenne dream.

Excluding the possibility of Xia Anmeng bragging about herself, if what Xia Anmeng said is true, then how did she in the Seventh Realm turn into a remnant soul in the first place?

She also seemed to know something, something obviously very important.

But she has never told it to herself... In other words, she has nothing to do with her, so there is really no need to tell it to herself.

After a brief silence, Ye Wuyou temporarily agreed with Feng Xinxin's words.


Ye Wuyou spread his hands and said calmly.

"After all, you're still of no use. I think I'd better turn you into a sacred tree for nourishment."

"You really don't know how to do anything, so tell me, what role do you want from this alliance leader!"

Ye Wuyou calculated it, frowned slightly, and then said while making gestures with his hands.

"I'm just saying that you have stayed in the sacred tree space for a long time. After all, this is my body."

"So?" Feng Xinxin asked sideways.

"So can you pay the rent on time, just like Jiulama? Well, let me think about how to tell you what Jiulama is..."

Ye Wuyou tilted his chin and thought seriously.

Feng Xinxin's eyes were blank, and after listening for a while, he finally couldn't help roaring.

"Who knows what you're talking about?"

I’ll make up for it. I’m secretly coding. I’ll continue to make up for it tonight.

Yesterday, my brain was really empty and my soul was drained.

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