Two figures came from outside the hall.

At the same time, dozens of eyes were focused on the two people who entered the hall.

Zhou Xuanyuan's steps paused slightly, and then his expression returned to normal again.

His realm is higher than Fang Ning, but he can feel more unusual things in the palace.

The gazes coming from all around invisibly added countless pressures.

Five realms, six realms... and seven realms?

Zhou Xuanyuan's face was calm and he saluted respectfully, but his heart was stirred up a little.

Great Yan has never had a seventh realm in so many years, but now there is more than one here.

The world is really strange.


"That's what happened. I won't say any more nonsense. According to what this fellow Taoist Fang Ning said, the monster clans outside the Great Yanbei cannot always reason and unite with each other."

Master Zhang spoke calmly and his voice echoed in the hall.

Fang Ning has already told all about Dayan's current situation, and unlike before, he elaborated on the "unusual" nature of the demon clan in more detail.

"Is it breaking the rules? It's interesting."

"Monster clan, to be honest, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Although I knew about this before, the demon clan..."

Although Dayan was in a bad situation now, the expressions of those present did not change much.

It’s hard to say “I don’t care”, but I really don’t have much feeling, and I don’t have any understanding of those words.

For Daxuan, the demon clan... is too unfamiliar.

This is true.

Daxuan's geographical location is extremely advantageous. It is not located on the border like Dayan, and there is also a huge sea area between it.

The rest of the land is also bordering some small countries, and the practice of Daxuan is several times more prosperous than that of Dayan. The occasional demon clan has been killed long ago.

Even the "Beast Control Sect" in Daxuan can only "raise" them in captivity. As time goes by, those monsters have long since turned into spiritual beasts, and there are still many wild ones there.

In Daxuan, there are more people cultivating the demonic path than the demon clan.

How many people can one monster eat?

No one can eat people quickly.

Ye Wuyou has now traveled back and forth to many places in Daxuan, and even spent a lot of time in deep mountains and old forests.

But except for the Nanning Mountains, which has been isolated from the outside world for thousands of years, no other demon clan was seen.

My father-in-law and Bai Lu don't count.

This is normal. In other words, compared to Daxuan, who is countless times more powerful than Dayan, it would be absurd if there were still monsters and ghosts that could harm people wantonly.

You can't have great supernatural powers walking all over the ground on one side, and then end up with monsters on the other side killing people like dogs?

But the matter will eventually come to an end. The matter is brought to the table for discussion, and the meaning is very clear.

After waiting for a while, Master Zhang waved his sleeves, and two illusory tokens engraved with sun and moon marks fell on each seat.

The moment the token appeared, Fang Ning's eyes revealed a strange color.

It turned out to be the Order of the Sun and the Moon.

The testimony of Daozu cannot be easily changed.

Only then did Master Zhang’s words come.

"Everyone, please vote on this matter just like the resolutions discussed in the past."

"If you agree with the aid, take the Japanese token."

"On the contrary, take the order of Yuejun."

Afterwards, Master Zhang glanced at Luo Yue, seemed to have thought of something, and added indifferently.

"In addition, I would like to say one more thing. Although it is a cliché, it is a token that condenses Taoism. I hope you choose carefully and do not change it at will. After all, it is under the watchful eyes of Taozu. Taoism is natural. If you go against your own choice, I don’t know what the impact will be.”

Lu Chen and the other family heads all looked indifferent, as if they already knew.

Luo Yue was stunned. Only then did she realize that the other person's words were meant for her, but she felt that this move had some meaning.

There have been no chaotic gatherings in the millennium of Daxuan. Although there are inevitable intrigues in private, from the surface, it is quite formal.

That's the rule, it's not a child's play.

If several parties have different opinions and need to vote, verbal words will not count.

There have been many cases where covenants were torn up and resolutions overturned.

They often have a good conversation when they get together, but then they turn away and don't recognize each other after they break up.

Those agreements are, in the final analysis, nothing more than waste paper.

These things are extremely troublesome, but we can't make every family head swear an oath with their Taoist heart every time they make a decision.

After all, it would involve too much and would not convince the public. Instead, it would increase the cost of the meeting.

In order to avoid this problem, the Sun and Moon Order, which is condensed with Taoism, was introduced to make people think more carefully when making decisions and be less vacillating.

In the back corner, Lu Zhaolin was telling Ye Wuyou these fragmentary past events.

"Although this Sun and Moon Order is a Taoist law, it actually has no backlash. After all, Taoist ancestors are so ancient. It is more of a symbol in people's hearts. However, it is impossible to say for sure. For those with higher realms, For practitioners, it is somewhat more important than ordinary vows."

Ye Wuyou nodded to express his understanding.

The Sixth Realm will involve the calamity of inner demons, and the Seventh Realm will involve who knows what.

An oath is like this, just like a contract. If you want to break the contract, but you also know clearly what the cost of breaking the contract is, then you have ways to deal with it.

However, the invisible influence of this so-called Taoism can make people hesitate, let alone advanced practitioners.

Lu Chen yawned at this moment, and then said in a leisurely tone.

"Although I don't quite understand what kind of trouble those so-called demons have caused in your Great Yan, after all, we are both human, and Great Yan... has some origins. I think I should help with this matter."

He tapped the sun token with his fingertips.

The token gradually solidified, and the moon token slowly dissipated.

"Thank you, Master Lu."

Fang Ning showed gratitude in her eyes and bowed respectfully to Lu Chen.

At the beginning, because of Lu Qingshan's existence, Fang Ning thought that the Lu family was difficult to communicate with, and even didn't have much hope.

But now the Lu family is on her side, and it seems that they have no hatred for Lu Qingshan in the past, which is really beyond her expectations.

Lu Chen waved his hand, just glanced at the corner behind him, then sighed lightly, closed his eyes again, as if falling into a coma.

For Lu Chen, his Lu family has now come to the ground from Linlang Island, and it is time for everything to be revived.

If he only looked at it from the perspective of the head of the clan, he would not want to get involved in the mess of Da Yan.

Fang Ning paused slightly, followed Lu Chen's guidance and looked back, and met Ye Wuyou's gaze.

The next person to make a decision was Luo Yue.

The little girl had already chosen the sun token without any hesitation, but she didn't say anything.

So Fang Ning noticed that there was only one token left in front of Luo Yue.

Although she had already known that the Luo family would support Da Yan, she was still sincerely grateful at this moment and bowed respectfully again.

Facing Fang Ning and Zhou Xuanyuan's respectful attitude, Luo Yue just turned her head slightly, avoiding their gaze, and whispered softly.

"I'm helping you, not because of Da Yan."

There was a slight sound from the side.

It was in front of Cui Sanniang, and the Sun and Moon Lord's Order flickered gently.

Then, the two tokens disappeared completely.

This is a waiver.

Sanniang retracted her fingertips at this moment, her face calm, and finally, as if she had made some decision, she sighed and spoke.

"Okay, taking advantage of the matter of Da Yan, I will also tell you about the future arrangements of the Cui family."

The future arrangements?

Sanniang's voice attracted everyone's attention, with some doubts.

"The Cui family will migrate."

This made many people in the field look more surprised.

What does it mean? Migrate? Leave Daxuan?

As if she noticed the misunderstanding of everyone, Sanniang paused and explained.

"It's not leaving, but my Cui family will move the industry to the Endless Sea in the future, and will also focus on the sea in the future."

The voice was interrupted by someone, but it was the real person Zhang who spoke at this moment, and the voice came with a faint questioning.

"The seven families have been united for nearly a thousand years, and the division of that [Thunder Pool] was also suppressed by your Cui family and Lu family. This was a decision made a hundred years ago. Do you want to change it?"

There are two strange domains in Daxuan, and no one has been able to eliminate the influence of them so far, and they can only suppress them continuously.

【Annihilation】【Thunder Pond】

【Annihilation】 is suppressed by Lingxue Pavilion, while 【Thunder Pond】 is suppressed by Lu Family and Cui Family.

Faced with the question, Sanniang looked calm.

“I have discussed this matter with the head of Lu Family. Some of the properties of Cui Family that cannot be taken away will be given to Lu Family. In addition, other properties will be taken out and purchased by you.”


The old man of Lu Family nodded slightly at this moment, without saying a word, just approving this matter.

Then, the Sun and Moon Order in front of Lu Family also dissipated.

The Lu Family also abstained.

An old voice came.

“Only Lu Family is left to suppress 【Thunder Pond】. We don’t have the energy to focus on Dayan at the moment. This is my decision, but the specific result depends on the final result.”

After all, this is just a vote, and the final result is not transferred by the will of a certain family.

Since Lu Family has agreed to this matter, the other families will not say much.

However, the head of Xingdao Pavilion of Lingxue Pavilion, at this moment, focused his eyes on Sanniang, and thought for a moment and said.

"Did the Cui family master find anything in the endless sea?"

But he smiled lightly and said to himself without waiting for the other party to respond.

"Sorry, this is presumptuous of me, please don't take it to heart."

Cui Sanniang shook her head slowly, without denying, but not confirming.

"The Cui family has not left Daxuan. If there is any discovery later, we will discuss it with you."

In other words, is there really something in the sea?

A long time ago, there was a person in the upper three realms who crossed a thousand miles in one day and returned more than a month later, bringing news to the world.

The vastness of the sea is much larger than that of the land, and there is no end even if it continues for several months.

The sea represents the unknown and also represents opportunities. Did the Cui family find some opportunities in this move?

Sensing the prying eyes, Cui Sanniang had a fleeting smile on the corner of her mouth, and then restrained her serious face and said.

"Shouldn't you all turn your attention back to your own lives? After all, this is the real business."

If it were normal times, Sanniang would have drawn a lot of questions if she had announced the news that the Cui family was going to move to the Endless Sea.

Now that she has revealed it through the matter of Da Yan, it has saved some trouble.

Fang Ning didn't care about these conversations involving the internal forces of Da Xuan, nor could she care.

She just silently calculated in her heart.

The Lu family and the Luo family, both stood on her side.

The Cui family and the Lu family, both abstained.

So now there is only the decision of the three sects left.

Baiyunguan had talked with Senior Brother Ding Wang before. They were on their side and would support Dayan.

This is equivalent to three voting in favor and two abstaining.

Even if the remaining two families disagree, the final result...

Fang Ning's eyes flickered with light.

In this way, the matter is a foregone conclusion.

The order of the Sun and the Moon is gently turned over at this moment.

The expression on Fang Ning's face suddenly solidified, looking extremely stiff.

The Sun and Moon Order in front of Baiyun Guan's case slowly dissipated, leaving only the Moon Order.

Zhang Zhenren's expression remained as usual, expressing Baiyun Guan's views.

"Why?" Fang Ning was confused, her eyes full of confusion.

Master Zhang heard Fang Ning's words, but he didn't care in his eyes, his expression was as usual.

"Destiny takes its course, so just let it take its course."

Fang Ning was silent, and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Zhenzhen Zhang, didn't you already promise us before?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang's face paused slightly, and then he looked at Fang Ning. The look in his eyes was a bit more confused than the other person's.

"When did I promise you?"

"We asked Senior Brother Ding Wang before..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Fang Ning stood there, her handsome face finally silent at this moment.

Under her gaze, Ding Wang's expression became stiff and his eyes averted slightly.

Dayan and his party did come to Baiyunguan before, and finally got the news from Ding Wang that Baiyunguan supported aiding Dayan.

But that was all Ding Wang said casually.

He forgot to tell his master about it at that time.

It was just a casual fooling around, but unexpectedly, Dayan and his gang could actually go this far and put the matter on the table.

Master Zhang Dayan also noticed something was wrong at this moment. He looked at Ding Wang, looked at his apprentice, and asked doubtfully.

"What did you promise to Dayan?"

Ding Wang shook his head with a calm expression.

"I didn't promise anything. Fellow Taoist Fang misunderstood. What I said was my personal attitude in supporting Dayan, but it does not represent Baiyun Temple."

"Really, that's not what you said at the time." Fang Ning sneered.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, the people of Dayan are in trouble now. You and I are both members of the Taoist sect. Of course I support and assist you. Not to mention me, everyone present cannot bear to see the people suffer in this way, but the attitude is just an attitude. It's not the final decision," Ding Wang said calmly.

Fang Ning almost laughed out of anger.

She didn't refute or ask any more questions, she just stretched out her hand, opened her palms, and said coldly.

"Then return the elixir to me."

Ding Wang remained silent.

"What elixir?" Master Zhang's expression gradually became serious.

He didn't know about this at all. Have Dayan's people looked for them before?

"The six-turn golden elixir refined by my Taoist sect will only be taken when seriously injured. You, have you already taken it?" Fang Ning looked a little incredulous.

Did Ding Wang eat?

Of course I ate.

He was injured two days ago, and the elixir given by Fang Ning was the best healing elixir in the Taoist sect, and he had already taken it.

Suddenly a sneer came from the hall.

But then Ye Wuyou's persuasive voice came.

"I can testify to this. He was indeed seriously injured two days ago. Of course he took your precious elixir. I'm still wondering why the injury healed so quickly."

The expression in Fang Ning's eyes changed slightly, and finally the anger turned into a slight smile, and passed away with a smile.

"It turns out that Senior Brother Ding was seriously injured in the past two days, that's all."

"Besides, it's better to save senior brother Ding Wang's life than to leave the precious elixir to collect dust on the shelf. Fang Ning will support Baiyun Temple."

"This is the attitude of my sect."

Two more laughs came.

It's just that the laughter of one of them drowned out the laughter of the other.

A sound came from the Wang Ting behind Master Zhang. At this moment, Master Zhang was leaning on a recliner without any image, laughing.

Luo Yue, on the other hand, was covering her mouth at the moment, but her expression returned to normal immediately.

Lu Chen, who was sitting aside, shook his head slightly at this moment and said somewhat admonishingly, "Little girl, be serious and don't laugh."

Luo Yue's eyes widened, and she could clearly see that Lu Chen couldn't help laughing at this moment, suppressing a smile.

Ding Wang's face was extremely gloomy. He wanted to retort, but in the end, his master gave him a clear drink and gave up all his thoughts.

"This matter has been revealed, there is no need to say anything more, Fellow Daoist Fang, I will compensate you later."

"Zhang Zhenzhen is polite, but no need. Fang Ning was a little rude before, but as the words say, no matter how precious the elixir is, it is truly valuable when it can work. This matter should be regarded as Fang Ning's thoughts."

Zhang Dayan said no more.

There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Ding Wang, whom he had cultivated along the way, has now completely lost his face.

How could you be so stupid?

Stupid, idiot.

Either the road goes astray and they turn against each other. What can the other party say?

Or just admit it without arguing. Could it be that Baiyun Guan couldn't understand this?

It is the stupidest thing to do, to fall out half way, and to acquiesce to this matter when someone talks about the pain point and refuses to step down.

No wonder Xu Qingyuan couldn't even compete with the four realms before.

Besides, supporting Dayan is a thankless task.

Baiyunguan didn't care about the little benefit that Dayan provided, he just didn't want to be troublesome.

There is an endless sea area between Dayan and Daxuan. This is a natural danger. Even if the monster clan is really powerful, what can it do? Can we still cross the sea?

But if Dayan and his gang are capable, they can convince the other families to agree to support them.

Then he, Baiyun Guan, doesn't care to lend a hand.

Now it is indeed impossible to get off the stage.

The order of the Sun and the Moon is reversed again.

Ji Wuye's eyes were calm and he chose Yuejun Ling without hesitation.

The master of Lingxue Pavilion didn't care either. He didn't care at all whether Ji Wuye and Dayan had any grudges.

This was a no-brainer decision.

Gains and efforts are not directly proportional.

And the demon clan cannot threaten Daxuan.

Fang Ning and Zhou Xuanyuan stood in the main hall.

Today, two support, two oppose, and two abstain.

And the remaining family is the only Five Elements Sect she has never had contact with...

Fang Ning, who had always had a smile on her face even when facing Master Zhang of the Seventh Realm, now has a somewhat dim look.

The fingertips unconsciously exerted a slight force until they pierced the skin, staining it with blood red.

After spending countless energy and traveling for more than a month, I traveled thousands of miles to come here. I came to Daxuan with the instructions of my master and the hope of a country.

If he returns in vain like this, the efforts of his group over the past two months will be completely in vain, like clowns.

No one wants to be so embarrassed and run around asking for help, but Dayan's current situation is really unsustainable.

She raised her eyes slightly and looked towards the front of the hall, where the three sects' desks were.

He looked at the woman sitting in front of him with an outstanding celestial figure.

The latter's eyes were looking at the corner ahead, but not at Fang Ning.

Luo Qinghan didn't even look at her.

Ever since the two of them stepped into the palace, they had not even glanced at each other.

What is Luo Qinghan looking at?

Ye Wuyou, who was at the corner of the hall, was looking at each other, their eyes slightly intersecting in the air.

Although those eyes were full of the same aloofness as before, Ye Wuyou was able to understand the provocative meaning in the other person's eyes.

With sarcasm and contempt.

Damn it.

Ye Wuyou gritted his teeth. At this moment, he actually knew what the other party wanted to say.

Will you bow your head obediently?

Are you kidding me, Ye Wuyou, I will bow my head to you?

[Is a furnace trying to make you bow your head? Are you kidding me? Who can ask you to bow your head? Who dares to ask you to bow your head? 】

Did you see that I can’t stand the dog narration?

[But if you think about it carefully, facing the unsatisfactory invitation that Lu Ding is sending you, you immediately bend down and gently take the bud on Qinghan's body into your mouth]


The corners of Ye Wuyou's mouth twitched slightly, but from the corner of his eyes, he noticed Fang Ning and the other two in the hall.

He noticed that the woman's fingertips had penetrated deeply into the palm of her hand.

Finally, he sighed softly and curled his lips without lowering his head.

Instead, he stretched out his hand to gesture to the other party.

But Luo Qinghan's eyes had moved away at this moment.


The old woman in black robe said in a hoarse voice, as if she was giving a reminder.

She was very satisfied with Luo Qinghan, and now she let Luo Qinghan make the decision on many big and small matters within the sect.

This time it was also up to Luo Qinghan to decide.

Luo Qinghan's expression was indifferent and his eyes were aloof.

Her decision will not be biased by anyone's will.

It was just a whim to tease Ye Wuyou, who disgusted her so much.

Whether the other party lowers his head or not, he is not worthy of her looking at him at this moment.

The order of the sun and moon turns over gently.

The green jade finger was currently pointing at the Japanese Emperor's order.

One more chapter, I can’t finish it, I’ll post it later, it’s for today

There will be ten thousand words

Also, thank you to this guy with an English name starting with F for the reward of 100 yuan.

I owe two chapters. I will continue to add more chapters next weekend.

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