My practice narration is weird

Chapter 331 The Final Winner

In the valley, the huge platform was now empty.

Even from a long distance, some continuous and increasingly confused discussions could be heard around.

Fang Ning's eyes showed confusion. She knew that Ye Wuyou had [Ghost] and could hide his body.

Originally, she thought that it was just Ye Wuyou who was trapped in [Hide], but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Zhou Xuanyuan looked at the scene with a sharp gaze, pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head.

"I can't see through it, but I think the fight between the two of them has not stopped, but we can't see it."

In the pavilion hanging on the cliffs on both sides, the figures on it have different faces.

Luo Yue's eyes revealed a hint of worry.

Lu Zhaolin reached out and touched his head, and the doubts in his eyes became more and more intense.

After all, he could see through a little, but in his sight, he only saw two figures stepping into a dark coffin one after another.

Then, he disappeared on the platform in full view of everyone.

Is that some kind of weirdness?

But why can two people have the same weirdness, and why does Ji Wuye have his own [Gun of Cause and Effect]?

Lu Zhaolin could only see all this, but he couldn't figure out why things were like this.

If he was like this, then the countless practitioners on both sides of the valley were naturally like this. The martial arts performance that Lu Zhaolin saw as dangerous was inexplicable to the others - people were gone in the middle of fighting.

In front of the seat of Baiyun Temple, Master Zhang's face was a little gloomy.

With his attainments, he could naturally see what happened in the field before.

This situation made him a little misguided, and even out of his control.

In his expectation, Ji Wuye should be able to suppress Ye Wuyou effortlessly, and even let the other party be injured.

In the end, he would stop it again, so that Ye Wuyou would not die in the hands of the other party.

Leave a residual blood Ye Wuyou, and let Ding Wang deal with it, and take back the lost luck by the way.

This is all that Zhang Zhenren can do for Ding Wang as a master.

Therefore, he also gave a heads-up to the Pavilion Master Lingxue in advance and sold a favor.

Zhang Dadan had a high opinion of Ji Wuye.

Or, in Daxuan, if Ji Wuye didn't like to contact outsiders and acted too mysteriously.

The eyes of the masses would not be focused on Luo Qinghan.

Before Luo Qinghan took off and made rapid progress in his cultivation in the past few years, the most talented young man in Daxuan was Ji Wuye.

It's just that Ji Wuye is a little too unknown.

When Luo Qinghan was in the fourth realm, Ji Wuye was in the sixth realm.

When Luo Qinghan was in the fifth realm, Ji Wuye was still in the sixth realm.

Until Luo Qinghan was close to the seventh realm, Ji Wuye was still in the sixth realm.

It seemed a little strange, as if Ji Wuye deliberately suppressed his realm.

Of course, it was only a few years at most, which only showed that Luo Qinghan was talented, and it couldn't be said that Ji Wuye practiced too slowly.

But after all, being able to fight with Luo Qinghan without losing, and finally being indisputable, is not something that an ordinary sixth realm can do.

At least, his stupid disciple Ding Wang can't do it.

In his expectation, Ji Wuye should be able to suppress Ye Wuyou effortlessly,

but Master Zhang never thought that the two of them could use the same [Strange Door Coffin] at the same time, and step into it one after another, avoiding everyone's eyes.

If Ye Wuyou died directly at the hands of Ji Wuye, how would Ding Wang make up for the lack of luck?

Thinking of this, Master Zhang looked at Ding Wang in front of him.

Ding Wang was standing in front of the pavilion fence at this moment, looking at the platform below, his eyes flickering, and silent.

This scene made Master Zhang slightly stunned, because he seemed to notice that his disciple was a little uneasy.

"Ding Wang, Ding Wang... Ding Wang!"

Master Zhang's tone became heavier, and Ding Wang seemed to come back to his senses, turned around and looked at his master, his expression faintly embarrassed.


"What were you thinking about just now?"

"I was just thinking... Ye Wuyou's methods are weird, how to defend against it later." Ding Wang responded with his eyes downcast.

Master Zhang frowned slightly, and his eyes swept back and forth over Ding Wang, as if he wanted to see through him.

What on earth is this idiot thinking about?

How to defend against it later?

Is there another time?

Shouldn't we be worried that Ye Wuyou will be killed by Ji Wuye right now?

This idiot, the worry in his innocent eyes can't be hidden at all, what on earth is he worried about?

But then, Master Zhang seemed to realize something, his eyes were startled at first, and his voice gradually became stern.

"Put away the useless feelings in your heart, look at you, you are restless, how can you be decent."

Ding Wang, whose thoughts were revealed by a word, was stunned at this moment, but then nodded silently.

However, seeing Ding Wang like this, Master Zhang became more and more angry in his heart, and almost fainted.

I really got it right, didn't I?

No, how could you be so unbearable, you idiot?

Zhang Dadan didn't understand. He thought Ding Wang only liked snow leopards, but he didn't expect that he also...

Well, it's not a problem for young people to like women. Baiyun Temple is not a place of abstinence. Many disciples form Taoist couples.

But, is Ji Wuye a woman?

She is clearly wearing men's clothes.

Even though Zhang Zhenren is in the seventh realm, he can't see whether Ji Wuye is a man or a woman, and dare not make a rash definition.


For some reason, Zhang Dadan got angrier and angrier the more he looked at Ding Wang.

Master Zhang glanced at Pavilion Master Lingxue on the side and was about to speak.

But then his eyes froze, he frowned, and took out a simple token from his arms.

A small jade stone is embedded in the token.

There seems to be text inside.

Master Zhang's expression suddenly changed, and then he stood up suddenly and looked around.

Almost at the same moment, Wang Ting, the master of Lingxue Pavilion, and the old woman in black robe from Five Elements Sect all looked up at him.

At this moment, Master Zhang used his magical power to transmit messages to these people in detail.

"Your Majesty has something to announce. He has already sent someone here. I think they will be here in a moment."

"You follow me and go to meet him outside the mountain city."

Master Wang Ting frowned at this moment and turned his head away, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Xingdao, the master of Lingxue Pavilion, looked a little excited, and he had already stood up.

The old woman in black robe was about to stand up, but was stopped by Master Zhang's voice.

"Qiulan, it's inconvenient for you to go. The person they come should be from your Five Elements Sect."

Master Zhang's words were extremely kind and persuasive, as if he was worried about something.

"And one person needs to stay here to avoid any chaos."

The old woman in black robe was speechless and finally sat down in silence.

After finishing speaking, Master Zhang looked at the few family heads around him who looked puzzled, and slightly cupped his hands.

"Everyone, I have some business with the Master of Lingxue Pavilion and I have to leave. This martial arts performance will be temporarily handled by the Five Elements Sect. I hope you will forgive me."

"Ding Wang, you will take care of the Qimen formation here temporarily. You just need to maintain it and don't change the position of the Qimen at will."

After the words fell, before the other family heads could respond, the three figures disappeared.

The sudden change caused doubts in the hearts of the remaining people.

Lu Chen said even more angrily at this moment, "Why are you still hiding this thing? Sooner or later, I, Lu Chen, will be the same..."

But now, on the platform where no one had been seen for a long time, a small sound suddenly came from the platform.

It was like the sound of a coffin lid being opened.

A figure stepped out of the air suddenly, and behind him was a coffin invisible to the naked eye.

The man's figure fell on the platform, his clothes had long been torn, and his graceful body suddenly appeared.

The woman's hair was disheveled, her mouth was full of blood, and a black blade penetrated her chest in front of her. It was obvious that her injuries were extremely serious.

But she still stood in the field.

The final winner is Ji Wuye!

Looking at this scene, Luo Yue's heart suddenly trembled, she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists unconsciously.

The shadow of [Ju Ling Sen General] gathered behind her, but was stopped by someone. But Lu Chen shook his head at this moment, his face was calm, but his eyes were a little regretful and complicated.

Lu Zhaolin, who was holding the melon and eating it fiercely, now slowed down the speed of eating the melon.

After seeing that no one had appeared in the past few moments, the little genius of the Lu family finally put down the melon and sighed softly.

"Prison leaves..."

Luo Qinghan's eyes were dull, his face showed no emotion at all, he just shook his head slightly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Is that guy dead?

Haha, Ye Wuyou, you are really like a joke, you didn't even leave a body behind.

By the way... he's dead, shouldn't he be happy?

Why is there no trouble right now? Do you even think it’s a bit of a pity?


Yes, it's a pity that he didn't die in his own hands.

Luo Qinghan thought like this, and suddenly his eyes condensed slightly, looking at the figure in the field.

Fang Ning in the audience stared blankly, her face darkened for a moment, and she was speechless.

Was it a defeat?

Ding Wang, who was on the pavilion, breathed a sigh of relief, and then a smile appeared on his lips.

But he looked at the field and was startled for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he turned his hand and took out a snow leopard skin coat, and then floated down.

For safety reasons, there are Qimen Formations between the platform and even the valley. Unless the formation is unlocked, people on the platform cannot leave.

Apart from Master Zhang Zhenren, the only person in the field who knows all kinds of magic is Ding Wang.

He gently kneaded it with his fingertips, opened a small opening in the formation, and then stepped in.

He held the snow leopard coat in his hand and handed it to the woman.

"Here you go, put it on first." Ding Wang said.

Ji Wuye stretched out his hand silently.

Then stabbed him through the chest.

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