My practice narration is weird

Chapter 347 I am me, I am Ye Wuyou

Lu Caiwei finally sat cross-legged, closed her eyes gently, and sat quietly under the Shinto pillar.

Lu Caiwei only asked him that one question, and then the girl tilted her head and thought about it, thinking that it would be a pity not to try this opportunity.

Even Xia Anmeng thought so.

Besides, it is not certain that he can learn it.

But Ye Wuyou's figure is still standing there, with confusion and puzzlement in his eyes.

The voice of the narrator has dissipated, but it seems to be lingering in his ears.

What is the time of choice?

Comprehending the magic of the Shinto, whether it is learned or not, is there any hidden danger?

But no matter how Ye Wuyou called in his heart, the narrator did not respond.

So Ye Wuyou chose to use Tianyan.

Tianyan is difficult to speculate on things that are too abstract, so this time Ye Wuyou gave a precise question.

Can Lu Caiwei learn the magic of the Shinto technique of shrinking the earth into an inch?

The answer is no, Tianyan did not spend much effort to come to the conclusion.

Lu Caiwei cannot learn the magic of the Shinto technique of shrinking the earth into an inch.

This result made Ye Wuyou even more confused.

If he hadn't learned to shrink the earth, then even if there were any hidden dangers in the magic, they shouldn't exist.

He frowned slightly, and his eyes kept looking at the girl who closed her eyes and meditated, but Ye Wuyou didn't notice anything unusual.

This confusion was not answered.

Dog narrator, speak up, do you really want me to scold you?

The narrator's voice sounded leisurely.

[At this moment, there is no one around, the scenery is beautiful, as the old saying goes, the wild spring is endless, it is the best time for double cultivation, four women are sitting together in front of you, no matter how crazy the woman is, she will not feel pain, how will the princess of the royal family who looks elegant in front of people be under you, I don’t know how beautiful and holy the Taoist woman will be when she cries, and there is also the furnace tripod you have always thought about, yes, the beauty is like jade and the sword is like rainbow, at this moment she is your scabbard, she will hold the sword and take in your edge... Very good, very good, now is the time for double cultivation to prove the Tao]

Don’t think about it, don’t think about it, I was wrong, you should rest aside...

Ye Wuyou took a deep breath and changed his mind.

Lu Caiwei can’t learn the magic of the Shinto = I haven’t been to the Shinto pillar today = the narrator didn’t speak.

If you can’t learn it, then you can’t learn it. At least there is no worry, just pretend that nothing happened today.

He sat cross-legged at this moment, trying to comprehend the Shinto pillar.

There was no insight at first, but Ye Wuyou didn't care.

He had already learned [Shrinking the Earth into an Inch], and now he tried to use the magic of the divine way.

A picture appeared in front of Ye Wuyou.


A familiar feeling floated in Ye Wuyou's heart.

Ye Wuyou felt that his consciousness was vague at the moment, just like half asleep and half awake in a dream.

He could see the things in front of him, but he couldn't make any moves.

And in front of him, an old man in a Taoist robe had bright eyes at this moment, and shouted happily at his empty hands.

"Yes, yes, it succeeded, it succeeded, the previous research was in the wrong direction..."

"People really can't move in the world, because it violates the rules and cognition, but the Tao can, the Tao can."

"The Tao has no distance, the Tao has no distance, and the magic derived from the Tao has no distance, this, this method, is named Shrinking the Earth into an Inch."

Oh, this is the origin of Shrinking the Earth into an Inch.

So that's how it is.

The Great Dao has no distance, which is in line with the nature of weirdness... No wonder shrinking the earth into an inch is to call on weird power.

Although it is just an answer, a picture.

But in an instant, many doubts and puzzles about [Shrinking the Earth into an Inch] seemed to be answered in Ye Wuyou's heart.

His understanding of [Shrinking the Earth into an Inch] deepened a little bit.

It's like a difficult problem that can only be solved by using formulas, and suddenly I understand why I have to do it this way.

Everything seems to end here.

The picture slowly disintegrated like a fragmented mirror.

[These dirty bugs and ants, their ugly faces make you sick, and the treacherous ants will eventually be crushed by you and die without a burial place...]

As the voice of the narrator sounded, the fragmented mirror was constantly restored bit by bit.

The picture flashed, and a completely different scene from before appeared in Ye Wuyou's eyes. ,

Still unable to move, still unable to speak, just vaguely see.

As far as the eye can see, there is a white cloud layer, and a scorching sun is across the sky, emitting brilliance.

Is this above the clouds?

But as far as the eye can see, there is no one.

What is the narrator doing, and what does he want him to see?

Ye Wuyou just started to think, but then he found that his sight was moving.

His sight was moving, but it was not under his control.

It turned out that it was not that there was no one.

But his sight was attached to someone.

But who was this person? Ye Wuyou could not see.

As far as the eye can see, it seems that he can penetrate the vast clouds, see the bottom, see the ground, and see the human figure.

The light is colorful and full of fairy spirit. From time to time, there are human figures shuttling in the vast sky.

With a slight sweep of the sight, there are even ripples under the feet of several people. That is the brilliance of the divine art of shrinking the earth into an inch.

The picture of the last era...

The divine art that is difficult for people in this era to learn, although not everyone can do it in the last era, it does not seem that difficult.

His mind was slightly startled, because Ye Wuyou saw the person in his sight and stretched out his hand.


He snapped his fingers.

The figure in the air stiffened for a moment, and then the fallen immortals fell like rain.

Ye Wuyou seemed to hear a slight inhalation in his ear.

But it was not because of excessive consumption, but...laughing.

The fallen immortals fell like rain, but the person who did all this was laughing.

But it seemed that only the so-called "immortals" died, and the creatures on the earth were still there.

This picture seemed to last for a long time, and it seemed to be just a moment.

But when he looked again, the figures were much fewer.

But there was still a group of people, a large number of people, men and women, they were wearing similar clothes, and they were blood-related and from the same family.

The endless crowd surrounded an ancient altar, and there was a person standing on the altar, with a solemn expression, looking up at the sky, and constantly telling something.

"We... have contributed... a lot to you... and worship you... as... admiration... why... are you like this"

Ye Wuyou couldn't hear the man's words clearly.

He could only vaguely sense that the man's aura, or realm, had already exceeded his cognition.

The man that Ye Wuyou's sight was possessed by just laughed softly. He listened to these words and seemed to have heard something very funny, and kept laughing.

When he gently pointed a finger, the sound was quiet, and there was only dead silence.

Such a scene seemed to have several scenes at the same time.

But one of the scenes shocked Ye Wuyou's mind.

That was the scene he saw under the Tianyan Divine Dao Pillar.

It was still that person, the immortal of the previous era, the person with the most powerful aura.

He saw that "himself" clearly stretched out his finger, but only the countless wives, daughters, children, clansmen, and friends of that person died.

The man's eyes showed sadness, and then he let out a gnashing cry that reached the sky.


Still laughing softly, the only response was a low laugh.

The man finally rose higher and higher, stepped into the air, and went towards the sky.


The "self" in front of him stretched out his hand and waved his fingertips lightly. Ye Wuyou finally heard a voice with sneer and contempt.

"What does it have to do with you to destroy you?"

After one finger, the man's figure just froze slightly, but he did not die.

He kept opening his mouth, shouting loudly, telling something.

Ye Wuyou could not hear it.

But "self" finally stood up, stopped laughing, and responded with the coldest voice.

"After thousands of years, you have become the termites that you hated the most..."

"Stories only end at the most exciting part of a person, but the passage of time has never recorded your absurdity in the future..."

"No? Look back, your tribesmen, who are already in numbers, are flowing with blood or greedy maggots..."

"The old and immortal are thieves, the immortals are short-sighted, a retreat lasts for hundreds and thousands of years, the mind is rotten without knowing it, and the world has not changed for thousands of years..."

"You come to solve it? No need, I am solving all of this and exploring the most correct path..."

The man who has never disappeared in the air is still shouting something loudly, shouting with anger.

"You ghost thing, you have the same ugly face as yourself, countless years, why do you think you are a human? You even have a body..."

"My" voice fell silent for a moment, replaced by a crazy low laugh.

The low laugh gradually grew louder, and finally evolved into a crazy laugh.

The laugh stopped abruptly, leaving behind a cold word.

"Below me, there are all living beings. Below me, all living beings are equal."

With a wave of his sleeves, the man's figure instantly broke into pieces.

But "my" eyes were looking far, far away.

It was a river that kept flowing.

He retracted his eyes, as if he didn't care.

The picture disappeared, leaving only the last sentence.

"In this case, I will refine the yin and yang qi again and create a new world."


Ye Wuyou opened his eyes, his eyes paused on the Shinto pillar for a moment, and then moved away easily.

The voice of the narrator continued to ring in his ears, with the strongest temptation.

[Those damn ants, pretended to die in the Luo River, and finally betrayed you, destroying your foundation at the most critical moment. Now everything will be their retribution, wait for you...]

Ye Wuyou didn't say anything, he just took out the booklet that had been recording things.

There were many words densely written on the booklet.

Since leaving Dayan, he had to write at least 4,000 words a day.

The records above are all things that Ye Wuyou reminds himself not to forget.

Ye Wuyou is writing something with a calm look in his eyes.

The narrator's nagging and tedious voice suddenly stopped for some reason...

It's as if everything has lost its meaning.

On the paper, Ye Wuyou picked up the pen and kept repeating line after line of handwriting.

[I am me]

[I am Ye Wuyou]

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