My practice narration is weird

Chapter 353 Wuyou kills Wuyi

Zhao Changhe wiped the blood off his face, and then, with the help of Ye Wuyou, he first stood against the city wall, but finally waved his hand and sat down slowly.

It's not that he couldn't stand steadily.

It's just that the matter was over, and there was no crisis at the moment, so the breath was lost. No matter how much he could fight in the previous second, he was only exhausted in the next second.

The demon king of the sixth realm was dead now.

Even the soul that wanted to escape was crushed in the air by an invisible force.

In Zhao Changhe's eyes, it was like an invisible hand grabbed the soul and swallowed it in an instant.

"Is it really you?"

Zhao Changhe's tone was a little difficult, and there was even more doubt and complexity in his eyes.

Resurrection from the dead, the fifth realm, one year?

All this was a little incredible in his eyes.

But this familiar voice and breath, including the little girl from the Lu family not far away...

"Don't talk about you and me, it's me, the real Ye Wuyou."

Ye Wuyou said, his fingertips gently placed on Zhao Changhe's hand, sent a wisp of Qi into it and walked back a circle, his eyes slightly solemn.

He can't die, but the scattered breath is simply exaggerated.

"But you, old man Zhao, why are you so embarrassed? You've lost your impression in my heart like this,"

Zhao Changhe is not a fussy person, and he didn't bother about how Ye Wuyou was at the beginning. It's okay as long as people can live. Facing Ye Wuyou's half-joking and half-dignified words, he smiled very generously.

"Tsk, this is the second degree of burning blood, do you understand..."

Hearing this answer, Ye Wuyou's expression was obviously puzzled.

Burning blood is a kind of backward version of the magical power, it seems that he has never opened the first level before, starting with the second level...

It seems that there is nothing wrong, just a minor injury.

However, the doubt in Ye Wuyou's eyes fell into Zhao Changhe's eyes, which made Zhao Changhe believe that this kid didn't know his special skills yet...

"Hehe, don't be so surprised, kid, there is also triple burning blood. If you want to learn, I can teach you." Zhao Changhe grinned.

Ye Wuyou remained silent, looking indifferent.

Zhao Changhe was a little surprised, but he thought that this kid was just trying to save face in front of a woman.

Well, keep a hand, and teach him when the other party asks later.

Zhao Changhe looked aside stubbornly, looking at the corpse of the purple rain heron.

There were several figures beside the corpse.

Zhao Changhe saw Lu Caiwei first, and when he saw the familiar figure, he smiled on his old face that was still stained with blood.

Since the incident in the imperial city, Lu Caiwei didn't stay in Dayan for long, and didn't return to the prison afterwards, and disappeared.

This made Zhao Changhe feel a little emotional.

Such a talented girl, who is also pretty, will probably surpass me in no time, why did she leave?

Now she is back with this boy, and one is in the fifth realm and the other is in the sixth realm.

Oh, young people are really good...

Zhao Changhe's eyes shifted slightly and he saw another woman.

The latter seemed to notice his gaze, turned her head slightly, and looked at him.

The gaze was cold at first, but after seeing Zhao Changhe covered in blood, she just nodded indifferently.

But this scene made Zhao Changhe's pupils shrink slightly.

If Lu Caiwei's aura was somewhat restrained, although she was in the sixth realm, she was not imposing, like a sharp sword but the blade was sheathed, powerful but not cold.

Then Luo Qinghan was completely different from Lu Caiwei.

In Zhao Changhe's eyes, the coldness of the woman's aura was beyond his cognition.

It was as if he had seen the master of the Sword Sect, and her aura was even stronger than that of the master.

Both his appearance and aura are a bit dazzling...

Good fellow, Ye Wuyou.

Thinking of this, Zhao Changhe smiled and spoke.

"Ye boy, this is also your daughter... Um, what did you feed me, huh? Lotus seeds?"

"Old man Zhao, I beg you not to talk nonsense, you have lived enough and I don't want to die."

The last purple gold lotus seed was handed over, and Ye Wuyou looked at the empty white jade bottle in his hand and put it in his pocket.

Zhao Changhe's scattered aura has improved a lot.

As if he had recovered some energy, Zhao Changhe looked at the corpse of the purple jade heron in the distance and was silent for a while.

"What was that before? A magic weapon? A mechanism? Or?"

"The flying boat... It can be simply understood as a reduced cloud boat. It can't carry a few people, but it is faster."

Zhao Changhe was slightly stunned at first, but then his eyes were shining.

"Can that flying boat hurt the Sixth Realm?"

Ye Wuyou's eyes showed a trace of doubt, but then he understood something and shook his head.

"That's too exaggerated. The flying boat is powered by the cultivator's own Qi. There is a huge difference between the Sixth Realm and the Second Realm, such as the speed."

"Speed?" Zhao Changhe's eyes were a little confused.

"Flying boats are ultimately a magical tool made by combining the Mohist mechanism. The higher the realm of cultivation, the more Qi is injected, the faster the speed, and the faster the speed, the greater the kinetic energy... In simple terms, it is power."

Ye Wuyou said to Zhao Changhe in a very low voice.

"Well, only that woman can do this. Her realm is higher than you think. If I were to drive this flying boat, although I could also cause damage to the Sixth Realm, I might not be able to do it to this extent."

"It has nothing to do with whether the driver is a man or a woman." Ye Wuyou added.

The jade token suddenly trembled in his arms.

Ye Wuyou took it out and saw the message from Luo Yue.

[Ye Wuyou, Luo Qinghan said that the airship she was driving crashed, and the reason was that the autopilot failed to brake on its own. Is this true? 】

Brake... The autonomous driving indeed failed to brake at that time.

It's a sonic boom, why do you expect the autonomous driving to brake...

[The crash is real, but it has nothing to do with autonomous driving]

There was silence on the other side for a while before replying.

[Really, then I’ll let them study the safety performance of the flying boat]

Ye Wuyou was about to reply with a few words of comfort, but after thinking about it, he accidentally typed out a line of words.

[Actually, have you ever thought about using Feizhou in other aspects without increasing security...]

Just when Ye Wuyou was about to discuss with Luo Yue about how to transform autonomous driving into an unmanned spaceship, Zhao Changhe suddenly stopped him.

"Go, you go to the Tianlao. There is a young man similar to you. He wants to open the eighth floor..."


The eighth floor of the prison.

Since the establishment of the entire Tianlao, only Lu Qingshan has been able to enter it.

This is a bit inappropriate to say, after all, there are still a few people entering, such as Ye Wuyou, such as Lu Caiwei...

But the method to open the eighth level is only mastered by Lu Qingshan.

The Tianlao is a little quiet at the moment.

All the jailers from the first floor to the seventh floor were asleep at this moment.

And now, outside the stone wall on the eighth floor, there is a figure lingering.

It was the man whom Zhao Changhe had previously called "Wu Yi".

Liuyunshui's sleeves kept waving in step with the young man's steps. His eyes showed thinking and anxiety, and from time to time he stretched out his hand to rub and carve on the stone wall.

"The demon clan must be unstoppable. I have helped them so much, so I have done my best to benevolent and righteous. I must enter this eighth level, otherwise..."

Wu Yi stopped talking, and a strange aura emerged from his body.

In addition, the strange aura on his body was somewhat strong.

It seems that it has been extremely seriously eroded by weirdness.

He finally stretched out his hand and put it against the wall, as if he wanted to try something, but in the end he failed.

"No, no... This formation surrounding the eighth floor isolates the inside and outside, and it also suppresses the weirdness and cannot be used."

"This formation is somewhat similar to Daxuan's [Demon Sealing Barrier]. Although it is relatively crude, it can suppress weirdness in this small area."

"If I break it open with force, it's not impossible, but I don't have enough time. With my method, it will take at least two months...and the risk is extremely high."

"What exactly is this formation used to open? It's obvious that the formation eye is left, but what is the mystery of this formation?"

"Did the host already know this? Why didn't he just tell me how to enter instead of just pointing out the direction?"

A series of questions came out along with Wu Yi's mumbling.

What was placed in front of him was the eighth level of forbidden barrier.

A seemingly complex but extremely simple formation.

It's complicated, because this sealing formation isolates the weirdness. Although there is only a very shallow area, at least the door leading to the eighth floor isolates the weird power.

This also prevented him from activating his own weirdness and thus stepped into the eighth level.

To put it simply, the strength of this formation does not seem to be very high.

Although the formation is exquisite, but limited by the people who set it up, the strength of this formation can only resist the offensive of the six realms.

In other words, if there is a strong person from the Seventh Realm or the peak of the Sixth Realm here, this formation may not be able to stop the opponent for much time.

Although Wu Yi has some means to break the formation, he only has five realms after all. If he has enough time and hard work, he may not be able to break it.

In addition, the opening imprint of this formation, which is the key to the door, is the simplest puzzle formation.

Also called a warrant array.

This formation is a method defined as useless by formation masters.

As long as you know and master the words of the puzzle, you can easily step into it whether you are the master of this formation or not.

Low-end banning formations will be broken by people with force, and they don't care about the puzzle warrant at all.

High-end sealing formations have more sophisticated methods, such as judging by bloodline? Supernatural power? brand? breath?

But the simplest formation method stopped Wu Yi from moving forward.

The disadvantage of puzzle warrants is that they are easily exposed and guessed.

But before you know this puzzle command, the puzzle formation has no solution.

"Even if I deceive the other practitioners of the Sixth Realm to help me break the formation, the risk of forcibly opening it..."

Wuyi's eyes showed deep thought.

Is it difficult to say that such a formation alone is difficult? Whether it is forced to break the situation or to find other practitioners who major in formations to solve it, it is still feasible.

But the result of opening it is that the formation disintegrates, and the weirdness within it is no longer limited...

"It is said that there is more than one weird thing inside... Damn it, Lu Qingshan, he knew he was going to die, why didn't he leave some message for future generations!"

"Damn, damn."

As he spoke, Wu Yi's brows showed visible annoyance, and then he kicked the stone wall one by one as if to vent his anger.

The stone wall flickered for a moment, but there was no damage.

"Forcing it open is risky...that's all we can do. Let's test the strength of this formation first, and then I'll find someone to help break it."

Wu Yi thought this in his mind, and then the Qi of Wujing Yuheng suddenly appeared around him, seemingly trying to forcefully break the formation.

But there was a flash of doubt in his eyes, and he turned around suddenly, looking at the narrow corridor of the prison behind him.

The aisle is long and narrow and a little dark.

But in his eyes, he could clearly see a figure appearing at the end.

who is it?

Very strange, there is no such person among the jailers in Tianlao.

"Do you want to open the eighth floor?" The voice came from the other end, the voice was calm and questioning.

Wuyi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't know who the other party was or what he meant.

The voice came from the end again.

"The eighth floor of the Heavenly Prison is not something you can open, let alone an outsider like you. Zhao Changhe told me something."

"All the jailers in Tianlao fell into coma. Is it your fault?"

"Now, if you step back, I can pretend that these things never happened."

The voice was very calm, but in Wuyi's ears, it was a bit laughable.

Wu Yi gently flicked his sleeves, and the aura in his body seemed to have dissipated, but in fact it was restrained and ready to go.

"No one can stop what I want to do. Even if you know Zhao Changhe, you can ask him how much I, an outsider, have helped him in the past few months, and..."

The words were interrupted by the sound of footsteps, and the words of response came little by little as the footsteps continued to approach.

"It's precisely because Zhao Changhe told me all this, otherwise you think I can still talk to you so calmly?"

"Now, back out."

There was a hint of edge in his voice, and Ye Wuyou's figure walked step by step from the end of the aisle, and his figure was clearly revealed in Wu Yi's eyes bit by bit.

The candlelight flickered for a moment.

There seemed to be a momentary distortion in the dusty air.

But Wuyi had already made up his mind, how could he be persuaded back by Ye Wuyou's words? The moment Ye Wuyou's breath approached, he smiled softly.

It would be fine if the other party was in the sixth realm or even higher. It was just an intermediate level in the fifth realm, which was the same as his own realm.

Even Zhao Changhe had been talking to me in a friendly manner these days. Why did this kid give instructions in such an admonishing tone?

"What if I say no?"

Wu Yi covered his face with his hands and smiled softly, his sleeves fluttering and hanging down by his side.

No words.

His slender fingers had already grasped the handle of the knife.

This was Ye Wuyou's answer.

"Try?" Wuyi chuckled.

After the words fell, Ye Wuyou's figure had disappeared from where he was.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-stained blade pierced the opponent's chest cleanly.

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