My practice narration is weird

Chapter 4 Why is the girl a stutterer?

Ye Wuyou was stunned.

[Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity, such a pretty girl, how could she be a stutterer? ]

The narration in his mind rarely matched his own thoughts.

His thoughts drifted for only a moment, and as if he saw Ye Wuyou's reaction, a trace of inexplicable dimness flashed across the girl's eyes, and her fingertips gently moved forward a few points.

The cold sword edge on his neck quickly made Ye Wuyou realize his current situation.

Just like he needed to answer the other party's questions.

What am I?

I'm not a fucking thing.

I'm a human.

According to the other party's words, it was obvious that she was also involved in this level of the prison.

Secondly, she had some real skills and survived here.

Finally, there should be no other living people here except the two of them...

And the other party should have seen him fainting on the ground at that time.

And from the girl's perspective, he was already dead?

What happened during the time he was unconscious?

Ye Wuyou wanted to hear if there was any information from the system narration in his mind.

Unfortunately, the narration is just a dog barking as usual.

[Ridiculous, what kind of person is this bitch! She is just a mortal with big breasts and no brains, and she wants to see through the mystery of the Wuxiang Heart Sutra? ]

[Even if you are pointed at by the sword, you are not afraid at all. You only need to make a slight move to kill this woman on the spot and make her your cauldron...]

The shoddy narration is useless. If you don’t help directly, at least give some information.

Well, in fact, some help was given.

For example, when I passed out, it was probably the help of the Wuxiang Heart Sutra that saved me from danger.

But this broken Heart Sutra has only been in my hands for a day! What mysteries can it have? Ye Wuyou can’t even see it himself!

Ye Wuyou shouted in his heart, give me some information, you bastard! For example, the kind of environmental information that I can’t notice?

The voice in my mind sounded again.

[Height 167cm Weight 48kg Measurements 92-60-88]

Ye Wuyou looked up at the girl in front of him, but his vision was blocked and he couldn't see her face clearly.

It's true.


Did the narrator provide any information?


Was it useful?

If so!

Ye Wuyou gave up.

What a sin!

Ye Wuyou finally tried to smile and speak.

"Lady, I'm right in front of you right now, but you said I'm dead. Is that reasonable?"

Is that reasonable?

This is unreasonable!

What a joke. How can you prove that a living person is not dead?

The girl gritted her teeth and spoke quietly. Her voice was still a little stuttering, but it was full of doubt.

"Then... then how did you survive?"

The girl's question made Ye Wuyou stunned for a while.

Yes, so many people died, including colleagues in the first and even second realms.

How did he survive? With the "Non-Form Heart Sutra" that he had just practiced for a day?

But Ye Wuyou soon dismissed this thought.

There was no reason, but his intuition made him stop doubting.

The "Wu Xiang Xin Jing" in his mind became clearer and clearer for some reason, and it felt more and more mysterious.

Ye Wuyou wanted to say that whoever advocated should provide evidence, but after feeling the coldness and sharpness hovering around his neck, he finally didn't say it.

The matter of "Wu Xiang Xin Jing" obviously couldn't be exposed.

Ye Wuyou didn't know how much this heart sutra was worth compared to those top-level exercises, but in any case, it was unreasonable for a small jailer like him to have such an exercise.

Besides, he had no energy in his body now, and the other party would not believe it even if he said it.

The silence lasted for a long time, and the girl in white looked colder and colder.

"I can tell you, but you have to promise not to tell others."

As he spoke, Ye Wuyou's fingers gently touched the sword edge on his neck, moved to the side little by little, and leaned back slightly.

Just enough to see the girl's clear eyes over the mountain peak.

To be honest, he blew himself up directly. Did he travel through time? Do I have a cheat?

How is that possible? Did your Werewolf slayer blew himself up in the first round?

Others self-destruct to kill people, but Ye Wuyou's self-destruction now is to die.

Then he would probably be killed on the spot by the girl as a demon who took over another's body!

The girl in front of him was cold as ice, but there was a kind of... very clear stupidity in her eyes.

Ye Wuyou had seen this kind of stupidity in the eyes of students who had just left school and entered the capital demon.

After getting the girl's nod, Ye Wuyou began to work hard, coaxing and deceiving.

"In the past..."

Fortunately, the memory in his mind was still there. Ye Wuyou started from the three generations of good people in his family. He inherited his father's business and worked hard every day, focusing on highlighting his good family background.

The girl looked confused, not knowing why the other party said these things.

Ye Wuyou glanced at the girl's expression, and the foreshadowing seemed to be almost done. He paused and then continued to speak.

"My father had a strange encounter, and was blessed by a master, and was given a secret method to avoid death... Later, the secret method was passed on to me."

The memories in my mind gave me a full worldview and maximized my poor imagination.

Since this is a fantasy world, is it okay for me to blow myself up as the protagonist template?

Ye Wuyou carefully observed the expression of the girl in front of him.

There was nothing unusual, on the contrary, the clear and stupid eyes were a little more curious.

"What is it...the secret method?"

Obviously, what Ye Wuyou said aroused her interest.

Her answer was as Ye Wuyou expected, everything was as planned.

"The secret method is one-time use." Ye Wuyou said decisively.

The girl in white was silent and asked again after a while.

"Then you...are the father who receives...the kindness of superiors?"

"My father died of illness a long time ago." Ye Wuyou answered decisively, everything was already laid out.

"Na na na then..."

The girl spoke, but suddenly she didn't know what to say.

There was a bit more tangle and doubt on the cold face, and my head was running wildly. I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't explain it.

After holding it in for a long time, the girl could only say this silently.

"Na na na... then you should mourn every day."

"Will do."

Easy to handle!

[Shameless, so shameless, cheating on underage girls, what a beast! 】

[Jie Jie Jie, but I have already been deceived to this extent, why not try harder and then deceive her into my home...]

Ye Wuyou ignored the noise in his mind, shifted his gaze, and met the clear gaze of the girl in front of him.

"Can it be removed?"

He pointed at the sword that was still resting across his neck.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Feeling the coldness on his neck gradually go away, Ye Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his aching knees, and stood up slowly.

The girl's clear and cold voice rang in her ears.

"Kneel down."

This time, there was no stumbling over the words.

Ye Wuyou's eyes reflected the girl's cold eyes and the clear sword light in his hand.

The sword light was bright, illuminating the dark corridor.

Ye Wuyou was puzzled and had no time to react.

And the next second, he only felt that there was an extra hand on his head, and then he pressed himself down hard.


Kneeling on his knees, Ye Wuyou, who was already exhausted, couldn't help but hug the support in front of him tightly.

What is this doing?

When their faces touch each other, the so-called support in front of them is filled with warmth.

But behind him, there was also a warm feeling.


Tick ​​tock, it will still flow.

Ye Wuyou subconsciously turned around and looked back.

Behind him was a body divided into two parts. The lower body stood behind Ye Wuyou, and the upper body fell to the ground.

In front of him was the girl's cold face, and the blood-stained cold sword in her hand.

Blood spread all over Ye Wuyou's back and stained the girl's skirt.

Ye Wuyou's hand holding the other party trembled slightly, not because of fear, but because seeing the scene of blood flying everywhere, his blood surged up and his spirit was inexplicably stimulated.

A white jelly-like thing crawled out from the remains and stayed there for a while, seeming to look at the two of them.

However, Ye Wuyou felt that he was probably sizing up the girl next to him.

The feeling the girl gave him now was as if she was a completely different person than before.

If the girl before was exuding a coldness that would keep strangers away from her.

So the current opponent is like a sharp unsheathed sword, and being around him makes you feel a little stressed inexplicably.

As for the white jelly and the broken body...

That broken body could be regarded as his former "colleague", and he had seen him when he first woke up.

But at that time, his "colleague" was obviously dead.

And the position where he fell seemed to be very close to the white jelly-skinned cage.

As for the white jelly, Ye Wuyou remembered that it looked a bit like the guy in the cage he saw before.

But the current one is only a small touch, not as good as 1% of the previous one.


The long sword in the girl's hand made a sound of breaking through the air, was handed out like a stream of light, and instantly pierced the ground.

But it was empty.

The white jelly remained motionless on the spot, but the sword was simply empty.

Then, the white jelly skin slowly rustled along the ground and left towards the other end of the aisle.

The girl's face looked a little gloomy.

"What is that?" Ye Wuyou asked with his eyes widened.

A trace of surprise flashed in the girl's eyes and she spoke softly.

The sound was crisp and clear without any pause.

"Can you see?"

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