My practice narration is weird

Chapter 390: The Dao Heart Collapses and Luo Qinghan Dies


The endless green grasslands of the past are now only yellowed, and the black scorched earth seems to be faintly stained with dried blood.

A figure is sitting cross-legged on the ground.

In front of him is a towering tree.

But the tree is now withered and dilapidated, bare, with no green on the branches, but a few more red and white.

The wind blows over the barren grassland.

The red and white on the tree trunks are gently shaken by the wind, and then the shaking becomes bigger and bigger, gradually becoming weird.

The red and white colors are hanging on the tree trunks.

They are blood-stained fox skins.

But now the blood has dried up, and the flesh and blood have been eaten up, leaving only the last fur hanging on the tree branches, telling what happened in the past.

This scene did not bring the slightest touch to the figure under the tree.

The energy flowed out from the figure, turned into silk threads, and spread towards the withered giant tree with some invisible fluctuations.

This process lasted for an unknown amount of time.

Since he came here, he has been trying something.

After a long time.

The figure opened his eyes and looked at the ancient tree in front of him, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

He murmured to himself, as if he was lost in some kind of thought.

"In ancient Qingqiu, there was a celestial fox that used its blood to cultivate a precious tree called the Bitter Love Tree. Legend has it that it can allow people to reincarnate and continue their fate..."

"A hundred years ago, the Bitter Love Tree withered inexplicably, and then Qingqiu was in turmoil. This is all the information I can grasp."

"This Bitter Love Tree is even older than the Lu family's sacred tree..."

The voice paused, and then a trace of resentment appeared in his words.

"A beast is a beast. What on earth are these stupid monsters thinking?"

"Everyone else thinks that the bitter love tree is dead, but the bitter love tree in front of us is not dead at all. It clearly still has a glimmer of life, and the tree spirit inside is still there..."

This is the information he has confirmed for countless days, and it is definitely not wrong.

The bitter love tree is not dead, and the wood spirit is still there.

But it cannot be found.

The man stood up with a gloomy face, and then punched the giant tree in front of him.

"This Pavilion Master has tried countless times, why can't I find the tree spirit?"

"What method can be used to awaken this bitter love tree? Why is there no record of these beastly monsters? This Pavilion Master can't even find a record!"

"Are these stupid foxes uneducated and can't write? They will die if they write two more words!"

The man looked annoyed, and even his words gradually broke through.

He was the Pavilion Master of Lingxue Pavilion-Xing Dao.

Xing Dao was a talent.

A talent in every sense.

Whether it is cultivation talent or mentality, it is superior. In two hundred years, he has reached the seventh realm. Compared with the other old guys in Baiyun Temple and Wuxing Sect who have lived for who knows how many years and have gradually lost their pursuits, Xingdao is one of the best in terms of combat power and cultivation realm.

Regardless of why Xingdao cultivated Ji Wuye, the other party was cultivated by Xingdao in his early years because of his talent.

More importantly, he is very efficient.

In Daxuan, [annihilation] is difficult to suppress, and even other forces continue to increase their stakes and share the benefits, no one is willing to do it.

But Xingdao waited until the stakes reached the top, took over the matter, and suppressed [annihilation] for decades.

Wuxing Sect wanted to cultivate Luo Qinghan, Baiyun Temple wanted to cultivate the Taoists...

Xingdao sneered and disdained this.

Those guys, huh, Lao Deng is Lao Deng, he can't cultivate to the seventh realm, right?

If you can't fly anymore, you lay an egg and want your apprentice to fly?

This Pavilion Master does not lay eggs.

This Pavilion Master can fly!

And now, since he received the task from the ‘Sir’, the first is to find the spirit of the sacred tree, and the second is to find the spirit of Feng Xinling.

I thought this task was very troublesome, but Xing Dao received the news of the “sacred tree” in Qingqiu.

In order to complete the task of that person and for his own future, he traveled thousands of miles from Daxuan to Dayan, and then came to Qingqiu.

He was twice as fast as Ye Wuyou and others.

“This Pavilion Master came all the way from Daxuan to Qingqiu, not to see this broken tree!”

“How to awaken this bitter love tree!”

Xing Dao thought, and suddenly his eyes were stunned, as if he thought of something.

Then, his expression became disappointed little by little.

"Yes, even I can find out the news about this bitter love tree, how could that lord not know about it?"

"The reason why they didn't come here is probably because they couldn't wake up this bitter love tree, and couldn't find the wood spirit hidden in it."

"If this matter is really that simple... I don't think it's my turn, hehe."

Xing Dao was silent for a while, and laughed at himself.

This is a very simple truth, but Xing Dao could only say that he was blinded by the benefits he saw, and thus ignored many things.

"Well, this pavilion master still has time..."

Xing Dao said, his eyes slowly focused on the dead tree.

"Since this pavilion master can't wake you up, the wood spirit hiding inside can only wait to die, so it's better to destroy it directly."

The next moment, the surging aura poured out from behind Xing Dao, crisscrossing in all directions, like a dragon galloping.


Several figures continued to move forward on the northern plain.

Three people and one monster.

Because of the experience of [Recalling], in Luo Qinghan's eyes, Ye Wuyou's behavior was a bit strange.

"Ye Wuyou, why did you just leave alone and bring back a demon?"

Ye Wuyou's words came out calmly.

"It's not easy to find a living demon in Beiyuan nowadays. Besides, our purpose of doing this is to collect information and find out what happened. If we don't ask the local demon, why should we ask you?"

Ye Wuyou didn't explain anything to Luo Qinghan. He only said that this was a demon king that he had subdued and controlled by himself.

After all, I am not affected by [Backtracking].

And Luo Qinghan will.

The purpose of this trip is just to find out what happened in Qingqiu.

The three wolves had briefly discussed with Ye Wuyou the changes in the demon clan in the past few years.

A demon appeared from nowhere, first killed a demon king, and then integrated the rest of the demon clan, ending the hundreds of thousands of years of strife among the demon clan.

In addition, he led the other demon clans to destroy Qingqiu.

But after that, the demon disappeared, and no one saw or heard of that existence again.

However, the three wolves have never seen the demon, and all this is just what the three wolves have heard.

I just thought that what happened now had something to do with the other party.

Ye Wuyou had thoughts in his mind.

What is the cultivation level of that unknown demon emperor?

Six realms? Or the Seven Realms?

As for going up to the Seventh Realm, Ye Wuyou had never thought about it that way.

If it were really the realm of Tianxuan Tianquan, there would be no need to expend all this energy to create such a scene to attack Dayan.

One person is enough.

The news he got from the three wolves actually made Ye Wuyou feel a little relieved.

Ye Wuyou himself was not completely untouched by the Seven Realms.

Not to mention those seven realms in Lingxu Pavilion of Baiyun Temple, but within the sacred tree, isn't there a Feng Xin who only has his soul left?

Of course, what Ye Wuyou wanted was not to be able to defeat the Seventh Realm.

Being able to capture Feng Xingxin alive in the first place was really the right time and place. First, the ancestors of the Lu family fought to the death to severely injure Feng Xingxin, and then there was Luo Qinghan's extremely coincidental but flawless cooperation.

Right now...

Even if the demon is in the Seventh Realm, at least Ye Wuyou and his party can protect themselves.

And what if it’s the six realms?

Ye Wuyou felt that although the Northern Plains was desolate, it would be great to develop potatoes.

After moving forward for a while, Ye Wuyou stopped.

The realm of the three wolves was really low, and their speed was too slow. They were eroded by strange things, and they obviously couldn't keep up with the speed of the three of them.

"Take a rest for a while. Qingqiu is just ahead of you."

Saying that, Ye Wuyou sat down, while waiting for the three wolves, he quietly opened his palms and used Tianyan.

He was deducing the traces of the young monk.

[Backtracking] After that, the young monk disappeared and was not found again.

If that's the case, that's all.

There was a flash of thought in Ye Wuyou's eyes.

[Thousands of people and thousands of faces] disappeared.

At that time, he handed [Thousand People and Thousand Faces] to the young monk in exchange for the three wolves. After [Looking Back], the strangeness did not appear in his hands.

In addition, Ye Wuyou learned something from the brief exchange with the three wolves.

The young monk seemed not to be affected by [Retrospective].

Although he was a little surprised, Ye Wuyou was not incomprehensible. After all, although the little monk had a body of flesh and blood, in the final analysis, it was still weird.

After a while, the figures of the three wolves appeared from the distance.

He staggered to the ground, his breath scattered.

With clear eyes sweeping over them, the three wolves trembled. They did not dare to provoke Luo Qinghan and Lu Caiwei, and could only sit aside in silence.

[Soul Sutra: Brand of Life and Death] was engraved in the body of the three wolves.

This move was not as complete control over Lu Qingshan as they had previously thought, and the three wolves gave up their struggle. Simply controlling life and death would not be too costly.

Right now, the life and death of the three wolves depended on Ye Wuyou's thoughts.

If you control the life and death of the three wolves, you control [retrospection].

Ye Wuyou looked at the three wolves at this moment and asked.

"Puppy, let me ask you, has Qingqiu changed in recent years?"

The three wolves who silently adjusted their breath were stunned for a moment, and then answered.

"Qingqiu... I don't know. Qingqiu used to be the territory of the Fox Clan, and they did not have contact with other demon clans."

"But it is said that there has been civil strife in Qingqiu for the past hundred years, and several demon kings of the same clan have fought against each other. Oh, by the way, I remembered, there is a very famous tree in Qingqiu, but it has withered over the past hundred years... "

Click, click.

A slight cracking sound was heard.

Before the three wolves finished speaking, suddenly, there was a slight cracking sound like an explosion, and there was a roar from the ground.


The desolate scorched earth exploded in an instant, sending stones flying.

The ground was ruthlessly torn apart like a thin piece of paper, and dark cracks spread to where several people stood.


"Is it the ground ringing again?"

Ye Wuyou's heart tightened. Over the past few months, earthquakes of various sizes had occurred countless times in Dayan.

But it was not as violent as this time.

Does this mean that this place is the source of the earthquake?

Needless to say, several figures immediately rose into the air, avoiding the cracks on the earth that seemed to swallow people up.

But the next moment.

Ye Wuyou's eyes suddenly changed, and his body fell involuntarily.

The qi machine is still running smoothly and without any sluggishness.

What happened?

A voice sounded in my head.

But it's not a narration.

"Boy, where did you run to? The earth's veins are churning. This pull derived from the earth will prohibit all means of stepping into the air... At least for you guys under the Seventh Realm."

Wind mind?

This guy woke up.

Although he was a little surprised, Ye Wuyou had no time to talk to him.

The earth veins are churning, is it a forbidden area?

Turning his eyes rapidly, Ye Wuyou saw Lu Caiwei and Luo Qinghan falling from the sky just like him.

In addition, the three wolves were in the most dangerous situation. His reaction was a beat slower than the three of them. He was already a moment slower when he got up and stepped into the air. Now he fell towards the ground as soon as he stepped into the sky.

The three people and one demon are all full of energy, but no matter what, they can't set foot in the air again.

The figure fell rapidly.

Without hesitation, a faint blue figure emerged from behind Ye Wuyou, and then suddenly expanded, turning into an illusory giant figure.

Ye Wuyou stabilized his figure.

With a wave of his big hand, the ghost first caught the three wolves who were about to fall into the abyss, and then Ye Wuyou controlled the ghost to grab Lu Caiwei and Luo Qinghan again.

The two women were each making moves at this moment. Lu Caiwei took out a long sword behind her, with the bright sun and moon shadows condensed on it.

As for Luo Qinghan, he let his body fall calmly, but there seemed to be endless thoughts in his eyes.

"Don't move." Ye Wuyou shouted.

Lu Caiwei was originally going to try to use Wuhen, but after hearing Ye Wuyou's words, she stopped moving and allowed Ye Wuyou to pick it up.

Ye Wuyou's eyes intersected with Luo Qinghan's in the air.

But the next moment, the thinking in Luo Qinghan's eyes seemed to have come to fruition. His brows were furrowed, but it seemed as if he had broken through some kind of restriction and regained his balance in the air.

The ghost held Lu Caiwei's figure in the palm of his hand, and then Ye Wuyou cast his gaze to the side, only to see Luo Qinghan's slightly lowered and cold gaze.

The corners of the woman's mouth were slightly raised, and her frost-covered eyes seemed to be telling Ye Wuyou some kind of silent words.

Ye Wuyou was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, avoiding Luo Qinghan's gaze.

There was a little helplessness in his eyes.

There must be something wrong with Luo Qinghan's brain. How long has it been since then and he is still stubborn with me?

Why are you so willing to step on me?

Feng Xinxin's words suddenly sounded in Ye Wuyou's mind.

"Boy, something's not right here. The recovery speed of my alliance leader's soul seems to be much faster..."

Ye Wuyou was stunned. This place could speed up the recovery of Feng Xin's soul?

He responded in his mind.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Feng Xinxin’s words were very heavy.

"A good thing? Can a good thing that you don't understand also be called a good thing? There is no such thing as bad luck. The leader of this alliance has survived for so many years by not being greedy and only taking the bottom line..."

Feng Xinxin's voice paused slightly, and then he cursed and roared extremely angrily.

"No, why is my alliance leader's soul so weak? Why does it need to recover? What did you do while this alliance leader was sleeping?"


In fact, it was nothing. Ye Wuyou just used Feng Xinxin as Viagra, and then took the initiative to squeeze the juice for the little girl Luo Yue...

Ye Wuyou blinked and skillfully blocked out the voices in his head.

A weak energy bloomed in the palm of the ghost's hand, accompanied by a low roar.

At this moment, the three wolves had no time to care about what was holding him down. He lay on the ghost hand of [Ghost], his pupils widened, and he looked at a piece of gravel a little further away.

The earthquakes continue and the earth continues to collapse.

But there was a figure stained with a little red light, jumping among the crumbling boulders.

Well, is it the little red wolf I saw once before?

Why is the wolf demon here? Follow me all the way?

"Save her!"

The three wolves suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Wuyou with scarlet eyes, but their expressions were begging as they spoke.

Ye Wuyou frowned slightly, but his speed was not slow and he controlled the ghost to rush in that direction.

Although the little red wolf is of low level, she is very fast and has a light body. She is just skinny, and her limbs are trembling slightly at the moment, either because she is weak or because the natural disasters around her are too shocking.


The constantly trembling earth shattered under the little red wolf's feet, and cracks appeared under the little red wolf's feet in an instant. Looking from the sky, the vast plain seemed to have an abyss.

Ye Wuyou tsked lightly, but at this moment she couldn't fly, so she could only lightly pinch with her fingertips, ripples rippling under her feet.

But he wants to use Shinto techniques to shrink the ground to an inch.

Only in this way can we catch up.

But there is a figure that is faster.

Luo Qinghan.

She seems to be able to ignore the pull of this place. For Luo Qinghan, the forbidden air here seems to have no limit at the moment.

The woman picked up a handful of the red hair of the little red wolf with one hand, and then threw it casually towards the three wolves. The speed was very fast, but when it landed on the three wolves, a soft energy slowed down slightly.

The three wolves, who were about to kneel down towards Ye Wuyou, suddenly turned their heads.

With a plop, he knelt down towards Luo Qinghan.

And what about Luo Qinghan?

She didn't pay attention to the three little wolves' thanks, but just looked at Ye Wuyou.

This time, Ye Wuyou did not give way, but looked directly at Luo Qinghan.

But unexpectedly, Luo Qinghan didn't mock Ye Wuyou.

This earthquake came and went quickly.

The figures of the three men and two wolves slowly landed on the devastated ground again.

Dust spread across the wasteland.

But Luo Qinghan's brows became more and more frowned.

She spoke calmly, her words as clear as frost.

"Ye Wuyou, haven't you noticed yet?"


Luo Qinghan said nothing, but stretched out his hand and gently tapped his slender fingertips in front of him.

A streak of ice appeared in front of the woman out of thin air.

This scene made Ye Wuyou's eyes startled slightly. He seemed to see something, but he was not sure.

It's just a touch of undetectable Qi. It's so subtle that it's not even as good as a Qi in the first realm.

But he can create magical ice out of thin air.

The woman's gentle voice came, but there was also a hint of confusion in the words.

"I discovered it when I broke free just now. For some reason, this place seems to make people... stronger."

Luo Qinghan's words stunned both Ye Wuyou and Lu Caiwei, and then they both gave it a try.

And indeed it is.

Just a tiny touch of Qi can explode with more than three times the usual power.

"This, this... place can enhance my sword skills."

There was exclamation in Lu Caiwei's words. She widened her eyes and looked at the ravine in front of her that was carved by her sword.

"Maybe more than that." Ye Wuyou said.

Speaking of which, Feng Xingxin also said before that this place speeded up the recovery of his soul.

So it’s not just the qi machine and supernatural powers that have been strengthened?

Hiss...what happened.

Ye Wuyou's eyes were a little surprised, and then he looked at Luo Qinghan, who was the first to bring up the matter, and smiled.

"You are very attentive."

This is the truth.

This woman, Luo Qinghan, threw away everything about her, such as her appearance, gender, personality, body, and bad temper.

Looking at strength alone, Ye Wuyou would not be convinced.

Faced with these words, Luo Qinghan just glanced at Ye Wuyou, and then looked into the distance.

Her red lips parted slightly, but there was a bit of self-mockery in her words.

"Are you careful? Ha, at that moment of change, I thought I had finally stepped into the Seventh Realm, but it was only one step away..."


Ye Wuyou thought for a while, and he could feel a hint of self-deprecation and loneliness in Luo Qinghan's words.

But there is no way to empathize.

I am still stuck in the Sixth Realm of Heart Demon Tribulation, and I don’t know anything about the Seventh Realm.

But out of politeness, Ye Wuyou coughed lightly and smiled lightly.

"No, Luo Qinghan, I remember the first time I met you. You were still far away from the Seventh Realm at that time, but now you are almost there."

But that's the way the world is.

Ye Wuyou's polite comfort did not earn Luo Qinghan's recognition and respect.

On the contrary, Luo Qinghan smiled indifferently, then raised his face slightly, crossed his hands across his chest, and looked at Ye Wuyou with extremely contemptuous eyes.

"I don't want to talk to a guy who's going to be stuck in a demon."

Ye Wuyou was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then became furious.

Young Master, I kindly tried to comfort you, but you are mocking me like this, aren’t you?

"I'm stuck in the inner demon tribulation? Luo Qinghan, don't be ridiculous. I've reached the peak of the five realms in just two months, so what's wrong with being stuck in the inner demon tribulation? What about you, were you able to overcome the inner demon tribulation quickly?"

Luo Qinghan's words were even more contemptuous, and the smile on his lips could hardly be suppressed at this moment.

"Oh? Two months, I only used two hours."


Ye Wuyou took a breath of cold air.

The weather was quite hot, and Ye Wuyou took a breath of hot air.

"I have accumulated a lot of experience. I am stuck in the inner demon tribulation. Why do I need two hours, two minutes, two minutes to wait for me to break through the sixth realm and the seventh realm?"

"Build up a lot, but don't let it go? Ye Wuyou, don't be ridiculous, I really want to see how you can use it up a lot, don't overwhelm yourself to death with your accumulation, hehe, when you wait for me in the Seventh Realm, I hope you can still stand like this with me now. I'll talk." Luo Qinghan chuckled.

"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi..." Ye Wuyou said, raising his fist.

"Ye Wuyou, that's not popular anymore. My advice is to give priority to the dead."


"You, you, you... please stop arguing." Lu Caiwei's low voice sounded, with a slightly sad look on her face.

When Lu Caiwei tried to break up the fight, Ye Wuyou naturally didn't say much and just said, "Luo Qinghan, we'll see."

"We'll see? Ye Wuyou, if you wait for me in the Seventh Realm, I will break your legs."

Luo Qinghan responded lightly, then smiled disdainfully.

But the brows that were still furrowed at the beginning unknowingly relaxed.

The woman's eyebrows were curved, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved into a smile, and even the frost on her face was reduced a bit.

But when this scene fell into Ye Wuyou's eyes, he felt that this guy was even more hateful.

Well, what a cruel woman...

Such an ugly face is unbearable.

[It’s unreasonable. Even a mere furnace tripod dares to collide with you. You really don’t know what’s good and you need to be trained properly. You no longer hesitate. At this moment, you will abandon your identity as a human being and teach this snake-hearted furnace tripod well. Tell her. , what is cruelty...]

Ye Wuyou curled his lips.

Forget it, it can't be beaten.

[If you think about it carefully, why should you bother with this ant whose head is full length, chest and buttocks? Now you have changed your strategy. Fighting vigorously is too boring. Winning out wisely is the best strategy]

What does it mean that the head is on the chest and buttocks? Ah no...

What, the narrator can outsmart him?

The sun is out in the west, right?

Ye Wuyou was silent for a moment, almost suspecting that he heard wrongly.

But he still hesitated.

How to outwit them?

[Hehehe, just find a time to let the stuttering little furnace tripod beside you have sex with you on the spot, and then find a magical power and spell to imprint it for this furnace tripod to watch. In a moment, the heart of Tao will surely collapse, and then you can do whatever you want, and from then on you can enjoy the happiness of having two wives and playing the joy of family life]


Lu Caiwei and Luo Qinghan immediately cast their eyes, including the two wolf demons curled up and shivering beside them, looking at Ye Wuyou in a very strange way.

The crisp sound echoed in this silent wasteland.

Ye Wuyou touched his swollen face and grinned.

"It's okay, there was just a mosquito."

The narration was too much, fortunately he suppressed the dog narration with a slap.

But the familiar voice came from the side.

"Mosquito? Haha, I think there was just a fool." Luo Qinghan said jokingly.

"Luo Qinghan, you!"

Before Ye Wuyou finished speaking, he saw Luo Qinghan's aura blooming in an instant, and then his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, a strong sense of life and death crisis emerged in his mind.

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