My practice narration is weird

Chapter 392 The person this Pavilion Master is looking for is Feng Xinling

The aura bloomed, and Luo Qinghan's figure disappeared in Ye Wuyou's sight.

After practicing till now, he already had an invisible sense of the dark.

An extremely strong crisis of life and death emerged in his heart.

Ye Wuyou's aura suddenly emerged almost uncontrollably.

Accompanied by the extremely abrupt voice of the narrator.

[It's just a trick, and I dare to show off in front of you. You have a sharp eye and have seen through it all. You only need to make a slight move to control the crane and capture the dragon in front of you.]

A wisp of aura bloomed in front of him.

The next moment.

It was hard to tell whether it was instinct or the narration, Ye Wuyou's fingertips shook lightly, his hands crossed in front of him, and ripples suddenly appeared between his palms.

The surging aura that came out of Ye Wuyou's body uncontrollably turned into thousands of threads at this moment, and turned into a visible aura thread in the palm of his hand, and then the thread turned into a liquid that seemed to be stagnant.

If you have time to look carefully, you will find that a wave of extremely viscous liquid suddenly appeared in front of Ye Wuyou.

This is not only the condensation of Qi into substance, but also the control of Qi at a higher level.

This should be a method of the sixth realm, and Ye Wuyou has no way to get involved, but now due to the special nature of this place, an ordinary wisp of Qi can burst out with three times the power of the past, which can cause this scene.

After the rumbling, a palm quietly appeared in front of Ye Wuyou on the smoke-filled North Plain.

In the end, it stagnated in front of him.

Everything was just a moment.


A surprised exclamation came from the front.

The figure seemed a little surprised.

What was unexpected was why Ye Wuyou could suddenly react from no awareness and create such a magical power to protect himself.

But Ye Wuyou was not surprised.

Facing this unknown person in front of him, his subconscious reaction was not to protect as the narrator said.

But to swing the knife.


The long sword with a red blade was unsheathed. Ye Wuyou held the sword in his backhand, and his slender five fingers exerted force suddenly. His sleeves were blown up like waves by the whistling energy.

Without saying anything, the sword had already fallen.

The sharp blade touched the arm of the man in front of him.

And the palm that seemed to be stagnant and unable to move was just lightly raised at this moment.

The constantly superimposed energy was all rolled back from the blade at this moment, and a huge force came, bouncing the blade high.

The sleeves that bulged like waves became tight at this moment, and then suddenly broke into rags.

Ye Wuyou's face was silent, and then the force continued to spread from his chest, and his body fell back uncontrollably, ten feet, a hundred feet, until he hit a huge rock that was arched up by the rumbling of the ground, smashed it alive, and fell deeply into it.

All this fell into the eyes of the three wolves on the side, just a moment.

The wolf demon's green pupils suddenly widened. He could not see the magical power that Ye Wuyou had just displayed. He only saw a figure appear in front of Ye Wuyou and stretched out his palm towards Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou then swung his knife with his backhand.

Then, he was knocked away with a bang, and his life or death was unknown, and he disappeared without a trace.

Ice and frost appeared in the air.

Luo Qinghan's figure had already appeared in the field, and a palm mixed with bitter frost slapped in front of him.

The man raised his head slightly and looked at Luo Qinghan, and his expression seemed slightly different.

Similarly, he slapped his backhand palm.

Something very strange happened.

Even though the woman's aura was surging at this moment, and there was bitter frost whistling in the sky between her gestures, she...

did not make a sound.

If Ye Wuyou's backhand knife in a small space just now was comparable to thunder from the ground, not only was it powerful but also extremely sharp.

Then everything now was completely opposite to Ye Wuyou.

Quiet, quiet.

Everything was quiet.

The palms crossed, the qi collided, and the magical power that should have been so powerful did not move at this moment.

The woman's sleeves were calm without a ripple.

But after the absolute silence, the next moment, a roar suddenly rose.

From the center of the circle where the two fought, the ground around surged like a wave, and then exploded layer by layer.

A sword light passed by, shattering the smoke and brushing away the mist.

The shadows of the sun and the moon echoed on the tip of the sword.

The qi turned into a sharp blade, and the sword edge condensed into a line.

In an instant, the ground was thundering.

The three figures crossed, but separated in an instant.

Luo Qinghan first retreated a step, stepped on the tip of her toes, and stopped her body.

But then she frowned and retreated ten steps again.

The whistling sword energy first raised dust all over the sky, but then crushed it all.

The figure opposite was revealed.

The figure was still standing in front, but the figure moved a few inches and took a half step back to avoid the sharp sword move.

The middle-aged man, wearing a black and red robe tightly tied to his body, had a simple face and his eyes swept around calmly.

His eyes slightly fixed on the second unsheathed long sword behind Lu Caiwei.

"If you draw the sword again, this Pavilion Master will not show mercy." The man said so.

Lu Caiwei ignored him.

Facing the person in front of her, she just stretched out her hand and wanted to draw the second sword.

The sword light echoed again, but was stopped by Luo Qinghan's hand.

Luo Qinghan shook his head at Lu Caiwei, indicating that he should stay calm, and then looked in front of him.

The person who came was the Pavilion Master of Lingxue Pavilion, Xing Dao.

He finally asked lightly.

"Luo Qinghan, I heard that you had a conflict with your master and then left the Five Elements Sect. Why are you here now?"

However, facing his question, Luo Qinghan just responded indifferently.

"Where Qinghan is seems to have nothing to do with the Pavilion Master, but as the Pavilion Master who should be guarding [annihilation], why did you appear in Qingqiu? And what did the Pavilion Master want to do in that scene just now? Could it be that all the people in Lingxue Pavilion are so indiscriminate?"

A hundred feet away.

Ye Wuyou stepped out from the rubble, the blade standing upright on the ground. He coughed twice, and then wiped the black blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

To be honest, I have been too comfortable recently, and I haven't suffered such a serious injury for a long time.

Or, it's rare to be knocked away by a palm.

The last time there was such a big gap...maybe it was when I first met Lu Qingshan in Tianlao.

He knew that the person was the Pavilion Master of Lingxue Pavilion and had met him once.

But why did he appear in Qingqiu?

And why did he attack me like this?

Is it because I killed Ji Wuye?


If the Pavilion Master really valued Ji Wuye so much, I would not be able to leave so easily in Daxuan.

He could feel the Pavilion Master's true killing intention towards him, but before that, even if Ji Wuye died, the Pavilion Master had never had such a strong killing intention towards him.

"Boy, this person is very strange, and this place is also very strange. This Alliance Master's intuition suggests that you withdraw first." Feng Xinling's words sounded in his mind.


Weird is right.

Qingqiu was destroyed, the demon clan united, the earth wailed, the dead came back to life, the Luo River rushed, and now Beiyuan...

From the moment he set foot in Beiyuan, Ye Wuyou felt very strange.

Even if it was a little weird, Ye Wuyou didn't think it was strange.

Ye Wuyou narrowed his eyes slightly, his right eye was scarlet, and he took in everything in front of him.

A hundred feet away.

Luo Qinghan's words were clearly heard by Xing Dao.

However, he didn't care, but just raised his eyes slightly, looked forward, penetrated the flying dust, and looked further.

The two eyes looked at each other in the air.

Xing Dao then spoke slowly.

"This Pavilion Master came here to do some things for His Majesty, and by the way, to find someone."

Hearing the word "Her Majesty", Luo Qinghan's eyes paused slightly, and then he said again.


After a pause, Luo Qinghan continued.

"If Pavilion Master, you are looking for Ye Wuyou because he killed Ji Wuye... then this matter, I, Luo Qinghan, also had a part in it."

Xing Dao glanced at Luo Qinghan lightly, and there seemed to be a little surprise in his calm eyes.

As the Pavilion Master of Daxuan Lingxue Pavilion, he naturally knew a thing or two about Luo Qinghan.

After all, she was a woman who was at the top of Daxuan in terms of cultivation talent, character, and strength and combat power in the past thousand years, so he naturally paid attention to her.

But now, this woman is not the same as in my impression.


Xing Dao shook his head slightly, retracted his gaze, and did not look at Luo Qinghan.

He spoke to himself, as if responding to Luo Qinghan, but it seemed that he was speaking to someone who was walking a hundred feet away.

"The person this Pavilion Master is looking for is called..."

"Feng Xinling."

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